Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ST. AMBROSE LODGE, No. 1891. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee 0 / good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am very glad you have drawn attention to the smallness of the annual subsidies paid by Grand Lodge to onr Schools . It is quite true , as your correspondent "ANSKLM" states , that , in return for its contribution of £ 800 per annum , the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in its jurisdiction are entitled to
certain votes—two at each election to the Male Fund , and one at each to the Widows' Fund . So , for the matter of that , do the M . E . Z . ' s of the different Chapters , in return for the contributions of Grand Chapter . But though , as " ANSELM " says , that may make the inequality less real as between the grant to the Benevolent and those to the Sohools . that is no consolation to the latter . I see no
reason why any votes should be given in return , but if they must , I should say Bros . Binckes and Hedges would raise no objection to a similar allotment of votes in return for a large grant ; at all events , I should think they would rather do so than receive the present Small , if unconditional , grant . For instance , suppose Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter increased their respective grants to the sums you
suggest—namely , £ 500 and £ 52 10 s—the additional amount would enable eaoh School to add ten more pupils to its strength . What an incalculable advantage this would be in the case of the Boys ' School may be judged from the fact that at the present time there is a list of seventy-six approved candidates for the twenty vacancies which will be balloted for in April next . Now Grand Lodge and
Grand Chapter between them educate four boys and four girls , but in that event , they would be educating fourteen in eaoh Institution . There is this further point to be taken into consideration . In 1839 the grant of £ 150 was an appreciable fraction—say roughly a tenthof the whole income of each School ; now it is a mere flea-bite , being about a hundredth part of what is raised by the voluntary
contributions of the Craft . As Bro . Binckes has pointed out , if the payment of half-a-crown per certificate had not been commuted into an annual grant of £ 150 , each School would now be in receipt of £ 1200 annually from Grand Lodge alone . Grand Chapter recognises the moderation of its annual snbsidv bv its freauent liberal contributions
of a special character . According to Grand Lodge Calendar , however , the last time Grand Lodge made a special grant was in the year 1856 , or quite a quarter of a century ago . I remain ,
Faithfully and fraternally yours , A . L . T . London , 26 th January 1881 .
The St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891.
THE ST . AMBROSE LODGE , No . 1891 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASONS CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Being a constant reader of matters re ferring to the Craft , I was much struck with the following para graph : — " Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary of England , con
secrated the St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 , on Friday , the 15 th inst ., * at the Baron's Court Hotel , West Kensington , ably assisted by Bros , the Rev . R . J . Simpson M . A . P . G . C ., Capt . Nathaniel G . Philips P . G . D ., Hugh D . Sandeman Past D . G . M . of Bengal , and Frank Bichardson G . S . D . Bro . the Rev . Ambrose Wm . Hall M . A . P . S . G . W .
Surrey , Chaplain to the Prince of Wales Lodge No . 259 , was installed W . M ., who appointed and invested Bros . Lieut-Col . H . S . Somorville Burney Senior Warden , and Dr . W . H . Ramsay P . M . 259 Junior Warden . A report of the interesting proceedings will appear in our next . "
This appeared in the Freemason of the 22 nd inst . The date on which the ceremony of Consecration took place was the evening of the 21 st , on the morning of which day the above paper was issued . The comrmnjioation may be considered of a prophetic nature . Do the facts justify the foresight of the day ? No doubt it would be a credit to any member belonging to the F . F . F .
Yours faithfully , AN OLD BUT JUST BROTHER P . S . —Friday was not the 15 th .
Ihc ceremony of installation will be rehearsed in the Metropolitan J ^ od ge of Instruction , meeting at the Moorgate , Moorgate-street , on Monday next ) at ^ 3 fJ p m _ puncfcuallV ) bv Bro , j _ T- Briggs P . M . 157 and W . M . 1732 . Members of the Craft are cordially invited to attend .
TUNCING . —Bro . JACQUES WYNMAN , Professor of Dancing , w ? M , n , ? 1 V 0 S d . aiIy mat « icticm in all tho faslucmaMo Dance 3 to those who are Pnm ? Hl ^ , " , lS wl 0 fl ^ - p"vftf . o lessons at , any time , bv appointment . ¦ "nines attended . Balls conducted , and first class Hands provided if desired . ¦ a-ssemblies every Mondav and Thursday , at Eight o'clock . PSOSPXCTVa OK APPIICAKOff . ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of tho Supromo Grand Chapter will be hold at Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., on Wednesday , tho 2 nd day of February next , at 6 o'clock in the evening , punctually . Business : —The Minutes of tho last Quarterly Convocation will bo
read for Confirmation . After which the following Report of tho Cotumitteo of Gouoral Purposes will be submitted to the Supremo Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to Report that they have examined the Accounts from tho 20 th October 1880 to tho 18 th January 1881 , both inclusive , which they find to bo as follows : —
£ s d £ s d Balance G . Chapter -1767 9 1 Disbursements during „ Unappropriated the Quarter - - 1089 6 fi Account - 181 7 7 Balance .... 1041 7 9 Subsequent Receipts 362 13 8 „ in Unappropriated Account - - 180 16 0 £ 2311 10 4 £ 2311 10 4
whioh Balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received tho following petitions : — 1 st . From Companions Charles Heywood as Z ., Charles Fitzgerald
Matier H ., Carl Johann Wilhelm Gotz as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Humphrey Chotham Lodge , No . 615 , Manchester , to be called " The Humphrey Chetham Chapter , " and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester .
2 nd . From Companions John Segond as Z ., Hamilton Stilton as H ., the Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge , No . 515 , Malta , to be called " The Resurrection Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Hall , Valetta , Malta .
3 rd . From Companions Joseph Loxdale Warren as Z ., John Boden . ham as H ., Thomas Wood as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , No . 726 , Stafford , to be called " The Royal Chartley Chapter of Fortitude , " and to meet at the North Western Hotel , Stafford .
4 th . From Companions John Higson Johnston as Z ., Frederick King Stevenson as H ., Charles Philip Tithorley as J ., and ten others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Fermor Hesketh Lodge , No . 1350 , Liverpool , to be called " The Fermor Hesketh Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool .
The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , Grand Treasurer , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Wth January 1881 .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE General Committee of the Royal Institution for Girls was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday afternoon . There were present Bros . Colonel Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , James Peters , Frank Richardson , J . H . Matthews , Charles H . Webb , H . Massey , A . H . Tattershall , Thomas Massa , Joshua Nunn , Peter de Lande Long , J . A . Rucker , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary . On
the motion of Bro . Frank Richardson , seconded by Bro . Colonel Peters , the salaries of the teachers were slightly increased , and two more teachers were placed on the staff , in consequence of the large addition to the School since tho acquisition of Lyncombo House . Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . gave notice of motion for next
meeting for adding £ 100 a year to tho salary of the Secretary , from 1 st January 1880 , in consequence of his great exertions on behalf of the Institution , and the successful result of these exertions . One candidate was placed on the list for election in Ootober , and the Committee then adjourned .
Royal Arch.
AT the regular Convocation of this Chapter , held at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , on Monday , tho 4 th inst ., Most Excellent Companion Viscount Ebrington—for whose exaltation , without having passed through tho regular offices , a dispensation had been received by the Chapter from His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales Supreme Grand Z . —was installed successively iu the throe
chairs of J ., H ., and Z . Ex . Comps . Rev . T . Lotnou and Alfred Latimer , who had occupied the chairs of H . and J . during tho past year , were again placed in their respective offices for another year . The M . E . Z . then appointed his Officers for the ensuing year as follow : —Ex . Comps . T . Bayly Treasurer , R . H . Rae Scribe E ., G . R . Barrett Scribe N ., George Jackson P . Sojourner . Comp .
Jackson not being present , his collar was received for him by Cotnp . Croyden , who , on his behalf , appointed Comps . Swiss and Haswell as S . S . and J . S . Ex . Comp . Spence Bate received the collar of Past Z . for Ex . Comp . T . Waldow How , who was also absent . The ceremony of exaltation was ably performed by Ex . Comps . Rae and Curteis .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee 0 / good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am very glad you have drawn attention to the smallness of the annual subsidies paid by Grand Lodge to onr Schools . It is quite true , as your correspondent "ANSKLM" states , that , in return for its contribution of £ 800 per annum , the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in its jurisdiction are entitled to
certain votes—two at each election to the Male Fund , and one at each to the Widows' Fund . So , for the matter of that , do the M . E . Z . ' s of the different Chapters , in return for the contributions of Grand Chapter . But though , as " ANSELM " says , that may make the inequality less real as between the grant to the Benevolent and those to the Sohools . that is no consolation to the latter . I see no
reason why any votes should be given in return , but if they must , I should say Bros . Binckes and Hedges would raise no objection to a similar allotment of votes in return for a large grant ; at all events , I should think they would rather do so than receive the present Small , if unconditional , grant . For instance , suppose Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter increased their respective grants to the sums you
suggest—namely , £ 500 and £ 52 10 s—the additional amount would enable eaoh School to add ten more pupils to its strength . What an incalculable advantage this would be in the case of the Boys ' School may be judged from the fact that at the present time there is a list of seventy-six approved candidates for the twenty vacancies which will be balloted for in April next . Now Grand Lodge and
Grand Chapter between them educate four boys and four girls , but in that event , they would be educating fourteen in eaoh Institution . There is this further point to be taken into consideration . In 1839 the grant of £ 150 was an appreciable fraction—say roughly a tenthof the whole income of each School ; now it is a mere flea-bite , being about a hundredth part of what is raised by the voluntary
contributions of the Craft . As Bro . Binckes has pointed out , if the payment of half-a-crown per certificate had not been commuted into an annual grant of £ 150 , each School would now be in receipt of £ 1200 annually from Grand Lodge alone . Grand Chapter recognises the moderation of its annual snbsidv bv its freauent liberal contributions
of a special character . According to Grand Lodge Calendar , however , the last time Grand Lodge made a special grant was in the year 1856 , or quite a quarter of a century ago . I remain ,
Faithfully and fraternally yours , A . L . T . London , 26 th January 1881 .
The St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891.
THE ST . AMBROSE LODGE , No . 1891 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASONS CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Being a constant reader of matters re ferring to the Craft , I was much struck with the following para graph : — " Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary of England , con
secrated the St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 , on Friday , the 15 th inst ., * at the Baron's Court Hotel , West Kensington , ably assisted by Bros , the Rev . R . J . Simpson M . A . P . G . C ., Capt . Nathaniel G . Philips P . G . D ., Hugh D . Sandeman Past D . G . M . of Bengal , and Frank Bichardson G . S . D . Bro . the Rev . Ambrose Wm . Hall M . A . P . S . G . W .
Surrey , Chaplain to the Prince of Wales Lodge No . 259 , was installed W . M ., who appointed and invested Bros . Lieut-Col . H . S . Somorville Burney Senior Warden , and Dr . W . H . Ramsay P . M . 259 Junior Warden . A report of the interesting proceedings will appear in our next . "
This appeared in the Freemason of the 22 nd inst . The date on which the ceremony of Consecration took place was the evening of the 21 st , on the morning of which day the above paper was issued . The comrmnjioation may be considered of a prophetic nature . Do the facts justify the foresight of the day ? No doubt it would be a credit to any member belonging to the F . F . F .
Yours faithfully , AN OLD BUT JUST BROTHER P . S . —Friday was not the 15 th .
Ihc ceremony of installation will be rehearsed in the Metropolitan J ^ od ge of Instruction , meeting at the Moorgate , Moorgate-street , on Monday next ) at ^ 3 fJ p m _ puncfcuallV ) bv Bro , j _ T- Briggs P . M . 157 and W . M . 1732 . Members of the Craft are cordially invited to attend .
