Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 29 th APRIL . 108—Percy , . Tolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgato-roacl , N „ at 8 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . —Sinai Chanter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
MONDAY , 1 st MAY . 45—Strong Jfan , Old Jerusalem , St . John's-squnre , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 171—Sincerity , Raihvay Tavern , London-street , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-lloors . 5 . 1—Royal Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath . 119— Sun , Square unit Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , Whitehaven . 133—Harmony , Ship Hotel , Faversham . 15 ( i—Harmony , Huysho Masonic TemplePlymouth .
, 100—Peace and Harmony , TCovnl Oak Hotel , Dover . 338—Vitrnvinn , Eoyal Hotel , iioss , Herefordshire . 1 H—Three Grand Principles , Red Lion Hotel , Petty Cum-, Cambridge . 478—Churchill , Masonic Hall , Alfred-street , Oxford . in-15—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham . 1051—BoAvley , Athenanun , Lancaster . 1201—Neptune , Afasonic Temple , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , 2 nd MAY . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . fi 5— Constitutional , AVhcatshcnf , Hand-court , W . C ., nt 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 860— P . alhousie , Eoyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1201—Golden Pule , Iiegent Masonic Hall . Air-street , Piccadilly . 51—Angel , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . 120—Paladin , Green Dragon Hotel , Hereford . 1 S ? —^ tI"nis ' Jr , lpn " Booms , Victoria Hall , Trinity-roadSheerness-on-Sea .
, , 103—Rnynl Lebanon , Spread Eagle , Gloucester . 558—Temple , Town Hall , Folkestone . 731—I . ondesbovough , Victoria Hotel , Bridlington Quay . 8-17—Fortcseue , Masonic Hall , High-street , Honiton , Devon . MS—St . Barnabas , Masonic Boom , Linsdalo , Leightor . Buzzard
10 O 2- —SkidiliiAv , Lodge Room , Market-place , Cockcrniouth 1031—bewail , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Sal'ord . 1133—Devon , Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot , 1228—l . ' eacontree . Bed Lion , Levtor . stone , at s . o . ( Instructim ) 1322—v aveb-y , ( , 'nlpdonia In " . AshtoiMinder-Lvne . 133 C- S ., i : aie rnd Compass , AVj . nnstay Arn s , liigb-. > trect , AVroxham .
WEDNESDAY , 3 rd MAY . Grand Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . i ! ! !~ " £ , 1 , i , lrn , , ' JIi , S ( " s' lrall > Masons ' -avenue , at , 7 . ( Instruction . ) l . j . 'l-Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 2 ! N—Harmony , Masonic Boom , Ann-slrect , I ! och ( la 1 e 321!—Mnirn . Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol ¦ I 2 >'—Sincerity , Angel House . NorfhwicbCheshire
, -171—Slim ism . Freemasons' Hall , Dock-street , Newport . () b > -Humphrey Chctham , Masonic Iiuoni , Cross-sheet Manchester II 11—Mdton , Commercial Hotel , A < -hton-iinder-Lyrie 11 ( 17—Alnwick , Masonic lltvll , Market .-placp , Alnwick ' ] 2 iiU—Ciniiuc l'orts , Bell Hotel . Sandwich . 132 : 1—Talbot . Masonic Uooms , AVind-strcet , Swansea V ! -o ~^ Tli , II ' r , T 0 , v , \ V ! l v rhi ,, ' - Su , lljur ^ oucestcr . 11 / 9—Halsey , Town Hall , St . Albans .
THURSDAY , 4 th MAY . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov- « q at 7 0 ¦ i i ^] ' !;' , " !" ' U ' ' "'? p TilVL ' '" . . I' «« lenhaU . street , E . C . ( Instruction . ) ? - ~ t f ' "'} l \ T , "'crn ' ^ " •! i ' ''Pct , Regent-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction ) *<•>•—\ arhoroiigh , Green Dragon , Stepney . - - UUII . ; 12 ( i (>—Ilcrvcy , 152 Fulham-road , at a . ( Instruction ) 1 ISO-Marquess of Ripon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
• -L'ntcd Industrious Guildhall Concert , Room , High-street , Canterbury . -Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-sfreet , Bath lBTmly - 123—Lennox , treemasons' Hall , Richmond , A ' orksbire T . ;' ^ . " ' : ; ' ? : U »*™ "e Temple . 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 2-. I— I runty , ( . raven Arms Hotel . Covuutrv . 2 fi !'—Fidelity , AVliiln Bull Hotel , B ! acl ; bnrn . ™ ~" » vmm ii , " }' . '" ' -- '« - ''' - « e ! 'l Arms , Macclesfield . 309—Harmony , Red Lion , Fareham .
