Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF PRUDENT BRETHREN, No. 145 Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — UNITED MARINERS' LODGE , No . 30 .
rpiIE annual Installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Tnes-J flay , the 18 th , at the Guildhall Tavern , when there was a very large attendance of brethren and visitors , under the presidency of Bro . Joseph Clark , tho retiring Worshipful Master , who was supported by Bros . Hiram Cosedge S . W . and W . M . elect , J . W . Crossley J . W ., C . Davey " [ . P . M ., Joseph Hariing P . M . Treas ., Joseph Driscoll P . M . Hon . Sec , J . Shipley S . D .. T . M . Smith . P . M ., R . Lofeaux P . M ., W .
Ansell P . M ., F . Bethell P . M ., Alfred Thomas Gladwell P . M ., S . Sampson , Louis Steingraber , N . Fasshobor , James Linscott , T . Hoblein , J . Hildrath , F . Campbell , John Lewis , & c . Visitors—Bros . James B . Crossloy 1673 , H . Nash 150 , F . M . Hariing 1139 , J , Richardson 183 , C . II . Gray 1704 , E . G . Crusoe 1704 , G . T . Jones P . M . 751 , R . P . Tate W . M . 864 , John Jacobs 1614 , W . Manger P . M . 1314 ,
T . H . Thompson 1580 , E . H . Atkinson 1622 , W . H . G . Ruddevforth P . M . 1668 , Sampson Dodden P . M ., A . Tisley J . D . 8 , G . W . Cuallis P . M . 657 , Charles Fountain P . M . 1216 , & c . Lodge was opened with tho usual formalitios at fivo o ' clock , when the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed , and the anditor ' s-report , showing the Lodge to bo in a satisfactory condition , was received and adopted . Lodge
was then advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Lampen was passed to Fellow Craft by the W . M ., assisted by his Officers . Bro . Hiram Cosedge was then presented for installation as the W . M . for the ensuing year , and having expressed himself willing to undertake the responsibility , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , the rest of the brethren withdrawing during the installation ceremony .
On the re-admission into Lodge , the newly-installed Master was greeted with the usual salutations , the impressive charges being delivered with much effect and precision by Past Master Bro . Joseph Driscoll , whose working was evidently greatly admired by the brethren and visitors alike . Bro . Cosedge then invested his Officers for the year , the collars being thus bestowed : —Bros . Joseph Clark I . P . M .,
J . W . Crossley S . W ., Joshua Shipley J . W ., Joseph Driscoll P . M . Hon . Sec , Joseph Hariing P . M . Treasurer , T . E . Davey S . D ., James Linscott J . D ., John Lewis I . G ., Louis Steingraber D . C ., Charles Davey P . M . W . S . Some other business having been transacted , Lodge was closed in form , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided in Messrs . Ritter and Clifford ' s best style . The
Loyal and Craft toasts haviug been most cordially received . Bro . Joseph Clark I . P . M . proposed the health of the newlyinstalled Worshipful Master , in doing which he said Bro . Cosedge had admirably filled all the various offices leading up to the chair , and they all hoped he might have health and strength vouchsafed to him by tho G . A . O . T . TJ . to fulfil the duties of the exalted
position to which he had just been elevated . He was a true and thorough Mason , and in that terribly inclement weather he had experienced great difficulty in reaching Lodge . He expressed the sincere hope that Bro . Cosedge might have a happy and successful year of office , and that tho brethren would rally round him in the discharge of his arduous duties . The Worshipful Master , in
responding , thanked his immediate Past Master for the kindly expressions he had used towards him . He could only hope he might approach Bro . Clark ' s excellent working , and took the opportunity of thanking the several P . M . ' s and other brethren who had assisted him in fitting himself for the position to which , by the kindness of the Lodgo , he had that day been elevated . He shonld certainly not have
discharged his duties creditably had it not been for the valuable aid he had received , and if he had not found brethren to give him the exact cue when it was needed . If he turned out as good a Mason as his immediate Past Master had done , he should be most happy , for he regarded Masonry as one of the best institutions a man could possibly be attached to . In proposing the health of the I . P . M ., he
must say that during his year of office he had discharged his duties in a manner that was a pattern to the Craft , and it had been a pleasure to all his Officers to work under him . He ( the speaker ) only hoped that , at the end of his year of office , the brethren would be as satisfied with him as they must all bo with Bro Clark . He had now the ntmost pleasure in presenting their I . P . M .,
on behalf of the Lodge , with a Past Master's jewel , and he could only expross the wish that he might have health and strength to wear it for many years to come , as a mark of the esteem and affection entertained towards him by tho brethren , and of their recognition of tho admirable manner in which ho had carried on the duties of his office . Bro . Joseph Clark I . P . M ., who was received with prolonged
applause , could only inadequately thank the company for the great honour they had conferred upon him that day . It had been his ambition to discharge faithfully and well all the duties he was called upon to undertake , and to fill the chair in his mother Lodge . That wish had been realised , and he could not do move than heartily thank those excellent Officers who bad rendered him such valuable assiatance
during his year of office . Ho hoped tho wish expressed by tho W . M . might bo fulfilled—that he might live many years to wear the beautiful jewel winch they had so generously presented him , and that he mig ht bo in some measure useful in promoting tho best interests of tho Lodge . A pleasing incident occurred during the evening , in the presentation by the [ . P . M . of a handsome cigar case , in morocco
leather and gold , to Bro . Joseph Driscoll P . M ., tho esteemed Hon . Secretory of " the Lodge . On it wore inscribed the Masonic emblems and "J . D ., 18 S 1 . " Accompanying the gift was the following letter : " liro . Joseph Clark presents his compliments to his dear Secretary , Bro . Joseph Driscoll , and bogs his acceptance of tho accompanying cigar case , ns a , slig ht , mark of his appreciation of tho very great
kindness shown tow . 'uxL- him during his year of office a . s W . M . of this his mother Lodge of United Mariners , No . 30 . " The W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " acknowledged the great and valuable assistance he had at all times received from them , and regretted that tho Lodge was about to loso tho presence and aid of P . M . Bro . F . Bethel I i . i the futuro . Bro . Joseph Driscoll P . M . thanked
Installation Meetings, &C.
the W . M . sincerely for the kind manner in which he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the cordiality with which they had received it . The United Mariners had a history which few others could boast , and it had possessed some of the most eloquent and able Masons , who had embollished the position which they held in its ranks . He carried their memories back to the earlv part of the century ,
from the year that Bro . P . Matthews filled the chair—one of the most eloquent of Preceptors , —referred also to Bro . Barnes , and others who laboured on in splendid manner to carry out the advancement of the Boys' School , and especially to establish the annual Festivals . It was their duty in the present day to try and emulate the good oxample set by tho pioneers of the Lodge . They had done so in the
past , and would still continue to try and deserve tho friendship and esteem of the younger members , who should be encouraged to elevate themselves to the highest positions in the Lodge . Bro . F . Bethell P . M . also responded , in doing which he thanked Bro . Driscoll for his eloquent speech , which really left him little to say . As the Wor . "Master had observed , he ( the speaker ) was about to leave for
Canada , and he should be sorry to sever his connection with the Lodge , because it was here he had the honour of initiation , and it was this Lodge he had the honour of representing at the installation of the Prince of Wales at Albert Hall . He therefore esteemed his connection with the Lodge as a great pleasure and honour , and hoped to return and meet with the brethren for many years to come . Bro .
Ansell P . M . said , after many years' connection with the Lodge he felt thoroughly at home amongst his friends and compeers , and he urged upon the brethren to give all the support they could to the Charities , whioh were the noble landmarks of their anoient and honourable In . stitntion . The Worshipful Master then gave the Visitors , of whom he was pleased to see so large a number present , and the toast was
received with special honours . Bros . F . M . Hariing and Sampson Doden responded , each referred to the exemplary manner in which the business of the Lodge was conducted . Several complimentary toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent vocal and instrumental musio , whilst a recitation by Bro . Driscoll P . M . was intensely relished by the company . Altogether the proceedings were of the most agreeable and harmonious description .
Lodge Of Prudent Brethren, No. 145
THE installation meeting of this ancient , flourishing , and excellent working Lodge , was held on the 25 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , and was numerously attended by the members and Visitors . A new and appropriate Lodge summons had been issued , which was most deservedly commended for its artistic beauty . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . R . Lister ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson S . W ., C . A . Woods J . W ., T . Bull P . M .
Treas . P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Kerrell J . D ., and Curtis I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . H . Leggott , G . S . States P . G . S ., Purkess , and Haslett . The Visitors were Bros . J . Bingemann P . M . 55 and 1599 , Venn P . M . 49 , Lovegrove P . G . S . W . Middlesex , Docker W . M . 1587 , C . J . Perceval P . M . 1607 , Captain Finch P . M . 34 , Foxley 173 , E . Lloyd 1287 , Aide 1305 , C . Marriner 1669 , Pocock 569 , Santer 167 , Latreille
1260 , Speller 217 , Hume 259 , Dawson 179 , Green P . M . 27 , R . Roberts P . M . 209 , Wilkinson J . W . 92 , Bohn 92 , Pringle 92 , Carter P . M . 382 , T . DistiD , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Dr . W . Wilkinson S . W . and W . M . elect was presented and duly installed into the chair by the retiring
W . M ., whose rendering of the ceremony deserves espeoial praise . There were fourteen Installed Masters present . The new W . M ., in very appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers . W . R . Lister I . P . M ., C . A . Woods g . W ., A . Kerrell J . W ., T . Bull P . M . Treasurer , E . H . Thiellay P . G . S . B . Middlesex Secretary , J . Curtis S . D ., J . Reid J . D ., H . Brock I . G-., G . Banks D . C ., W . F . Master W . S .,
J . D . Lambe A . W . S ., and Reinhardt Tyler . The W . M ., with great pleasure , had now to present Bro . Lister I . P . M . with a testimonial worthy of him ; this took the shape of a Past Master ' s jewel j a jewel ( the W . M . said ) Bro . Lister well deserved , for the admirable manner in which he had conducted the duties of the Lodge during his year of office . Bro . Listor I . P . M ., in reply , thanked the W . M .
for the kind expressions he had uttered . He had spoken of the manner ho had conducted the duties of tho Lodge ; his aims ever were for the welfare of it ; and now while he occupied the proud position of a P . M ., it would be a further incentive to him to do all he could for it . He should be proud to hand it down to his children as an heirloom . Letters of apology were read from G . S . Bro .
Shadwell Clerke , regretting his not being able to be present at the meeting . Bro . J . H . Leggott announced that he would serve as Steward at the next Anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , and would represent the Lodge ; also that he had accepted a Stewardship for the Girls' School , where he would represent the Victoria Chapter ; any donations the members would favour him with would
be thaukfnlly received by Bros . Binckes and Hedges . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , forty-nine in number , adjourned to the Crown Room , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . A . Best , ably superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Grace having been sung , tho W . M . proposed the toast of the Queen aud tho Craft . After tho National Anthem , the solo verses sung by Bro . Carter ,
Miss Anguarde , Mis 3 L . Distin , and'J' . Distin , the toast of H . R . H . tho M . W . G . M . of Grand Lodge of England was given . Miss Anguarde sang " Tho Kerry Dance , " and then came the toast of the R . Wtho Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , which was warmly honoured by those present . Bro . Lister I . P . M then rose ; "The W . M . had handed him the gavel ,
; ind it was his fortune to have to propose the toast of the evening , the health of their W . M ., who , he was sure , would have the ability and the energy to carry out the duties required of him in their old and influential Lodge . Personally , ho was pleased to seo Bro . Wilkinson in that position . He hoped tho members would give the toast a suitable reception . Bro . Theodore Distin , in his usual excel-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — UNITED MARINERS' LODGE , No . 30 .
