Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
THIS Lodge was consecrated on Saturday last , the 21 st inst ., at the Hall of Grand Mark Lodge , Red Lionsquare . The Right Hon . Lord Henniker , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the degree , conducted the ceremony ; he was supported by Bros . Captain N . G . Philips , Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , Frank Richardson , Philbrick , Q . C .,
and several others . His Lordship , m opening the proceedings , reminded the brethren of the great interest he took in the Order ; he was pleased to give his sanction to the Lodge being named after him . He added his hope that when his term of office had expired , his name wonld
be handed down as one amongst the Past Grand Masters whose interest in the Mark Degree had not been the least . Brother Frederick Binckes , the Grand Mark Secretary , afterwards installed Brother Edgar Bowyer as the
Worshipful Master of the Lodge . Lord Henniker and the Officers who assisted at the consecration were elected honorary members of the Lodge , and Brother Bowyer undertook a Stewardship on behalf of the Lodge for the next Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund .
A new Chapter of Instruction has recently been established , entitled the Camden , and the members meet at the " Boston , " Junction Road , Holloway , on Wednesday evenings , at half-past eight . Comp . J . D . Collier P . M . P . Z . is the Preceptor , and Comp . H . Slyman H . is the Scribe E .
On Monday afternoon Lord Wolseley was advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason at an emergency meeting of the Old Kent ( Time Immemorial ) Indge of Mark Master Masons , 8 A Red Lion-square . The brethren present on the occasion were Bros , the Rt . Hon . Lord
Henniker M . W . G . M ., Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., James Moon P . M . as W . M ., J . L . Mather S . W ., John Ramsey J . W ., Thos . Keen M . O ,, Henry Yenn P . M . as S . O ., Charles E . Soppet J . O ., E . C . Mather P . M . Treasurer , J . E . Pinder R . of M ., D . M . Dewar Past Master Secretary , W . H .
Gimingham Senior Deaeon , R . Leman Junior Deacon , J . E . Anderson I . G ., E . M . Money Director of Ceremonies , George Graveley Steward , Rawles Tyler ; P . M . ' s Frederick Binckes , H . Dicketts , William Roebuck . Bros . Frederick Davidson , G . H . Hunter , 0 . E . Ferry , R . H . Halford , F . J .
Tyler , A . J . H . Goldney , E . F . Storr , Hatch , C . F . Matier , George Ward Terry , Gilles , Gilliam , James Terry , Edgar Bowyer , Kingston , John Webb , T . C . Walls , and E . Mills . Lodge was opened , and a ballot was taken for Bro . General Lord Wolseley , of Cairo , as a candidate for advancement .
Lord Wolseley was proposed by Lord Henniker and seconded by Bro . Dewar . The ballot having proved unanimous , Bro . Lord Wolseley was regularly advanced . A ballot was taken for the Hon . A . H . Henniker , Royal Arch Chapter , No . 33 , I . C , as a joining member ; this candidate
was proposed by the M . W . Grand Master , and seconded by Bro . Dewar . The result was unanimously in his favour . Bro . Dewar proposed a cordial and hearty vote of thanks to the M . W . Grand Master for honouring tbe Old Kent Lodge with his presence . This was carried by acclamation , and his lordship was unanimously elected an honorary
member of this ancient Lodge . Bro . Binckes proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . General Lord Wolseley , for honouring the Old Kent by becoming a member , to which his " Lordshi p replied . The Lodge was then closed in ancient form .
The First annual Ball of the Montefiore Cyclists Club will be held on the 16 th of May , at St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , under the patronage of Bro . Leopold De Eothschild , Arthnr Cohen , Q . C ., M . P ., Israel Abrahams F . R . S . F . R . G . S . P . M . 188 , and an efficient body of Stewards . Lady's tickets 2 s 6 d ; Gentlemen ' s 3 s 6 d ; double
tickets 5 s ; may be obtained from Miss E . P . Vallentine , 9 Huntley-streefc , W . C , Hon . Sec , S J . Weingott jun ., 72 Fleet-street , E . G ., H . T . Marks Eofield-road , N ., and I . A . Levy , Eesidenfc Sec , 32 Tavistock-plaoe , W . C . It is anticipated there will be a numerous attendance of the members and their friends .
• HOLIOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Outward infirmities . —Before tbe discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c , wore pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , becau-e the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength it was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it wns inadequate to remove . Holioway ' s Pills exert the most wholesome powers over the unhealthy flesh and skiu , without debarring the patient from fre-di air and exorcise , and ' thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded , while the most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases avo in process of cave . Both Ointment and Pills make tho blood richer nnd purer , instead of permitting it to fall into that poor and watery stato so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations .
Mark Masonry.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Leicester , Northampton , and Derby will be held on the 8 th of May , at Freemasons' Hall , Northampton ,
under the banner of the Simon de St . Liz Lodge , No . 245 , when the Provincial Grand Master will be installed and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers appointed .
