Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , 19 th inst ., at the Holborn Restaurant , under the presidency of Bro . W . M . Roberts W . M ., who was supported by Bros . C . J . Brown S . W ., F . Wortham J . W ., S . R . Walker Sec , W . H . Faircloth I . P . M ., E . A . Cottebrune P . M ., R . J . Rogers P . M ., J . W . Curtis P . M ., G . Weaver S . D ., C . E . Lilly J . D ., R . A . Bench I . G ., W . Busby and G . Walker Stewards , Clark Organist , S . Ellis P . M . Tyler .
There were also present : —Bros . Drew P . M ., F . Allen P . M ., A . Arrowsmith P . M ., S . Manne , H . H . Bagnall , W . Busby , George C . Butcher , M . Diamond , John Shapcott , J . West , R . Armstrong , E . Stevens , White , Oates , Strong , Beasley , Rolles , Goddard , Williams , Ison , and several others . Amongst the visitors were : —Bros . Ascott , Mayor of Bideford , P . M . 489 P . P . G . D . C , A . Clark W . M . Samson Lodge , A . S . Fowles Crookes Eclectic Lodge , Brown Barnet Lodge , Moir Regents Park Lodge , Whales Cornwallis Lodge , Blame St . John Lodge , J . Wynman ( F REEMASON ' S CHKONICLE ) , and others .
The meeting of this successful Lodge was very interesting , on account of the exceptional amount of work , and for the exceedingly good and perfect manner in which all the ceremonies were rendered by the W . M ., who had most able assistance from his Officers . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., and after the usual preliminaries Bros . George C . Butcher and T . Beesley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
Messrs . Hennig , Holston , Taylor , and Goulding were balloted for , and that test proving unanimously in their favour , they were duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony being rendered in a clevet and impressive manner . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a recherche dinner was served , for which great credit was due to Bro . Hamp , the able manager of the Holborn Restaurant , under whose personal superintendence it -was provided .
After formal toasts Bro . W . H . Faircloth I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., and reviewed the excellent work which Bro . Roberts had done . He hoped that during the remainder of his year of office he would have as much work as he had had that evening . The W . M ., on rising to respond , was received with quite an ovation . He thanked Bro . Faircloth and the Brethren in general for the kind way in which reference had been made respecting his work . It was the greatest pleasure , indeed the happiest moment in his life , to occupy that honourable chair .
The toast of the Past Masters was coupled with the names of Brother Faircloth I . P . M ., R . J . Rogers , J . W . Curtis , W . Drew , A . Arrowsmith , E . A . Cottebrune , S . R . Walker Sec , and others . The Initiates were toasted , and in response Bro . F . Hennig thanked the W . M . and Brethren for making him a member of the Craft . He hoped to be a worthy member of the Lodge . Bro . Halston proposed to give a song , as no doubt the Brethren preferred his song to his speech .
Bro . Taylor thanked the W . M . and others . He must say that the W . M . has appeared to perform his duties in a most able manner . Bro . Goulding also responded in suitable terms . The toast of the Visitors followed , coupled with the names of Bros . Clark and Ascott , who received a very hearty ovation on rising to respond . Bro . Clark expressed the great pleasure he felt at visiting the Westbourne Lodge , and witnessing the excellent working of the W . M . He thanked the Brethren on behalf of the visitors for the handsome way they had been received .
Bro . P . M . Ascott said he must thank his old friend Bro . P . M . Drew fir inviting him to such a representative Lodge as the Westbourne , and for the delightful evening he had spent with them . He also expressed his admiration of the working _ and of the efficient assistance of the Officers in the ceremonies , and in a very humourous speech invited the members of the Lodge to pay him a visit at his home in Devonshire . He concluded by thanking the W . M . and Brethren for the very hospitable way in which he had been received that evening .
