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Meetings In The Provinces.
ON Monday , 23 rd inst ., there was a very large assemblage at the annual meeting of this Lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Jackson Street , Gateshead . The W . M . Bro . Adam Dodds P . P . G . Std . presided , and was well supported . After ordinary business had been transacted , the W . M .-elect Bro . Hugh Jackson was presented by the Senior P . M ., Bro . M . Corbitt P . P . G . D ., and the ceremony of installation was performed with much ability by the outgoing Master , who also delivered the addresses to the Officers and Brethren .
FAWCETT LODGE , No . 661 . THE annual meeting was held at Seaham Harbour , on the 18 th inst ., Bro . R . Froud W . M . presiding , when Bro . Jos . Jno . Candish , J . P ., was installed as W . M . by Bro . W . J . Malcolm P . M .
HOLMESDALE LODGE , No . 874 . THE annual installation was held on Wednesday , 18 th inst ., in the Masonic Room on The Pantiles , Tunbridge Wells , when Bro . J . A . Anscombe S . W . was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of a large attendance of Brethren , by the retiring W . M . Bro . Roper , who was subsequently presented , on behalf of the Lodge , with a Past Master ' s jewel , in appreciation of the able manner'in which he had carried out tho duties of his office during the past year .
After the banquet Bro . F . W . Stone , in tendering the R . W . the Prov . Grand Master Earl Amherst , remarked that those old in Masonry knew him better as Lord Holmesdale , and , as they were all aware , they named the Lodge after him . He had the privilege of being connected with his lordship over forty years ago , when he was then brought into the town as " a political baby , " and he was afterwards introduced into Masonry . They rejoiced that they had such an active and able Master in Masonry , and in having him at
their head . In 1872 , when the Brethren placed him ( the speaker ) in the chair , the provincial Grand Lodge and Earl Amherst were entertained in Tunbridge Wells , and he was afterwards appointed S . W . of Kent . Alluding to the support given to his lordship , and the fact that Kent stood second on the list in its support of the Masonic Schools , the speaker said that this , amongst other points , showed that Earl Amherst was the right man in the right place , and in drinking his health they would hope that his lordship would reign over them for many years to come .
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1343 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Grays , . on Wednesday . The W . M . Bro . Charles Westwood Grand Steward of Essex presided , and was supported by the following Brethren : F . W . Pelling S . W ., Edward Ayres J . W ., Charles Cobham P . Prov . G . S . W . Durham Sec ,
William'Harvey W . M . 174 , J . P . White P . M . 2277 , J . G . Wingrove P . G . O Essex , H . C . Borradaile P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., W . B . Heagerty P . M . P . P . G . R ., James Howell P . P . G . Std . Br ., R . Matthews 77 , J . Waymouth S . D ., J . Capstick J . D ., G . H . Silverwood , M . A ., I . G ., F . Curren 13 s 2 , R . Benton , J . T . Mead , W . H . Cater , G . E . Gilbert , John Scott , G . Cunningham .
The Lodge was opened m due form , and the minutes of the regular meeting of 2 Sth August last , and the emergency meetings of 18 th September , and 29 th January were read , and the proceedings thereof confirmed . The ballot was taken and proved unanimous in favour of Messrs . John Sivewright , Thos . Alfred Capron and John William Sturdy Bowton , and those gentlemen being in attendnnce were admitted and duly initiated into tbemjsteries aud privilege of the Craft .
BrothersH . B . Borradaile , H . N . Fryer , J . W . Barefoot , and A . 0 . James having proved their proficiency were advanced to the degree of Craftsmen . Bro . J . F . Horncastle answered the usual questions leading from the ' second to the third degree , in a very satisfactory manner , and was subsequently received into the full privileges of the Order , and took his seat in the Master Mason ' s Lodge .
Bro . Wm . Miller Taylor , of the Capper Lodge , was accepted as a joining member . The different ceremonies , which included the whole of the traditional history and lectures , were effectively rendered by Bro . Westwood , and their impressiveness was considerably enhanced by the admirable musical arrangements of Bro . Matthews .