.. <> t>—I omlrer , t . enrgc Hotel , Northampton . Hi—St . Peter ' s . Afasonic Hall , llonmghlmvy , Potcr ' nornm-h , 050-Star in tbe Fast Pier Hotel . Harwich . " ' ( £ * " ?) _ , !> 2-, V I . aia Pillar , Ma- «> nic Hall . Bullring-lane Grini ^ bv 012-Prince , ; f Wales . Merby Hotel . Bury , Lancnshlre ' 10 , l-Liidcrlcy , Masonic Boom , Market-place , Kirk ! -v Lonsdale 12 > 2-Ai ; choln ! e , Fori ' .-tor ' s Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire ' - 12 SI—brent . Masonic Hall , Glohe Hotel , Topsham 1331—Aldershot Camp , Assembly Rooms , High-street , Aldershot
FRIDAY , 5 th MAY . im-TWV . Karl ibcy Tavern . Mile End-road , at , 8 . ( Instruction . ) : 'r :, ; : ( - ' . ; , - A lH > i < ; aeh Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) ' ¦ j 1 " . ; - ' " ' >» Into rinrt , Chijif . - m , 7 .: io . ( TnstMiction . ) l . Jo / -. Aietrop .. lita : i , 2 ( i !> I ' eutoiiville-roa ;! . ( Instruction )
; ., I—L-. ial B-rk-hire of Hope , Council Chamber , Xewbury 7 ' 0—Jnvicla . C ' . rn I . xeliaiige . Quccn-strcct \< hb > rd 1333—Athelstan , Town Hail , Atherstone , Warwick . l . ' > 7—Chorlton . Alnsnuie Rooms , Chorlton Cum Harclv . 1501—Morcciimljc , Allaeiieiini , Lancaster .
SATURDAY , Gth MAY . General Committ . - c , Boys' School , Freeina-ons' Hall at 1 n "t " ' ^ ' - ' i ?!' f * ™?™ ' Tavern , Southgate-road ; N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) it . A .-famai Chapter ot Instruction , Lmon , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
West Yorkshire.
MONDAY . lot—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . ' 1108—AVliarfedale , Private Room , Boronghgate , Otley , York . 1211 —Goderich . Masonic Hall , Gfc . George-street , Leeds . 123 !)—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . 1302-DcAVarren , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1512—Logiolium , Masonic Hall , Carlton-street , Custleford . R . A . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commercial-street , Morley .
TUESDAY . 2 fi 5—Royal Yorkshire , Masonic Hall , HanoA'cr-strcet , Keighley . 1211—Scarborough , Wilton Arms Hotel , Batley . R . A . 200—Loyalty , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . COO—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Sale ' m-street , Bradford .
WEDNESDAY . 258—Amphibious , Freemason's Hall , HcckmondAviko . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commoreial-streot , Morley . 010—St . OsAvald , Masonic Hall . Ropergate , Pontefract . R . A . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall . Great Georgo-street , Leeds .
THURSDAY . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dowshury . 275—Hnniiony , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . 280—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds . 337—Candour , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill . 07 t—Pentelpha , NCAVMasonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford . 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland . 1513—Friendly , King ' s Head Hotel , Barnslcy .
FRIDAY . 212—St . George ' s , Victoria Room , Doncaster . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kclsall-stroct , Leeds . ¦ 101—Royd Forest , Hark-to-Bounty Inn , Slaidlmru . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliani-stvcet , Huddersfield . ( 152—Holme A alley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth . 837—De Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . 1031—Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill .
SATURDAY . 110—Peace , Masonic Rooms , Mclthnm . 308—Prince George , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . ¦ 131—St . George ' s , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-street , North Shields . TUESDAY . 121—Marquis of Granby , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvct , Durham , u A i " Dllvi , rs > Freemasons' Hall . The Parade , Berwick-on Tweed . ' K . A . Ill—Vigilance , Freemasons' Hall , Archer-street , Darlington .
WEDNESDAY . Ot—Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall , Queen-street , Sunderland , too—Northern Counties , Afasonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne . 1- / 1—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chcster-le-strcct .
