Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Diary For The Week.
601—St . John , Wrekin Hotel , Wellington , Salop 851—Brecknock , Castle Hotel , Brecon . 680— Sefton , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool 709—Invicta , Bank-street Hall , Asnford 837 _ pe Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon a 3 fl—Roval Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester
908—Welsh Pool , Railway Station , Welsh Pool 1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Room , Chorlton-cum-Hardy 1393—Hamer , Masonio Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1528—Fort , Masonic Hall , Newquay , Cornwall . 1557—Albert Edward , Bush Hotel , Hexham .
1661—Morecambe . Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1648—Prince of Wales . Free masons' Hall , Salem-streot , Bradford . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonio Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30 K . T . —Eoyal Volunteers , Queens Arms Hotel , George-street , Ashtou-under-Ly
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C . 198— Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1364—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 1622—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester
Notices Of Meetings.
Candour Lodge , No 337 . —The members of this Lodge are building new premises , whioh they purpose occupying in April They have been seeking an abiding place at several public-houses , but propose having a home of their own at last . Some of the brethren have been struggling for years to obtain it , but the oppositionists have
Deen afraid ot the extra cost to the Lodge . Candour Lodge may be considered a good Lodge as to numbers when we bear in mind that it meets in a country village and has upwards of 50 members . It can hoasfe also of about 130 votes for the various Charities and will send a Steward to support its Prov . G . M ., Sir H . Edwards in ' his Chairman-Bhip for the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , and will thus add still more votes . It has also 18 P . M . ' s in the Lodgeall active men
, The brethren will not hold a festival in january , as they hope to have one when they enter their new bujjdj ,,,, . The W . M Bro S Robinson was installed last Lodge night , 1 3 ^ January , by Bro . P . M . ' J . Hirst P . P . J . G . W ., he invested the Office > paaged one Brother , and initiated one . The Lodge was estab ishea in 1812 , with the charter irom Penrith , which had been forfeited by a Locl „ e there % The first books
came from a Lodge which used to be held at the Golden Lion ) Weston , in Cheshire , on the banks of the Dee , bu how they came , and why , there is no record to be found . The firafc meetings noticed in the Dookare ot 1801 , hut there must have been older records . A short time ago an old forged Bank of England Note was found in one of the Dooics 1
; it had been paid into the Bank of England on the 10 th of June 1820 , and they stamped the word "forged" all over it , and sent it Daclc There is a memo on the back that the Lodge got another for " It was sent to the Grand Lodge for contributions , & c , but it had passed through many hands before being found out . It was manufactured in June 1819 .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —As is customary before the meeting of the mother Lodge—which assembled on Friday , the 28 th inst ., for emergency business—the W . M . of the mother Lodge , Bro . Blasby , and his Officers attended at the otar and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Friday evening , 21 st inst . There
were also present Bros . Koe P . M . Preceptor , Andrews P . M ., *• Botley , Brill , Dorey , Monson , Tucker , Lees , Underwood , Daniell , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . JJaniell candidate ; after which Bros . Daniell and Lees answered the
questions leading to the second degree , and retired . Lodge was opened in the second , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , riro . Monson candidate . Lodge was opened in third , and closed to nrst degree . The election of Bro . Monson as W . M . was ordered to stand good for 4 th February . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . ^ mytn s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 25 th instant , tfros . Smyth W . M ., Carr S . W ., WardellJ . W ., Clark S . D ., Christian J . u ., MwardsI . G ., J . Lorkin Sec . ; also Bros . Dallas , Brand , Dignam , iorss , Williams , Lankester , Morant , P . M . Lee . and others . After
pioiimiriaries , Bro . Dignam wss raised to tho sublime degree of master Mason . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . P . M . Leo , W M e i S < 3 d the ceremony of installation , Bro . Brasted acting as M . elect . Tho Lodge was resumed to the first degree . Bro . Carr i ieu UI tho
-- ^ . .. ensuing week . The working of tho Fifteen sections has been postponed till 22 nd February . A vote oF thanks W ? recorded to Bro - P . M . Lee for tho very able manner in which he nau rehearsed the ceremony of installation .
HBMF ^ ^ opold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 — to W i ^' Stevenson ' s , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham Eoad ( close ChviT y . 7 0 wns Janction ) . On Monday , 17 th inst ., Bro . Seymour-CrorT nr „ as WM " supported by Bros . W . H . Myers Preceptor , Loril ^' BW » 1 J . W ., Goddard , Partridge , McDonald , Eobson , due ! ' i- ^ ' Brevetor > and Hildreth . After tho observance of lormahties , Bro . Partrid ge was questioned , entrusted , aud
Notices Of Meetings.
