Article SANDOWN LODGE, No. 1869. ← Page 2 of 2 Article YORK LODGE, No 236. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. MARYLEBONE LODGE, No. 1305. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. E. DAWKINS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC SOIREE AND BALL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Sandown Lodge, No. 1869.
and second sections of the first lecture were then worked by Bro . Larchin . Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees , aud Bro . Hall having taken the chair , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Tremere candidate . Lodge resnmed , and the following alteration in the Bye-laws , proposed by Bro . Gush , was discussed and carried , viz . — " That tbe ceremonies of initiation , raising and passing bo rehearsed on the first , second and third Tuesdays in the month
respectively , and that the sections referring to such degrees 1 o worked . That the business of the fourth Tuesday be at the di .-eretion of the W . M . for the time being , and that when a fifth Tuesday occurs in any month it shall be the privilege of the Secretary to tako the chair . " Bro . Morris was then elected W . M . for the next meeting , and all business being ended , Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , aud adjourned to Tuesday , tho 8 th January next , at eight o ' clock .
York Lodge, No 236.
YORK LODGE , No 236 .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Dun combe-pi ace , York , on Monday , 17 fch inst . Tho W . M . Bro . George Kirby presided , and was supported by the whole of his Officers , there being also present amongst the large assembly the following Past Masters : Bros . Joseph Todd P . P . G . R ., T . B . Whytehead Prov . G . S . W ., Sir James Meek , J . S . Rvmer ( ex-sheriff
of York ) , J . S . Cumberland , Captain Giffard , Mark Rook , Major McGacben , Major J . A . Barstow , A . Buckle , B . A ., Qr .-Master Banks , G . Lee , Rev . J . J . Needbam P . G . Chap . West Riding Yorkshire , MoNay , G . Balmford , W . H . Gainforth , and John Blenkin W . M . elect 1611 , amongst the other brethren being Sir F . Milner , M . P ., and Alderman Terry , J . P .
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1305.
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 12 th instant , at the Langham Hotel , Portland Place . Bros . E . White W . M ., ' Draper P . M . as S . W ., Hill J . W ., J . Chaplin Treasurer , J . L . Baker P . M . Secretary , M . W . Halliday S . D ., F . Smith J . D ., Drake W . S ., Kift Organist ; P . M . ' s B . Phillips , Pope , T . Foxall P . G . P ., Ash well . Visitors—W . Braham P . M . 720 , Baylis P . M . Nine Muses , G . Everett P . M . Ill , R . Andrews 35 , J . Emanuel 15 , A . Edmonds 1328 , Purdue
834 , Beokley P . M . 507 , F . Higgins 280 , B . L . Wilson 1366 , Warner P . G . S ., Cnmmings 188 , Colonel Burgett , McCullock , Scott , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Grassi New Cross . After preliminaries , Brother C . M . Woolf answered the questions and was raised to the third degree . Mr . W . Smith , who had previously been . balloted for , was initiated into the order . The Worshipfnl Master worked in both
degrees with great nbility . Brothers H . Rankin 89 ( Antrim ) , and W . Braham P . M . 720 , were unanimously elected joining members . The report of the Benevolent Committee was received and adopted . A distressed brother was assisted with the sum of £ 20 . Hearty good wishes were given , and the brethren , fifty-nine in number , sat down to a sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by
Captain Gordon . The W . M . proposed tbe Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with enthusiasm . In spenking of the R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master , the W . M . referred to the way he had presided at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , and spoke of the difficulties attendant upon the circumstances of their being so numerous an assemblage . Brother White also spoke of the ability
displayed by the Grand Officers at all times . They had a Past Grand Officer present , namely , Brother Foxall P . G . P ., who he wonld call npon to respond . After a snitable reply had been made by Brother Foxall , Brother B . Phillips I . P . M . proposed , the health of the W . M . The W . M . in reply said , while occupying the chair all his efforts were exercised for the good of the Lodge . He was pleased to see so
large a muster of the members ; he could assure them he would do all in his power for the welfare of the Lodge . The toast of tho Initiate was next on the list , and Brother Smith acknowledged the compliment . For tbe Visitors , who were next toasted , Bros . Everett , Warner , Scott , and Grassi responded . The other toasts given wore the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Chaplin and Baker , both acknow .
ledging the toast ; the Wardens and Officers , and then that of the Tyler . As is the custom at this Lodge , harmony was in the ascendant . Brother Raymond Curtis played an artistic melody on the concertina . Brother Grassi contributed a capital selection ; Bro . Dr . Spurgin sang " Little Ben Lee ; " and Brother Halliday S . D . " Good Company . " Bro . Kift , the Organist of the Lodge , not only sang , but courteously accompanied the other brethren on the piano .