THURSDAY . 21—Newciistle-on-Tync , Freemasons' Hall , Graiugcr-street-west , NeAvcaatleon-T . viie . 5 i !? ~ J ? Fl'L ' Pmasons' HallAVellington-street Stockton-on-Tees
; . , , . 531—St . Helen's , Masonic Hall . Regcnt ' s-square , Hartlepool . 030-De Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth . l f ) 5 l ) -Blagdon , Ridley Arms Hotel , Blyth . 1370—Marquess of Ripon , Freemasons ' ' Hall , Archer-street , Dariim'tou .
FRIDAY . 1230—Barnard , AVitham Institute , Barnard Castle 1557—Albert Edward , AVhite Hart Hotel , Hexham .
Notices Of Meetings.
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of Mark Master Masons .-The regular monthl y meeting of this ancient Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne on v , cdncsday , 26 th April , Bro . Itidsdnle acting as W . M . iu tho ab '
senco ot Bro . Holmes P . G . J . W . Prcsont-Bros . Hughes S . W ., Frank in J . W ., Cockburn M . O ., Dr . Armstrong S . O ., Bell actio" as JO . K . Armstrong S . D ., Boll J . D , Salmon l . G . Bro . Sims , of tho Vvalker Lodge , 1312 , Avas duly advanced as a serving Brother to thia degree , and the Lod ge adjourned in harmony till September .
Metropolitan Chapter .-Tho regular weekly convocation hereof was held on luosday , 25 th inst ., at tho Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , L . C present the following :-Comps . G . Newman M . E . Z ., J . Constable It J . L . Mather J ., Thos . W . White Scribe E ., J . Wyer Scnbo N ., 11 . V right P . S ., B . Borridgc , A . A . DreAV , W . II . Green ,
P . Wagner . U pon the confirmation of the minutes of the previous Convocation , tho M . E . rehearsed the ceremony of exaltation , Comp . Bcrndgc acting candidate . Comp . A . A . Drew AVUS elected a joiW member . He agam urge upon the Companions generally to attend this , one of tue few Chapters of Instruction ; it is abl y aud well conducted by those whoso praises we have so often sun . ' .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 27 .-This LodcG held us usual weekl y meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Tho Hercules , Lcadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 27 th April , at 7 30 Present—Bros . Hollands W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Salmoaeso J W
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 29 th APRIL . 108—Percy , . Tolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgato-roacl , N „ at 8 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . —Sinai Chanter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
MONDAY , 1 st MAY . 45—Strong Jfan , Old Jerusalem , St . John's-squnre , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 171—Sincerity , Raihvay Tavern , London-street , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-lloors . 5 . 1—Royal Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath . 119— Sun , Square unit Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , Whitehaven . 133—Harmony , Ship Hotel , Faversham . 15 ( i—Harmony , Huysho Masonic TemplePlymouth .
, 100—Peace and Harmony , TCovnl Oak Hotel , Dover . 338—Vitrnvinn , Eoyal Hotel , iioss , Herefordshire . 1 H—Three Grand Principles , Red Lion Hotel , Petty Cum-, Cambridge . 478—Churchill , Masonic Hall , Alfred-street , Oxford . in-15—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham . 1051—BoAvley , Athenanun , Lancaster . 1201—Neptune , Afasonic Temple , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , 2 nd MAY . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . fi 5— Constitutional , AVhcatshcnf , Hand-court , W . C ., nt 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 860— P . alhousie , Eoyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1201—Golden Pule , Iiegent Masonic Hall . Air-street , Piccadilly . 51—Angel , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . 120—Paladin , Green Dragon Hotel , Hereford . 1 S ? —^ tI"nis ' Jr , lpn " Booms , Victoria Hall , Trinity-roadSheerness-on-Sea .
, , 103—Rnynl Lebanon , Spread Eagle , Gloucester . 558—Temple , Town Hall , Folkestone . 731—I . ondesbovough , Victoria Hotel , Bridlington Quay . 8-17—Fortcseue , Masonic Hall , High-street , Honiton , Devon . MS—St . Barnabas , Masonic Boom , Linsdalo , Leightor . Buzzard
10 O 2- —SkidiliiAv , Lodge Room , Market-place , Cockcrniouth 1031—bewail , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Sal'ord . 1133—Devon , Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot , 1228—l . ' eacontree . Bed Lion , Levtor . stone , at s . o . ( Instructim ) 1322—v aveb-y , ( , 'nlpdonia In " . AshtoiMinder-Lvne . 133 C- S ., i : aie rnd Compass , AVj . nnstay Arn s , liigb-. > trect , AVroxham .
