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The Result Of The Boys' School Festival.
SUCH considerable additions have been made to the total of this year ' s subscri ptions to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , since the details published in our last issue were supplied to us , that -we are now able to announce that the result of the year ' s Festival is already
within a few shillings of twenty-three thousand pounds , or , to be more exact , that the figures as given us at the Institution on Thursday afternoon total up to £ 22 , 977 13 s 6 d , an increase of £ 533 13 s 6 d as compared with the amount announced by the Secretary at the
Festival , and this , too , with several lists yet outstanding . We shall not attempt any farther laudatory remarks in reference to this grand result—the fi gures speak for themselves , and reflect the greatest credit on all who have contributed to this most satisfactory result .
London , which was accredited at the Festival with £ 7 , 273 , does not come up to that amount . All we can make of the figures published in our last is £ 7 , 074 16 s Gd , and to this only £ 28 9 s has to be added , viz ., £ 1 3 s to the list of Bro . Charles Bearing , of the Sir Hugh Myddelton
Lodge , No . 1602 , and £ 27 6 s as the total collected by Bro . A . W . Buret , of the Progress Lodge , "Ho . 1768 , whose list had not been received when we went to press last week . So far , then , London has contributed £ 7 , 103 5 s 6 d , with
twelve lists to come in . This sum is less than one-third of the total subscriptions , and , we may add , includes the amounts contributed by brethren who fi gure under the head "unattached "—some of whom by right belong to the Provinces .
Among the Provinces , Kent , is the first which deserves attention at our hands . Accredited at the Festival with donations amounting to £ 2 , 000 , its tot : iI increased , according to last week ' s return , to £ 2 , 107 12 s 6 d within twentytour hours of the announcement . Now it has still further
advanced , and at the present time ifc is accredited with £ 2 , 305 15 s 6 d , a result which has been arrived at by additions to lists already announced , and by the arrival of lists
which were outstanding when we wrote last week . The lists which are affected by these additions are as follow ] and the figures given are those at which the totals wow stand : —
Jas Smith Eastes D . P . G . M . 601 16 0 -i , Lodge itoyaltfavy . . 429 T H Grove Snowdon . 10 10 0 Wellington . - 78-1 A F S Bird , J . P . - - 63 0 0 ^ ord Warden . . 1096 E S Davy , M . D . - . 21 0 0 ^ ormtliian . - 1208 TV A Smeeth - . 59 12 0 Amherst . . 1223 E Dartnell - - 15 15 0 C J Craig . . . 10 10 0 n , ., Chapter Jtelwdere . . 503 G F Basbridge . . 10 10 0
These figures are the latest totals known at the office of the Institution , but there is a doubt even now as to whether they are correct , if we may judge from a letter we have received from Bro . W . A . Smeeth , the Steward of
° - 1208 , and which we publish elsewhere . We last ^ ek gave Bro . Smeeth ' s total as £ 31 10 s , and he Mates that amount "is considerabl y less than half > e sum that he had the pleasure to announce at his ^ oage meeting on the preceding Monday , " so that the
The Result Of The Boys' School Festival.
total now accredited to him— £ 59 12 s—must still he short of tho actual figures . We very much regret that Bro . Smeeth ' s collection should have been understated , and if we still give it wrong , we hope he will supply us with the proper figures before our next issue . So far we can only publish
the amount as given in the official returns . These additions which have been made to the Kentish total places that Province far above any of the others at this year ' s Festival , the next in order of merit being East Lancashire , with its £ 2 , 100 . It appears to us a great pity that tho
credit of heading the Provinces should havo been lost to Kent by what must havo been a want of care in making up the lists . In a Province like this , and especially under such circumstances as were associated with it this year , when its Grand Master took the chair , some influential
brother should be appointed to keep a record of the totals of the several SteAvards , and make up a final return for announcement . If such were done , it would greatly assist the Secretary of tho Institution , and it would prevent errors which cannot be afterwards remedied , no matter
how publicly thoy may bo explained . The present is a case in point . East Lancashire was said to take the first place at the time of the Festival , and it was immediately announced far and wide that such was actually its position ;
whereas , Kent was entitled to the palm ; it is now too late to alter the impression made by the first announcement , and East Lancashire will retain—at least in the minds of very many brethren—the credit of being at the top of the Provinces , so far as amount of donations is concerned .
Cheshire has added £ 8 8 s to its last week ' s return , the totals from the two Stewards of Lodge No . 321 being £ 10 10 s from each , instead of £ 12 12 s , accredited to one
of them in our last . Cumberland and Westmoreland , at the hands of Bro . G-. J . McKay , alters its £ 1 , 000 into 1 , 000 guineas , an increase of £ 50 , and one which we congratulate the
brethren ou making . Gloucestershire sends up a further £ 5 5 s at the hands of Bro . J . Brook . Smitb , who now figures for £ 15 15 s , in lieu
of £ 10 10 s previously announced . Hants and Isle of Wight total is augmented by a guinea , placed on the list of Bro . T . H . Williams , while it appears there is one of its lists yet to be accounted for .
Lancashire ( West ) sends up £ 10 10 s by Bro . John Williams , and £ 31 10 s by Bro . J . T . Callow ( both of whose lists wei'e left blank in our last ) , and thereby
increases its total by £ 42 . Warwickshire—per Bro . H . Bowley , of Lodge No . 739—contributes £ 26 5 s beyond the figures given last week , and has yet some of its Stewards whose lists are outstanding .
Yorkshire ( North ancl East ) adds £ 3 lis to its total , that additional sum having been collected by Bro . A . Buckle , B . A ., of York Lodge , No . 236 . The above constitute the additions which have been made to the Provincial lists since the publication of our
last issue , and these , together with the amounts therein given , bring up the total of Provincial subscriptions to £ 15 , 874 8 s , as compared with £ 15 , 171 accredited to them at the time of the Festival—a very gratifying addition of £ 703 8 s .
Before proceeding further , we must offer some explanation for an error which occurred in our last issue as regards our summary of the amounts of the Provincial totals . At the time we wrote the remarks we refer to we were without
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Result Of The Boys' School Festival.
SUCH considerable additions have been made to the total of this year ' s subscri ptions to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , since the details published in our last issue were supplied to us , that -we are now able to announce that the result of the year ' s Festival is already
within a few shillings of twenty-three thousand pounds , or , to be more exact , that the figures as given us at the Institution on Thursday afternoon total up to £ 22 , 977 13 s 6 d , an increase of £ 533 13 s 6 d as compared with the amount announced by the Secretary at the
Festival , and this , too , with several lists yet outstanding . We shall not attempt any farther laudatory remarks in reference to this grand result—the fi gures speak for themselves , and reflect the greatest credit on all who have contributed to this most satisfactory result .
London , which was accredited at the Festival with £ 7 , 273 , does not come up to that amount . All we can make of the figures published in our last is £ 7 , 074 16 s Gd , and to this only £ 28 9 s has to be added , viz ., £ 1 3 s to the list of Bro . Charles Bearing , of the Sir Hugh Myddelton
Lodge , No . 1602 , and £ 27 6 s as the total collected by Bro . A . W . Buret , of the Progress Lodge , "Ho . 1768 , whose list had not been received when we went to press last week . So far , then , London has contributed £ 7 , 103 5 s 6 d , with
twelve lists to come in . This sum is less than one-third of the total subscriptions , and , we may add , includes the amounts contributed by brethren who fi gure under the head "unattached "—some of whom by right belong to the Provinces .