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge being lowered , the first and second sections of tho second lecture were worked by Bro . McDonald , assisted by Bros . Kimbell and Partridge . Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Loring assisted Bro . MoDonald to work the first section . Bro . Crane was elected W . M . for Monday , 31 st Jan ., Lodge was closed in due form . On Monday last , 24 th inst .,
the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro . W . Musto P . M . 1349 , who added to the roll of his Masonic achievements by working tho Fifteen Sections in a masterly manner . Bro . W . H . Myers P . M 820 and 1445 Preceptor actod as I . P . M . The chair of S . W . was most ably filled by Bro . B . Cundick P . M . 1421 , who officiated in that capacity in the unavoidable absence of the veteran Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M .
654 and 933 , whose presence would have increased and added lustre to the above assemblage of the Wise Men of the East . Bro . Hildreth acted as J . W ., Bro . Seymour-Clarke Sec . After preliminaries , the W . M . was assisted in his Masonio working by the following brethren : First Lecture—Bros . Loring , Macgregor , Robson , Goddard , McDonald , Pavitt , and McDonald ; Second Lecture—Bros . Kimbell
Partridge , F . C . Fenn , Cnndick , and Worsley ; Third Lecture—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Job , and Myers . Lodge being resumed in the first degree , votes of thanks were unanimously given to the W . M . for his excellent working , the S . W . for his able services , and also to those brethren who , by their thorough efficiency in their responses whilst working the several sections , had so greatly added to the gratification
and enlightenment of those present . Bro . Worsley' 860 , the worthy Sec , and Bro . Pavitt , " Mine Host , " of the Friars Lodge of Instruction , and also Bro . Hildreth , were then elected hon . members , that compliment having long since been passed to the W . M . and S . W . We were pleased to welcome as visitors Bros . John Constable 185 , W . J . Smith 860 , Wooding and Couture 1306 , Eobson 960 . S . Crane 933
Wendover and Fenn 171 , Bellerbee 65 , Harlow 1613 , R . Bayley 45 , Guthrie , and many others , though the inclement weather prevented several from attending who had promised to support the W . M ., but who thus missed the pleasure afforded by so many able exponents of Masonio Craft Ritual . Bros . Fenn , Wooding , Bellerbee , Smith 860 , Couture , Robson 960 , A . W . Guthrie , and R . Bailey , were elected members . Lodge was closed in due form .
Hemming Lodge , Ho . 1512 , Hampton . —Notwithstanding the desperate state of the weather , the brethren mustered in sufficienfc force to open Lodge within a few minutes of the time appointed on Thursday , 20 th instant . Bro . T . W . Ockenden W . M . presided , assisted by Bros . P . M . 's Jessett I . P . M ., T . C . Walls S . W ., E . Hopwood Treasurer acting J . W ., W . Hammond Secretary , Tozer ,
Herbert Jones , H . Tozer , Ballard , and Gilbert Tyler . The Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting 8 th November , and of emergency meetings , 18 th December and 6 th January , read and confirmed , the Worshipful Master proceeded to initiate Messrs . Ransford and Dohoo into the mysteries of the Craft . Another candidate for initiation , and also a brother for
passing , were absent , through illness , and a large number of members forwarded apologies for non-attendance , pleading stress of weather and snow-bound quarters . Indeed , it was a matter of congratulation to the W . M . that as many as nearly a dozen true and trusty brethren were present , who had ventured to brave the elements , aud face the
fatigues of a journey either from town or the neighbouring districts . After the Lodge was closed , the brethren spent a couple of hours most harmoniously at the supper table , the Tyler ' s toast bringing the proceedings to a close at ten o ' clock . Since the meeting a very kind communication from the R . W . Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett Prov .
Grand Master has been received by the W . M ., regretting inability to attend , in consequence of being snowed up in the Provinces . The next meeting will he held on Thursday , 18 th February .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction met at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's , on Monday last , when there was a good number of brethren present . This being an offnight the first , second , and third degrees were rehearsed by the following brethren : —Bro . Keeble S . D . The Great City , first ; Baker J . W . Grosvenor , second ; Bro . Van Raalte W . M . Cosmopolitan , third . On the motion of Bro .
Pennefather , that the hour of meeting be altered from 8 to 7 p . m ., the brethren were unanimous that the latter would be better . Consequently , on and after Monday next , the members will meet at 7 p . m . Brethren wishing to become proficient in Masonic Ritual will receive a hearty greeting . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by the W . M . of the Royal Albert Lodge on the last Monday in February .