rpiIE annual Installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Tnes-J flay , the 18 th , at the Guildhall Tavern , when there was a very large attendance of brethren and visitors , under the presidency of Bro . Joseph Clark , tho retiring Worshipful Master , who was supported by Bros . Hiram Cosedge S . W . and W . M . elect , J . W . Crossley J . W ., C . Davey " [ . P . M ., Joseph Hariing P . M . Treas ., Joseph Driscoll P . M . Hon . Sec , J . Shipley S . D .. T . M . Smith . P . M ., R . Lofeaux P . M ., W .
Ansell P . M ., F . Bethell P . M ., Alfred Thomas Gladwell P . M ., S . Sampson , Louis Steingraber , N . Fasshobor , James Linscott , T . Hoblein , J . Hildrath , F . Campbell , John Lewis , & c . Visitors—Bros . James B . Crossloy 1673 , H . Nash 150 , F . M . Hariing 1139 , J , Richardson 183 , C . II . Gray 1704 , E . G . Crusoe 1704 , G . T . Jones P . M . 751 , R . P . Tate W . M . 864 , John Jacobs 1614 , W . Manger P . M . 1314 ,
T . H . Thompson 1580 , E . H . Atkinson 1622 , W . H . G . Ruddevforth P . M . 1668 , Sampson Dodden P . M ., A . Tisley J . D . 8 , G . W . Cuallis P . M . 657 , Charles Fountain P . M . 1216 , & c . Lodge was opened with tho usual formalitios at fivo o ' clock , when the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed , and the anditor ' s-report , showing the Lodge to bo in a satisfactory condition , was received and adopted . Lodge
was then advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Lampen was passed to Fellow Craft by the W . M ., assisted by his Officers . Bro . Hiram Cosedge was then presented for installation as the W . M . for the ensuing year , and having expressed himself willing to undertake the responsibility , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , the rest of the brethren withdrawing during the installation ceremony .
On the re-admission into Lodge , the newly-installed Master was greeted with the usual salutations , the impressive charges being delivered with much effect and precision by Past Master Bro . Joseph Driscoll , whose working was evidently greatly admired by the brethren and visitors alike . Bro . Cosedge then invested his Officers for the year , the collars being thus bestowed : —Bros . Joseph Clark I . P . M .,
J . W . Crossley S . W ., Joshua Shipley J . W ., Joseph Driscoll P . M . Hon . Sec , Joseph Hariing P . M . Treasurer , T . E . Davey S . D ., James Linscott J . D ., John Lewis I . G ., Louis Steingraber D . C ., Charles Davey P . M . W . S . Some other business having been transacted , Lodge was closed in form , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided in Messrs . Ritter and Clifford ' s best style . The
Loyal and Craft toasts haviug been most cordially received . Bro . Joseph Clark I . P . M . proposed the health of the newlyinstalled Worshipful Master , in doing which he said Bro . Cosedge had admirably filled all the various offices leading up to the chair , and they all hoped he might have health and strength vouchsafed to him by tho G . A . O . T . TJ . to fulfil the duties of the exalted
position to which he had just been elevated . He was a true and thorough Mason , and in that terribly inclement weather he had experienced great difficulty in reaching Lodge . He expressed the sincere hope that Bro . Cosedge might have a happy and successful year of office , and that tho brethren would rally round him in the discharge of his arduous duties . The Worshipful Master , in
responding , thanked his immediate Past Master for the kindly expressions he had used towards him . He could only hope he might approach Bro . Clark ' s excellent working , and took the opportunity of thanking the several P . M . ' s and other brethren who had assisted him in fitting himself for the position to which , by the kindness of the Lodgo , he had that day been elevated . He shonld certainly not have
discharged his duties creditably had it not been for the valuable aid he had received , and if he had not found brethren to give him the exact cue when it was needed . If he turned out as good a Mason as his immediate Past Master had done , he should be most happy , for he regarded Masonry as one of the best institutions a man could possibly be attached to . In proposing the health of the I . P . M ., he
must say that during his year of office he had discharged his duties in a manner that was a pattern to the Craft , and it had been a pleasure to all his Officers to work under him . He ( the speaker ) only hoped that , at the end of his year of office , the brethren would be as satisfied with him as they must all bo with Bro Clark . He had now the ntmost pleasure in presenting their I . P . M .,
on behalf of the Lodge , with a Past Master's jewel , and he could only expross the wish that he might have health and strength to wear it for many years to come , as a mark of the esteem and affection entertained towards him by tho brethren , and of their recognition of tho admirable manner in which ho had carried on the duties of his office . Bro . Joseph Clark I . P . M ., who was received with prolonged
applause , could only inadequately thank the company for the great honour they had conferred upon him that day . It had been his ambition to discharge faithfully and well all the duties he was called upon to undertake , and to fill the chair in his mother Lodge . That wish had been realised , and he could not do move than heartily thank those excellent Officers who bad rendered him such valuable assiatance
during his year of office . Ho hoped tho wish expressed by tho W . M . might bo fulfilled—that he might live many years to wear the beautiful jewel winch they had so generously presented him , and that he mig ht bo in some measure useful in promoting tho best interests of tho Lodge . A pleasing incident occurred during the evening , in the presentation by the [ . P . M . of a handsome cigar case , in morocco
leather and gold , to Bro . Joseph Driscoll P . M ., tho esteemed Hon . Secretory of " the Lodge . On it wore inscribed the Masonic emblems and "J . D ., 18 S 1 . " Accompanying the gift was the following letter : " liro . Joseph Clark presents his compliments to his dear Secretary , Bro . Joseph Driscoll , and bogs his acceptance of tho accompanying cigar case , ns a , slig ht , mark of his appreciation of tho very great
kindness shown tow . 'uxL- him during his year of office a . s W . M . of this his mother Lodge of United Mariners , No . 30 . " The W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " acknowledged the great and valuable assistance he had at all times received from them , and regretted that tho Lodge was about to loso tho presence and aid of P . M . Bro . F . Bethel I i . i the futuro . Bro . Joseph Driscoll P . M . thanked
Installation Meetings, &C.
the W . M . sincerely for the kind manner in which he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the cordiality with which they had received it . The United Mariners had a history which few others could boast , and it had possessed some of the most eloquent and able Masons , who had embollished the position which they held in its ranks . He carried their memories back to the earlv part of the century ,
from the year that Bro . P . Matthews filled the chair—one of the most eloquent of Preceptors , —referred also to Bro . Barnes , and others who laboured on in splendid manner to carry out the advancement of the Boys' School , and especially to establish the annual Festivals . It was their duty in the present day to try and emulate the good oxample set by tho pioneers of the Lodge . They had done so in the
past , and would still continue to try and deserve tho friendship and esteem of the younger members , who should be encouraged to elevate themselves to the highest positions in the Lodge . Bro . F . Bethell P . M . also responded , in doing which he thanked Bro . Driscoll for his eloquent speech , which really left him little to say . As the Wor . "Master had observed , he ( the speaker ) was about to leave for
Canada , and he should be sorry to sever his connection with the Lodge , because it was here he had the honour of initiation , and it was this Lodge he had the honour of representing at the installation of the Prince of Wales at Albert Hall . He therefore esteemed his connection with the Lodge as a great pleasure and honour , and hoped to return and meet with the brethren for many years to come . Bro .
Ansell P . M . said , after many years' connection with the Lodge he felt thoroughly at home amongst his friends and compeers , and he urged upon the brethren to give all the support they could to the Charities , whioh were the noble landmarks of their anoient and honourable In . stitntion . The Worshipful Master then gave the Visitors , of whom he was pleased to see so large a number present , and the toast was
received with special honours . Bros . F . M . Hariing and Sampson Doden responded , each referred to the exemplary manner in which the business of the Lodge was conducted . Several complimentary toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent vocal and instrumental musio , whilst a recitation by Bro . Driscoll P . M . was intensely relished by the company . Altogether the proceedings were of the most agreeable and harmonious description .
Lodge Of Prudent Brethren, No. 145
THE installation meeting of this ancient , flourishing , and excellent working Lodge , was held on the 25 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , and was numerously attended by the members and Visitors . A new and appropriate Lodge summons had been issued , which was most deservedly commended for its artistic beauty . The chair was occupied by Bro . W . R . Lister ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson S . W ., C . A . Woods J . W ., T . Bull P . M .
Treas . P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Kerrell J . D ., and Curtis I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . H . Leggott , G . S . States P . G . S ., Purkess , and Haslett . The Visitors were Bros . J . Bingemann P . M . 55 and 1599 , Venn P . M . 49 , Lovegrove P . G . S . W . Middlesex , Docker W . M . 1587 , C . J . Perceval P . M . 1607 , Captain Finch P . M . 34 , Foxley 173 , E . Lloyd 1287 , Aide 1305 , C . Marriner 1669 , Pocock 569 , Santer 167 , Latreille
1260 , Speller 217 , Hume 259 , Dawson 179 , Green P . M . 27 , R . Roberts P . M . 209 , Wilkinson J . W . 92 , Bohn 92 , Pringle 92 , Carter P . M . 382 , T . DistiD , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Dr . W . Wilkinson S . W . and W . M . elect was presented and duly installed into the chair by the retiring
W . M ., whose rendering of the ceremony deserves espeoial praise . There were fourteen Installed Masters present . The new W . M ., in very appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers . W . R . Lister I . P . M ., C . A . Woods g . W ., A . Kerrell J . W ., T . Bull P . M . Treasurer , E . H . Thiellay P . G . S . B . Middlesex Secretary , J . Curtis S . D ., J . Reid J . D ., H . Brock I . G-., G . Banks D . C ., W . F . Master W . S .,
J . D . Lambe A . W . S ., and Reinhardt Tyler . The W . M ., with great pleasure , had now to present Bro . Lister I . P . M . with a testimonial worthy of him ; this took the shape of a Past Master ' s jewel j a jewel ( the W . M . said ) Bro . Lister well deserved , for the admirable manner in which he had conducted the duties of the Lodge during his year of office . Bro . Listor I . P . M ., in reply , thanked the W . M .
for the kind expressions he had uttered . He had spoken of the manner ho had conducted the duties of tho Lodge ; his aims ever were for the welfare of it ; and now while he occupied the proud position of a P . M ., it would be a further incentive to him to do all he could for it . He should be proud to hand it down to his children as an heirloom . Letters of apology were read from G . S . Bro .
Shadwell Clerke , regretting his not being able to be present at the meeting . Bro . J . H . Leggott announced that he would serve as Steward at the next Anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , and would represent the Lodge ; also that he had accepted a Stewardship for the Girls' School , where he would represent the Victoria Chapter ; any donations the members would favour him with would
be thaukfnlly received by Bros . Binckes and Hedges . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , forty-nine in number , adjourned to the Crown Room , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . A . Best , ably superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Grace having been sung , tho W . M . proposed the toast of the Queen aud tho Craft . After tho National Anthem , the solo verses sung by Bro . Carter ,
Miss Anguarde , Mis 3 L . Distin , and'J' . Distin , the toast of H . R . H . tho M . W . G . M . of Grand Lodge of England was given . Miss Anguarde sang " Tho Kerry Dance , " and then came the toast of the R . Wtho Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , which was warmly honoured by those present . Bro . Lister I . P . M then rose ; "The W . M . had handed him the gavel ,
; ind it was his fortune to have to propose the toast of the evening , the health of their W . M ., who , he was sure , would have the ability and the energy to carry out the duties required of him in their old and influential Lodge . Personally , ho was pleased to seo Bro . Wilkinson in that position . He hoped tho members would give the toast a suitable reception . Bro . Theodore Distin , in his usual excel-