Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . BROAD ( JAUOK Route to tho West of England . — Continuous raihvav communication , without change of carriage , between I . O . N' DONnnd KXKTKR , Pawlish , Teigimiouth , Torquay , Kingswear ( for Dartmouth ) , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Penzance , ami other favourite resorts iu the West of Kngland . Tourist Tickets , available for two months ( lirst , second , ami third class ) , are issued in London at Paddington , AVestbourno Park , Netting Hill , Hammersmith , Shepherd ' s Bush , Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , and certain stations on the Metropolitan and District Railways , to tho West of Kn- 'laiid , including tho following sea-side and other places of attraction , via ., Clevedon , Weston-super-Mare , Watchct , Miuehend , Lynton , Darustaple , Ilfracombo , Kxeter , Dawlish , Teignniouth , Torquay , Dartmouth , Plymouth , Devonport , Newquay , Truro , Falmouth , St . Ives , Penzance , Scilly Islands , & c . Passengers holding first and second class tourist tickets can travel by the 11 .-13 » i ? m . and 3 . 0 p . m . fast trains from Paddington , which reach Kxeter ( it 1 . 6 ami 7 . 11 p . m ., Torquay at 5 . 12 and 8 . 12 p . m ., nnd Plymouth nt ( J . O and o ' . n p . m . respectively . See programmes and time hills issued by tho Company . J . GRIEISSON , General Manager .
NOTICE . —FSRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL fflHIS tire has not touched in the least any part of tho Freemasons ' J Tavern , and will not cause tho slighest interference' with any arrangements made or ponding for Masonic or other P .-inqtio ' s , Balls , Public Meetings , or any purpose for which the establishmeiit is devoted . Orders cau now ho received for Masonic and Regimental Dinners , Public Festivals , Private Dinners , Wedding "Breakfasts , Kvcning Parties , Ralls , Soirees , & o ., and the Spacious Hall is , as usual , available for Election . and other Public Meeting * . Tho business will in every respect be conducted as heretofore . SPIERS AND POND ( Limited ) . ¦ 1 th May 1883 . '
FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL ! LARGE photographs of the Temple , taken immediately after the fire , on tth May ( suitable for framing ) , 5 s each ; or framed in oak , securely packed , sent to any address iu the United Kingdom , carriage paid , on receipt of cheque for 15 s . Masters of Lodges should secure this memor ' al of tho old Templo for their Lodge rooms . W . G . PABKEB , Photographer , 40 High Holborn , "W . O . Established 25 year * .
Now Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPEES ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly fov delivery in Lodges of Instruction . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS .
B , | , M . « _ w _ B _ M _ M _ a „« a _ a u a jp ^ H la JITU mm HI u u * ui
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
'PUIS Provincial Grand Lodge waa held on Thursday , tbe 28 th inst ., - - nt _ tbe Oatlands Park Hotel , "Waltou-on-Thames , the brethren issembling nnder the banner of the Friendship aud Harmony Lodge , " »• 101 ( 5 . There was a very fair attendance of members of the different Lodges in the Province , and the Fast Provincial Grand Officers were well represented . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master
, General Studholme Brownrigg , O . B ., pres'dcrl , and was supported by the Depnt y Provincial Grand Master tho Rev . C . W . Arnold Past Crane ] Chaplain , and tho following Officers of the year : —Bros . Chas . greenwood P . G . S . B . S . W ., James E . Barton J . W ., Ror . It . Mil tier Wia plain , W . A . Barrett Registrar , G . Prico Treasurer , C . Greenwood inn
. . ( secretary , J . B . Bonchcr S . D .. A . E . Taylor Superintendent ol works , H . E . Frances Director of Ceremonies , J . II . Askham Assist , - ' " ., F . A . Manning Standard Baarcr , tec . Amongst others present were , Rov . Ambrose Hall Past Grand Chaplain , Chevalier Dosiingcs , Kev . — Watson , Vicar of St . Mary ' s Chnrch , O . itlandp , & c , & c n ter Lod ge had b ? en formally opened , the roll of the Province was called pver , and representatives from 21 out of the 25 Lodges which linse tne
- ""¦ Province ot Surrey answered tho call . The minntes of the lrovinc ' al Grand Lodge held at Woking in July last year were lead and confirmed nnanimously , as also were the miiintes of a special Provincial Grand Lodgo held nt Freemasons' Tavern , on 21 st ^ ovember 1882 . The minutes of the Special Provincial Grand Lodge uceting at Bagshot , on the 9 th April 1883 , were likewise confirmed . ¦ ins was the occasion when the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey ¦ wisted His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught " , K . G ., Pa ? t senior Warden , to by the foundation stone of St , Anne ' s Church .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
The Report of tho Finance and Audit Committee was received . This showed a balance in hand nf £ 71 2 s 2 d . A sum of £ 5 f > s was voted to the Oatlands Working Men ' s Club Bnilding Fund ; while a suggestion from Bro . Dr . Strong as to the returns from the Lodges being made at an earlier date than hitherto , received approval from the Provincial Grand Master , and it was understood that a rule to this
effect should be framed , and brought forward for consideration at next Prov . G . Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then referred to tho occasion , in February last , when ho took the chair at the Anniversary Festival of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . If . had afforded him immense satisfaction to realise how well tho brethren of his Province had supported him on that occasion ; 22 of the Lodges sent np
Stewards , and amongst them they raised nearly £ 1000 . The total amount realised for the Institution at this Festival considerably exceeded £ 13 , 000 . A provisional grant of £ 63 had been passed by Provincial Grand Lodge , and tho Provincial Grand Master now called on the members to formally sanction this grant . Ho also reminded tho brethren that Provincial Grand Lodgo had voted ten
guineas to the St . Amies Chnrch , Bagshot , Bnilding Fund ; this , however , also required tho formal approval of Prov . Grand Lodge now assembled . Theso grants wore agreed to , and General Brown . rigg again rose , this time to propose tho re-election of Brother George Price as Provincial Grand Treasurer . The heavy strain on their funds made by theso extraordinary demands had somewhat impoverished their exchequer , and their esteemed Brother Price had always
laid it down as a rnlo that a balance of £ 100 should stand to the credit of Provincial Grand Lodge . In spite of a fall realisation of the fact that they had encroached npon this balance , ho would propose tho re-election of Brother Price , and trusted that under the exceptional circumstances narrated he wonld not insist on the very letter of his contract being carried out . This proposition waa duly seconded , and the ballot was unanimous in favour of Brother Price ' s re-election . The honour was briefly acknowledged . The Officers for
the year wero then invested , as follows : — Bro . W . R . G . Farmer W . M . 1 G 16 . . G . Senior Warden Colonel Dundas - . . G . Junior Warden Rev . A . Hurt Sit-well , M . A ., P . M . 182 R- G . Chaplain G . F . Romiau . . . . G . Registrar Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B . - . G . Secretary T . Franklyn Lloyd P . M . 416 . . G . Senior Deacon Charles Bpltnn "P M W ? Ct . Tnnmr ftnnnnn
G . D . Lister W . M . 410 . . . G . Snp . of Works John G . Horsey P . M . 18 !) 2 - . G . D . of C . . Thomas Vincent P . M . 18 G 1 - - G . Sword Bearer B . H . Rirlge P . M . 463 . . . G . Assist . D . of C . H . J . Lardner 1929 . . G . Organist G . Pnvnfi V T \ T . 1 SR 4 , . . . d . Pnrani'vanf .
W . P . Catterson - . - " ) T . T . Phillips - - - -f r a , . Charles Ledger - . . K- Stewards W . G . Batchelor S . W . 452 . J C . T . Speight - . - . G . Tyler For the Audit Committee , the same brethren as last year fulfilled the duties were reappointed .