BPPS'S COCOA . GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and b y a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be graduall y built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , aud a properly nourislied frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
601—St . John , Wrekin Hotel , Wellington , Salop 851—Brecknock , Castle Hotel , Brecon . 680— Sefton , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool 709—Invicta , Bank-street Hall , Asnford 837 _ pe Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon a 3 fl—Roval Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester
908—Welsh Pool , Railway Station , Welsh Pool 1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Room , Chorlton-cum-Hardy 1393—Hamer , Masonio Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1528—Fort , Masonic Hall , Newquay , Cornwall . 1557—Albert Edward , Bush Hotel , Hexham .
1661—Morecambe . Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1648—Prince of Wales . Free masons' Hall , Salem-streot , Bradford . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonio Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30 K . T . —Eoyal Volunteers , Queens Arms Hotel , George-street , Ashtou-under-Ly
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C . 198— Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1364—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 1622—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester
Notices Of Meetings.
Candour Lodge , No 337 . —The members of this Lodge are building new premises , whioh they purpose occupying in April They have been seeking an abiding place at several public-houses , but propose having a home of their own at last . Some of the brethren have been struggling for years to obtain it , but the oppositionists have
Deen afraid ot the extra cost to the Lodge . Candour Lodge may be considered a good Lodge as to numbers when we bear in mind that it meets in a country village and has upwards of 50 members . It can hoasfe also of about 130 votes for the various Charities and will send a Steward to support its Prov . G . M ., Sir H . Edwards in ' his Chairman-Bhip for the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , and will thus add still more votes . It has also 18 P . M . ' s in the Lodgeall active men
, The brethren will not hold a festival in january , as they hope to have one when they enter their new bujjdj ,,,, . The W . M Bro S Robinson was installed last Lodge night , 1 3 ^ January , by Bro . P . M . ' J . Hirst P . P . J . G . W ., he invested the Office > paaged one Brother , and initiated one . The Lodge was estab ishea in 1812 , with the charter irom Penrith , which had been forfeited by a Locl „ e there % The first books
came from a Lodge which used to be held at the Golden Lion ) Weston , in Cheshire , on the banks of the Dee , bu how they came , and why , there is no record to be found . The firafc meetings noticed in the Dookare ot 1801 , hut there must have been older records . A short time ago an old forged Bank of England Note was found in one of the Dooics 1
; it had been paid into the Bank of England on the 10 th of June 1820 , and they stamped the word "forged" all over it , and sent it Daclc There is a memo on the back that the Lodge got another for " It was sent to the Grand Lodge for contributions , & c , but it had passed through many hands before being found out . It was manufactured in June 1819 .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —As is customary before the meeting of the mother Lodge—which assembled on Friday , the 28 th inst ., for emergency business—the W . M . of the mother Lodge , Bro . Blasby , and his Officers attended at the otar and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Friday evening , 21 st inst . There
were also present Bros . Koe P . M . Preceptor , Andrews P . M ., *• Botley , Brill , Dorey , Monson , Tucker , Lees , Underwood , Daniell , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . JJaniell candidate ; after which Bros . Daniell and Lees answered the
questions leading to the second degree , and retired . Lodge was opened in the second , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , riro . Monson candidate . Lodge was opened in third , and closed to nrst degree . The election of Bro . Monson as W . M . was ordered to stand good for 4 th February . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . ^ mytn s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 25 th instant , tfros . Smyth W . M ., Carr S . W ., WardellJ . W ., Clark S . D ., Christian J . u ., MwardsI . G ., J . Lorkin Sec . ; also Bros . Dallas , Brand , Dignam , iorss , Williams , Lankester , Morant , P . M . Lee . and others . After
pioiimiriaries , Bro . Dignam wss raised to tho sublime degree of master Mason . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . P . M . Leo , W M e i S < 3 d the ceremony of installation , Bro . Brasted acting as M . elect . Tho Lodge was resumed to the first degree . Bro . Carr i ieu UI tho
-- ^ . .. ensuing week . The working of tho Fifteen sections has been postponed till 22 nd February . A vote oF thanks W ? recorded to Bro - P . M . Lee for tho very able manner in which he nau rehearsed the ceremony of installation .
HBMF ^ ^ opold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 — to W i ^' Stevenson ' s , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham Eoad ( close ChviT y . 7 0 wns Janction ) . On Monday , 17 th inst ., Bro . Seymour-CrorT nr „ as WM " supported by Bros . W . H . Myers Preceptor , Loril ^' BW » 1 J . W ., Goddard , Partridge , McDonald , Eobson , due ! ' i- ^ ' Brevetor > and Hildreth . After tho observance of lormahties , Bro . Partrid ge was questioned , entrusted , aud
Notices Of Meetings.