WEDNESDAY , 3 rd MAY . Grand Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . i ! ! !~ " £ , 1 , i , lrn , , ' JIi , S ( " s' lrall > Masons ' -avenue , at , 7 . ( Instruction . ) l . j . 'l-Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 2 ! N—Harmony , Masonic Boom , Ann-slrect , I ! och ( la 1 e 321!—Mnirn . Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol ¦ I 2 >'—Sincerity , Angel House . NorfhwicbCheshire
, -171—Slim ism . Freemasons' Hall , Dock-street , Newport . () b > -Humphrey Chctham , Masonic Iiuoni , Cross-sheet Manchester II 11—Mdton , Commercial Hotel , A < -hton-iinder-Lyrie 11 ( 17—Alnwick , Masonic lltvll , Market .-placp , Alnwick ' ] 2 iiU—Ciniiuc l'orts , Bell Hotel . Sandwich . 132 : 1—Talbot . Masonic Uooms , AVind-strcet , Swansea V ! -o ~^ Tli , II ' r , T 0 , v , \ V ! l v rhi ,, ' - Su , lljur ^ oucestcr . 11 / 9—Halsey , Town Hall , St . Albans .
THURSDAY , 4 th MAY . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov- « q at 7 0 ¦ i i ^] ' !;' , " !" ' U ' ' "'? p TilVL ' '" . . I' «« lenhaU . street , E . C . ( Instruction . ) ? - ~ t f ' "'} l \ T , "'crn ' ^ " •! i ' ''Pct , Regent-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction ) *<•>•—\ arhoroiigh , Green Dragon , Stepney . - - UUII . ; 12 ( i (>—Ilcrvcy , 152 Fulham-road , at a . ( Instruction ) 1 ISO-Marquess of Ripon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
• -L'ntcd Industrious Guildhall Concert , Room , High-street , Canterbury . -Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-sfreet , Bath lBTmly - 123—Lennox , treemasons' Hall , Richmond , A ' orksbire T . ;' ^ . " ' : ; ' ? : U »*™ "e Temple . 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 2-. I— I runty , ( . raven Arms Hotel . Covuutrv . 2 fi !'—Fidelity , AVliiln Bull Hotel , B ! acl ; bnrn . ™ ~" » vmm ii , " }' . '" ' -- '« - ''' - « e ! 'l Arms , Macclesfield . 309—Harmony , Red Lion , Fareham .
.. <> t>—I omlrer , t . enrgc Hotel , Northampton . Hi—St . Peter ' s . Afasonic Hall , llonmghlmvy , Potcr ' nornm-h , 050-Star in tbe Fast Pier Hotel . Harwich . " ' ( £ * " ?) _ , !> 2-, V I . aia Pillar , Ma- «> nic Hall . Bullring-lane Grini ^ bv 012-Prince , ; f Wales . Merby Hotel . Bury , Lancnshlre ' 10 , l-Liidcrlcy , Masonic Boom , Market-place , Kirk ! -v Lonsdale 12 > 2-Ai ; choln ! e , Fori ' .-tor ' s Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire ' - 12 SI—brent . Masonic Hall , Glohe Hotel , Topsham 1331—Aldershot Camp , Assembly Rooms , High-street , Aldershot
FRIDAY , 5 th MAY . im-TWV . Karl ibcy Tavern . Mile End-road , at , 8 . ( Instruction . ) : 'r :, ; : ( - ' . ; , - A lH > i < ; aeh Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) ' ¦ j 1 " . ; - ' " ' >» Into rinrt , Chijif . - m , 7 .: io . ( TnstMiction . ) l . Jo / -. Aietrop .. lita : i , 2 ( i !> I ' eutoiiville-roa ;! . ( Instruction )
; ., I—L-. ial B-rk-hire of Hope , Council Chamber , Xewbury 7 ' 0—Jnvicla . C ' . rn I . xeliaiige . Quccn-strcct \< hb > rd 1333—Athelstan , Town Hail , Atherstone , Warwick . l . ' > 7—Chorlton . Alnsnuie Rooms , Chorlton Cum Harclv . 1501—Morcciimljc , Allaeiieiini , Lancaster .
SATURDAY , Gth MAY . General Committ . - c , Boys' School , Freeina-ons' Hall at 1 n "t " ' ^ ' - ' i ?!' f * ™?™ ' Tavern , Southgate-road ; N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) it . A .-famai Chapter ot Instruction , Lmon , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
West Yorkshire.
