Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS or THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THKM . W . BKO . THKRKV . CANON G . R . PORTAL Pisov . G . M . MASTEU . THK R . W . Buo . W . HICKMAN ( P . G . J . W . ENC . ) D . P . G . M . M ASIKK . THE GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THIS ! ritOVIXCE will assemble at Uio I GEOEGE STREET HALL , SANDOWN , ISLE OF WIGHT , At Four o'Cloclc p . in . j On MONDAY , tho 2 nd day of JULY 1883 , i For the transaction of Provincial business . i : o : * The Uanqnct will take place at . * > p . m . precisely . The tickets will be 7 s lid each , including ti pint or wine . The attendance of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . j By command of the M . "W . Grand Mark blaster , i GEO . J . TILLING P . M . G 3 , j ' Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . ' Southampton , 1 HU June 13 SX . , Jf : B . ^ Tlie William Hickman Lodge will bo constituted nt St . George's Hall , ' flnniloWn , immediately before the holding of the rvovinci . nl Graud Lodgo . The ceremony will commence at three o ' clock precisely . I
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . The E . W . Bro . Col . Sir FRANCIS BTJKDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . Master . rpHE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER L MASONS oftho Province of Middlesex nnd Surrey , will be holden nt the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday , 7 th July 18 * J , when all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with tho Worshipful Musters , Past Masters and Acting Wardens of Lodges in tlio Province , are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at five o ' clock . By command of the R . W . P . G . TVI . M , Wm . G . BRIGHTEN P . M . & o . Proeiiicinl Grand Mark- Secretary . 1 Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . 13 th June 1 SS 3 . Banquet at 6 . 30 o ' clock . Tickets One Pound each , including Wine . Brethren intending to bo present should notify their intention to tho Provincial Grand Mark Secretary on or before Tuesday ; tho 3 rd July .
THE VISIT OF THE GRAND FASTER TO YORK . H R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES will lay tho Memorial Stone of . the New Institute , with Masonic honours , at York , on Wednesday morning , 18 th July . ' Provincial Grand Lodgo of North and East Yorkshire will be optned at 10 a . m . I 'All Masons who propose taking part in th procession must be provided with tickets , as otherwise thoy cannot be admitted into the enclosure , and no exception can be made . Tickets , oi each . Applications for tickets must be made to M . C . Prcrc . U Albany Terrace , Hull , ( Provincial Grand Secretary ) , and bo accompanied with remittance . TICKETS ABE HOT TRAN * SFEEABL"F . All brethren to appear in black , with tall ha ' s , and full Masonic Craft clothing , und whito gloves . Aprons to bo worn outside the coat . M . C . PECK , T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Provincial Grand Secretary . Chairman Provincial Committee .
BENSON'S FOR FOREIGN CIGARS OF QUALITY , CHEAPEST HOUSE IN LONDON . lis , Its , 10 s , 20 s , and 22 s 100 ( superior to most Cigars at -12 s ) . Samples , 8 , 7 , 0 , 5 or l , for ls . ( 1-1 stamps ) . No . 61 ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD .
| lcrmtl lltoirit fnstttuf ion far § 0 ^ PREPARATORY SCHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor ivho ¦ may qualify os such up to tbo ( late named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , ron EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to tho "SPKCIAT , FUSV . " Lod # e ? , Chapters , & c \ , similarly qualified inny secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " *' * Lntlief , and "Lewises "—beinjr minors—similarly qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " SPKCIAL FUND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
| iaiiri fft irsmtit Institution fax ( Kris , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Patron and President : H . R . HicnNEss THE PJSINCE OF WALES , K . G ., Ac , M . W . G . M . Patroness : HEU ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Hnll , Great Quern-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Saturday , the 11 th day of July 1 PH 3 , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in OctoK'r next , ti declare tlie number of Girls then to lie elected , to receive the following report of General Committee , and to consider Notice of Motion as nnder . Rr . roHt or GKXEHAL COMMITTEE . " Tho General Committee reports to the Quarterly General Court that , in consequence of an intimation conveyed to the House Committee from the owner of tho freehold land adjacent to tho Institution—that ho was about to offer for sa'o nine acres , or thereabouts , bounding two sides of its grounds , and that the lowest sum ho would take for tho whole , which lie declined to divide , was at tho rate of JE 1 , 000 per acre—Col . Creaton , with the concurrence of his colleagues , had obtained from him a promise tbat such hind shonld not bo sold until tho views and opinion of tlio General Court ns to tho advisability of acquiring the property for tho Institution could be obtained . " That taking into consideration tho facts that tho land , if sold to a third party , might be dealt with in a manner most prejudicial to tho School , and that if purchased by the Institution n very consi lerablo and valuable portion of it conld be re-sold , this Committee consider the subject is one which should receive the fullest consideration at tho hands of the governing body of tlio Institution . " NOTICE or Mono * IIYBRO . ROBEHT GREY P . G . D . Vice-Patron . " That the Report of the General Committee with reference to tho land offered for sale be received and considered , and s ' . ich , action taken thercoa as shal be deemed advisablo by tho General Court . " F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OFFICES—5 FBEEMASOXS' HAH , GREAT QI ' STREET , LONDON , W . O . 30 th June 1883 .