Mark Masonry.
— : o : — JORDAN LODGE , No . 319 . THIS Mark Lodge assembled on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . John Lane W . M . in the chair . There were also present Bros . W . J . Hughnn P . G . W ., A . T . Blarney S . W ., Walter Bradnee J . W ., and a number of visiting brethren , including Bro . Chapman P . M . 1402 P . P . G . D . Devon , who was proposed as a joining member . The W . M . advanced three candidates in a most pleasing manner , tho ritual
being exactly rendered , and the Officers doing their duties exceedingly well . Although it was only the third meeting of the Lodge , so thoroughly had Bro . Lane and his Officers perfected themselves , that there was not a hitch , and the Degree was done justice to . By desire of the W . M ., an address on Mark Masonry was delivered by Bro . W . J . Hnghan , and on concluding his short lecture , Bro . Lane
proposed him as an honorary member , that the Lodge might have a right to Bro . Hughan's services . The S . W . seconded the proposition , and it was most heartily agreed to . This Lodge attained its majority of twenty-one Masters by the elections on the 19 th , and bids fair to be one of the most prosperous and ably worked Lodges iu the Pro . vince of Durham . Bro . Colonel Davy was unable to bo present .
Presentation To Bro. E. Dawkins.
A SELECT company of tho Masonic and private friends of Bro . - £ i- E . Dawkins , who for some years has been associated with tho Freemasons' Tavern , met , on the 20 th inst ., at tho Horse Shoe Tavern , Tottenham Conrt-road , for the purpose of presenting him with a testimonial , in token of their sincere respect for his uniform courtesy . A sumptuous collation and dessert was provided by Bro .
Charles Best , that gave great satisfaction . Twenty-nine guests were present . Bro . Muir ably occupied tho chair , and Bros . Palmer and Morley acted as Vice . Chairmen . In proposing tho toast of the Queen , the Chairman said it was not his intention to make long speeches . After this toast had been honoured , Bro . Muir said he had now to speak of tho purpose for which the company had met to-night . He
( Bro . Muir ) had been associated with Bro . Dawkins six years ; many present had known him longer ; but without flattery he could say Bro . Dawkins possessed great equanimity of temper , and all who know him respect him . Some short time since , a few of his friends conceived the idea of presenting him with •some slight testimonial , and opportunity was now taken of his recent marriage to carry this
out . He ( the Chairman ) might say that a hearty response had been made , and several letters had been received conveying sympathy with , and a desire to assist in , the movement . After several other speakers had testified their appreciation of his estimable business qualifications , Bro . Muir formally presented Bro . Dawkins and his wife ( who with other ladies was present ) with a handsome Salver
and Tea and Coffee Service , also an illuminated vellum testimonial with the names of the subscribers to the fnnd . Bro . Dawkins , in acknowledging the gifts , said he could scarcely form words to express his feelings . The handsome present made to him and Mrs . Dawkins had taken him quite by surprise ; he could only say from his heart
he thanked them , as also did his wife . This kind mark of the kindness of their friends would never be forgotten by them . Several other toasts followed , and tho proceedings throughout were enlivened by some capital songs and musical selections . Bros . Graham , Kiffc , Morley and others rendering goodly service . Bro . Bertram exhibited marvellous dexterity in some clever card tricks .
Masonic Soiree And Ball.
ON the 20 th inst . a soiree in connection with Lodges 43 and 253 was held in the Town Hall , Carrickfergus . About ono hundred brethren and their friends sat down to tea at eight o ' clock . Brother Stevens W . M . 43 presided dnring the evening . After tea , Bro . Dr . Taggart addressed the brethren on the subject of Freemasonry , and the advantages derivablo therefro . n . He was followed by Mr . John
Jellie J . P ., who , although not a brother , highly eulogised the Order and its principles , so far as they were known to him . Dancing was commenced about ten o ' clock , and kept up with vigour till an ad . vanced hour in the morning . The music was supplied by the band
of the 2 nd Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery . The fol lowing were the teamakers : —Mrs . Stevens , Mrs . Thomas Feeney , Mrs . Patterson , Mrs . Knight , Mrs . Larmour ( Joymount ) , Miss Dor . man and Miss Carnaghan . Stewards—Bros . J . Newton P . M ., T .
Patterson S . W ., T . Feeney M . M ., W . J . Morrison , R . A ., W . Larmour Secretary , — Gillispie M . M ., and — Higgins M . M .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — ECOLESTON CHAPTER , No . 1624 . rriEE regular Convocation of this excellent working Chapter was -L held on the 26 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Cornps . W . Vincent P . Z . as M . E . Z ., J . G . Fisher H ., J . Wyer P . Z . J ., BeckhamS . E ., Tayler S . N ., Bond P . S ., Coulthard 1 st Assistant , Lee 2 nd Assistaut . Chapter was opened , and the minutes con . firmed . The election for M . E . Z . was the principal featnre . Comp .
Fisher was unanimously elected M . E . Z ., Wyer P . Z . H ., and Tayler J ., Beckham S . E ., Bond S . N ., Isaacs Treasurer , Flatterly P . S . ; he appointed Comps . Coulthard and Lee as 1 st aud 2 nd Assistants , and Shepherd Janitor . Bro . Purnell Creaton Lodge was proposed for
exaltation at the next meeting . Tbe S . E . announced that a dispen . sation had been obtained from the M . E . G . Z . that R . A . clothing might be worn at the Eceleston Ball , on the 11 th January 1884 . The Chapter was then olosed until tbe fourth Wednesday in March . There was no banquet .
DANCING . —To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNMANN receive daily , and undertake to teack ladies and gentlemen , who have never had the slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable baU-da " . co in a few easy lessons Private lessons any hour . Morning and evening classe PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BBO . JACQUES WrajtAJuf WILL BE HAPPT TO TAKE THE MAWAGKMBJTT OJ MASONIC BALLS . FIRST-CLASS BAKDS PROVIDED .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBUBG Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS During tho time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High . Beferences in England and Hamburg . IFIEOOSJPZECTTJTS IE IB IE IE
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sandown Lodge, No. 1869.
and second sections of the first lecture were then worked by Bro . Larchin . Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees , aud Bro . Hall having taken the chair , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Tremere candidate . Lodge resnmed , and the following alteration in the Bye-laws , proposed by Bro . Gush , was discussed and carried , viz . — " That tbe ceremonies of initiation , raising and passing bo rehearsed on the first , second and third Tuesdays in the month
respectively , and that the sections referring to such degrees 1 o worked . That the business of the fourth Tuesday be at the di .-eretion of the W . M . for the time being , and that when a fifth Tuesday occurs in any month it shall be the privilege of the Secretary to tako the chair . " Bro . Morris was then elected W . M . for the next meeting , and all business being ended , Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , aud adjourned to Tuesday , tho 8 th January next , at eight o ' clock .
York Lodge, No 236.
YORK LODGE , No 236 .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Dun combe-pi ace , York , on Monday , 17 fch inst . Tho W . M . Bro . George Kirby presided , and was supported by the whole of his Officers , there being also present amongst the large assembly the following Past Masters : Bros . Joseph Todd P . P . G . R ., T . B . Whytehead Prov . G . S . W ., Sir James Meek , J . S . Rvmer ( ex-sheriff
of York ) , J . S . Cumberland , Captain Giffard , Mark Rook , Major McGacben , Major J . A . Barstow , A . Buckle , B . A ., Qr .-Master Banks , G . Lee , Rev . J . J . Needbam P . G . Chap . West Riding Yorkshire , MoNay , G . Balmford , W . H . Gainforth , and John Blenkin W . M . elect 1611 , amongst the other brethren being Sir F . Milner , M . P ., and Alderman Terry , J . P .
St. Marylebone Lodge, No. 1305.
