Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ' % il $ P ^ HIS Il 0 YAL HIGHJ > IESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG ., g V ( * , rzJ £ ft yr 7 Most Worshipful Graud Master , & c , & c , having been graciously fflu § / 2 SjSrk $ k ^ m <(/ 2 &\ pleased to accept tho special Dedication , jFiikL ! w * f § 3 S 5 raGaV Mrm <^^^ ff ^^ A SPLEH 3 DID //\\ JiMl . HIST 0 BICAL STEEL ENGRAVINO jfe | ^^^^^^ m ^^ WILL SIIOETLY BE PUBLISHED , /* V ~^ 4 ¦^^^ L W ^ JM F ^ . OP IHB // * - / jf ^ y - ^\ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / \ W \ ^ WEW ^ k IN THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ p |^^__ ^ . rfS # S * W By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ' ^^^^^ ff 0 ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will lie held at tho FieenM .-ons' Tavern , London , ou "Wednesday , tho loth May 1870 . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., D . L ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master for "H ost Yorkshire , in tho . Unir . President of tho Board of Stcwnrdt ., V . W . Bro . Rev . Charles J . Martyu P . G . C . Treasurer , W . Bro . Joseph Smith P . G . P . Dimer on table at Six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in lull Masonic Craft costume . Tickets , One Guinea each , may ho had o £ the Stewards , or of tho Secretary , as under , 11 . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary of tho Institution , Hon . Secretary of the Board ot Stewards .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUB PBEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1 S 77 , and is fixed at , —ii'j 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles ol tho Club , and iil lis ( id for Country Members , without entrance lee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OF MEMBEBS will bo held on the 17 th Alay . Upwards of 500 Brethren having already joined , an Entrance Fee will be imposed as soon as the Cluu is open d . POEMS OP APPLICATION for Membership may bo obtained from the Secretary , at tho Ollices of the LONDON MASONIC CLUU Co-yrvjfi-LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATIIBURY , Secretary .
. A . nvcoisrujycEiNrTA L WOBE . NOW IN PBEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
pggnW-vAw ' gijamagwuwuuuuun H ^ P ^^^^^ a feaaafljaflflafl ^^ i WwvwsrvaflafliB ¦ ami G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE House of Lords re-assembled , after the Easter recess , on Thursday , but the business of the evening possessed no great interest . The Commons met on Monday , ancl devoted tho greater part of the sitting to discussing , iu Committee , further clauses of the Merchant
Shipping Bill , Clauses 14 and 15 being agreed to , after sundry amendments aud divisions . Previously , Mr . Eawcett asked the Prime Minister if he would afford him any facilities for bringing on his motion of censure on the Government , or , as Mr . Disraeli suggested , on the House of Commons , in reference to the . Royal Titles Bill , but
Our Weekly Budget.
Mr . Disraeli declined to disturb tho arrangements of the House for public business . On Monday , the attention of tho Government was called , \> y Sir 0 . Dilke and Mr . Thornhill , to certain somewhat alarming telegrams from Barbadoes , in which tho state of that island was
described as very deplorable . The answer of Mr . Lowther was reassuring , and news from Governor Hennessey , of a satisfactory character , has since arrived . Mr . H . Tracy then called attention to the navigation of Her Majesty ' s ships , but the subject was too dry ancl uninteresting , or the
speakers , of whom there wero several ,, too prosy , for the House was counted put at a little after half-pasfc seven o ' clock . On Wednesday , Mr . Forsyth , one of the members for Marylebone , moved the second reading of the Womens ' Disabilities Eemoval Bill , tho object of which is to extend
the Parliamentary franchise to single women , widows or spinsters , who , either as owners or occupiers , possess tho necessary property qualification , or bear their share of tho fiscal burdens of the country , but the House were not of Mr . Forsyth's way of thinking , even though Mr . Disraeli
supports that gentleman , for they rejected the measure by 239 to 152 . On Thursday , after a long wrangle about Mr . Eawcott ' s notice of motion on tho Royal Titles Bill , the House went into Committee on the Merchant Shipping Bill , and somo further progress with that measure was made .