Bro . Clark presided at the pianoforte , the vocal items being contributed by Bro . R . J . Rogers P . M ., Drew P . M ., Bro . Wheeler , and others . The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
NEW CONCORD LODGE , No . 813 . THE annual installation meeting took place on Thursday , 19 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , E . C . Bro . Herbert Sprake the out-going Master presided , and was supported by his Officers , several other members of the Lodge , and the following visitors : Bros . James Speller W . M . 2374 P . P . G . D . Essex , D . M . Forbes P . M . 969 , C . W . Raymont P . M . 1716 , G . Wallace P . M . 907 , J . R . Reep P . M . 2241 , G . H . Barrett P . M . 1579 , H . J . Bidwell P . M . 2120 P . Prov . G . D . C . Surrey , T . Jones
P . M . 1607 , Leonard Potts P . M . 171 fi , Geo . Gabb P . M . 902 , H . Kearney P . M . 15 , C . Sims P . M . 861 , J . Levy P . M . 205 , W . M . Wells P . M . 34 , A . Stewart P . M . 394 , F . C . Bradley J . W . 15 , A . E . Purkis J . D . 1314 , R . Pierpoint P . M . 177 , J . H . Anderson 2272 , G . A . Mustoe 813 , F . J . Oliver 1056 , W . T . P . Taylor 79 , G . S . Maull 1297 , Orlton Cooper P . M . 211 , Capt . W . R . Wilkinson 250 , G . R . N . Wheeler 2130 , R . Stuart 2098 , W . Batt 1716 , A . Smith 2426 , C . Anderson 95 , R . W . Hobden 1328 , R . J . West 1744 , R . Farrant 1220 , F .
M . Fisk 19 , J . Hughes 1316 , J . F . Knibb P . M . 1158 , W . Robinson 860 , N . Magee P . M . 174 , D . M . Sherwill 813 , H . Pepperdine 2394 , G . H . Peters 2394 . The Lodge was duly opened at five o ' clock , when the minutes of the last regular meeting on 19 th January , and the emergency meeting on 12 th March •were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken and proved unanimous in favour of Mr . Thomas Brooks and Mr . William Henry Carter , and these gentlemen being in attendance were admitted and regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by Bro . Sprake .
The next business was the installation of the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Henry Daniel Blake having been elected for that office was introduced by Bro . P . M . Gabb , and signified his assent to the usual charges and regulations of tho Craft . A board of Masters being formed Bro . Blake was placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient form , the ceremony being performed by Brother C . Weeden .
Reports Of Meetings.
Upon the re-admission of the Brethren , the new Master was proclaimed and saluted by the Brethren in the various degrees . The following Officers of the Lodge were invested : —J . Moar S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., C . J . Stevens Chaplain , H . J . Gabb P . M . Treasurer , A . J . Potter P . M . Secretary , R . Clarke S . D ., J . J . Lewis J . D ., W . M . Johnson I . G ., E . Johnson Organist , C . Weeden P . M . D . C , T . W . Buckner A . D . C , T . W . Couch , J . Alleway and A . Bray Stewards , A . K . Turberfield Tyler . The ancient addresses to the Master Wardens and Brethren were admirably and impressively delivered by Bro . Weeden , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge .
The Auditors' report and balance sheet of the Lodge accounts and Benevolent Fund were presented and adopted . The Lodge was then closed and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet room . The Master gave the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , in brief but happy terms .
The W . M . was proposed by Bro . Herbert Sprake I . P . M ., who stated that it gave him much pleasure to submit the toast , which he was sure would be received with great enthusiasm . Bro . Blake would make a model W . M . He had not the slightest doubt that he would do everything necessary for the Lodge , and would not only keep up its well-known reputation , but add to its lustre . He wished him every happiness during his term of office .
Bro . H . D . Blake W . M ., who received a very hearty greeting on rising to reply , said that after the way he had been toasted it was difficult for him to adequately respond , but he thanked them from his heart . It was now six years since he was initiated in that , his Mother Lodge . He hoped during his year of office to have their confidence , and that they would never regret electing him as Master . It would be his earnest endeavour to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors , and at the end of his tether to be able to hand over to his successor that which he had received , pure and unsullied .