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TEKMIITUS of the LONDON CHATHAM and DOVEB RAIIWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS ; Tlio ii !> it <> iii < i ! iciit . s ( liroii ^ lioiit so « rraiigc < l to cnoiii'C domestic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODAriON FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^> itMre ^ Dinners # " ^^" . ebbin-g JBrcrthfitsfs . THE CKUSADEES LODGE , NO . 1 GT 7 , AND PERSEVERANCE LODGE , NO . 17-13 , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ISTADHSHMENT . GOOD COOKING" . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The Edison . Electric Lio ; lit . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
THI e & wt mon mo o , ( Proprietors—The Brothers Monico , London Lodge , No , 108 , ) 15 TICHBORNE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . THIS magnificent and- commodious Eestanranfc has been entirely refitted and artistically decorated . Tho Proprietors beg to inform their numerous friends that tho PARISIAN RESTAURANT svas opened to tlie public on tho 1 st May . . Tlie services ot one of the most expert Chefs , from Paris , has been secured , and they feel confident of being able to sustain the reputation thoy have so lon < r enjoyed , both as regards cttisinn and vines . The cellars cf the Brothers Monico are acknowledged as of the best in London . THE GRILL AND GRAND HALL , not to bo equalled in tho stylo of its appointments and as regards ita size , Open for Suppers till 12 ' 30 . It can he c !; t . ' m 3 d for this establishment , —that Omnibuses from every part of the Metropolis pass this well known thoroughfare until a lato hour .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DE . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful Method of Curing those Diseases . By ROBERT 0 . WAITS , M . D ., Jr . R . S . L ., F . O . S ., & c , 6 Bulstrodo-stroot , Caveudish-sq ., London . London : C . MrrcriEir , AJTD CO ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
BRO . 11 . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Baud for Annual Banquets , Dimiers , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " K . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS or THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THKM . W . BKO . THKRKV . CANON G . R . PORTAL Pisov . G . M . MASTEU . THK R . W . Buo . W . HICKMAN ( P . G . J . W . ENC . ) D . P . G . M . M ASIKK . THE GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THIS ! ritOVIXCE will assemble at Uio I GEOEGE STREET HALL , SANDOWN , ISLE OF WIGHT , At Four o'Cloclc p . in . j On MONDAY , tho 2 nd day of JULY 1883 , i For the transaction of Provincial business . i : o : * The Uanqnct will take place at . * > p . m . precisely . The tickets will be 7 s lid each , including ti pint or wine . The attendance of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . j By command of the M . "W . Grand Mark blaster , i GEO . J . TILLING P . M . G 3 , j ' Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . ' Southampton , 1 HU June 13 SX . , Jf : B . ^ Tlie William Hickman Lodge will bo constituted nt St . George's Hall , ' flnniloWn , immediately before the holding of the rvovinci . nl Graud Lodgo . The ceremony will commence at three o ' clock precisely . I
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . The E . W . Bro . Col . Sir FRANCIS BTJKDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . Master . rpHE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER L MASONS oftho Province of Middlesex nnd Surrey , will be holden nt the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday , 7 th July 18 * J , when all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with tho Worshipful Musters , Past Masters and Acting Wardens of Lodges in tlio Province , are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at five o ' clock . By command of the R . W . P . G . TVI . M , Wm . G . BRIGHTEN P . M . & o . Proeiiicinl Grand Mark- Secretary . 1 Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . 13 th June 1 SS 3 . Banquet at 6 . 30 o ' clock . Tickets One Pound each , including Wine . Brethren intending to bo present should notify their intention to tho Provincial Grand Mark Secretary on or before Tuesday ; tho 3 rd July .
THE VISIT OF THE GRAND FASTER TO YORK . H R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES will lay tho Memorial Stone of . the New Institute , with Masonic honours , at York , on Wednesday morning , 18 th July . ' Provincial Grand Lodgo of North and East Yorkshire will be optned at 10 a . m . I 'All Masons who propose taking part in th procession must be provided with tickets , as otherwise thoy cannot be admitted into the enclosure , and no exception can be made . Tickets , oi each . Applications for tickets must be made to M . C . Prcrc . U Albany Terrace , Hull , ( Provincial Grand Secretary ) , and bo accompanied with remittance . TICKETS ABE HOT TRAN * SFEEABL"F . All brethren to appear in black , with tall ha ' s , and full Masonic Craft clothing , und whito gloves . Aprons to bo worn outside the coat . M . C . PECK , T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Provincial Grand Secretary . Chairman Provincial Committee .
BENSON'S FOR FOREIGN CIGARS OF QUALITY , CHEAPEST HOUSE IN LONDON . lis , Its , 10 s , 20 s , and 22 s 100 ( superior to most Cigars at -12 s ) . Samples , 8 , 7 , 0 , 5 or l , for ls . ( 1-1 stamps ) . No . 61 ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD .
| lcrmtl lltoirit fnstttuf ion far § 0 ^ PREPARATORY SCHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor ivho ¦ may qualify os such up to tbo ( late named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , ron EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to tho "SPKCIAT , FUSV . " Lod # e ? , Chapters , & c \ , similarly qualified inny secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " *' * Lntlief , and "Lewises "—beinjr minors—similarly qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " SPKCIAL FUND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
| iaiiri fft irsmtit Institution fax ( Kris , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Patron and President : H . R . HicnNEss THE PJSINCE OF WALES , K . G ., Ac , M . W . G . M . Patroness : HEU ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Hnll , Great Quern-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Saturday , the 11 th day of July 1 PH 3 , at Twelve o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in OctoK'r next , ti declare tlie number of Girls then to lie elected , to receive the following report of General Committee , and to consider Notice of Motion as nnder . Rr . roHt or GKXEHAL COMMITTEE . " Tho General Committee reports to the Quarterly General Court that , in consequence of an intimation conveyed to the House Committee from the owner of tho freehold land adjacent to tho Institution—that ho was about to offer for sa'o nine acres , or thereabouts , bounding two sides of its grounds , and that the lowest sum ho would take for tho whole , which lie declined to divide , was at tho rate of JE 1 , 000 per acre—Col . Creaton , with the concurrence of his colleagues , had obtained from him a promise tbat such hind shonld not bo sold until tho views and opinion of tlio General Court ns to tho advisability of acquiring the property for tho Institution could be obtained . " That taking into consideration tho facts that tho land , if sold to a third party , might be dealt with in a manner most prejudicial to tho School , and that if purchased by the Institution n very consi lerablo and valuable portion of it conld be re-sold , this Committee consider the subject is one which should receive the fullest consideration at tho hands of the governing body of tlio Institution . " NOTICE or Mono * IIYBRO . ROBEHT GREY P . G . D . Vice-Patron . " That the Report of the General Committee with reference to tho land offered for sale be received and considered , and s ' . ich , action taken thercoa as shal be deemed advisablo by tho General Court . " F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OFFICES—5 FBEEMASOXS' HAH , GREAT QI ' STREET , LONDON , W . O . 30 th June 1883 .
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TEKMIITUS of the LONDON CHATHAM and DOVEB RAIIWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS ; Tlio ii !> it <> iii < i ! iciit . s ( liroii ^ lioiit so « rraiigc < l to cnoiii'C domestic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODAriON FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^> itMre ^ Dinners # " ^^" . ebbin-g JBrcrthfitsfs . THE CKUSADEES LODGE , NO . 1 GT 7 , AND PERSEVERANCE LODGE , NO . 17-13 , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ISTADHSHMENT . GOOD COOKING" . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The Edison . Electric Lio ; lit . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
THI e & wt mon mo o , ( Proprietors—The Brothers Monico , London Lodge , No , 108 , ) 15 TICHBORNE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . THIS magnificent and- commodious Eestanranfc has been entirely refitted and artistically decorated . Tho Proprietors beg to inform their numerous friends that tho PARISIAN RESTAURANT svas opened to tlie public on tho 1 st May . . Tlie services ot one of the most expert Chefs , from Paris , has been secured , and they feel confident of being able to sustain the reputation thoy have so lon < r enjoyed , both as regards cttisinn and vines . The cellars cf the Brothers Monico are acknowledged as of the best in London . THE GRILL AND GRAND HALL , not to bo equalled in tho stylo of its appointments and as regards ita size , Open for Suppers till 12 ' 30 . It can he c !; t . ' m 3 d for this establishment , —that Omnibuses from every part of the Metropolis pass this well known thoroughfare until a lato hour .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DE . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful Method of Curing those Diseases . By ROBERT 0 . WAITS , M . D ., Jr . R . S . L ., F . O . S ., & c , 6 Bulstrodo-stroot , Caveudish-sq ., London . London : C . MrrcriEir , AJTD CO ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
BRO . 11 . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Baud for Annual Banquets , Dimiers , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " K . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "