Article LODGE OF PRUDENT BRETHREN, No. 145 ← Page 2 of 2 Article LION LODGE, No 312. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF UNION, No. 414. Page 1 of 1 Article BOSCAWEN LODGE, No. 699, CHACEWATER. Page 1 of 2 →
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Lodge Of Prudent Brethren, No. 145
lent style , sang "Ferryman Dan . " The W . M . in replying to the toast , felt a great pleasure in returning thanks for the manner in which it had been proposed , lie felt prond to seo so many old friends , brother Masons , and Visitors present , and he felt it a great pride and honour to see so many around him to support him in the chair . Ho hoped to worthily follow in the footsteps of his predecessors . The toast of
the Visitors was next given . The W . M . said he was pleased to seo so many distinguished brethren among them ; ho would call on Bros . Lovegrove , Wilkinson , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , to respond . Miss Anguarde in feeling tones sang the " Firemau's Farewell . " The toast of the Visitors was then responded to , and then tho W . M . gave that of tho P . M . ' s . He would call on Bro . Lister I . P . M . to respond . Bro .
Lister , on behalf of the P . M . s , begged to thank the brethren . As so young a Past Master he hardly felt competent to return thanks . However , any service he conld render the Lodgo would always give him pleasure . The Treasurer and Secretary were next complimented . The former brother had proved himself an excellent financier , and had ably oarried out his duties . The same business
qualifications were likewise displayed by Bro . Thiellay the Secretary , whose genial qualities they well knew . As no representative of tho Charities was present to respond to that toast , ho would add it as a rider to the one he was speaking to , and would ask the brethren to drink it heartily . After Bro . Carter had favoured tho brethren with " The Pilgrim of Love , " Bro T . Bull rose : —he felt pleased to have
his name associated with Bro . Thiellay ; he felt it a great honour to be among them , not only in his capaoity of Treasurer , but that he had been considered worthy to follow in the footsteps of the late Brother John Boyd . He was sure that brother ' s name would ever be revered in their Lodge ; indeed , he might say , throughout the Craft . Bro . Thiellay followed . He was pleased to know the W . M . had again
appointed him as Secretary ; he trusted the appointment would con - duce to the prosperity of the Lodge . He , like Bro . Bull , was proud to have his name associated with the Charities , in conjuuction with which Bro . Leggott had so signally distinguished himself . The W . M . had also signified his intention to aot as a Steward for the Boys' Sohool . The three Institutions are a credit to the Order , and
ought to be well supported ; he was sure the brethren would continue to support them . He also advocated the cause of a son of the late respected Bro . Charles Gosden , who had been initiated in this Lodge ; he trusted they would support the case . The remainiug toasts comprised the Officers of the Lodge , for which Bros . A . Woods and Kerrell replied . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated .
We have referred elsewhere to the summons whioh was issued for this meeting . The following particulars respecting it we have pleasure in appending : — The majority of Lodges having adopted an emblematical design , the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , not being a juvenile , ought not ° to be destitute of the same ; it is here attempted , therefore , to
symbolise the name and principles of our Lodge , with the due observance of Masonie harmony . The Centenarian Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , is represented by a double cube , with its brimful cornucopia adjoining ; it is emblematically presided over by Justice , personifying the W . M ., assisted by six other Stars . Justice , by
the inspiration of the Radiant Triangle , demonstrates Hope to the faithful ; and , blindfold against prejudice , prudently practises towards the Widow and the Orphan that virtue which endnreth all things ; thus illustrating Faith , Hope , and Charity , encircled b y the symbol of Eternity .
" Let not thy left band know what thy right hand doetb . ' Charity with Justice to yourself is Prudence .
Lion Lodge, No 312.
LION LODGE , No 312 .
/\ N Monday afternoon the brethren of this Lod ge assembled in the Y Masonic Hall , John-street , West Cliff , to take part in the in . stallation of Bro . W . G . Lockey as W . M . for tho ensuing year . There was a numerous attendance of tho local fraternity . Bro . John Stevenson P . M . officiated as installing master on tho occasion , and performed the interesting ceremony in an impressive manner . The new W . M . then invested the Officers of the Lodgo appointed for the eusmng year , viz . —I . P . M ., Bro . Francis Thornton PM S W
.. Bro W . E . Wolsey ; J . W ., Bro . Middleton Smith ; Treasurer , Bro ' T' « ^ , wson RM- > ' Organist , Bro . H . HaNgate P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . ' J . B . Dale ; S . D ., Bro . John Thornton ; J . D ., Bro . John Brooks ; I . G .. JBro . Thomas Tate ; M . C ., Bro . J . F . Jefferson ; Tyler , Bro . T . H irueman ; Stewards , Bros . J . T . Stewart and T . Atkinson jun . At the termination of the installation proceedingsthe brethren adiourned
, tu me noyal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet , to celebrate ine event , was served by Mrs . Attlay , the hostess . The W . M . ( Bro jockey ) presided , and Bro . Wolsey S . W . occupied the vice-chair , -ine customary loyal , patriotic , and . Masonic toasts were given and responded to in a cordial and harmonious manner . The health nf tliA
™ n ot Zetland , R . W . P . G . M ., and the other Provincial Grand tracers , was drunk with all the honours , and elicited an able response « T ? £° ™ ' - Falkingbridge P-M . The toast of the evening Thn \ x , " P P % to the Lion Lodge , " was given by Bro . Tim i . - •> """ b" « ° i' ° wujr uu mo jjiuu jjuuge , was given Dy iiro . th ? ¦ v' i LP , M " ancl ncknowledged by the W . M . The toast of ue visiting brethren having been drunk , it was responded to by Bro . Arcuur Captain of the Louis Henry , lying in Whitby Harbour , one of snoIc « . u ° f the L ° dge ° f St Jobn of Themis > Caeu ( France ) , who J >* e m the French language with ereat emm-essement . and ] , ;„
teS ? . ^ "i ,, frate ™ al greetings to the Lion Lodge . After the Maan A P °° r and distressed Masons " had been drunk , a few nontlTf ! . St . B were recogDi 8 ed . There were excellent songs cluri ,, L-^ evening by Bros . J . Thornton , T . H . Trueman , W . K . Pitts , uirl Ifaule 7 ' recitations hy Bros - Wolsey , S . W . Dale , and
Lodge Of Union, No. 414.
LODGE OF UNION , No . 414 .
TnE installation meeting of the abovo Lodge was held on Tuesday , 18 th Jan ., at tho Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . S . Bradley W . M ., C . Stephens S . W . W . M . elect , Chs . Oadcs P . O . It . I . P . M ., R . C . Mount P . M . 1328 J . W ., Rev . N . T . Garry Chap ., S . A . Pocock Tr ., M . J . Withers Sec , Francis J . Ferguson S . D ., S . Wheeler J . D ., D . S . Withorington D . C ., Butler and Blaekwoll Stewards , A . W . Parry f . G „
W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . C . Smith , J . Long , It . Bradley P . G . S ., Blowers , Yetts , Moxhay ; also Bros . If iggs , [) odd , Hay ward , Butler , Sydenham , Moffatt , George , Grant , Armstrong , Hawkes , Davis , Martin , D . Webb , Sherwood , Biggs hou . mem . Visitors—Bros . Hammett , Pnlley P . M ., Weather-head , Ferguson W . M ., Fvev P . M . Sec ,
Ravenscroft , Hawkes , Margrott P . M ., R . Dowsott J . W .. all of 1101 Phillips P . M . 81 P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk , Rogers Apollo 357 , J . S . Brownrig ? P . G . C . D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks , Sellar 114 , Mount 1328 , Cozens 907 , Hubbard 813 , Do Solla 11 , Davy W . M . Ellington 1566 Many others were prevented from attending in consequence of tho
inclomoncy of tho weather . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Chas . Thos . Rayner , who was declared to be elected . Tho W . M . announced that Bro . H . E . L . Grant was a catulidato to bo passed to tho second degree . Bro . Grant having given proof of his efficiency retired .
Lodgo was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Grant was passed ; soon after which Bro . Moxhay , tho Installing Master , entered the Lodge , and to him W . M . resigned his gavel , and proceeded to introduce Bro . C . Stephens as the elected Master to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , the ceremony of which was
performed by Bro . Moxhay in his nsnal impressive manner . After resuming the Lodgo to the first dogreo , tho W . M . proceedod to appoint and invest his Officers , viz ., Bros . S . Bradley I . P . M ., R . C . Mount S . W ., F . J . Ferguson J . W ., Rev . N . T . Garry Chap ., S . A PocockTroasuror , M . J . Withers Sec , S . Wheeler S . D ., A . W . Parry J . D ., Hayward
Org ., F . Blackwell D . C ., D . Witherington I . G ., C . G . Butler S . S ., Moffatt and J . W . Martin J . Stewards , Hemmings Tyler . After tho salutations in the different degrees and tho usual adddresses , tho W . M . proposed that a vote of thanks to Bro . Moxhay be recorded on the minutes for the admirable manner in which he had conducted tho
installation ceremony . This was seconded and carried by acclama . tion . Bro . Moxhay expressed his thanks to the W . M . and brethren for their kindness , and called their attention to tho W . M . being tho local Secretary of the Lifeboat Institution . He suggested that the present was an opportune time to show their appreciation of Bro ,
Stephens great exertions in tho noble work of aiding to save life , by voting that the sum collected in the broken colnmn bo appropriated to that most valuable Institution . This was carried by acclamation . After proposals of candidates for initiation and tho usual congratulations , the Lodge was closed according to ancient form , and the
brethren adjourned to the George Hotel , whore an excellent banquet was provided by Mrs . Pontin , to which between 50 and 60 sat down . On the removal of the cloth , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . Upon that of the Masonic Charities , the broken column was passed round , resnlting in tho sum of £ 6 7 s 6 d
being collected for the National Lifeboat Institution . The toast was responded to by Bro . F . Binckes Sec . R . M . I . B . aud Bro . Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., both the speeches being of a practical charactor , nrging a combination of effort to support the three excellent Institutions . Wo
have not space to give the toasts and speeches , but wo heartily congratulate Bro . Stephens on his entering upon office under very auspioious circumstances , and wish him a very successful year of office .
[ From the foregoing account it will be seen that the meeting at which our estimable Bro . Stephens was installed W . Master of his Lodge was a highly successful one . The attendance was numerous , and the enthusiasm was verypronounced in its character . The Lodge aud its new W .
Master , under the circumstances , are to be congratulated , but especially when we call to mind the terrible state of the weather which prevailed on the evening of tho meeting .
We greatly regret that a domestic affliction should have prevented our accepting the invitation we had received to take part in the interesting ceremony . This , and not the weather , was the cause of our absence . But the storm of
that memorable Tuesday would have justified even a postponement of the gathering . The cold was so intense that a child was picked up dead out of tho snow . The town was , so to speak , in a state of siege , and those who wished to leave it—no matter in what direction , whether north ,
south , east , or west—were unable to do so . Of the railway lines some were wholly , some partially , blocked , while the roads were next to impassable . These facts justify
outgoing somewhat out of our way to say a word or two of praise on behalf of a Lodge whose members and guests assembled on the evening of such a day . This is evidentl y no perfunctory observance of Masonic dut y . —ED . P . O . ]
Boscawen Lodge, No. 699, Chacewater.
THE brethren of tho above Lodge celebrated their animal Festival on Monday . The Lod ge was opened at 3 p . m ., Bro . J . F . Lee W . M . presiding . After the usual communications were read , and a candidate initiated into the Order , Bro . P . M . Hooper P . G . O . j at the request of the W . M ., took the chair , and very ably mid impressively installed Bro . the Rev . and Hon . J . T . Uosciwen ' as W . M . for the ensuing year . The Worshi pful Master then appointed as his Officers
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of Prudent Brethren, No. 145
lent style , sang "Ferryman Dan . " The W . M . in replying to the toast , felt a great pleasure in returning thanks for the manner in which it had been proposed , lie felt prond to seo so many old friends , brother Masons , and Visitors present , and he felt it a great pride and honour to see so many around him to support him in the chair . Ho hoped to worthily follow in the footsteps of his predecessors . The toast of
the Visitors was next given . The W . M . said he was pleased to seo so many distinguished brethren among them ; ho would call on Bros . Lovegrove , Wilkinson , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , to respond . Miss Anguarde in feeling tones sang the " Firemau's Farewell . " The toast of the Visitors was then responded to , and then tho W . M . gave that of tho P . M . ' s . He would call on Bro . Lister I . P . M . to respond . Bro .
Lister , on behalf of the P . M . s , begged to thank the brethren . As so young a Past Master he hardly felt competent to return thanks . However , any service he conld render the Lodgo would always give him pleasure . The Treasurer and Secretary were next complimented . The former brother had proved himself an excellent financier , and had ably oarried out his duties . The same business
qualifications were likewise displayed by Bro . Thiellay the Secretary , whose genial qualities they well knew . As no representative of tho Charities was present to respond to that toast , ho would add it as a rider to the one he was speaking to , and would ask the brethren to drink it heartily . After Bro . Carter had favoured tho brethren with " The Pilgrim of Love , " Bro T . Bull rose : —he felt pleased to have
his name associated with Bro . Thiellay ; he felt it a great honour to be among them , not only in his capaoity of Treasurer , but that he had been considered worthy to follow in the footsteps of the late Brother John Boyd . He was sure that brother ' s name would ever be revered in their Lodge ; indeed , he might say , throughout the Craft . Bro . Thiellay followed . He was pleased to know the W . M . had again
appointed him as Secretary ; he trusted the appointment would con - duce to the prosperity of the Lodge . He , like Bro . Bull , was proud to have his name associated with the Charities , in conjuuction with which Bro . Leggott had so signally distinguished himself . The W . M . had also signified his intention to aot as a Steward for the Boys' Sohool . The three Institutions are a credit to the Order , and
ought to be well supported ; he was sure the brethren would continue to support them . He also advocated the cause of a son of the late respected Bro . Charles Gosden , who had been initiated in this Lodge ; he trusted they would support the case . The remainiug toasts comprised the Officers of the Lodge , for which Bros . A . Woods and Kerrell replied . The Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated .
We have referred elsewhere to the summons whioh was issued for this meeting . The following particulars respecting it we have pleasure in appending : — The majority of Lodges having adopted an emblematical design , the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , not being a juvenile , ought not ° to be destitute of the same ; it is here attempted , therefore , to
symbolise the name and principles of our Lodge , with the due observance of Masonie harmony . The Centenarian Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , is represented by a double cube , with its brimful cornucopia adjoining ; it is emblematically presided over by Justice , personifying the W . M ., assisted by six other Stars . Justice , by
the inspiration of the Radiant Triangle , demonstrates Hope to the faithful ; and , blindfold against prejudice , prudently practises towards the Widow and the Orphan that virtue which endnreth all things ; thus illustrating Faith , Hope , and Charity , encircled b y the symbol of Eternity .
" Let not thy left band know what thy right hand doetb . ' Charity with Justice to yourself is Prudence .
Lion Lodge, No 312.
LION LODGE , No 312 .
/\ N Monday afternoon the brethren of this Lod ge assembled in the Y Masonic Hall , John-street , West Cliff , to take part in the in . stallation of Bro . W . G . Lockey as W . M . for tho ensuing year . There was a numerous attendance of tho local fraternity . Bro . John Stevenson P . M . officiated as installing master on tho occasion , and performed the interesting ceremony in an impressive manner . The new W . M . then invested the Officers of the Lodgo appointed for the eusmng year , viz . —I . P . M ., Bro . Francis Thornton PM S W
.. Bro W . E . Wolsey ; J . W ., Bro . Middleton Smith ; Treasurer , Bro ' T' « ^ , wson RM- > ' Organist , Bro . H . HaNgate P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . ' J . B . Dale ; S . D ., Bro . John Thornton ; J . D ., Bro . John Brooks ; I . G .. JBro . Thomas Tate ; M . C ., Bro . J . F . Jefferson ; Tyler , Bro . T . H irueman ; Stewards , Bros . J . T . Stewart and T . Atkinson jun . At the termination of the installation proceedingsthe brethren adiourned
, tu me noyal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet , to celebrate ine event , was served by Mrs . Attlay , the hostess . The W . M . ( Bro jockey ) presided , and Bro . Wolsey S . W . occupied the vice-chair , -ine customary loyal , patriotic , and . Masonic toasts were given and responded to in a cordial and harmonious manner . The health nf tliA
™ n ot Zetland , R . W . P . G . M ., and the other Provincial Grand tracers , was drunk with all the honours , and elicited an able response « T ? £° ™ ' - Falkingbridge P-M . The toast of the evening Thn \ x , " P P % to the Lion Lodge , " was given by Bro . Tim i . - •> """ b" « ° i' ° wujr uu mo jjiuu jjuuge , was given Dy iiro . th ? ¦ v' i LP , M " ancl ncknowledged by the W . M . The toast of ue visiting brethren having been drunk , it was responded to by Bro . Arcuur Captain of the Louis Henry , lying in Whitby Harbour , one of snoIc « . u ° f the L ° dge ° f St Jobn of Themis > Caeu ( France ) , who J >* e m the French language with ereat emm-essement . and ] , ;„
teS ? . ^ "i ,, frate ™ al greetings to the Lion Lodge . After the Maan A P °° r and distressed Masons " had been drunk , a few nontlTf ! . St . B were recogDi 8 ed . There were excellent songs cluri ,, L-^ evening by Bros . J . Thornton , T . H . Trueman , W . K . Pitts , uirl Ifaule 7 ' recitations hy Bros - Wolsey , S . W . Dale , and
Lodge Of Union, No. 414.
LODGE OF UNION , No . 414 .
TnE installation meeting of the abovo Lodge was held on Tuesday , 18 th Jan ., at tho Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . S . Bradley W . M ., C . Stephens S . W . W . M . elect , Chs . Oadcs P . O . It . I . P . M ., R . C . Mount P . M . 1328 J . W ., Rev . N . T . Garry Chap ., S . A . Pocock Tr ., M . J . Withers Sec , Francis J . Ferguson S . D ., S . Wheeler J . D ., D . S . Withorington D . C ., Butler and Blaekwoll Stewards , A . W . Parry f . G „
W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . C . Smith , J . Long , It . Bradley P . G . S ., Blowers , Yetts , Moxhay ; also Bros . If iggs , [) odd , Hay ward , Butler , Sydenham , Moffatt , George , Grant , Armstrong , Hawkes , Davis , Martin , D . Webb , Sherwood , Biggs hou . mem . Visitors—Bros . Hammett , Pnlley P . M ., Weather-head , Ferguson W . M ., Fvev P . M . Sec ,
Ravenscroft , Hawkes , Margrott P . M ., R . Dowsott J . W .. all of 1101 Phillips P . M . 81 P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk , Rogers Apollo 357 , J . S . Brownrig ? P . G . C . D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks , Sellar 114 , Mount 1328 , Cozens 907 , Hubbard 813 , Do Solla 11 , Davy W . M . Ellington 1566 Many others were prevented from attending in consequence of tho
inclomoncy of tho weather . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Chas . Thos . Rayner , who was declared to be elected . Tho W . M . announced that Bro . H . E . L . Grant was a catulidato to bo passed to tho second degree . Bro . Grant having given proof of his efficiency retired .
Lodgo was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Grant was passed ; soon after which Bro . Moxhay , tho Installing Master , entered the Lodge , and to him W . M . resigned his gavel , and proceeded to introduce Bro . C . Stephens as the elected Master to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , the ceremony of which was
performed by Bro . Moxhay in his nsnal impressive manner . After resuming the Lodgo to the first dogreo , tho W . M . proceedod to appoint and invest his Officers , viz ., Bros . S . Bradley I . P . M ., R . C . Mount S . W ., F . J . Ferguson J . W ., Rev . N . T . Garry Chap ., S . A PocockTroasuror , M . J . Withers Sec , S . Wheeler S . D ., A . W . Parry J . D ., Hayward
Org ., F . Blackwell D . C ., D . Witherington I . G ., C . G . Butler S . S ., Moffatt and J . W . Martin J . Stewards , Hemmings Tyler . After tho salutations in the different degrees and tho usual adddresses , tho W . M . proposed that a vote of thanks to Bro . Moxhay be recorded on the minutes for the admirable manner in which he had conducted tho
installation ceremony . This was seconded and carried by acclama . tion . Bro . Moxhay expressed his thanks to the W . M . and brethren for their kindness , and called their attention to tho W . M . being tho local Secretary of the Lifeboat Institution . He suggested that the present was an opportune time to show their appreciation of Bro ,
Stephens great exertions in tho noble work of aiding to save life , by voting that the sum collected in the broken colnmn bo appropriated to that most valuable Institution . This was carried by acclamation . After proposals of candidates for initiation and tho usual congratulations , the Lodge was closed according to ancient form , and the
brethren adjourned to the George Hotel , whore an excellent banquet was provided by Mrs . Pontin , to which between 50 and 60 sat down . On the removal of the cloth , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . Upon that of the Masonic Charities , the broken column was passed round , resnlting in tho sum of £ 6 7 s 6 d
being collected for the National Lifeboat Institution . The toast was responded to by Bro . F . Binckes Sec . R . M . I . B . aud Bro . Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., both the speeches being of a practical charactor , nrging a combination of effort to support the three excellent Institutions . Wo
have not space to give the toasts and speeches , but wo heartily congratulate Bro . Stephens on his entering upon office under very auspioious circumstances , and wish him a very successful year of office .
[ From the foregoing account it will be seen that the meeting at which our estimable Bro . Stephens was installed W . Master of his Lodge was a highly successful one . The attendance was numerous , and the enthusiasm was verypronounced in its character . The Lodge aud its new W .
Master , under the circumstances , are to be congratulated , but especially when we call to mind the terrible state of the weather which prevailed on the evening of tho meeting .
We greatly regret that a domestic affliction should have prevented our accepting the invitation we had received to take part in the interesting ceremony . This , and not the weather , was the cause of our absence . But the storm of
that memorable Tuesday would have justified even a postponement of the gathering . The cold was so intense that a child was picked up dead out of tho snow . The town was , so to speak , in a state of siege , and those who wished to leave it—no matter in what direction , whether north ,
south , east , or west—were unable to do so . Of the railway lines some were wholly , some partially , blocked , while the roads were next to impassable . These facts justify
outgoing somewhat out of our way to say a word or two of praise on behalf of a Lodge whose members and guests assembled on the evening of such a day . This is evidentl y no perfunctory observance of Masonic dut y . —ED . P . O . ]
Boscawen Lodge, No. 699, Chacewater.
THE brethren of tho above Lodge celebrated their animal Festival on Monday . The Lod ge was opened at 3 p . m ., Bro . J . F . Lee W . M . presiding . After the usual communications were read , and a candidate initiated into the Order , Bro . P . M . Hooper P . G . O . j at the request of the W . M ., took the chair , and very ably mid impressively installed Bro . the Rev . and Hon . J . T . Uosciwen ' as W . M . for the ensuing year . The Worshi pful Master then appointed as his Officers