The W . M . next gave the I . P . M . Bro . Sprake , and remarked that the proof of the pudding was in the eating . Bro . Sprake had had a most successful year of office , a large number of initiates , and the Lodge had prospered under his genial presidency . It was now his pleasure , on behalf of the Lodge , to present Bro . Sprake with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a small token for his great services and what they all felt towards him , and he hoped he would be spared for many years to be with them to wear the jewel , which he so richly deserved . The jewel bore the following inscription : —
Presented to BRO . HERBERT SPRAKE , by the Brethren of the New Concord Lodge , No . 813 , in appreciation of his zeal and assiduity as W . M .
1895-96 . Bro . Sprake , in response , said that the W . M . had been too praiseworthy in his remarks . He had endeavoured to do his best , and if he had succeeded
to their satisfaction he was more than gratified ; but he was a busy man , having to play many parts . His term of office had been a very happy one . He thanked his Officers and all the members , for the many kindnesses he had received at their hands , and hoped his successor would have the same support as he had had . It was twenty years since he joined the Lodge , and during that time the Treasurers had well guarded the funds . When he went
into the chair he stated that all should be well entertained during his reign , and at that time it was thought by the members that he would be an expensive Master ; however , the audit showed them to be in a good condition , and what was prognosticated had luckily not come to pass . In conclusion he referred to the summer outing , which he observed was a splendid success , and he was proud of it .
In submitting the toast of the Installing Master the W . M . stated that all those who were fortunate to see the whole of the ceremony must have been impressed with Bro . Weeden ' s excellent working . Bro . C . Weeden P . M . responded . It was a pleasure and honour to act as Installing Master , and he assured them that he would be always ready and willing to do his best to promote the welfare of the Lodge .
The toast of the Visitors was next given , the W . M . remarking that Lodges would be tame indeed without visitors . He was glad to see so many friends . On behalf of the Lodge he gave them a very hearty welcome , and hoped to see them there again . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Pierpoint P . M . Bro . Pierpoint responded . He was not accustomed to making speeches . It had fallen to his happy lot to have been present on many occasions , and
he was always delighted when asked to attend the New Concord Lodge . The members were to be congratulated in having such an efficient W . M . ; he wished him every happiness . In looking to the shelf of Past Masters he missed many faces , but there were some left who were dear friends of his . He had spent a very pleasant evening , and on behalf of the visitors ( and it was a great honour to be called upon to respond for the whole , who he felt sure had thoroughly enjoyed themselves ) , he thanked the members for their kind treatment and entertainment .
The W . M . proposed the initiates . He thought they were of the right sort , and he hoped they would be a credit to the Lodge and the Craft . Bro . T . Brooks responded . He was pleased to be a Mason , and it would be hia duty to make himself a fit and proper member . He observed the kindly feeling all round , which assured him that Freemasonry was good . He felt he had done the right thing in joining the Order .
Bro . W . H . Carter also acknowledged the toast , stating it was one of the dreams of his life to be a Freemason . He was sorry that he had not entered before . The splendid ceremony he had gone through he should never forget , and he hoped to prove himself a good and true Brother . In giving the Past Masters , the W . M . said he was glad to see so good an array present , as they were , beyond the slightest doubt , the very backbone of
the Lodge . He associated with the toast the name of Bro . T . B . Richards . In response , Bro . Richards stated that all the Past Masters reciprocated the kind words of the W . M . The W . M . gave the Treasurer and Secretary , remarking that they had every confidence in their Treasurer , Bro . Gabb , and as to the Secretary , Bro . Potter , he was well-known to the Masonic world in the metropolis , and he was a good fellow .