An alteration in the months of meeting was agreed to by the Lodge , which will now assemble in the months of January , March , May , July , ' September , and November . The W . M . received the hearty good wishes of the visiting Brethren , and all Masonic business being over the Lodge vvas closed in perfect harmony , and the Brethren adjourned to supper .
The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given by Bro . Westwood , and duly honoured . Bro . James Howell , in felicitous terms proposed the health of the W . M ., and congratuled the Brethren upon having so good a Master . Bro . Westwood briefly acknowledged the compliment , and testified to the ability of his Officers and the assistance he received irom the Past Masters
In toasting the Initiates , the W . M . assured them a hearty welcome in the Lodge , and strongly urged them to attend the Lodge of Instruction , as that was the only way to become thoroughly acquainted with the ritual . The Apprentices replied with becoming modesty , and the Officers of the Lodge , and the visitors having been complimented , the proceedings wore brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
DUKE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2449 . rpHE annual meeting and festival of St . John took place at the Palatine X Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., the attendance of members and visitors numbering upwards of fifty . Lodge was opened shortly after 3 p . m ., and the principal business of the day commenced , namely that of installing Bro . T . T . Hardicker S . W . Worshipful Master-elect into the
chair of K . S ., the ceremony being performed by Bros . Fred . Warburton W . M ., assisted by Bros . W . T . Schofield P . M . P . P . J . G . D ., and Wm . Boden I . P . M . Bros . Jas . W . Abbott P . M . 1030 P . P . G . D . C , Geo . Sam . Smith P . M 1134 1170 P . P . G . Org ., and John H . Ratclifl P . M ., acted as Installing S . W ., J . W ., and I . G . respectively .
Meetings In The Provinces.
The following Officers were appointed and duly invested , viz ., Bros . Clement John Hall S . W ., Robert Meggitt J . W ., W . H . S . Taylor Chaplain , Oates Rushton Treasurer , J . Kinsey Secretary , A . G . Bryce S . D ., A . Scarlett J . D ., J . Whittle D . C , T . Wooler I . G ., H . B . Rudolph , R . Chiswell , S . Kew , J . Fairbairn , and A . Sutcliffe Stewards , T . H . Stott Assistant Secretary , Fred . Warburton I . P . M . Charity Representative . Lodge having been closed , tho Brethren adjourned , and the festival of St . John was held in the large hill of the hotel .
Loyal and Masonic toasts were interspersed by songs , recitations , & c , the contributories being Bros . Howard , Blacow , Stewart , Pennington , Rushton , and Nelson Stokes . Bro . Bridge Hopkinson was the accompanist . Bro . John Chadwick P . G . Swd . Br . Eng . Provincial Grand Secretary , who responded on behalf of the Grand Officers , reverted to his impending retirement from Provincial Secretarial duties . He said that he commenced those duties in the neighbouring borough of Salford , and it was fitting ,
perhaps , that he should terminate them in the city of Manchester . With feelings of deep emotion he thanked the many Brethren who , from time to time , and in various ways , had evinced their friendship for him , expressing a hope that if , on the other hand , there should be any who were disposed to think unkindly of him , they would suspend their judgment , for if he had erred in any essential point , he had done so unwittingly . Bro . Chadwick's remarks were received with the greatest enthusiasm .
Bro . Warburton I . P . M . proposed the health of the new Worshipful Master , saying he characterised the duty assigned to him as a most pleasant one . His successor in tho chair of K . S . was a friend and Brother who had loyally and willingly supported him through his year of office , and in this sense he would use the good old Lancashire phrase , " Speak of a mon as you find him . " 'Every office which Bro . Hardicker had held , and every duty
which he had undertaken , had been excellently well done by him . He was only a comparatively young Mason , but he ( the speaker ) had had the honour of introducing him into the Lodge , and he believed every one present who knew him would acknowledge the truth of his remark when he added that he had been a credit to the Brethren , and to the positions which he had held .
Bro . Hardicker W . M . said , in reply , that for the enthusiastic welcome given to the toast of his health he tendered his most hearty thanks . When the result of his election to the present position was conveyed to him , confirmed as it was by their goodwill of to-day , he felt a desire to cherish the remembrance as an expression of sincere and Brotherly love from members of the Lodge . Their programme for the evening was a very long ono , and it would be injudicious for him to attempt to detain them over a
lengthy speech . Bro . Rushton in a very excellent Lancashire recitation had said that " there was nothing like plenty of brass , " and he thought there was nothing like plenty of words , if they were of the right quality , and properly adapted to circumstances . Speaking of the good example set by Bros . Schofield , Boden , and the Installing Master , he said he would cheerfully follow in their footsteps . If he could only perform the duties of his office as admirably and efficiently as they had been done by those who had preceded him in the chair , he would be perfectly satisfied . Brother
Hardicker then proposed the health of the I . P . M . After alluding to the formation of the Lodge , in which Bro . Warburton had taken a very active part , he added that the latter had always done his best to make its foundation a very prosperous one , and had acquitted himself in right down Masonic fashion . He had now very great pleasure on behalf of the Lodge in testifying to his abilities by presenting him with a magnificent Past Master ' s jewel . He hoped he would be many years among them , and if he wore that jewel with half the pleasure with which it was bestowed , it would be a source of great satisfaction to him .
The jewel , which was of gold , and highly chased , bore the following legend : —
Presented to W . BEO . FRED . WARBURTON P . M ., by the Brethren of the Duke of York Lodge , No . 2449 , for services as W . M , 12 th March 1896 . Bro . Warburton I . P . M . responded , saying he was thankful to the W . M . for the admirable manner in which he had proposed his health , and to the Brethren for the kind and hospitable way in which it had been received . Ha
had tried during his period of Mastership to faithfully carry out the principles of Masonry which had been enunciated by his predecessors , and he had been well supported in his efforts to do so . If he had appeared unduly harsh , he hoped it would be ascribed to his zeal in the cause . In surrendering his position to his successor , he would add that it was no use in going into the chair thinking to rule exclusively , for it could not be done , as support from the other Officers was necessary . With regard to the gift of
the jewel , he did not value it for its intrinsic worth , but for the kind feelings which had prompted it , feeling sure that if he had not deserved their commendations , they would not have bestowed them upon him so liberally . Bro . Schofield P . M ., & c , proposed the health of the Officers of the Lodge He said that although a young member now occupied the principal chair , he was sure their choice was a judicious one , for he possessed not only the enthusiasm which was requisite to make him a popular Master , but also the
talents which could not fail to make him a successful one . He hoped the Officers appointed that day would remember the words he had addressed to them , stating that if anything critical arose m the working of the Lodge , they must not fail to consult their head , and things would be adjusted . So far , he and others had endeavoured to obtain the best of candidates for admission into their midst , who would conduct themselves as gentlemen , and he sincerely hoped this standard would be maintained .
Bro . 0 . J . Hall S . W . proposed the health of the visitors , who responded , most of them reverting in terms of praise to the excellent work of the Installing Master , and those Past Masters who had assisted him . Besides those already mentioned , there were present at the Lodge and banquet , Bros . Geo . A . Bowden , R . H . Whatham , Rev . J . O . Jelly P . M . 277 P . P . G . Chap ., J . M . Sinclair P . M . 163 P . P . J . G . D ., Wm . Hy . Peak P . M . 993 P . P . G . D . C , B . Whitwam W . M . 1219 , G . Bell W . M . 1588 , P . Bratt W . M . 2482 , G . H . Grocock S . W . 1052 , Robt . Fox I . P . M . 2482 , Jas . Harrison J . W . 2594 , Kenneth M . Stewart J . D . 1140 , R . W . Harrison 277 , and others .
LLANGATTOCK LODGE , No . 2547 . THERE was a large gathering at the Masonic Temple , Cardiff , on Monday , 23 rd inst ., the occasion being the re-installation of Brother Thomas Matthews P . M . P . P . S . G . W . as W . M . The Visitors included Bro . Marmaduke Tennant Deputy Prov . G . Master for the Eastern Division of South Wales ; Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Lyne D . Prov . G . M . Monmouthshire , and many others .
The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . Marmaduke Tennant who , in congratulating Bro . Matthews , mentioned , amid cordial applause , that this was his fourth installation as W . M .
