Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article YORK MARK LODGE (T.I) Page 1 of 1
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THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . F . WALTERS' PATENT . Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . THESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , cheapness , and elegance of finish . They are suitable for Military Bands , Orchestras , Beading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Rooms . When opened to their full capacity they stand 5 feet high , and can be folded and enclosed in a case 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The weight is about 3 lbs . 12 oz ., and they will support a weight of 50 lbs . To be obtained of all Mutie Dealer * , and of the Manufacturers and Proprietors of the Patent , HARROW & CO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , < ftc . 13 and 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE ,
New Zealand.
From our Auckland correspondent we have received the following items : — St . Andrew Lodge , S . C .- ~ The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hotel , on 22 nd November . The prinoipal business was the election of Officers , and the following were
selected : —Bros . M . Niccol W . M ., J . Slator S . W ., J . J . Payne J . W ., Rev . — Gould Chaplain , H . H . Hitchens Treasurer , G . Payne Secretary , Perry Organist , McClosky S . D ., J . B . Hughes J . D , Clarke I . G ., Porter Tyler . The installation was to take place on Monday , 20 th December .
United Service Lodge , Wo . 421 I . C . —The regular meet , ing of this Lodge was held on Monday , 24 th November , at the Masonic Hotel , Princes-street . The principal business was the election of Officers for the ensuing year , and the result is as follows : —
Bros . W . J . Suiter W . M ., J . Seabrook S . W ., J . Rnle J . W ., W . J . Melton Secretary , F . Rycroft Treasurer , W . G . Allen S . D ., C . Sutherland J . D ., J . Cook I . G ., J . Burn D . C ., W . A . Marflett Organist , J . Ross and J . Buchanan Stewards , C . Porter Tyler .
The Annual Communication of tho District Grand Lodge of England W ^ j ° n lst Dec # ' in fcne Insnrance Bnilding 3 . There was a large attendance of the District Grand Lodge and a good number of visitors . Brother Lodder V . W . D . D . G . M . presidedand the
-, pro ceedings were of a very interesting character , and included the installation of Officers . Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' was re-elected Treasurer , MU Bro . Porter Tyler . The D . D . G . M . said that , on account of the near approach of the arrival of the District Grand Master , he did not
« r , ! q lncambenfc 0 D Wm to make any changes , and would reinstal ana reinvest the present Officers , leaving it for the D . G . M . to make thn r ° 0 t , 0 n / he might deom Proper- He had to heartily thank Wn ! t M ° r the cordial manner in which they had worked with snm . il \ i . ° V 0 WiDg Officers were then invested , the D . D . G . M . perthpfr i "V f " « each for ^ e manner in which they had performed him . n "I't 6 pa 8 t ) aml th 0 heartv support they had accorded to mm —Bros . J . Warren S . W ., W . H . Skinner J . W ., W . P . Moat D . G
New Zealand.
Registrar , M . S . Leers President of the Board of General Purposes . H . G . Wade Secretary , Dr . Dawson S . D ., T . Cole G . Director of Ceremonies , W . Rattray G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies , J . Hatswell D . G . Sword Bearer , C . Hesketh D . G . Organist , Fenton D . G . Pursuivant , Carlaw Assistant D . G . Pursuivant , B . Tonks Major . General , Gossett and W . R . Waddel Stewards . A ballot was taken
for tho election of ten mombors to servo on the Board of General Purposes . Tho following aro members by virtue of their office , and having been nominated by the D . G . M . ' . — R . W . Bro . G . S . Graham D . G . M ., Bros . W . Lodder D . D . G . M ., J . Warren D . G . S . W ., W . H . Skinner D . G . J . W ., E . T . Wild man P . D . D . G . M . ; Bros . Nelson , Goldsbro ' , Moat , Dawson , and Bro . M . S . Leers President . Tho
election resulted as follows .- —Bros . T . Cole , Chapman , Carlaw , Fenton , George , Hatswell , Hesketh , Macdonald , Rattray , and the Rev . W . Tebbs . The following Past Masters wore elected to preside with the Lodge Officers over the Fund of Benevolence : —McLeod Alexandra Lodge , Tebbs Prince of Wales' Lodge , Crawford Turanganui Lodge , 'H . Chapman Eden Lodge , Rees George Remnera Lodge ,
Dargaville St . George's Lodge . Appointments were not made for the Rodney and Waitemata Lodges , beoauso there was no P . M . ' s provided for , and for tho Northern Light Lodge , because it was too young to have a Past Master . The D . D . G . M . announced that an emergency meeting would bo called on the arrival of the D . G . M .
Bro . Graham . The D . D . G . M . then , in feeling terms , proposed a vote of condolence to Bro . E . S . Willcooks on his recent bereavement . Tho proposition was seconded and supported by Bro . Moat , and tho Secretary was instructed to forward to Bro . Willcocks the vote of tho District Grand Lodge . The Lodge was then closed in tho usnnl form .
The new and handsome edifice erected by the brethren of the Lodge Remnera was conseorated on 9 th Nov . The Lodge holding under the English Constitution , no more suitable day oould have been selected than the Birthday of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Constitution . There was a very large gathering of members of the Craft , including
representatives of the sister Grand Lodges , and officers and brethren of the various Lodges . Bro . Lodder D . D . G . M ., and the first W . M . of the Lodge , presided at the opening ceremony . A procession was formed to St . Mark ' s Church , where a service was conducted by Bro . the Rev . 0 . M . Nelson D . G . Chaplain , and Bro . the Rev . W . Tebbs .
After the service the brethren returned to the Hall , where the consecration service was completed . The opening of the Hall was celebrated by a ball in the evening , at which there was a large and fashionable gathering . Mr . Canning , of Queen-street was the caterer for the refreshments .
At the annual meeting of the Lodge Manukau , 587 S . ft , the election of Officers for the ensuing year took place as follows : —C . V . Hill , R . W . M . ; W . Dnnwoodie , I . P . M . and Treasurer ; J . J . Austin , S . W . ; W . Brierly , J . W . ; J . Robb Secretary ; Rev . F . Gonld , Chaplain ; J . R . Roberts , S . D . ; F . Lawry , J . D . ; R . Bennett , I . G . ; P . Austin , Tyler . After the installation , Brother Niccol , on behalf of
the Lodge , presented to Brother Dunwoodie a Past Master s jewel manufactured by Messrs . Kohn of Queen-street . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the members of Lodge Manuka , 586 S . C ., to Brother William Dnnwoodie P . M ., in recognition of his services as W . M . during 1880 , Onehunga , lst December . " Brother Dnnwoodie , taken by surprise , only replied briefly , and he then on
behalf of the Lodge presented to' Brother M . Niccol P . M ., a handsomely-illuminated address , prepared by Bro . J . Slator , and worded as follows : — " Brother M . Niccol : Dear Sir and Brother , —The Officers and Brethren of Lodge Manukau , G 86 S . C ., desire to express their unqualified satisfaction at the manner in which you have carried on the onerous duties of Master for a period of four years , often , as
we are well aware , coming out to Onehunga at great personal inconvenience . We beg your acceptance of this testimonial as a small mark of our esteem and regard , with the hope that although yoa have retired from active service in the Lodge , we may often have the pleasure of seeing yon amongst us assisting by your advice and
thorough knowledge of Masonic usages . With hearty good wishes , we subscribe ourselves , on behalf of the brethren , —WM . DUNWOODIE , R . W . M ., CHAS . VINER , S . W . ; J . V . AUSTIN , J . W . " Brother Niccol mode a suitable reply , and a very successful ball was held subsequently .
York Mark Lodge (T.I)
ON Tuesday evening , 24 th inst ., the annual installation meeting of this Lodge was held at York , when there was a goodly gather , ing of members of the degree . The Installing Master was Bro . the Rev . W . Valentine ( Wixley ) , the outgoing W . M ., and his successor is Bro . the Rev . W . C . Lukis ( Wath ) . The following Officers were appointed for the ensuing year -. —Bros . J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G .
Padel J . W ., G . Garbutt M . O ., M . Millington S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . O ., T . J . Wilkinson Chap ., T . B . Why tehead P . M . Sec . and Treas ., J . R , Jackson Registrar of Marks , T . G . Hodgson S . D ., T . Humphries J . D .. F . Smith D . C ., G . Balmfotd P . M . Organist , W . Harrison and R . Ware Stewards , W . B . Dyson I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler .
HOILOWAT ' S Pitts AND OINTMEST . —The great variations of temperature , the fogs anil the foul vapours which permeate the atmosphere , try the respiratory channels terribly ; hence arise Hoarseness , Quinsies , Loss of Voice , Bronchitis antl the whole train and endless variety of Throat and Chest Affections which ' now prevail . Neglect of thpse in their early stages is almostcriminal , as many a life mijrht be saved through early and prompt treatment by means of Holloway ' s well-known remedies . This treatment can be readily and easily carried out , and soon disposes of the attack in a most satisfactory manner by restoring the balance between the . circulation and respiration , by lessening tho inflammation , abating the febrile symptoms , and by soothing the irratibility of the nerves .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . F . WALTERS' PATENT . Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . THESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , cheapness , and elegance of finish . They are suitable for Military Bands , Orchestras , Beading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Rooms . When opened to their full capacity they stand 5 feet high , and can be folded and enclosed in a case 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The weight is about 3 lbs . 12 oz ., and they will support a weight of 50 lbs . To be obtained of all Mutie Dealer * , and of the Manufacturers and Proprietors of the Patent , HARROW & CO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , < ftc . 13 and 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE ,
New Zealand.
From our Auckland correspondent we have received the following items : — St . Andrew Lodge , S . C .- ~ The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hotel , on 22 nd November . The prinoipal business was the election of Officers , and the following were
selected : —Bros . M . Niccol W . M ., J . Slator S . W ., J . J . Payne J . W ., Rev . — Gould Chaplain , H . H . Hitchens Treasurer , G . Payne Secretary , Perry Organist , McClosky S . D ., J . B . Hughes J . D , Clarke I . G ., Porter Tyler . The installation was to take place on Monday , 20 th December .
United Service Lodge , Wo . 421 I . C . —The regular meet , ing of this Lodge was held on Monday , 24 th November , at the Masonic Hotel , Princes-street . The principal business was the election of Officers for the ensuing year , and the result is as follows : —
Bros . W . J . Suiter W . M ., J . Seabrook S . W ., J . Rnle J . W ., W . J . Melton Secretary , F . Rycroft Treasurer , W . G . Allen S . D ., C . Sutherland J . D ., J . Cook I . G ., J . Burn D . C ., W . A . Marflett Organist , J . Ross and J . Buchanan Stewards , C . Porter Tyler .
The Annual Communication of tho District Grand Lodge of England W ^ j ° n lst Dec # ' in fcne Insnrance Bnilding 3 . There was a large attendance of the District Grand Lodge and a good number of visitors . Brother Lodder V . W . D . D . G . M . presidedand the
-, pro ceedings were of a very interesting character , and included the installation of Officers . Bro . Dr . Goldsbro' was re-elected Treasurer , MU Bro . Porter Tyler . The D . D . G . M . said that , on account of the near approach of the arrival of the District Grand Master , he did not
« r , ! q lncambenfc 0 D Wm to make any changes , and would reinstal ana reinvest the present Officers , leaving it for the D . G . M . to make thn r ° 0 t , 0 n / he might deom Proper- He had to heartily thank Wn ! t M ° r the cordial manner in which they had worked with snm . il \ i . ° V 0 WiDg Officers were then invested , the D . D . G . M . perthpfr i "V f " « each for ^ e manner in which they had performed him . n "I't 6 pa 8 t ) aml th 0 heartv support they had accorded to mm —Bros . J . Warren S . W ., W . H . Skinner J . W ., W . P . Moat D . G
New Zealand.
Registrar , M . S . Leers President of the Board of General Purposes . H . G . Wade Secretary , Dr . Dawson S . D ., T . Cole G . Director of Ceremonies , W . Rattray G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies , J . Hatswell D . G . Sword Bearer , C . Hesketh D . G . Organist , Fenton D . G . Pursuivant , Carlaw Assistant D . G . Pursuivant , B . Tonks Major . General , Gossett and W . R . Waddel Stewards . A ballot was taken
for tho election of ten mombors to servo on the Board of General Purposes . Tho following aro members by virtue of their office , and having been nominated by the D . G . M . ' . — R . W . Bro . G . S . Graham D . G . M ., Bros . W . Lodder D . D . G . M ., J . Warren D . G . S . W ., W . H . Skinner D . G . J . W ., E . T . Wild man P . D . D . G . M . ; Bros . Nelson , Goldsbro ' , Moat , Dawson , and Bro . M . S . Leers President . Tho
election resulted as follows .- —Bros . T . Cole , Chapman , Carlaw , Fenton , George , Hatswell , Hesketh , Macdonald , Rattray , and the Rev . W . Tebbs . The following Past Masters wore elected to preside with the Lodge Officers over the Fund of Benevolence : —McLeod Alexandra Lodge , Tebbs Prince of Wales' Lodge , Crawford Turanganui Lodge , 'H . Chapman Eden Lodge , Rees George Remnera Lodge ,
Dargaville St . George's Lodge . Appointments were not made for the Rodney and Waitemata Lodges , beoauso there was no P . M . ' s provided for , and for tho Northern Light Lodge , because it was too young to have a Past Master . The D . D . G . M . announced that an emergency meeting would bo called on the arrival of the D . G . M .