Bro . Potter Secretary acknowledged the toast , and the Officers having been honoured and the toast responded to by Bro . Moar S . W ., the Tyler brought the proceedings to a pleasant termination . The musical entertainment was excellent .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE , No . 1287 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Thursday , 19 th inst ., when the following were present : Bros . Charles Davis W . M ., A . C Doughty S . W ., T . G . Doughty J . W ., Rev .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , 19 th inst ., at the Holborn Restaurant , under the presidency of Bro . W . M . Roberts W . M ., who was supported by Bros . C . J . Brown S . W ., F . Wortham J . W ., S . R . Walker Sec , W . H . Faircloth I . P . M ., E . A . Cottebrune P . M ., R . J . Rogers P . M ., J . W . Curtis P . M ., G . Weaver S . D ., C . E . Lilly J . D ., R . A . Bench I . G ., W . Busby and G . Walker Stewards , Clark Organist , S . Ellis P . M . Tyler .
There were also present : —Bros . Drew P . M ., F . Allen P . M ., A . Arrowsmith P . M ., S . Manne , H . H . Bagnall , W . Busby , George C . Butcher , M . Diamond , John Shapcott , J . West , R . Armstrong , E . Stevens , White , Oates , Strong , Beasley , Rolles , Goddard , Williams , Ison , and several others . Amongst the visitors were : —Bros . Ascott , Mayor of Bideford , P . M . 489 P . P . G . D . C , A . Clark W . M . Samson Lodge , A . S . Fowles Crookes Eclectic Lodge , Brown Barnet Lodge , Moir Regents Park Lodge , Whales Cornwallis Lodge , Blame St . John Lodge , J . Wynman ( F REEMASON ' S CHKONICLE ) , and others .
The meeting of this successful Lodge was very interesting , on account of the exceptional amount of work , and for the exceedingly good and perfect manner in which all the ceremonies were rendered by the W . M ., who had most able assistance from his Officers . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., and after the usual preliminaries Bros . George C . Butcher and T . Beesley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
Messrs . Hennig , Holston , Taylor , and Goulding were balloted for , and that test proving unanimously in their favour , they were duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony being rendered in a clevet and impressive manner . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a recherche dinner was served , for which great credit was due to Bro . Hamp , the able manager of the Holborn Restaurant , under whose personal superintendence it -was provided .
After formal toasts Bro . W . H . Faircloth I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., and reviewed the excellent work which Bro . Roberts had done . He hoped that during the remainder of his year of office he would have as much work as he had had that evening . The W . M ., on rising to respond , was received with quite an ovation . He thanked Bro . Faircloth and the Brethren in general for the kind way in which reference had been made respecting his work . It was the greatest pleasure , indeed the happiest moment in his life , to occupy that honourable chair .
The toast of the Past Masters was coupled with the names of Brother Faircloth I . P . M ., R . J . Rogers , J . W . Curtis , W . Drew , A . Arrowsmith , E . A . Cottebrune , S . R . Walker Sec , and others . The Initiates were toasted , and in response Bro . F . Hennig thanked the W . M . and Brethren for making him a member of the Craft . He hoped to be a worthy member of the Lodge . Bro . Halston proposed to give a song , as no doubt the Brethren preferred his song to his speech .
Bro . Taylor thanked the W . M . and others . He must say that the W . M . has appeared to perform his duties in a most able manner . Bro . Goulding also responded in suitable terms . The toast of the Visitors followed , coupled with the names of Bros . Clark and Ascott , who received a very hearty ovation on rising to respond . Bro . Clark expressed the great pleasure he felt at visiting the Westbourne Lodge , and witnessing the excellent working of the W . M . He thanked the Brethren on behalf of the visitors for the handsome way they had been received .
Bro . P . M . Ascott said he must thank his old friend Bro . P . M . Drew fir inviting him to such a representative Lodge as the Westbourne , and for the delightful evening he had spent with them . He also expressed his admiration of the working _ and of the efficient assistance of the Officers in the ceremonies , and in a very humourous speech invited the members of the Lodge to pay him a visit at his home in Devonshire . He concluded by thanking the W . M . and Brethren for the very hospitable way in which he had been received that evening .
Bro . Clark presided at the pianoforte , the vocal items being contributed by Bro . R . J . Rogers P . M ., Drew P . M ., Bro . Wheeler , and others . The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
NEW CONCORD LODGE , No . 813 . THE annual installation meeting took place on Thursday , 19 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , E . C . Bro . Herbert Sprake the out-going Master presided , and was supported by his Officers , several other members of the Lodge , and the following visitors : Bros . James Speller W . M . 2374 P . P . G . D . Essex , D . M . Forbes P . M . 969 , C . W . Raymont P . M . 1716 , G . Wallace P . M . 907 , J . R . Reep P . M . 2241 , G . H . Barrett P . M . 1579 , H . J . Bidwell P . M . 2120 P . Prov . G . D . C . Surrey , T . Jones
P . M . 1607 , Leonard Potts P . M . 171 fi , Geo . Gabb P . M . 902 , H . Kearney P . M . 15 , C . Sims P . M . 861 , J . Levy P . M . 205 , W . M . Wells P . M . 34 , A . Stewart P . M . 394 , F . C . Bradley J . W . 15 , A . E . Purkis J . D . 1314 , R . Pierpoint P . M . 177 , J . H . Anderson 2272 , G . A . Mustoe 813 , F . J . Oliver 1056 , W . T . P . Taylor 79 , G . S . Maull 1297 , Orlton Cooper P . M . 211 , Capt . W . R . Wilkinson 250 , G . R . N . Wheeler 2130 , R . Stuart 2098 , W . Batt 1716 , A . Smith 2426 , C . Anderson 95 , R . W . Hobden 1328 , R . J . West 1744 , R . Farrant 1220 , F .
M . Fisk 19 , J . Hughes 1316 , J . F . Knibb P . M . 1158 , W . Robinson 860 , N . Magee P . M . 174 , D . M . Sherwill 813 , H . Pepperdine 2394 , G . H . Peters 2394 . The Lodge was duly opened at five o ' clock , when the minutes of the last regular meeting on 19 th January , and the emergency meeting on 12 th March •were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken and proved unanimous in favour of Mr . Thomas Brooks and Mr . William Henry Carter , and these gentlemen being in attendance were admitted and regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by Bro . Sprake .
The next business was the installation of the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Henry Daniel Blake having been elected for that office was introduced by Bro . P . M . Gabb , and signified his assent to the usual charges and regulations of tho Craft . A board of Masters being formed Bro . Blake was placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient form , the ceremony being performed by Brother C . Weeden .
Reports Of Meetings.
Upon the re-admission of the Brethren , the new Master was proclaimed and saluted by the Brethren in the various degrees . The following Officers of the Lodge were invested : —J . Moar S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., C . J . Stevens Chaplain , H . J . Gabb P . M . Treasurer , A . J . Potter P . M . Secretary , R . Clarke S . D ., J . J . Lewis J . D ., W . M . Johnson I . G ., E . Johnson Organist , C . Weeden P . M . D . C , T . W . Buckner A . D . C , T . W . Couch , J . Alleway and A . Bray Stewards , A . K . Turberfield Tyler . The ancient addresses to the Master Wardens and Brethren were admirably and impressively delivered by Bro . Weeden , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge .
The Auditors' report and balance sheet of the Lodge accounts and Benevolent Fund were presented and adopted . The Lodge was then closed and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet room . The Master gave the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , in brief but happy terms .
The W . M . was proposed by Bro . Herbert Sprake I . P . M ., who stated that it gave him much pleasure to submit the toast , which he was sure would be received with great enthusiasm . Bro . Blake would make a model W . M . He had not the slightest doubt that he would do everything necessary for the Lodge , and would not only keep up its well-known reputation , but add to its lustre . He wished him every happiness during his term of office .
Bro . H . D . Blake W . M ., who received a very hearty greeting on rising to reply , said that after the way he had been toasted it was difficult for him to adequately respond , but he thanked them from his heart . It was now six years since he was initiated in that , his Mother Lodge . He hoped during his year of office to have their confidence , and that they would never regret electing him as Master . It would be his earnest endeavour to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors , and at the end of his tether to be able to hand over to his successor that which he had received , pure and unsullied .