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge being lowered , the first and second sections of tho second lecture were worked by Bro . McDonald , assisted by Bros . Kimbell and Partridge . Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Loring assisted Bro . MoDonald to work the first section . Bro . Crane was elected W . M . for Monday , 31 st Jan ., Lodge was closed in due form . On Monday last , 24 th inst .,
the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro . W . Musto P . M . 1349 , who added to the roll of his Masonic achievements by working tho Fifteen Sections in a masterly manner . Bro . W . H . Myers P . M 820 and 1445 Preceptor actod as I . P . M . The chair of S . W . was most ably filled by Bro . B . Cundick P . M . 1421 , who officiated in that capacity in the unavoidable absence of the veteran Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M .
654 and 933 , whose presence would have increased and added lustre to the above assemblage of the Wise Men of the East . Bro . Hildreth acted as J . W ., Bro . Seymour-Clarke Sec . After preliminaries , the W . M . was assisted in his Masonio working by the following brethren : First Lecture—Bros . Loring , Macgregor , Robson , Goddard , McDonald , Pavitt , and McDonald ; Second Lecture—Bros . Kimbell
Partridge , F . C . Fenn , Cnndick , and Worsley ; Third Lecture—Bros . I . P . Cohen , Job , and Myers . Lodge being resumed in the first degree , votes of thanks were unanimously given to the W . M . for his excellent working , the S . W . for his able services , and also to those brethren who , by their thorough efficiency in their responses whilst working the several sections , had so greatly added to the gratification
and enlightenment of those present . Bro . Worsley' 860 , the worthy Sec , and Bro . Pavitt , " Mine Host , " of the Friars Lodge of Instruction , and also Bro . Hildreth , were then elected hon . members , that compliment having long since been passed to the W . M . and S . W . We were pleased to welcome as visitors Bros . John Constable 185 , W . J . Smith 860 , Wooding and Couture 1306 , Eobson 960 . S . Crane 933
Wendover and Fenn 171 , Bellerbee 65 , Harlow 1613 , R . Bayley 45 , Guthrie , and many others , though the inclement weather prevented several from attending who had promised to support the W . M ., but who thus missed the pleasure afforded by so many able exponents of Masonio Craft Ritual . Bros . Fenn , Wooding , Bellerbee , Smith 860 , Couture , Robson 960 , A . W . Guthrie , and R . Bailey , were elected members . Lodge was closed in due form .
Hemming Lodge , Ho . 1512 , Hampton . —Notwithstanding the desperate state of the weather , the brethren mustered in sufficienfc force to open Lodge within a few minutes of the time appointed on Thursday , 20 th instant . Bro . T . W . Ockenden W . M . presided , assisted by Bros . P . M . 's Jessett I . P . M ., T . C . Walls S . W ., E . Hopwood Treasurer acting J . W ., W . Hammond Secretary , Tozer ,
Herbert Jones , H . Tozer , Ballard , and Gilbert Tyler . The Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting 8 th November , and of emergency meetings , 18 th December and 6 th January , read and confirmed , the Worshipful Master proceeded to initiate Messrs . Ransford and Dohoo into the mysteries of the Craft . Another candidate for initiation , and also a brother for
passing , were absent , through illness , and a large number of members forwarded apologies for non-attendance , pleading stress of weather and snow-bound quarters . Indeed , it was a matter of congratulation to the W . M . that as many as nearly a dozen true and trusty brethren were present , who had ventured to brave the elements , aud face the
fatigues of a journey either from town or the neighbouring districts . After the Lodge was closed , the brethren spent a couple of hours most harmoniously at the supper table , the Tyler ' s toast bringing the proceedings to a close at ten o ' clock . Since the meeting a very kind communication from the R . W . Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett Prov .
Grand Master has been received by the W . M ., regretting inability to attend , in consequence of being snowed up in the Provinces . The next meeting will he held on Thursday , 18 th February .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction met at the Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's , on Monday last , when there was a good number of brethren present . This being an offnight the first , second , and third degrees were rehearsed by the following brethren : —Bro . Keeble S . D . The Great City , first ; Baker J . W . Grosvenor , second ; Bro . Van Raalte W . M . Cosmopolitan , third . On the motion of Bro .
Pennefather , that the hour of meeting be altered from 8 to 7 p . m ., the brethren were unanimous that the latter would be better . Consequently , on and after Monday next , the members will meet at 7 p . m . Brethren wishing to become proficient in Masonic Ritual will receive a hearty greeting . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by the W . M . of the Royal Albert Lodge on the last Monday in February .
BPPS'S COCOA . GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and b y a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be graduall y built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , aud a properly nourislied frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .