Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2
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Notices Of Meetings.
Hotel , Kew Bndge . Present—Bros . Gunner W . M ., Gosa P . M . S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., Tucker W . M . 1612 Treasurer , C . E . Botley S . D ., B . Monson J . D ., Maton I . G . Past Masters Bros . Blasby , Andrews Preceptor , & c ; also Bros . Earl , Sherring , Flint , Geflow & ki , Treadaway Roval Standard , No . 1298 , & c . Lodge was opened in duo form , and the minntes of the last meeting were read aud signed . The
ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Sherring aoting as candidate . Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of raising was re hearsed , Bio . S . Flint candidate . Lodge was resumed to the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . F . Botley , the votes of the Royal Masouio Institution for Boys belonging to the Lodge of Instruction were unauimously voted to Bro . Blasby , who is working for a candidate . Bro . C . E . Botley pro .
posed , and Bro . Tucker seconded , that Bro . S . Flint , of the Royal Alfred Lodge , be elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Geflowski proposed , and Bro . F . Botley seconded , that Brother Treadaway , of the Royal Standard Lodge , Ho . 1298 , become a mem . ber . Both these brethren were unanimously elected . Brother F . Botley was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned till Friday , the 5 th October ; Friday , the 28 th inst . being the installation meeting of the mother Lodge .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters Tavern , r"ownail-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , Present—Bros . A . J . Clark W . M ., Watkinsou S . W ., Gushing J . W ., Christian S . D ., Baker J . D ., Smyth I . G ., F . Carr Sec , Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Lorkin , Marsh , Catliu , Olley , WardeJI , Hunt , and Croager . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wardell candidate . The Lodge was called off , and afterwards resumed iis Masuuio duties by the W . M .. opening the Lodge in the secoud and third degrees , and resnmiug in the second . Bro . A . J . Clark then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wallington , who rehearsed Gbe ceremony of installation , placing
Bro . Smyth into the chair of K . S . Bro . Smyth invested the Officers . Bro . Wallington then gave the addresses in a most pdrfeut maauer . Bro . Hunt , of the Loyalty Lodge 1607 , and Bro . Croager of the Yarborongb Lodge 551 , were elected members . Bro . Watkinsou was elected W . M . for the eusuing week , aud appointed his officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed and aujourned .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —This success - ful Lodge of Instruction held its weekly meeting at Brother Grey ' s , the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green . road , E ., on Thursday , 20 th inst . Bros . Moss W . M ., Pringle S . W ., Powell J . W ., Smith S . D ., Richard * J . D ., Gilderstone I . G . ; also Bros . Gross , Galer , Grey , Valeutine , Horley , D . Alexander . Lodge was opened iu due form , and the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ; Bro . Smith acting as candidate . Bro . Richards worked the second , third , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony aud the sections were conducted iu a very masterly manner . It is pleasing to note the good work this Lodge of Instruction is doing for our Masouio Institutions ; in the first year it subscribed twelve guiueas to the
Old People , besides relieving two distressed brethren . The head , quarters of its meatings is one of the most comfortable rooms in the East , and brethren receive a kindly welcome if they pay a visit . In addition , the Lodge has a Masonio Association , which , up to the present ,, has sent to the Charities 200 guineas . After a few announcements , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until the 27 th inst ., which will be the Association night .
Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 . —The first meeting of the seasou took place on the 18 th iust ., at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Dunmow . Present—Bros . H . Dehaue P . P . G S . D . W . M ., A . R * ttray S . W .. G . D . Clapham P . P . G . R . J . W ., F . J . Snell P . M . Treasurer , F . W . Warner Secretary , C . J . Rhind J . D ., W . Rowo I . G ., R . Russell Tyler , E . F . Ferris , C . Bint , & o . The Lodg " e was opened in due form , and the
minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Ferris and Bint were raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . in his usual able manner . Bro . Rattray was elected W . M . for tho ensuing year , Snell Treasurer , and Russell Tyler . After the usual routine business had been completed the Lodge was dosed until Tuesday on or nearest the full moon in October . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , prepared by the worth y
host . The W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and com . plimented the W . M . elect , wishing him a prosperous year of office . Bro . Clapham , in proposing the h-altb of the W . M ., eulogised Bro . Behane for the manner . in which he had conducted the business of the Lodge during the two years be had been in the chair . The W . M . suitably replied , and announced that he was about to represent the Lodge at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very pleasant evening .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 24 tli September , at Brother Baker ' s . Cock Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Western W . M ., Kidder P . M . S . W ., George P . M . J . W ., Killick P . M Treasurer , Collingridge Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Trewinnard P . M . Preceptor , Defriez I . G . ; also Past Masters Bros . Tillett , Osborn , Fenner , Hall , and numerous other brethren . Lodge opened in first and secoud degree . It being
the first meeting of this Lodge at its new quarters , the ceremony ol installation was rehearsed by Brother Isaac P . M . Brother Western , who acted as the Worshipful Master , then invested his Officers , and Vacated the cbair in favour of Brother Isaac , who rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Brother Woodman actiug as candidate . Both ceremonies were well carried out . After a cordial vote of thinks to Brother Isaac , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday next , at 8 . 30 .
Notices Of Meetings.
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —The usual weekly meetings of this Lodge of Instruction were re . sumed on Tuesday last , at the Queen ' s Head Tavern , Esses-road , N ., next door to Paokiugton . street . Bros . R . learoy P . M . W . M ., C . Dearing S . W ., C . Weerten J . W ., W . Williams S . D .. J . Osborn P . M . J . D ., Thomas I . G ., J . Weston I . P . M ., A . Jb Dixie Secretary , and a
numerous assemblage of brethren . Lodge opened in ancient form , aud the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Larter acting as candidate . After the usual formalities , the Lodge was closed . Bro . 0 . Dearing will preside at the next meeting . Brethren are reminded that the oeremouies of consecration and installation will be rehearsed ns above by Bro . James Terry P . M . 1228 , 1366 , P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , on Tuesday next , 2 nd October .
THE IRON INDUSTRY OF NEW SOUTH WALES . —The existence of extensive deposits of rich iron ores at Wallerawang , Lithgow , Mittagong , Mount Lambie , Berrima , Iuawarra , and in various other parts of the Colony , has been demonstrated—in many instances in the vioinity of coal and lime in abundance ; but owing to the heavy cost of ereoting smelting and other works , and the difficulty of securing
the necessary skilled labour , very little has yet been done towards developing this important source of wealth . In fact , with the exception of the Fitzroy Works at Mittagong , which have been abandoned fur some time past , the only works in the Colony are those of the Eskbank Iron Company , at Lithgow Valley , which were originated in 1875 . These works consist of f urnaoe , foundry and forge , and rolling
mills ; the two branches are connected by a horse tramway . Most of the plant , inoluding a 24-ton fly-wheel , was made on the ground . The blast furnace is capable of producing 100 tons of gray , or 115 tons of white iron per week . Both pig aud malleable iron are made , and large quantities of rails for tramways have been rolled . Upon this Company ' s property are iron ore , coal , fireclay , and moulders
sand . During the year 1881 the Eskbank iron Company made pig iron to the value of £ 10 , 950 , bar , angle , and rail iron to the value of £ 31 , 086 , aud castings & o ., to the value of £ 5 , 777 . During the year the blast furnace was worked ouly five months and seventeen days . With the introduction of sufficient capital and experienced skill , a busy and prosperous future will become assured to the iron industry of the Colony .
LONDON TO CALCUTTA IN A WEEK . —Mr . Bourne , C . E ., tho principal of the new Engineering College at Muswell Hill , contributes to the Chamber of Commerce Journal for September an article descriptive of a proposed new junction railway intended to unite the railways of Europe with those of India , aud which will so accelerate communication between the Eastern and Western worlds that by its
aid we shall be enabled to travel from Londou to Calcutta in a week . The design of this railway is due to Sir Maodonald Stephenson , by whom the Indian system of railways was inaugurated , and whoso far back as 1850 brought the project under the consideration of Lord Palmerston , and , backed by his influence , nnder the notice of the principal courts of Europe , as an undertaking that must one day be
proceeded with , being the necessary complement of the Iudian system of railways about that time begun . Iu 1817 Mr . Bourne had accompanied Sir Maodonald Stephenson to India to commence the works of the East Indian Railway—the first line constructed in India , and which has since reached a high measure of commercial success—and he has since , in conjunction with Sir Macdonald
Stephenson , collected all uecessary information regarding the oomm-rce , population , productions , trade rontes , topography , geological formation and miueral wealth of the countries intervening between Europe and India , so as to ascertain what were the physical difficulties . which would be encouuteied in the construeliou of the proposed imotion railway , and what the prospects
were of a remunerative return . In the prosecution of this task abont five thousand volumes , bearing upon snch topics , have been examined , and a thousand maps , and a line has been struck out which there is every reason to believe would be remunerative from the local traffic alone , and which is exempt from serious engineering difficulty from eud to end , The European system of railways is now
complete , or being completed , np to Constantinople . - The Indian system is complete up to Sibi on the road to Ctudahar , and the junction link now proposed between these two poiuts , aud which would be 3 , 000 tndes long , or of the same length as one of the railways across Ameiica , would run from Constantinople through Augora , Sivas , Van , Tabrecz , Teheran , Meshed , Herat , and Caudahar .
The time , it is believed , has now arrived for utilising the laborious research continued during so many years . A new and a faster route to India has become necessary . Railways ramifying over the face of Europe and over the face of India have now been constructed which will collect aud distribute the traffic of the connecting trunk ,
and with such aids the through traffic , it is believed , will be large . Every railway iu Europe and every railway in India is interested in the construction of this juuctiun link , and measures , we are informed , are now being taken for carrrying out the undertaking without further delay .
Messrs . Cassell and Company , Limited , of London , Paris , and New York , announce that they will publish , in December , the Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1884 , which will be a careful digest of reliable information relating to the origin , history , and present position of the Joint Stock to
Companies and Public ^ securities known the markets of the United Kiugdom . This is the tenth year of publication , and the services of Mr . Thomas Skinner , compiler and editor of " The Directory of Directors , " " The London Banks , " & c , have been secured to superintend the production of the work .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Hotel , Kew Bndge . Present—Bros . Gunner W . M ., Gosa P . M . S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., Tucker W . M . 1612 Treasurer , C . E . Botley S . D ., B . Monson J . D ., Maton I . G . Past Masters Bros . Blasby , Andrews Preceptor , & c ; also Bros . Earl , Sherring , Flint , Geflow & ki , Treadaway Roval Standard , No . 1298 , & c . Lodge was opened in duo form , and the minntes of the last meeting were read aud signed . The
ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Sherring aoting as candidate . Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of raising was re hearsed , Bio . S . Flint candidate . Lodge was resumed to the first degree . On the proposition of Bro . F . Botley , the votes of the Royal Masouio Institution for Boys belonging to the Lodge of Instruction were unauimously voted to Bro . Blasby , who is working for a candidate . Bro . C . E . Botley pro .
posed , and Bro . Tucker seconded , that Bro . S . Flint , of the Royal Alfred Lodge , be elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Geflowski proposed , and Bro . F . Botley seconded , that Brother Treadaway , of the Royal Standard Lodge , Ho . 1298 , become a mem . ber . Both these brethren were unanimously elected . Brother F . Botley was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned till Friday , the 5 th October ; Friday , the 28 th inst . being the installation meeting of the mother Lodge .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters Tavern , r"ownail-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , Present—Bros . A . J . Clark W . M ., Watkinsou S . W ., Gushing J . W ., Christian S . D ., Baker J . D ., Smyth I . G ., F . Carr Sec , Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Lorkin , Marsh , Catliu , Olley , WardeJI , Hunt , and Croager . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wardell candidate . The Lodge was called off , and afterwards resumed iis Masuuio duties by the W . M .. opening the Lodge in the secoud and third degrees , and resnmiug in the second . Bro . A . J . Clark then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wallington , who rehearsed Gbe ceremony of installation , placing
Bro . Smyth into the chair of K . S . Bro . Smyth invested the Officers . Bro . Wallington then gave the addresses in a most pdrfeut maauer . Bro . Hunt , of the Loyalty Lodge 1607 , and Bro . Croager of the Yarborongb Lodge 551 , were elected members . Bro . Watkinsou was elected W . M . for the eusuing week , aud appointed his officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed and aujourned .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —This success - ful Lodge of Instruction held its weekly meeting at Brother Grey ' s , the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green . road , E ., on Thursday , 20 th inst . Bros . Moss W . M ., Pringle S . W ., Powell J . W ., Smith S . D ., Richard * J . D ., Gilderstone I . G . ; also Bros . Gross , Galer , Grey , Valeutine , Horley , D . Alexander . Lodge was opened iu due form , and the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ; Bro . Smith acting as candidate . Bro . Richards worked the second , third , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony aud the sections were conducted iu a very masterly manner . It is pleasing to note the good work this Lodge of Instruction is doing for our Masouio Institutions ; in the first year it subscribed twelve guiueas to the
Old People , besides relieving two distressed brethren . The head , quarters of its meatings is one of the most comfortable rooms in the East , and brethren receive a kindly welcome if they pay a visit . In addition , the Lodge has a Masonio Association , which , up to the present ,, has sent to the Charities 200 guineas . After a few announcements , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until the 27 th inst ., which will be the Association night .
Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 . —The first meeting of the seasou took place on the 18 th iust ., at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Dunmow . Present—Bros . H . Dehaue P . P . G S . D . W . M ., A . R * ttray S . W .. G . D . Clapham P . P . G . R . J . W ., F . J . Snell P . M . Treasurer , F . W . Warner Secretary , C . J . Rhind J . D ., W . Rowo I . G ., R . Russell Tyler , E . F . Ferris , C . Bint , & o . The Lodg " e was opened in due form , and the
minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Ferris and Bint were raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . in his usual able manner . Bro . Rattray was elected W . M . for tho ensuing year , Snell Treasurer , and Russell Tyler . After the usual routine business had been completed the Lodge was dosed until Tuesday on or nearest the full moon in October . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , prepared by the worth y
host . The W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and com . plimented the W . M . elect , wishing him a prosperous year of office . Bro . Clapham , in proposing the h-altb of the W . M ., eulogised Bro . Behane for the manner . in which he had conducted the business of the Lodge during the two years be had been in the chair . The W . M . suitably replied , and announced that he was about to represent the Lodge at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very pleasant evening .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 24 tli September , at Brother Baker ' s . Cock Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Western W . M ., Kidder P . M . S . W ., George P . M . J . W ., Killick P . M Treasurer , Collingridge Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Trewinnard P . M . Preceptor , Defriez I . G . ; also Past Masters Bros . Tillett , Osborn , Fenner , Hall , and numerous other brethren . Lodge opened in first and secoud degree . It being
the first meeting of this Lodge at its new quarters , the ceremony ol installation was rehearsed by Brother Isaac P . M . Brother Western , who acted as the Worshipful Master , then invested his Officers , and Vacated the cbair in favour of Brother Isaac , who rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Brother Woodman actiug as candidate . Both ceremonies were well carried out . After a cordial vote of thinks to Brother Isaac , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday next , at 8 . 30 .
Notices Of Meetings.
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —The usual weekly meetings of this Lodge of Instruction were re . sumed on Tuesday last , at the Queen ' s Head Tavern , Esses-road , N ., next door to Paokiugton . street . Bros . R . learoy P . M . W . M ., C . Dearing S . W ., C . Weerten J . W ., W . Williams S . D .. J . Osborn P . M . J . D ., Thomas I . G ., J . Weston I . P . M ., A . Jb Dixie Secretary , and a
numerous assemblage of brethren . Lodge opened in ancient form , aud the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Larter acting as candidate . After the usual formalities , the Lodge was closed . Bro . 0 . Dearing will preside at the next meeting . Brethren are reminded that the oeremouies of consecration and installation will be rehearsed ns above by Bro . James Terry P . M . 1228 , 1366 , P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , on Tuesday next , 2 nd October .