THE LONDON COTTAOE MISS- HALL , Salmon's Lano , Limehouse was filled on Wednesday evening with an eager crowd of children , to whom a substantial tea of bread and butter , cake , & c , waa given ; after which they were entertained with dissolving views , songs , and recitations . Many of these were song and delivered by the children themselves , and right cleverly done too . One conld not help being
struck by the change in the little folks ; their ragged clothes showed that needle and thread had been at work , and their faces shone again with a liberal supply of soap and water—the result of the teaching their mothers bad received at the Mothers' Meetings of the Mission , at which Miss Napton , the Lady Superintendent ' s lessons of cleanliness and thrift had evidently taken effect . Funds
did not allow of tbe nsual Irish stew dinner being given on Wednesday , hence the " tea" but it is earnestly hoped tbat sufficient will be received in contributions before next week to enable these poor little people to have at least one more Irish stew dinner ere the season is over . Donations and subscriptions will be gladly received , either by Miss Napton , 304 Burdett-road Limehonse , E ., or by the Director of the Mission , Mr Walter Anstin , 44 Finsbury Pavement , E . C .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original aud only trne . " ~ ' * M | g ^ TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to l mBk * ¦* ¦ its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and +. ffl & P raP id ' y curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural' ¦ ! 3 K ™ S & 1 L 3 Ria , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . -P . KHH-. It acts like a cliarm in Diarrhea , and is tho only specific in •^ f ^^ SsS ^ Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what'ftAOE MAR ^ over 9 ause » soothes and strengthens the system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles ls l $ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Soli' by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 .- Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with muuh pleasure I am ablo to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yonrs faithfully , CHARLES W . OWES , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Oabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few weeks '* onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owin-g to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrafced Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may be seen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , on oir THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full "Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., afc Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
DANCING . —To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNJIANN receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who have never had the slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable 'ball-daico in a few easy lessons . Private lessons aw hour . Morning and evening classo PEOSPECTCS OJf APP & ICATIOK ' ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BKO . JACQUES WyjorAJrir WIIX BE HAPPI- TO TAKE THE JIAWAGBMENT OF MASOKIC BALIS . FIRSI-CLASS BANDS PBOVIDED .
TESTIMONIALS , TOTES of THANKS , & C ., beautifully ILLUMINATED OS- VEILTJM , and FKAJTED , ready for Presentation , by T . WOODS , SO Chancery-Lane , London , W . C . Names Illuminated on Stewards' Certificates at a reasonable charge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
THIS Lodge was consecrated on Saturday last , the 21 st inst ., at the Hall of Grand Mark Lodge , Red Lionsquare . The Right Hon . Lord Henniker , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the degree , conducted the ceremony ; he was supported by Bros . Captain N . G . Philips , Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , Frank Richardson , Philbrick , Q . C .,
and several others . His Lordship , m opening the proceedings , reminded the brethren of the great interest he took in the Order ; he was pleased to give his sanction to the Lodge being named after him . He added his hope that when his term of office had expired , his name wonld
be handed down as one amongst the Past Grand Masters whose interest in the Mark Degree had not been the least . Brother Frederick Binckes , the Grand Mark Secretary , afterwards installed Brother Edgar Bowyer as the
Worshipful Master of the Lodge . Lord Henniker and the Officers who assisted at the consecration were elected honorary members of the Lodge , and Brother Bowyer undertook a Stewardship on behalf of the Lodge for the next Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund .
A new Chapter of Instruction has recently been established , entitled the Camden , and the members meet at the " Boston , " Junction Road , Holloway , on Wednesday evenings , at half-past eight . Comp . J . D . Collier P . M . P . Z . is the Preceptor , and Comp . H . Slyman H . is the Scribe E .
On Monday afternoon Lord Wolseley was advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason at an emergency meeting of the Old Kent ( Time Immemorial ) Indge of Mark Master Masons , 8 A Red Lion-square . The brethren present on the occasion were Bros , the Rt . Hon . Lord
Henniker M . W . G . M ., Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., James Moon P . M . as W . M ., J . L . Mather S . W ., John Ramsey J . W ., Thos . Keen M . O ,, Henry Yenn P . M . as S . O ., Charles E . Soppet J . O ., E . C . Mather P . M . Treasurer , J . E . Pinder R . of M ., D . M . Dewar Past Master Secretary , W . H .
Gimingham Senior Deaeon , R . Leman Junior Deacon , J . E . Anderson I . G ., E . M . Money Director of Ceremonies , George Graveley Steward , Rawles Tyler ; P . M . ' s Frederick Binckes , H . Dicketts , William Roebuck . Bros . Frederick Davidson , G . H . Hunter , 0 . E . Ferry , R . H . Halford , F . J .
Tyler , A . J . H . Goldney , E . F . Storr , Hatch , C . F . Matier , George Ward Terry , Gilles , Gilliam , James Terry , Edgar Bowyer , Kingston , John Webb , T . C . Walls , and E . Mills . Lodge was opened , and a ballot was taken for Bro . General Lord Wolseley , of Cairo , as a candidate for advancement .
