Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article HOW AMERICANS SPEND THEIR SUMMER HOLIDAY. Page 1 of 1 Article HOW AMERICANS SPEND THEIR SUMMER HOLIDAY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
OUR Auckland correspondent sends us the following items : — On Thursday , 12 th July , there was a large and influential gathering of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Masonic Hall to take part in the inauguration of the Remuera Chapter . At eight o'clock the Principals of the Auckland Chapter , M . E . Comps . Skinner and Nelson ( M . E . Comp . Moss Levy taking the place of M . E . Comp .
Dr . Dawson , unavoidably absent ) opened a Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry . The prooession then entered the Chapter , which was subsequently duly consecrated , dedicated , and constituted by the Most Excellent Companion , Rev . Wm . Tebbs P Z ., who , as a member of tho Supreme Grand Chapter of England , aoted as its deputy on the occasion . The exceedingly beautiful ritual included somo
wellexecuted mnsio , of the execution of which Comp . Pooley had the conducting , and a well-conceived and planned oration bv ME . Comp . the Rev . C . Iff . Nelson , who officiated as Aoting Chaplain . The duties of Master of Ceremonies were admirably performed by M . E . Comp . Wade , the aoting Scribe E . The Chapter having been duly formed , the Principals were inducted and invested as follow : —
M . E . Comps . W . Lodder as M . E . Z ., Ciptain Wildman ( as deputy of Comp . Moat ) as H ., and Cooper as J . The Chapter next elected Comp . Tebbs to be the first M . E . P . Z ; a motion also being tabulated to confer upon him the honorary membership of the Chapter . The other Officers having been elected and nominated respectively , were then duly inducted and invested : —Comps . Wade Scribe E , Kitt
Scribe N ., La Roche P . S ., Wade Treasurer , Pooley acting Organist , and Tonge acting Janitor . There were fifteen nominations for join , ing on exaltation . A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs . Tebbs for the present of a veil embroidered in gold upon white satin ; also a vote to those who had come out to assist in the ceremony . After the Chapter had been closed , the Companions sat down to an excellent
supper , when , after the usual interrogatories , the following toasts were enthusiastically drank : —T . T . G . M ., the Qn « en and the Royal Craft , the Most Excellent Grand Principal H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the other Grand Principals ( Earl Lathom and Lord de Tabley ) . of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England , given by the M . E . Z ., and responded to by the Deputy ( Companion Tebbs ) ; The
three Principals of Remuera Chapter , by Comp . Nelson , and duly responded to ; the P . S . and other Officers of the Chapter , duly responded to ; M . E . Companion Tebb the Consecrating and Installing Officer , by Comp . Wildman ; Sister Constitutions and Chapters , responded to by M . E . Companion Levy ; M . E . Companion Wade , by the First Principal . The Janitor ' s toast brought to a dose a most enjoyable evening .
Installation Meeting of the Eden Lodge , No . 1530 . — The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 28 th August . Ledge was opened by Bro . J . Carlaw P . M ., and three gentlemen were bnllotted for snce . ssfully . The W . M . Bro . Kitt then took the chair , and the gentlemen ballotted for were duly initiated in the first , degree . There was a specially good
attendance of installed Masters , including Bros . Lodder D . D G M . E C . Bro . P . M . Dr . Dawson Installing Master , installed the W . M . elect , Bro . T . W . Kitt , who was re-elected to this office . The ceremony was very impressive throughout . The W . M . then invested his officers as follow : —Bros . J . Warren I . P . M ., E . Hewson S . W ., H . Stephens J . W ., T . Jones Treasurer , J . Warren Secretary , H . Smith S . D ., E .
Thompson J . D ., T . Grey I . G ., Geo . Johnson Tyler . The usual congratulations from representatives of the various Lodges represented having been received , the meeting was closed in the usnnl manner . A banquet was held subsequently in the large room upstairs . The spread was provided "by Bro .. T . MeEwen , of the City Buffet , in good taste . Tho usual list of toasts were given , and a very pleasant recess followed the labours of the evening .
How Americans Spend Their Summer Holiday.
HERE is the summer holiday again . What shall wn do with it ? It is not more than a dozen years since the hard-worked New Yorker or Philadelphian with small income made up his mind that tho summer holiday , which was an indulgence to bis well-to-do neighbour , was a necessity for himself—as mnch of a necessity in the work of tho year as the hoars for sleep are in the work of the day . So far so good . Now that he is convinced of that , ho takes his holiday ; bnt
he is not yet used to it . He carries the luxury uneasily ; it discomforts him ; he does not know how to use it . Having but the one chance to be idle in the year , he is captious about the idleness , and scared lest he may not eujoy every moment of it . He knows what he wants very well . He and his wife and children are talking about that at this very moment in a . hundred thousand places . He will tell yon
that ho is not hard to pleaso . There are certain essentials , to be sure , which he must have when he leaves home for enjoyment : sublime scenery , pure air , no mosqnitoes , plenty of game , milk , frnib , and egg , congenial society , spring mattresses , well-cooked meals , and little to pay at the end of the week—give him these and he is satisfied . Where he shall go to find them , and , after ho has gone , how he was cheated while he was there , afford him matter for grumbling
from May until December . Now his French and German consin over the sea has a bundled holidays in tho year . He knows how to bring the fkvonr ont of every drop in the orange . He drifts into idleness easily , without thought . When hi 3 fete comes , he goes , for a few francs , with his sweetheart or his wife , a mile or two out of town . They joke and laugh . The sun shines , the wind blows—it is all good , ft rains , it
How Americans Spend Their Summer Holiday.
is dusty—but they joko and laugh all the same . They criticise nothing . How good it all is ! Bat as for onr American , acorn husk bed , or a mosqnito in tho -woods , will overturn a whole summer ' s airy fabrio of happiness . In his anxiety lest he shonld not seize the best chance of enjoyment , he his apt to follow the largest crowd . Ho goes to Ni > M »» r » , to C » pe May , to the Adirondack- * , or to some one of the countless pasteboard mansions or hot farmhouses in tho suburbs of tho cities . He tells yon that his object is rest and fe « dom , but the chances are that ho leaves both behind in his house in town . There he could wear his old slippers ; he chose his own companions ; he held such habits and opinions a ? suited him ; ho was the MacDonald , and where ho sat was the head of tho table . Bat iu
every one of these summer homes sooiety tramples him down . It is often a little clique of which he never heard bofore , " withont father , mother , or descent . " He may laugh at it as vnlgar and ignorant , but it is master of the position ; ha is not . In tho hottest months of the year , when even the beasts in the field lie down to rest , it forces upon him a hurly-burly of fashion , gossip , dress , outlay , and
weariness , which at home ho can manage to shut outside of his own door . He goes back , as a rule , to his shop or office , his gas-pipes and family table , nnrefreshed , and glad the holiday is over . But , after all , he goes with the crowd . The history of all summeriug . places is alike . An adventurous artist usually ventures into a new field , and whispers
his discovery to his friends . Scenery is well nigh as popular a hobby just now as household decoration . After him come pall-mall the would-be aesthetics , and later the mere fashionables , as the HOOK follows the tinkle of the bell-weather , and up go the mammoth hotels as fast as mushrooms spring up on a May morning on beoraraped sheep-walks . —RKBECCA HARDING DAVIS IN Harper ' s Magazine for July .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , Ko . 101 . —The regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when there were present B . Fratrj 3 M . Millingtou Preceptor , T . B . Whytehead P . P . Reg ., J . S . Cumberland P . P . Sab-Marshal , W . Lawton P . P . as Chap ., A . T . B . Tamer Marshal , Geo . Simpson P . P ., W . Brown Captain of Guards , and others . Successful ballots were
taken for Co nips . W . P . Moat , Prince of Wales Lodge and Chapter 1338 , Auckland , New Zealand , and Capt . 0 . J . Cavenagh , Agricola Lodge 1991 , and Zetland Chapter 236 , after which Comp . Moat was receivpd and installed a knight of the Order by E . Prater T . B . Whytehead . The Registrar produced the balance-sheet of the
expenses of the reception of the American visitors in July , which was regarded as showing a very satisfactory result , thanks to the liberality of tho leading members of the Order . The alms having been collected , tho conclave was closed and the fratres adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , where supper was served .
The meeting of the North London Chapter of Improvement , on Thursday , the 27 th inst ., was held at the Alwyne Castle Tavern . Comp . Dean occupied the chair of Z ., Comp . Hunter EL , Comp . Strugnell J . The Convocation was attended by a large number of R . A . Masons . On
Thursday , the 4 th October , the Principal aud Companions of the Metropolitan Chapter will rehearse the ceremony of exbalfcatiou at eight o ' clock at the above address . Comp . Jas . Willing jun . has kindly consented to be present . The Companions of the North London Chapter of Improvement look forward to a large gathering on the occasion .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Berks and Oxon is to be held on the 8 th of October , at Reading , under the banner of the Leopold Lodge , No . 235 , the Earl of Jersey is the Provincial Grand Master .
Tho Revised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin , Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps . One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office . Belvidere "Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N\— ( ALDVT ) .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 1875 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . M ., consisting of AHist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plaia Prints may be had at Cost Price byapplying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C ., London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
OUR Auckland correspondent sends us the following items : — On Thursday , 12 th July , there was a large and influential gathering of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Masonic Hall to take part in the inauguration of the Remuera Chapter . At eight o'clock the Principals of the Auckland Chapter , M . E . Comps . Skinner and Nelson ( M . E . Comp . Moss Levy taking the place of M . E . Comp .
Dr . Dawson , unavoidably absent ) opened a Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry . The prooession then entered the Chapter , which was subsequently duly consecrated , dedicated , and constituted by the Most Excellent Companion , Rev . Wm . Tebbs P Z ., who , as a member of tho Supreme Grand Chapter of England , aoted as its deputy on the occasion . The exceedingly beautiful ritual included somo
wellexecuted mnsio , of the execution of which Comp . Pooley had the conducting , and a well-conceived and planned oration bv ME . Comp . the Rev . C . Iff . Nelson , who officiated as Aoting Chaplain . The duties of Master of Ceremonies were admirably performed by M . E . Comp . Wade , the aoting Scribe E . The Chapter having been duly formed , the Principals were inducted and invested as follow : —
M . E . Comps . W . Lodder as M . E . Z ., Ciptain Wildman ( as deputy of Comp . Moat ) as H ., and Cooper as J . The Chapter next elected Comp . Tebbs to be the first M . E . P . Z ; a motion also being tabulated to confer upon him the honorary membership of the Chapter . The other Officers having been elected and nominated respectively , were then duly inducted and invested : —Comps . Wade Scribe E , Kitt
Scribe N ., La Roche P . S ., Wade Treasurer , Pooley acting Organist , and Tonge acting Janitor . There were fifteen nominations for join , ing on exaltation . A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs . Tebbs for the present of a veil embroidered in gold upon white satin ; also a vote to those who had come out to assist in the ceremony . After the Chapter had been closed , the Companions sat down to an excellent
supper , when , after the usual interrogatories , the following toasts were enthusiastically drank : —T . T . G . M ., the Qn « en and the Royal Craft , the Most Excellent Grand Principal H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the other Grand Principals ( Earl Lathom and Lord de Tabley ) . of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England , given by the M . E . Z ., and responded to by the Deputy ( Companion Tebbs ) ; The
three Principals of Remuera Chapter , by Comp . Nelson , and duly responded to ; the P . S . and other Officers of the Chapter , duly responded to ; M . E . Companion Tebb the Consecrating and Installing Officer , by Comp . Wildman ; Sister Constitutions and Chapters , responded to by M . E . Companion Levy ; M . E . Companion Wade , by the First Principal . The Janitor ' s toast brought to a dose a most enjoyable evening .
Installation Meeting of the Eden Lodge , No . 1530 . — The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 28 th August . Ledge was opened by Bro . J . Carlaw P . M ., and three gentlemen were bnllotted for snce . ssfully . The W . M . Bro . Kitt then took the chair , and the gentlemen ballotted for were duly initiated in the first , degree . There was a specially good
attendance of installed Masters , including Bros . Lodder D . D G M . E C . Bro . P . M . Dr . Dawson Installing Master , installed the W . M . elect , Bro . T . W . Kitt , who was re-elected to this office . The ceremony was very impressive throughout . The W . M . then invested his officers as follow : —Bros . J . Warren I . P . M ., E . Hewson S . W ., H . Stephens J . W ., T . Jones Treasurer , J . Warren Secretary , H . Smith S . D ., E .
Thompson J . D ., T . Grey I . G ., Geo . Johnson Tyler . The usual congratulations from representatives of the various Lodges represented having been received , the meeting was closed in the usnnl manner . A banquet was held subsequently in the large room upstairs . The spread was provided "by Bro .. T . MeEwen , of the City Buffet , in good taste . Tho usual list of toasts were given , and a very pleasant recess followed the labours of the evening .
How Americans Spend Their Summer Holiday.
HERE is the summer holiday again . What shall wn do with it ? It is not more than a dozen years since the hard-worked New Yorker or Philadelphian with small income made up his mind that tho summer holiday , which was an indulgence to bis well-to-do neighbour , was a necessity for himself—as mnch of a necessity in the work of tho year as the hoars for sleep are in the work of the day . So far so good . Now that he is convinced of that , ho takes his holiday ; bnt
he is not yet used to it . He carries the luxury uneasily ; it discomforts him ; he does not know how to use it . Having but the one chance to be idle in the year , he is captious about the idleness , and scared lest he may not eujoy every moment of it . He knows what he wants very well . He and his wife and children are talking about that at this very moment in a . hundred thousand places . He will tell yon
that ho is not hard to pleaso . There are certain essentials , to be sure , which he must have when he leaves home for enjoyment : sublime scenery , pure air , no mosqnitoes , plenty of game , milk , frnib , and egg , congenial society , spring mattresses , well-cooked meals , and little to pay at the end of the week—give him these and he is satisfied . Where he shall go to find them , and , after ho has gone , how he was cheated while he was there , afford him matter for grumbling
from May until December . Now his French and German consin over the sea has a bundled holidays in tho year . He knows how to bring the fkvonr ont of every drop in the orange . He drifts into idleness easily , without thought . When hi 3 fete comes , he goes , for a few francs , with his sweetheart or his wife , a mile or two out of town . They joke and laugh . The sun shines , the wind blows—it is all good , ft rains , it
How Americans Spend Their Summer Holiday.
is dusty—but they joko and laugh all the same . They criticise nothing . How good it all is ! Bat as for onr American , acorn husk bed , or a mosqnito in tho -woods , will overturn a whole summer ' s airy fabrio of happiness . In his anxiety lest he shonld not seize the best chance of enjoyment , he his apt to follow the largest crowd . Ho goes to Ni > M »» r » , to C » pe May , to the Adirondack- * , or to some one of the countless pasteboard mansions or hot farmhouses in tho suburbs of tho cities . He tells yon that his object is rest and fe « dom , but the chances are that ho leaves both behind in his house in town . There he could wear his old slippers ; he chose his own companions ; he held such habits and opinions a ? suited him ; ho was the MacDonald , and where ho sat was the head of tho table . Bat iu
every one of these summer homes sooiety tramples him down . It is often a little clique of which he never heard bofore , " withont father , mother , or descent . " He may laugh at it as vnlgar and ignorant , but it is master of the position ; ha is not . In tho hottest months of the year , when even the beasts in the field lie down to rest , it forces upon him a hurly-burly of fashion , gossip , dress , outlay , and
weariness , which at home ho can manage to shut outside of his own door . He goes back , as a rule , to his shop or office , his gas-pipes and family table , nnrefreshed , and glad the holiday is over . But , after all , he goes with the crowd . The history of all summeriug . places is alike . An adventurous artist usually ventures into a new field , and whispers
his discovery to his friends . Scenery is well nigh as popular a hobby just now as household decoration . After him come pall-mall the would-be aesthetics , and later the mere fashionables , as the HOOK follows the tinkle of the bell-weather , and up go the mammoth hotels as fast as mushrooms spring up on a May morning on beoraraped sheep-walks . —RKBECCA HARDING DAVIS IN Harper ' s Magazine for July .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , Ko . 101 . —The regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when there were present B . Fratrj 3 M . Millingtou Preceptor , T . B . Whytehead P . P . Reg ., J . S . Cumberland P . P . Sab-Marshal , W . Lawton P . P . as Chap ., A . T . B . Tamer Marshal , Geo . Simpson P . P ., W . Brown Captain of Guards , and others . Successful ballots were
taken for Co nips . W . P . Moat , Prince of Wales Lodge and Chapter 1338 , Auckland , New Zealand , and Capt . 0 . J . Cavenagh , Agricola Lodge 1991 , and Zetland Chapter 236 , after which Comp . Moat was receivpd and installed a knight of the Order by E . Prater T . B . Whytehead . The Registrar produced the balance-sheet of the
expenses of the reception of the American visitors in July , which was regarded as showing a very satisfactory result , thanks to the liberality of tho leading members of the Order . The alms having been collected , tho conclave was closed and the fratres adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , where supper was served .
The meeting of the North London Chapter of Improvement , on Thursday , the 27 th inst ., was held at the Alwyne Castle Tavern . Comp . Dean occupied the chair of Z ., Comp . Hunter EL , Comp . Strugnell J . The Convocation was attended by a large number of R . A . Masons . On
Thursday , the 4 th October , the Principal aud Companions of the Metropolitan Chapter will rehearse the ceremony of exbalfcatiou at eight o ' clock at the above address . Comp . Jas . Willing jun . has kindly consented to be present . The Companions of the North London Chapter of Improvement look forward to a large gathering on the occasion .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Berks and Oxon is to be held on the 8 th of October , at Reading , under the banner of the Leopold Lodge , No . 235 , the Earl of Jersey is the Provincial Grand Master .
Tho Revised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin , Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps . One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office . Belvidere "Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N\— ( ALDVT ) .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 1875 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . M ., consisting of AHist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plaia Prints may be had at Cost Price byapplying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C ., London .