Her Majesty returned to England on Saturday , reaching Windsor Castle a little before seven o ' clock in the evening . On Thursday last the Prince of Wales reached Cadiz , whence he set out immediately for Seville . Here three officers of King Alphonso met and welcomed him , and
formally invited His Royal Highness to visit Madrid , the invitation being cordially accepted . On Tuesday , the Princo reached the Spanish capital , Mr . Layarcl , the English Minister , having gone as far as Aranjuez to meet him , while the Kintr , with a numerous staff , the Captain-General
and Governor of Madrid , and the Ministers , met him at tho railway station . On the platform were the English residents , who cheered him repeatedly . TheKingandPrinces then drove to the Palace , where a suite of apartments had been prepared for the latter . Among the festivities prepared
for His Royal Hig hness was originally included a bulllight , bnt the idea was subsequently abandoned , as the Prince expressed his inability to be present . On Wednesday was held a review of the Madrid garrison . The troops , which were drawn up iu the courtyard of the Palace ,
consisted of four regiments of cavalry , ten batteries of artillery , and two divisions of infantry . The King and Prince ancl the Duke of Conna"ght were attended by a numerous staif , including several generals , and having taken up their position , tho march past began , and lasted an hour and a
half . Thursday , the King and Princes were to start for Toledo , the visit being so arranged as to allow of their return to Madrid in time for the opera . The day following the Escurial will be visited , and then the Duke of Connaught will leave for France on his return home . There
will be a banquet the same evening , and to-day a grand reception at the English Embassy . On Sunday the Prince loaves for Lisbon , and will be met at the frontier town of | Klvas by the Ministers and Aides-de-camp of the King of | Portugal , Lisbon will bo reached in the afternoon of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ' % il $ P ^ HIS Il 0 YAL HIGHJ > IESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG ., g V ( * , rzJ £ ft yr 7 Most Worshipful Graud Master , & c , & c , having been graciously fflu § / 2 SjSrk $ k ^ m <(/ 2 &\ pleased to accept tho special Dedication , jFiikL ! w * f § 3 S 5 raGaV Mrm <^^^ ff ^^ A SPLEH 3 DID //\\ JiMl . HIST 0 BICAL STEEL ENGRAVINO jfe | ^^^^^^ m ^^ WILL SIIOETLY BE PUBLISHED , /* V ~^ 4 ¦^^^ L W ^ JM F ^ . OP IHB // * - / jf ^ y - ^\ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / \ W \ ^ WEW ^ k IN THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ p |^^__ ^ . rfS # S * W By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ' ^^^^^ ff 0 ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will lie held at tho FieenM .-ons' Tavern , London , ou "Wednesday , tho loth May 1870 . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., D . L ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master for "H ost Yorkshire , in tho . Unir . President of tho Board of Stcwnrdt ., V . W . Bro . Rev . Charles J . Martyu P . G . C . Treasurer , W . Bro . Joseph Smith P . G . P . Dimer on table at Six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in lull Masonic Craft costume . Tickets , One Guinea each , may ho had o £ the Stewards , or of tho Secretary , as under , 11 . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary of tho Institution , Hon . Secretary of the Board ot Stewards .
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUB PBEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1 S 77 , and is fixed at , —ii'j 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles ol tho Club , and iil lis ( id for Country Members , without entrance lee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OF MEMBEBS will bo held on the 17 th Alay . Upwards of 500 Brethren having already joined , an Entrance Fee will be imposed as soon as the Cluu is open d . POEMS OP APPLICATION for Membership may bo obtained from the Secretary , at tho Ollices of the LONDON MASONIC CLUU Co-yrvjfi-LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATIIBURY , Secretary .