TUNCING . —Bro . JACQUES WYNMAN , Professor of Dancing , w ? M , n , ? 1 V 0 S d . aiIy mat « icticm in all tho faslucmaMo Dance 3 to those who are Pnm ? Hl ^ , " , lS wl 0 fl ^ - p"vftf . o lessons at , any time , bv appointment . ¦ "nines attended . Balls conducted , and first class Hands provided if desired . ¦ a-ssemblies every Mondav and Thursday , at Eight o'clock . PSOSPXCTVa OK APPIICAKOff . ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of tho Supromo Grand Chapter will be hold at Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., on Wednesday , tho 2 nd day of February next , at 6 o'clock in the evening , punctually . Business : —The Minutes of tho last Quarterly Convocation will bo
read for Confirmation . After which the following Report of tho Cotumitteo of Gouoral Purposes will be submitted to the Supremo Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to Report that they have examined the Accounts from tho 20 th October 1880 to tho 18 th January 1881 , both inclusive , which they find to bo as follows : —
£ s d £ s d Balance G . Chapter -1767 9 1 Disbursements during „ Unappropriated the Quarter - - 1089 6 fi Account - 181 7 7 Balance .... 1041 7 9 Subsequent Receipts 362 13 8 „ in Unappropriated Account - - 180 16 0 £ 2311 10 4 £ 2311 10 4
whioh Balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received tho following petitions : — 1 st . From Companions Charles Heywood as Z ., Charles Fitzgerald
Matier H ., Carl Johann Wilhelm Gotz as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Humphrey Chotham Lodge , No . 615 , Manchester , to be called " The Humphrey Chetham Chapter , " and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester .
2 nd . From Companions John Segond as Z ., Hamilton Stilton as H ., the Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge , No . 515 , Malta , to be called " The Resurrection Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Hall , Valetta , Malta .
3 rd . From Companions Joseph Loxdale Warren as Z ., John Boden . ham as H ., Thomas Wood as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , No . 726 , Stafford , to be called " The Royal Chartley Chapter of Fortitude , " and to meet at the North Western Hotel , Stafford .
4 th . From Companions John Higson Johnston as Z ., Frederick King Stevenson as H ., Charles Philip Tithorley as J ., and ten others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Fermor Hesketh Lodge , No . 1350 , Liverpool , to be called " The Fermor Hesketh Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool .
The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , Grand Treasurer , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Wth January 1881 .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE General Committee of the Royal Institution for Girls was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday afternoon . There were present Bros . Colonel Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , James Peters , Frank Richardson , J . H . Matthews , Charles H . Webb , H . Massey , A . H . Tattershall , Thomas Massa , Joshua Nunn , Peter de Lande Long , J . A . Rucker , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary . On
the motion of Bro . Frank Richardson , seconded by Bro . Colonel Peters , the salaries of the teachers were slightly increased , and two more teachers were placed on the staff , in consequence of the large addition to the School since tho acquisition of Lyncombo House . Bro . Joshua Nunn P . G . S . B . gave notice of motion for next
meeting for adding £ 100 a year to tho salary of the Secretary , from 1 st January 1880 , in consequence of his great exertions on behalf of the Institution , and the successful result of these exertions . One candidate was placed on the list for election in Ootober , and the Committee then adjourned .
Royal Arch.
AT the regular Convocation of this Chapter , held at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , on Monday , tho 4 th inst ., Most Excellent Companion Viscount Ebrington—for whose exaltation , without having passed through tho regular offices , a dispensation had been received by the Chapter from His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales Supreme Grand Z . —was installed successively iu the throe
chairs of J ., H ., and Z . Ex . Comps . Rev . T . Lotnou and Alfred Latimer , who had occupied the chairs of H . and J . during tho past year , were again placed in their respective offices for another year . The M . E . Z . then appointed his Officers for the ensuing year as follow : —Ex . Comps . T . Bayly Treasurer , R . H . Rae Scribe E ., G . R . Barrett Scribe N ., George Jackson P . Sojourner . Comp .
Jackson not being present , his collar was received for him by Cotnp . Croyden , who , on his behalf , appointed Comps . Swiss and Haswell as S . S . and J . S . Ex . Comp . Spence Bate received the collar of Past Z . for Ex . Comp . T . Waldow How , who was also absent . The ceremony of exaltation was ably performed by Ex . Comps . Rae and Curteis .