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Meetings In The Provinces.
ON Monday , 23 rd inst ., there was a very large assemblage at the annual meeting of this Lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Jackson Street , Gateshead . The W . M . Bro . Adam Dodds P . P . G . Std . presided , and was well supported . After ordinary business had been transacted , the W . M .-elect Bro . Hugh Jackson was presented by the Senior P . M ., Bro . M . Corbitt P . P . G . D ., and the ceremony of installation was performed with much ability by the outgoing Master , who also delivered the addresses to the Officers and Brethren .
FAWCETT LODGE , No . 661 . THE annual meeting was held at Seaham Harbour , on the 18 th inst ., Bro . R . Froud W . M . presiding , when Bro . Jos . Jno . Candish , J . P ., was installed as W . M . by Bro . W . J . Malcolm P . M .
HOLMESDALE LODGE , No . 874 . THE annual installation was held on Wednesday , 18 th inst ., in the Masonic Room on The Pantiles , Tunbridge Wells , when Bro . J . A . Anscombe S . W . was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of a large attendance of Brethren , by the retiring W . M . Bro . Roper , who was subsequently presented , on behalf of the Lodge , with a Past Master ' s jewel , in appreciation of the able manner'in which he had carried out tho duties of his office during the past year .
After the banquet Bro . F . W . Stone , in tendering the R . W . the Prov . Grand Master Earl Amherst , remarked that those old in Masonry knew him better as Lord Holmesdale , and , as they were all aware , they named the Lodge after him . He had the privilege of being connected with his lordship over forty years ago , when he was then brought into the town as " a political baby , " and he was afterwards introduced into Masonry . They rejoiced that they had such an active and able Master in Masonry , and in having him at
their head . In 1872 , when the Brethren placed him ( the speaker ) in the chair , the provincial Grand Lodge and Earl Amherst were entertained in Tunbridge Wells , and he was afterwards appointed S . W . of Kent . Alluding to the support given to his lordship , and the fact that Kent stood second on the list in its support of the Masonic Schools , the speaker said that this , amongst other points , showed that Earl Amherst was the right man in the right place , and in drinking his health they would hope that his lordship would reign over them for many years to come .
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1343 . THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Grays , . on Wednesday . The W . M . Bro . Charles Westwood Grand Steward of Essex presided , and was supported by the following Brethren : F . W . Pelling S . W ., Edward Ayres J . W ., Charles Cobham P . Prov . G . S . W . Durham Sec ,
William'Harvey W . M . 174 , J . P . White P . M . 2277 , J . G . Wingrove P . G . O Essex , H . C . Borradaile P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., W . B . Heagerty P . M . P . P . G . R ., James Howell P . P . G . Std . Br ., R . Matthews 77 , J . Waymouth S . D ., J . Capstick J . D ., G . H . Silverwood , M . A ., I . G ., F . Curren 13 s 2 , R . Benton , J . T . Mead , W . H . Cater , G . E . Gilbert , John Scott , G . Cunningham .
The Lodge was opened m due form , and the minutes of the regular meeting of 2 Sth August last , and the emergency meetings of 18 th September , and 29 th January were read , and the proceedings thereof confirmed . The ballot was taken and proved unanimous in favour of Messrs . John Sivewright , Thos . Alfred Capron and John William Sturdy Bowton , and those gentlemen being in attendnnce were admitted and duly initiated into tbemjsteries aud privilege of the Craft .
BrothersH . B . Borradaile , H . N . Fryer , J . W . Barefoot , and A . 0 . James having proved their proficiency were advanced to the degree of Craftsmen . Bro . J . F . Horncastle answered the usual questions leading from the ' second to the third degree , in a very satisfactory manner , and was subsequently received into the full privileges of the Order , and took his seat in the Master Mason ' s Lodge .
Bro . Wm . Miller Taylor , of the Capper Lodge , was accepted as a joining member . The different ceremonies , which included the whole of the traditional history and lectures , were effectively rendered by Bro . Westwood , and their impressiveness was considerably enhanced by the admirable musical arrangements of Bro . Matthews .
An alteration in the months of meeting was agreed to by the Lodge , which will now assemble in the months of January , March , May , July , ' September , and November . The W . M . received the hearty good wishes of the visiting Brethren , and all Masonic business being over the Lodge vvas closed in perfect harmony , and the Brethren adjourned to supper .
The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given by Bro . Westwood , and duly honoured . Bro . James Howell , in felicitous terms proposed the health of the W . M ., and congratuled the Brethren upon having so good a Master . Bro . Westwood briefly acknowledged the compliment , and testified to the ability of his Officers and the assistance he received irom the Past Masters
In toasting the Initiates , the W . M . assured them a hearty welcome in the Lodge , and strongly urged them to attend the Lodge of Instruction , as that was the only way to become thoroughly acquainted with the ritual . The Apprentices replied with becoming modesty , and the Officers of the Lodge , and the visitors having been complimented , the proceedings wore brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
DUKE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2449 . rpHE annual meeting and festival of St . John took place at the Palatine X Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., the attendance of members and visitors numbering upwards of fifty . Lodge was opened shortly after 3 p . m ., and the principal business of the day commenced , namely that of installing Bro . T . T . Hardicker S . W . Worshipful Master-elect into the
chair of K . S ., the ceremony being performed by Bros . Fred . Warburton W . M ., assisted by Bros . W . T . Schofield P . M . P . P . J . G . D ., and Wm . Boden I . P . M . Bros . Jas . W . Abbott P . M . 1030 P . P . G . D . C , Geo . Sam . Smith P . M 1134 1170 P . P . G . Org ., and John H . Ratclifl P . M ., acted as Installing S . W ., J . W ., and I . G . respectively .
Meetings In The Provinces.
The following Officers were appointed and duly invested , viz ., Bros . Clement John Hall S . W ., Robert Meggitt J . W ., W . H . S . Taylor Chaplain , Oates Rushton Treasurer , J . Kinsey Secretary , A . G . Bryce S . D ., A . Scarlett J . D ., J . Whittle D . C , T . Wooler I . G ., H . B . Rudolph , R . Chiswell , S . Kew , J . Fairbairn , and A . Sutcliffe Stewards , T . H . Stott Assistant Secretary , Fred . Warburton I . P . M . Charity Representative . Lodge having been closed , tho Brethren adjourned , and the festival of St . John was held in the large hill of the hotel .
Loyal and Masonic toasts were interspersed by songs , recitations , & c , the contributories being Bros . Howard , Blacow , Stewart , Pennington , Rushton , and Nelson Stokes . Bro . Bridge Hopkinson was the accompanist . Bro . John Chadwick P . G . Swd . Br . Eng . Provincial Grand Secretary , who responded on behalf of the Grand Officers , reverted to his impending retirement from Provincial Secretarial duties . He said that he commenced those duties in the neighbouring borough of Salford , and it was fitting ,
perhaps , that he should terminate them in the city of Manchester . With feelings of deep emotion he thanked the many Brethren who , from time to time , and in various ways , had evinced their friendship for him , expressing a hope that if , on the other hand , there should be any who were disposed to think unkindly of him , they would suspend their judgment , for if he had erred in any essential point , he had done so unwittingly . Bro . Chadwick's remarks were received with the greatest enthusiasm .
Bro . Warburton I . P . M . proposed the health of the new Worshipful Master , saying he characterised the duty assigned to him as a most pleasant one . His successor in tho chair of K . S . was a friend and Brother who had loyally and willingly supported him through his year of office , and in this sense he would use the good old Lancashire phrase , " Speak of a mon as you find him . " 'Every office which Bro . Hardicker had held , and every duty
which he had undertaken , had been excellently well done by him . He was only a comparatively young Mason , but he ( the speaker ) had had the honour of introducing him into the Lodge , and he believed every one present who knew him would acknowledge the truth of his remark when he added that he had been a credit to the Brethren , and to the positions which he had held .
Bro . Hardicker W . M . said , in reply , that for the enthusiastic welcome given to the toast of his health he tendered his most hearty thanks . When the result of his election to the present position was conveyed to him , confirmed as it was by their goodwill of to-day , he felt a desire to cherish the remembrance as an expression of sincere and Brotherly love from members of the Lodge . Their programme for the evening was a very long ono , and it would be injudicious for him to attempt to detain them over a
lengthy speech . Bro . Rushton in a very excellent Lancashire recitation had said that " there was nothing like plenty of brass , " and he thought there was nothing like plenty of words , if they were of the right quality , and properly adapted to circumstances . Speaking of the good example set by Bros . Schofield , Boden , and the Installing Master , he said he would cheerfully follow in their footsteps . If he could only perform the duties of his office as admirably and efficiently as they had been done by those who had preceded him in the chair , he would be perfectly satisfied . Brother
Hardicker then proposed the health of the I . P . M . After alluding to the formation of the Lodge , in which Bro . Warburton had taken a very active part , he added that the latter had always done his best to make its foundation a very prosperous one , and had acquitted himself in right down Masonic fashion . He had now very great pleasure on behalf of the Lodge in testifying to his abilities by presenting him with a magnificent Past Master ' s jewel . He hoped he would be many years among them , and if he wore that jewel with half the pleasure with which it was bestowed , it would be a source of great satisfaction to him .
The jewel , which was of gold , and highly chased , bore the following legend : —
Presented to W . BEO . FRED . WARBURTON P . M ., by the Brethren of the Duke of York Lodge , No . 2449 , for services as W . M , 12 th March 1896 . Bro . Warburton I . P . M . responded , saying he was thankful to the W . M . for the admirable manner in which he had proposed his health , and to the Brethren for the kind and hospitable way in which it had been received . Ha
had tried during his period of Mastership to faithfully carry out the principles of Masonry which had been enunciated by his predecessors , and he had been well supported in his efforts to do so . If he had appeared unduly harsh , he hoped it would be ascribed to his zeal in the cause . In surrendering his position to his successor , he would add that it was no use in going into the chair thinking to rule exclusively , for it could not be done , as support from the other Officers was necessary . With regard to the gift of
the jewel , he did not value it for its intrinsic worth , but for the kind feelings which had prompted it , feeling sure that if he had not deserved their commendations , they would not have bestowed them upon him so liberally . Bro . Schofield P . M ., & c , proposed the health of the Officers of the Lodge He said that although a young member now occupied the principal chair , he was sure their choice was a judicious one , for he possessed not only the enthusiasm which was requisite to make him a popular Master , but also the
talents which could not fail to make him a successful one . He hoped the Officers appointed that day would remember the words he had addressed to them , stating that if anything critical arose m the working of the Lodge , they must not fail to consult their head , and things would be adjusted . So far , he and others had endeavoured to obtain the best of candidates for admission into their midst , who would conduct themselves as gentlemen , and he sincerely hoped this standard would be maintained .
Bro . 0 . J . Hall S . W . proposed the health of the visitors , who responded , most of them reverting in terms of praise to the excellent work of the Installing Master , and those Past Masters who had assisted him . Besides those already mentioned , there were present at the Lodge and banquet , Bros . Geo . A . Bowden , R . H . Whatham , Rev . J . O . Jelly P . M . 277 P . P . G . Chap ., J . M . Sinclair P . M . 163 P . P . J . G . D ., Wm . Hy . Peak P . M . 993 P . P . G . D . C , B . Whitwam W . M . 1219 , G . Bell W . M . 1588 , P . Bratt W . M . 2482 , G . H . Grocock S . W . 1052 , Robt . Fox I . P . M . 2482 , Jas . Harrison J . W . 2594 , Kenneth M . Stewart J . D . 1140 , R . W . Harrison 277 , and others .
LLANGATTOCK LODGE , No . 2547 . THERE was a large gathering at the Masonic Temple , Cardiff , on Monday , 23 rd inst ., the occasion being the re-installation of Brother Thomas Matthews P . M . P . P . S . G . W . as W . M . The Visitors included Bro . Marmaduke Tennant Deputy Prov . G . Master for the Eastern Division of South Wales ; Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Lyne D . Prov . G . M . Monmouthshire , and many others .
The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . Marmaduke Tennant who , in congratulating Bro . Matthews , mentioned , amid cordial applause , that this was his fourth installation as W . M .