Among the Provinces , Kent , is the first which deserves attention at our hands . Accredited at the Festival with donations amounting to £ 2 , 000 , its tot : iI increased , according to last week ' s return , to £ 2 , 107 12 s 6 d within twentytour hours of the announcement . Now it has still further
advanced , and at the present time ifc is accredited with £ 2 , 305 15 s 6 d , a result which has been arrived at by additions to lists already announced , and by the arrival of lists
which were outstanding when we wrote last week . The lists which are affected by these additions are as follow ] and the figures given are those at which the totals wow stand : —
Jas Smith Eastes D . P . G . M . 601 16 0 -i , Lodge itoyaltfavy . . 429 T H Grove Snowdon . 10 10 0 Wellington . - 78-1 A F S Bird , J . P . - - 63 0 0 ^ ord Warden . . 1096 E S Davy , M . D . - . 21 0 0 ^ ormtliian . - 1208 TV A Smeeth - . 59 12 0 Amherst . . 1223 E Dartnell - - 15 15 0 C J Craig . . . 10 10 0 n , ., Chapter Jtelwdere . . 503 G F Basbridge . . 10 10 0
These figures are the latest totals known at the office of the Institution , but there is a doubt even now as to whether they are correct , if we may judge from a letter we have received from Bro . W . A . Smeeth , the Steward of
° - 1208 , and which we publish elsewhere . We last ^ ek gave Bro . Smeeth ' s total as £ 31 10 s , and he Mates that amount "is considerabl y less than half > e sum that he had the pleasure to announce at his ^ oage meeting on the preceding Monday , " so that the
The Result Of The Boys' School Festival.
total now accredited to him— £ 59 12 s—must still he short of tho actual figures . We very much regret that Bro . Smeeth ' s collection should have been understated , and if we still give it wrong , we hope he will supply us with the proper figures before our next issue . So far we can only publish
the amount as given in the official returns . These additions which have been made to the Kentish total places that Province far above any of the others at this year ' s Festival , the next in order of merit being East Lancashire , with its £ 2 , 100 . It appears to us a great pity that tho
credit of heading the Provinces should havo been lost to Kent by what must havo been a want of care in making up the lists . In a Province like this , and especially under such circumstances as were associated with it this year , when its Grand Master took the chair , some influential
brother should be appointed to keep a record of the totals of the several SteAvards , and make up a final return for announcement . If such were done , it would greatly assist the Secretary of tho Institution , and it would prevent errors which cannot be afterwards remedied , no matter
how publicly thoy may bo explained . The present is a case in point . East Lancashire was said to take the first place at the time of the Festival , and it was immediately announced far and wide that such was actually its position ;
whereas , Kent was entitled to the palm ; it is now too late to alter the impression made by the first announcement , and East Lancashire will retain—at least in the minds of very many brethren—the credit of being at the top of the Provinces , so far as amount of donations is concerned .
Cheshire has added £ 8 8 s to its last week ' s return , the totals from the two Stewards of Lodge No . 321 being £ 10 10 s from each , instead of £ 12 12 s , accredited to one
of them in our last . Cumberland and Westmoreland , at the hands of Bro . G-. J . McKay , alters its £ 1 , 000 into 1 , 000 guineas , an increase of £ 50 , and one which we congratulate the
brethren ou making . Gloucestershire sends up a further £ 5 5 s at the hands of Bro . J . Brook . Smitb , who now figures for £ 15 15 s , in lieu
of £ 10 10 s previously announced . Hants and Isle of Wight total is augmented by a guinea , placed on the list of Bro . T . H . Williams , while it appears there is one of its lists yet to be accounted for .
Lancashire ( West ) sends up £ 10 10 s by Bro . John Williams , and £ 31 10 s by Bro . J . T . Callow ( both of whose lists wei'e left blank in our last ) , and thereby
increases its total by £ 42 . Warwickshire—per Bro . H . Bowley , of Lodge No . 739—contributes £ 26 5 s beyond the figures given last week , and has yet some of its Stewards whose lists are outstanding .
Yorkshire ( North ancl East ) adds £ 3 lis to its total , that additional sum having been collected by Bro . A . Buckle , B . A ., of York Lodge , No . 236 . The above constitute the additions which have been made to the Provincial lists since the publication of our
last issue , and these , together with the amounts therein given , bring up the total of Provincial subscriptions to £ 15 , 874 8 s , as compared with £ 15 , 171 accredited to them at the time of the Festival—a very gratifying addition of £ 703 8 s .
Before proceeding further , we must offer some explanation for an error which occurred in our last issue as regards our summary of the amounts of the Provincial totals . At the time we wrote the remarks we refer to we were without