. A . nvcoisrujycEiNrTA L WOBE . NOW IN PBEPABATION . HISTORY OF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited by a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
pggnW-vAw ' gijamagwuwuuuuun H ^ P ^^^^^ a feaaafljaflflafl ^^ i WwvwsrvaflafliB ¦ ami G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE House of Lords re-assembled , after the Easter recess , on Thursday , but the business of the evening possessed no great interest . The Commons met on Monday , ancl devoted tho greater part of the sitting to discussing , iu Committee , further clauses of the Merchant
Shipping Bill , Clauses 14 and 15 being agreed to , after sundry amendments aud divisions . Previously , Mr . Eawcett asked the Prime Minister if he would afford him any facilities for bringing on his motion of censure on the Government , or , as Mr . Disraeli suggested , on the House of Commons , in reference to the . Royal Titles Bill , but
Our Weekly Budget.
Mr . Disraeli declined to disturb tho arrangements of the House for public business . On Monday , the attention of tho Government was called , \> y Sir 0 . Dilke and Mr . Thornhill , to certain somewhat alarming telegrams from Barbadoes , in which tho state of that island was
described as very deplorable . The answer of Mr . Lowther was reassuring , and news from Governor Hennessey , of a satisfactory character , has since arrived . Mr . H . Tracy then called attention to the navigation of Her Majesty ' s ships , but the subject was too dry ancl uninteresting , or the
speakers , of whom there wero several ,, too prosy , for the House was counted put at a little after half-pasfc seven o ' clock . On Wednesday , Mr . Forsyth , one of the members for Marylebone , moved the second reading of the Womens ' Disabilities Eemoval Bill , tho object of which is to extend
the Parliamentary franchise to single women , widows or spinsters , who , either as owners or occupiers , possess tho necessary property qualification , or bear their share of tho fiscal burdens of the country , but the House were not of Mr . Forsyth's way of thinking , even though Mr . Disraeli
supports that gentleman , for they rejected the measure by 239 to 152 . On Thursday , after a long wrangle about Mr . Eawcott ' s notice of motion on tho Royal Titles Bill , the House went into Committee on the Merchant Shipping Bill , and somo further progress with that measure was made .
Her Majesty returned to England on Saturday , reaching Windsor Castle a little before seven o ' clock in the evening . On Thursday last the Prince of Wales reached Cadiz , whence he set out immediately for Seville . Here three officers of King Alphonso met and welcomed him , and
formally invited His Royal Highness to visit Madrid , the invitation being cordially accepted . On Tuesday , the Princo reached the Spanish capital , Mr . Layarcl , the English Minister , having gone as far as Aranjuez to meet him , while the Kintr , with a numerous staff , the Captain-General
and Governor of Madrid , and the Ministers , met him at tho railway station . On the platform were the English residents , who cheered him repeatedly . TheKingandPrinces then drove to the Palace , where a suite of apartments had been prepared for the latter . Among the festivities prepared
for His Royal Hig hness was originally included a bulllight , bnt the idea was subsequently abandoned , as the Prince expressed his inability to be present . On Wednesday was held a review of the Madrid garrison . The troops , which were drawn up iu the courtyard of the Palace ,
consisted of four regiments of cavalry , ten batteries of artillery , and two divisions of infantry . The King and Prince ancl the Duke of Conna"ght were attended by a numerous staif , including several generals , and having taken up their position , tho march past began , and lasted an hour and a
half . Thursday , the King and Princes were to start for Toledo , the visit being so arranged as to allow of their return to Madrid in time for the opera . The day following the Escurial will be visited , and then the Duke of Connaught will leave for France on his return home . There
will be a banquet the same evening , and to-day a grand reception at the English Embassy . On Sunday the Prince loaves for Lisbon , and will be met at the frontier town of | Klvas by the Ministers and Aides-de-camp of the King of | Portugal , Lisbon will bo reached in the afternoon of