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 12 th instant , at the Langham Hotel , Portland Place . Bros . E . White W . M ., ' Draper P . M . as S . W ., Hill J . W ., J . Chaplin Treasurer , J . L . Baker P . M . Secretary , M . W . Halliday S . D ., F . Smith J . D ., Drake W . S ., Kift Organist ; P . M . ' s B . Phillips , Pope , T . Foxall P . G . P ., Ash well . Visitors—W . Braham P . M . 720 , Baylis P . M . Nine Muses , G . Everett P . M . Ill , R . Andrews 35 , J . Emanuel 15 , A . Edmonds 1328 , Purdue
834 , Beokley P . M . 507 , F . Higgins 280 , B . L . Wilson 1366 , Warner P . G . S ., Cnmmings 188 , Colonel Burgett , McCullock , Scott , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Grassi New Cross . After preliminaries , Brother C . M . Woolf answered the questions and was raised to the third degree . Mr . W . Smith , who had previously been . balloted for , was initiated into the order . The Worshipfnl Master worked in both
degrees with great nbility . Brothers H . Rankin 89 ( Antrim ) , and W . Braham P . M . 720 , were unanimously elected joining members . The report of the Benevolent Committee was received and adopted . A distressed brother was assisted with the sum of £ 20 . Hearty good wishes were given , and the brethren , fifty-nine in number , sat down to a sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by
Captain Gordon . The W . M . proposed tbe Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with enthusiasm . In spenking of the R . W . the Earl of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master , the W . M . referred to the way he had presided at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , and spoke of the difficulties attendant upon the circumstances of their being so numerous an assemblage . Brother White also spoke of the ability
displayed by the Grand Officers at all times . They had a Past Grand Officer present , namely , Brother Foxall P . G . P ., who he wonld call npon to respond . After a snitable reply had been made by Brother Foxall , Brother B . Phillips I . P . M . proposed , the health of the W . M . The W . M . in reply said , while occupying the chair all his efforts were exercised for the good of the Lodge . He was pleased to see so
large a muster of the members ; he could assure them he would do all in his power for the welfare of the Lodge . The toast of tho Initiate was next on the list , and Brother Smith acknowledged the compliment . For tbe Visitors , who were next toasted , Bros . Everett , Warner , Scott , and Grassi responded . The other toasts given wore the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Chaplin and Baker , both acknow .
ledging the toast ; the Wardens and Officers , and then that of the Tyler . As is the custom at this Lodge , harmony was in the ascendant . Brother Raymond Curtis played an artistic melody on the concertina . Brother Grassi contributed a capital selection ; Bro . Dr . Spurgin sang " Little Ben Lee ; " and Brother Halliday S . D . " Good Company . " Bro . Kift , the Organist of the Lodge , not only sang , but courteously accompanied the other brethren on the piano .
Mark Masonry.
— : o : — JORDAN LODGE , No . 319 . THIS Mark Lodge assembled on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . John Lane W . M . in the chair . There were also present Bros . W . J . Hughnn P . G . W ., A . T . Blarney S . W ., Walter Bradnee J . W ., and a number of visiting brethren , including Bro . Chapman P . M . 1402 P . P . G . D . Devon , who was proposed as a joining member . The W . M . advanced three candidates in a most pleasing manner , tho ritual
being exactly rendered , and the Officers doing their duties exceedingly well . Although it was only the third meeting of the Lodge , so thoroughly had Bro . Lane and his Officers perfected themselves , that there was not a hitch , and the Degree was done justice to . By desire of the W . M ., an address on Mark Masonry was delivered by Bro . W . J . Hnghan , and on concluding his short lecture , Bro . Lane
proposed him as an honorary member , that the Lodge might have a right to Bro . Hughan's services . The S . W . seconded the proposition , and it was most heartily agreed to . This Lodge attained its majority of twenty-one Masters by the elections on the 19 th , and bids fair to be one of the most prosperous and ably worked Lodges iu the Pro . vince of Durham . Bro . Colonel Davy was unable to bo present .
Presentation To Bro. E. Dawkins.
A SELECT company of tho Masonic and private friends of Bro . - £ i- E . Dawkins , who for some years has been associated with tho Freemasons' Tavern , met , on the 20 th inst ., at tho Horse Shoe Tavern , Tottenham Conrt-road , for the purpose of presenting him with a testimonial , in token of their sincere respect for his uniform courtesy . A sumptuous collation and dessert was provided by Bro .
Charles Best , that gave great satisfaction . Twenty-nine guests were present . Bro . Muir ably occupied tho chair , and Bros . Palmer and Morley acted as Vice . Chairmen . In proposing tho toast of the Queen , the Chairman said it was not his intention to make long speeches . After this toast had been honoured , Bro . Muir said he had now to speak of tho purpose for which the company had met to-night . He
( Bro . Muir ) had been associated with Bro . Dawkins six years ; many present had known him longer ; but without flattery he could say Bro . Dawkins possessed great equanimity of temper , and all who know him respect him . Some short time since , a few of his friends conceived the idea of presenting him with •some slight testimonial , and opportunity was now taken of his recent marriage to carry this
out . He ( the Chairman ) might say that a hearty response had been made , and several letters had been received conveying sympathy with , and a desire to assist in , the movement . After several other speakers had testified their appreciation of his estimable business qualifications , Bro . Muir formally presented Bro . Dawkins and his wife ( who with other ladies was present ) with a handsome Salver
and Tea and Coffee Service , also an illuminated vellum testimonial with the names of the subscribers to the fnnd . Bro . Dawkins , in acknowledging the gifts , said he could scarcely form words to express his feelings . The handsome present made to him and Mrs . Dawkins had taken him quite by surprise ; he could only say from his heart
he thanked them , as also did his wife . This kind mark of the kindness of their friends would never be forgotten by them . Several other toasts followed , and tho proceedings throughout were enlivened by some capital songs and musical selections . Bros . Graham , Kiffc , Morley and others rendering goodly service . Bro . Bertram exhibited marvellous dexterity in some clever card tricks .
Masonic Soiree And Ball.
ON the 20 th inst . a soiree in connection with Lodges 43 and 253 was held in the Town Hall , Carrickfergus . About ono hundred brethren and their friends sat down to tea at eight o ' clock . Brother Stevens W . M . 43 presided dnring the evening . After tea , Bro . Dr . Taggart addressed the brethren on the subject of Freemasonry , and the advantages derivablo therefro . n . He was followed by Mr . John
Jellie J . P ., who , although not a brother , highly eulogised the Order and its principles , so far as they were known to him . Dancing was commenced about ten o ' clock , and kept up with vigour till an ad . vanced hour in the morning . The music was supplied by the band
of the 2 nd Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery . The fol lowing were the teamakers : —Mrs . Stevens , Mrs . Thomas Feeney , Mrs . Patterson , Mrs . Knight , Mrs . Larmour ( Joymount ) , Miss Dor . man and Miss Carnaghan . Stewards—Bros . J . Newton P . M ., T .
Patterson S . W ., T . Feeney M . M ., W . J . Morrison , R . A ., W . Larmour Secretary , — Gillispie M . M ., and — Higgins M . M .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — ECOLESTON CHAPTER , No . 1624 . rriEE regular Convocation of this excellent working Chapter was -L held on the 26 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Cornps . W . Vincent P . Z . as M . E . Z ., J . G . Fisher H ., J . Wyer P . Z . J ., BeckhamS . E ., Tayler S . N ., Bond P . S ., Coulthard 1 st Assistant , Lee 2 nd Assistaut . Chapter was opened , and the minutes con . firmed . The election for M . E . Z . was the principal featnre . Comp .
Fisher was unanimously elected M . E . Z ., Wyer P . Z . H ., and Tayler J ., Beckham S . E ., Bond S . N ., Isaacs Treasurer , Flatterly P . S . ; he appointed Comps . Coulthard and Lee as 1 st aud 2 nd Assistants , and Shepherd Janitor . Bro . Purnell Creaton Lodge was proposed for
exaltation at the next meeting . Tbe S . E . announced that a dispen . sation had been obtained from the M . E . G . Z . that R . A . clothing might be worn at the Eceleston Ball , on the 11 th January 1884 . The Chapter was then olosed until tbe fourth Wednesday in March . There was no banquet .
DANCING . —To Those Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WYNMANN receive daily , and undertake to teack ladies and gentlemen , who have never had the slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable baU-da " . co in a few easy lessons Private lessons any hour . Morning and evening classe PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BBO . JACQUES WrajtAJuf WILL BE HAPPT TO TAKE THE MAWAGKMBJTT OJ MASONIC BALLS . FIRST-CLASS BAKDS PROVIDED .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBUBG Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS During tho time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High . Beferences in England and Hamburg . IFIEOOSJPZECTTJTS IE IB IE IE