THE IRON INDUSTRY OF NEW SOUTH WALES . —The existence of extensive deposits of rich iron ores at Wallerawang , Lithgow , Mittagong , Mount Lambie , Berrima , Iuawarra , and in various other parts of the Colony , has been demonstrated—in many instances in the vioinity of coal and lime in abundance ; but owing to the heavy cost of ereoting smelting and other works , and the difficulty of securing
the necessary skilled labour , very little has yet been done towards developing this important source of wealth . In fact , with the exception of the Fitzroy Works at Mittagong , which have been abandoned fur some time past , the only works in the Colony are those of the Eskbank Iron Company , at Lithgow Valley , which were originated in 1875 . These works consist of f urnaoe , foundry and forge , and rolling
mills ; the two branches are connected by a horse tramway . Most of the plant , inoluding a 24-ton fly-wheel , was made on the ground . The blast furnace is capable of producing 100 tons of gray , or 115 tons of white iron per week . Both pig aud malleable iron are made , and large quantities of rails for tramways have been rolled . Upon this Company ' s property are iron ore , coal , fireclay , and moulders
sand . During the year 1881 the Eskbank iron Company made pig iron to the value of £ 10 , 950 , bar , angle , and rail iron to the value of £ 31 , 086 , aud castings & o ., to the value of £ 5 , 777 . During the year the blast furnace was worked ouly five months and seventeen days . With the introduction of sufficient capital and experienced skill , a busy and prosperous future will become assured to the iron industry of the Colony .
LONDON TO CALCUTTA IN A WEEK . —Mr . Bourne , C . E ., tho principal of the new Engineering College at Muswell Hill , contributes to the Chamber of Commerce Journal for September an article descriptive of a proposed new junction railway intended to unite the railways of Europe with those of India , aud which will so accelerate communication between the Eastern and Western worlds that by its
aid we shall be enabled to travel from Londou to Calcutta in a week . The design of this railway is due to Sir Maodonald Stephenson , by whom the Indian system of railways was inaugurated , and whoso far back as 1850 brought the project under the consideration of Lord Palmerston , and , backed by his influence , nnder the notice of the principal courts of Europe , as an undertaking that must one day be
proceeded with , being the necessary complement of the Iudian system of railways about that time begun . Iu 1817 Mr . Bourne had accompanied Sir Maodonald Stephenson to India to commence the works of the East Indian Railway—the first line constructed in India , and which has since reached a high measure of commercial success—and he has since , in conjunction with Sir Macdonald
Stephenson , collected all uecessary information regarding the oomm-rce , population , productions , trade rontes , topography , geological formation and miueral wealth of the countries intervening between Europe and India , so as to ascertain what were the physical difficulties . which would be encouuteied in the construeliou of the proposed imotion railway , and what the prospects
were of a remunerative return . In the prosecution of this task abont five thousand volumes , bearing upon snch topics , have been examined , and a thousand maps , and a line has been struck out which there is every reason to believe would be remunerative from the local traffic alone , and which is exempt from serious engineering difficulty from eud to end , The European system of railways is now
complete , or being completed , np to Constantinople . - The Indian system is complete up to Sibi on the road to Ctudahar , and the junction link now proposed between these two poiuts , aud which would be 3 , 000 tndes long , or of the same length as one of the railways across Ameiica , would run from Constantinople through Augora , Sivas , Van , Tabrecz , Teheran , Meshed , Herat , and Caudahar .
The time , it is believed , has now arrived for utilising the laborious research continued during so many years . A new and a faster route to India has become necessary . Railways ramifying over the face of Europe and over the face of India have now been constructed which will collect aud distribute the traffic of the connecting trunk ,
and with such aids the through traffic , it is believed , will be large . Every railway iu Europe and every railway in India is interested in the construction of this juuctiun link , and measures , we are informed , are now being taken for carrrying out the undertaking without further delay .
Messrs . Cassell and Company , Limited , of London , Paris , and New York , announce that they will publish , in December , the Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1884 , which will be a careful digest of reliable information relating to the origin , history , and present position of the Joint Stock to
Companies and Public ^ securities known the markets of the United Kiugdom . This is the tenth year of publication , and the services of Mr . Thomas Skinner , compiler and editor of " The Directory of Directors , " " The London Banks , " & c , have been secured to superintend the production of the work .