Bro . Graham . The D . D . G . M . then , in feeling terms , proposed a vote of condolence to Bro . E . S . Willcooks on his recent bereavement . Tho proposition was seconded and supported by Bro . Moat , and tho Secretary was instructed to forward to Bro . Willcocks the vote of tho District Grand Lodge . The Lodge was then closed in tho usnnl form .
The new and handsome edifice erected by the brethren of the Lodge Remnera was conseorated on 9 th Nov . The Lodge holding under the English Constitution , no more suitable day oould have been selected than the Birthday of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Constitution . There was a very large gathering of members of the Craft , including
representatives of the sister Grand Lodges , and officers and brethren of the various Lodges . Bro . Lodder D . D . G . M ., and the first W . M . of the Lodge , presided at the opening ceremony . A procession was formed to St . Mark ' s Church , where a service was conducted by Bro . the Rev . 0 . M . Nelson D . G . Chaplain , and Bro . the Rev . W . Tebbs .
After the service the brethren returned to the Hall , where the consecration service was completed . The opening of the Hall was celebrated by a ball in the evening , at which there was a large and fashionable gathering . Mr . Canning , of Queen-street was the caterer for the refreshments .
At the annual meeting of the Lodge Manukau , 587 S . ft , the election of Officers for the ensuing year took place as follows : —C . V . Hill , R . W . M . ; W . Dnnwoodie , I . P . M . and Treasurer ; J . J . Austin , S . W . ; W . Brierly , J . W . ; J . Robb Secretary ; Rev . F . Gonld , Chaplain ; J . R . Roberts , S . D . ; F . Lawry , J . D . ; R . Bennett , I . G . ; P . Austin , Tyler . After the installation , Brother Niccol , on behalf of
the Lodge , presented to Brother Dunwoodie a Past Master s jewel manufactured by Messrs . Kohn of Queen-street . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the members of Lodge Manuka , 586 S . C ., to Brother William Dnnwoodie P . M ., in recognition of his services as W . M . during 1880 , Onehunga , lst December . " Brother Dnnwoodie , taken by surprise , only replied briefly , and he then on
behalf of the Lodge presented to' Brother M . Niccol P . M ., a handsomely-illuminated address , prepared by Bro . J . Slator , and worded as follows : — " Brother M . Niccol : Dear Sir and Brother , —The Officers and Brethren of Lodge Manukau , G 86 S . C ., desire to express their unqualified satisfaction at the manner in which you have carried on the onerous duties of Master for a period of four years , often , as
we are well aware , coming out to Onehunga at great personal inconvenience . We beg your acceptance of this testimonial as a small mark of our esteem and regard , with the hope that although yoa have retired from active service in the Lodge , we may often have the pleasure of seeing yon amongst us assisting by your advice and
thorough knowledge of Masonic usages . With hearty good wishes , we subscribe ourselves , on behalf of the brethren , —WM . DUNWOODIE , R . W . M ., CHAS . VINER , S . W . ; J . V . AUSTIN , J . W . " Brother Niccol mode a suitable reply , and a very successful ball was held subsequently .
York Mark Lodge (T.I)
ON Tuesday evening , 24 th inst ., the annual installation meeting of this Lodge was held at York , when there was a goodly gather , ing of members of the degree . The Installing Master was Bro . the Rev . W . Valentine ( Wixley ) , the outgoing W . M ., and his successor is Bro . the Rev . W . C . Lukis ( Wath ) . The following Officers were appointed for the ensuing year -. —Bros . J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G .
Padel J . W ., G . Garbutt M . O ., M . Millington S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . O ., T . J . Wilkinson Chap ., T . B . Why tehead P . M . Sec . and Treas ., J . R , Jackson Registrar of Marks , T . G . Hodgson S . D ., T . Humphries J . D .. F . Smith D . C ., G . Balmfotd P . M . Organist , W . Harrison and R . Ware Stewards , W . B . Dyson I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler .
HOILOWAT ' S Pitts AND OINTMEST . —The great variations of temperature , the fogs anil the foul vapours which permeate the atmosphere , try the respiratory channels terribly ; hence arise Hoarseness , Quinsies , Loss of Voice , Bronchitis antl the whole train and endless variety of Throat and Chest Affections which ' now prevail . Neglect of thpse in their early stages is almostcriminal , as many a life mijrht be saved through early and prompt treatment by means of Holloway ' s well-known remedies . This treatment can be readily and easily carried out , and soon disposes of the attack in a most satisfactory manner by restoring the balance between the . circulation and respiration , by lessening tho inflammation , abating the febrile symptoms , and by soothing the irratibility of the nerves .