MONDAY . lot—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . ' 1108—AVliarfedale , Private Room , Boronghgate , Otley , York . 1211 —Goderich . Masonic Hall , Gfc . George-street , Leeds . 123 !)—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . 1302-DcAVarren , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1512—Logiolium , Masonic Hall , Carlton-street , Custleford . R . A . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commercial-street , Morley .
TUESDAY . 2 fi 5—Royal Yorkshire , Masonic Hall , HanoA'cr-strcet , Keighley . 1211—Scarborough , Wilton Arms Hotel , Batley . R . A . 200—Loyalty , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . COO—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Sale ' m-street , Bradford .
WEDNESDAY . 258—Amphibious , Freemason's Hall , HcckmondAviko . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commoreial-streot , Morley . 010—St . OsAvald , Masonic Hall . Ropergate , Pontefract . R . A . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall . Great Georgo-street , Leeds .
THURSDAY . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dowshury . 275—Hnniiony , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . 280—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds . 337—Candour , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill . 07 t—Pentelpha , NCAVMasonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford . 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland . 1513—Friendly , King ' s Head Hotel , Barnslcy .
FRIDAY . 212—St . George ' s , Victoria Room , Doncaster . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kclsall-stroct , Leeds . ¦ 101—Royd Forest , Hark-to-Bounty Inn , Slaidlmru . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliani-stvcet , Huddersfield . ( 152—Holme A alley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth . 837—De Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . 1031—Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill .
SATURDAY . 110—Peace , Masonic Rooms , Mclthnm . 308—Prince George , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . ¦ 131—St . George ' s , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-street , North Shields . TUESDAY . 121—Marquis of Granby , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvct , Durham , u A i " Dllvi , rs > Freemasons' Hall . The Parade , Berwick-on Tweed . ' K . A . Ill—Vigilance , Freemasons' Hall , Archer-street , Darlington .
WEDNESDAY . Ot—Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall , Queen-street , Sunderland , too—Northern Counties , Afasonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne . 1- / 1—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chcster-le-strcct .
THURSDAY . 21—Newciistle-on-Tync , Freemasons' Hall , Graiugcr-street-west , NeAvcaatleon-T . viie . 5 i !? ~ J ? Fl'L ' Pmasons' HallAVellington-street Stockton-on-Tees
; . , , . 531—St . Helen's , Masonic Hall . Regcnt ' s-square , Hartlepool . 030-De Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth . l f ) 5 l ) -Blagdon , Ridley Arms Hotel , Blyth . 1370—Marquess of Ripon , Freemasons ' ' Hall , Archer-street , Dariim'tou .
FRIDAY . 1230—Barnard , AVitham Institute , Barnard Castle 1557—Albert Edward , AVhite Hart Hotel , Hexham .
Notices Of Meetings.
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of Mark Master Masons .-The regular monthl y meeting of this ancient Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne on v , cdncsday , 26 th April , Bro . Itidsdnle acting as W . M . iu tho ab '
senco ot Bro . Holmes P . G . J . W . Prcsont-Bros . Hughes S . W ., Frank in J . W ., Cockburn M . O ., Dr . Armstrong S . O ., Bell actio" as JO . K . Armstrong S . D ., Boll J . D , Salmon l . G . Bro . Sims , of tho Vvalker Lodge , 1312 , Avas duly advanced as a serving Brother to thia degree , and the Lod ge adjourned in harmony till September .
Metropolitan Chapter .-Tho regular weekly convocation hereof was held on luosday , 25 th inst ., at tho Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , L . C present the following :-Comps . G . Newman M . E . Z ., J . Constable It J . L . Mather J ., Thos . W . White Scribe E ., J . Wyer Scnbo N ., 11 . V right P . S ., B . Borridgc , A . A . DreAV , W . II . Green ,
P . Wagner . U pon the confirmation of the minutes of the previous Convocation , tho M . E . rehearsed the ceremony of exaltation , Comp . Bcrndgc acting candidate . Comp . A . A . Drew AVUS elected a joiW member . He agam urge upon the Companions generally to attend this , one of tue few Chapters of Instruction ; it is abl y aud well conducted by those whoso praises we have so often sun . ' .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 27 .-This LodcG held us usual weekl y meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Tho Hercules , Lcadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 27 th April , at 7 30 Present—Bros . Hollands W . M ., Rudderforth S . W ., Salmoaeso J W