Lord Wolseley was proposed by Lord Henniker and seconded by Bro . Dewar . The ballot having proved unanimous , Bro . Lord Wolseley was regularly advanced . A ballot was taken for the Hon . A . H . Henniker , Royal Arch Chapter , No . 33 , I . C , as a joining member ; this candidate
was proposed by the M . W . Grand Master , and seconded by Bro . Dewar . The result was unanimously in his favour . Bro . Dewar proposed a cordial and hearty vote of thanks to the M . W . Grand Master for honouring tbe Old Kent Lodge with his presence . This was carried by acclamation , and his lordship was unanimously elected an honorary
member of this ancient Lodge . Bro . Binckes proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . General Lord Wolseley , for honouring the Old Kent by becoming a member , to which his " Lordshi p replied . The Lodge was then closed in ancient form .
The First annual Ball of the Montefiore Cyclists Club will be held on the 16 th of May , at St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , under the patronage of Bro . Leopold De Eothschild , Arthnr Cohen , Q . C ., M . P ., Israel Abrahams F . R . S . F . R . G . S . P . M . 188 , and an efficient body of Stewards . Lady's tickets 2 s 6 d ; Gentlemen ' s 3 s 6 d ; double
tickets 5 s ; may be obtained from Miss E . P . Vallentine , 9 Huntley-streefc , W . C , Hon . Sec , S J . Weingott jun ., 72 Fleet-street , E . G ., H . T . Marks Eofield-road , N ., and I . A . Levy , Eesidenfc Sec , 32 Tavistock-plaoe , W . C . It is anticipated there will be a numerous attendance of the members and their friends .
• HOLIOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Outward infirmities . —Before tbe discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c , wore pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , becau-e the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength it was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it wns inadequate to remove . Holioway ' s Pills exert the most wholesome powers over the unhealthy flesh and skiu , without debarring the patient from fre-di air and exorcise , and ' thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded , while the most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases avo in process of cave . Both Ointment and Pills make tho blood richer nnd purer , instead of permitting it to fall into that poor and watery stato so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations .
Mark Masonry.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Leicester , Northampton , and Derby will be held on the 8 th of May , at Freemasons' Hall , Northampton ,
under the banner of the Simon de St . Liz Lodge , No . 245 , when the Provincial Grand Master will be installed and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers appointed .
THE LONDON COTTAOE MISS- HALL , Salmon's Lano , Limehouse was filled on Wednesday evening with an eager crowd of children , to whom a substantial tea of bread and butter , cake , & c , waa given ; after which they were entertained with dissolving views , songs , and recitations . Many of these were song and delivered by the children themselves , and right cleverly done too . One conld not help being
struck by the change in the little folks ; their ragged clothes showed that needle and thread had been at work , and their faces shone again with a liberal supply of soap and water—the result of the teaching their mothers bad received at the Mothers' Meetings of the Mission , at which Miss Napton , the Lady Superintendent ' s lessons of cleanliness and thrift had evidently taken effect . Funds
did not allow of tbe nsual Irish stew dinner being given on Wednesday , hence the " tea" but it is earnestly hoped tbat sufficient will be received in contributions before next week to enable these poor little people to have at least one more Irish stew dinner ere the season is over . Donations and subscriptions will be gladly received , either by Miss Napton , 304 Burdett-road Limehonse , E ., or by the Director of the Mission , Mr Walter Anstin , 44 Finsbury Pavement , E . C .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original aud only trne . " ~ ' * M | g ^ TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to l mBk * ¦* ¦ its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and +. ffl & P raP id ' y curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural' ¦ ! 3 K ™ S & 1 L 3 Ria , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . -P . KHH-. It acts like a cliarm in Diarrhea , and is tho only specific in •^ f ^^ SsS ^ Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what'ftAOE MAR ^ over 9 ause » soothes and strengthens the system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles ls l $ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Soli' by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 .- Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with muuh pleasure I am ablo to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yonrs faithfully , CHARLES W . OWES , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Oabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few weeks '* onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owin-g to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrafced Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may be seen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , on oir THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on the Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full "Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., afc Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
DANCING . —To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNJIANN receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who have never had the slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable 'ball-daico in a few easy lessons . Private lessons aw hour . Morning and evening classo PEOSPECTCS OJf APP & ICATIOK ' ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BKO . JACQUES WyjorAJrir WIIX BE HAPPI- TO TAKE THE JIAWAGBMENT OF MASOKIC BALIS . FIRSI-CLASS BANDS PBOVIDED .
TESTIMONIALS , TOTES of THANKS , & C ., beautifully ILLUMINATED OS- VEILTJM , and FKAJTED , ready for Presentation , by T . WOODS , SO Chancery-Lane , London , W . C . Names Illuminated on Stewards' Certificates at a reasonable charge ,