The W . M . next gave the I . P . M . Bro . Sprake , and remarked that the proof of the pudding was in the eating . Bro . Sprake had had a most successful year of office , a large number of initiates , and the Lodge had prospered under his genial presidency . It was now his pleasure , on behalf of the Lodge , to present Bro . Sprake with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a small token for his great services and what they all felt towards him , and he hoped he would be spared for many years to be with them to wear the jewel , which he so richly deserved . The jewel bore the following inscription : —
Presented to BRO . HERBERT SPRAKE , by the Brethren of the New Concord Lodge , No . 813 , in appreciation of his zeal and assiduity as W . M .
1895-96 . Bro . Sprake , in response , said that the W . M . had been too praiseworthy in his remarks . He had endeavoured to do his best , and if he had succeeded
to their satisfaction he was more than gratified ; but he was a busy man , having to play many parts . His term of office had been a very happy one . He thanked his Officers and all the members , for the many kindnesses he had received at their hands , and hoped his successor would have the same support as he had had . It was twenty years since he joined the Lodge , and during that time the Treasurers had well guarded the funds . When he went
into the chair he stated that all should be well entertained during his reign , and at that time it was thought by the members that he would be an expensive Master ; however , the audit showed them to be in a good condition , and what was prognosticated had luckily not come to pass . In conclusion he referred to the summer outing , which he observed was a splendid success , and he was proud of it .
In submitting the toast of the Installing Master the W . M . stated that all those who were fortunate to see the whole of the ceremony must have been impressed with Bro . Weeden ' s excellent working . Bro . C . Weeden P . M . responded . It was a pleasure and honour to act as Installing Master , and he assured them that he would be always ready and willing to do his best to promote the welfare of the Lodge .
The toast of the Visitors was next given , the W . M . remarking that Lodges would be tame indeed without visitors . He was glad to see so many friends . On behalf of the Lodge he gave them a very hearty welcome , and hoped to see them there again . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Pierpoint P . M . Bro . Pierpoint responded . He was not accustomed to making speeches . It had fallen to his happy lot to have been present on many occasions , and
he was always delighted when asked to attend the New Concord Lodge . The members were to be congratulated in having such an efficient W . M . ; he wished him every happiness . In looking to the shelf of Past Masters he missed many faces , but there were some left who were dear friends of his . He had spent a very pleasant evening , and on behalf of the visitors ( and it was a great honour to be called upon to respond for the whole , who he felt sure had thoroughly enjoyed themselves ) , he thanked the members for their kind treatment and entertainment .
The W . M . proposed the initiates . He thought they were of the right sort , and he hoped they would be a credit to the Lodge and the Craft . Bro . T . Brooks responded . He was pleased to be a Mason , and it would be hia duty to make himself a fit and proper member . He observed the kindly feeling all round , which assured him that Freemasonry was good . He felt he had done the right thing in joining the Order .
Bro . W . H . Carter also acknowledged the toast , stating it was one of the dreams of his life to be a Freemason . He was sorry that he had not entered before . The splendid ceremony he had gone through he should never forget , and he hoped to prove himself a good and true Brother . In giving the Past Masters , the W . M . said he was glad to see so good an array present , as they were , beyond the slightest doubt , the very backbone of
the Lodge . He associated with the toast the name of Bro . T . B . Richards . In response , Bro . Richards stated that all the Past Masters reciprocated the kind words of the W . M . The W . M . gave the Treasurer and Secretary , remarking that they had every confidence in their Treasurer , Bro . Gabb , and as to the Secretary , Bro . Potter , he was well-known to the Masonic world in the metropolis , and he was a good fellow .
Bro . Potter Secretary acknowledged the toast , and the Officers having been honoured and the toast responded to by Bro . Moar S . W ., the Tyler brought the proceedings to a pleasant termination . The musical entertainment was excellent .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE , No . 1287 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Thursday , 19 th inst ., when the following were present : Bros . Charles Davis W . M ., A . C Doughty S . W ., T . G . Doughty J . W ., Rev .