In addressing the brethren General Brownrigg urged on the new Officers the necessity of attending any meetings they may be summoned for . Tho stato of Freemasonry in tho Province was most ' satisfactory . Tho Lodges wero progressing , and a spirit of unanimity prevailed that was most cheering . With respect to the selection of Grand Officers , he desired it to be remembered that there
wero not many offices at his disposal , nnd where there were so many aspirants ifc wns a difficult task to select tho most deserving . However , he desired to be impartial , and ho took counsel with his Deputy , who rendered him valnab's service in arriving . at his decisions in this respect . Shortly afterwards Provincial Grand Lodge was closed . The
brethren then adjourned for Divino Service at St . Mary ' s Chnrch , Oatlands , where a sermon was preached by tho Provincial Grand Chaplain . Onr rev . brother ' s discourse was as follows : — "Casting all your care upon Him ; for He careth for you . "—1 Peter v 7 . The love of God to ns , and the confidence and strength which it
affords fo all who have realised it , in whose hearts ifc has been shed abroad by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost , is forcibly impressed upon ns in tho text yon have heard read . We are urged by it iu times of sorrow and anxiety to put our whole trust and confidence iu God , for wo know and believe tha love which He hath to us . When wo recall tho past , whrn we look back upon our lives , we are apt to
dwell too mnoh upon those events which have given us happiness , and to overlook tho trials and difficulties which have met us from time to time , when onr faith in the Divine love has been really pub to tho test . For it is in the time of pain and weariness and sorrow , far more than in happy and prosperous days , that the strength and tho reality of faith is proved . My dear Brethren , we may be
perfectly acquainted with tho statements contained in the Bible respecting the character of Almighty God , and admit readily tbat Hi a nature and His attribute is love , and that He has proved it and commended ifc to us by sending His only and most dearly beloved Son to redeem ns , nnd the Holy Ghost the comforter to abide with n = i . Xow let n * ask ourselves this question , —Do we really believe
this ? Can wo , unr ' cr all circumstances , however painful and mysterious , east nnr burden upon the Lord , and feel assured that Ho careth for us ? Do wo then—in moments of pain and sharp distress—know nnd believe the love which God hath to us ? The Holy Scriptures , or as we term it , " The Volume of the Sacred Law , "
tell ns of the omniscience and the omnipresence of the G . A . O . T . U . He , as David testifies , is about onr path and about our bed , and Ho spieth out all onr ways . In Him we live and move and have our being . Wherever wo are , or whatever we do , Ho is ever with ns , and His all-seeing eye beholds us , aud one day we shall have to render to Him au undisguised account of our life aud actions .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . BROAD ( JAUOK Route to tho West of England . — Continuous raihvav communication , without change of carriage , between I . O . N' DONnnd KXKTKR , Pawlish , Teigimiouth , Torquay , Kingswear ( for Dartmouth ) , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Penzance , ami other favourite resorts iu the West of Kngland . Tourist Tickets , available for two months ( lirst , second , ami third class ) , are issued in London at Paddington , AVestbourno Park , Netting Hill , Hammersmith , Shepherd ' s Bush , Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , and certain stations on the Metropolitan and District Railways , to tho West of Kn- 'laiid , including tho following sea-side and other places of attraction , via ., Clevedon , Weston-super-Mare , Watchct , Miuehend , Lynton , Darustaple , Ilfracombo , Kxeter , Dawlish , Teignniouth , Torquay , Dartmouth , Plymouth , Devonport , Newquay , Truro , Falmouth , St . Ives , Penzance , Scilly Islands , & c . Passengers holding first and second class tourist tickets can travel by the 11 .-13 » i ? m . and 3 . 0 p . m . fast trains from Paddington , which reach Kxeter ( it 1 . 6 ami 7 . 11 p . m ., Torquay at 5 . 12 and 8 . 12 p . m ., nnd Plymouth nt ( J . O and o ' . n p . m . respectively . See programmes and time hills issued by tho Company . J . GRIEISSON , General Manager .
NOTICE . —FSRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL fflHIS tire has not touched in the least any part of tho Freemasons ' J Tavern , and will not cause tho slighest interference' with any arrangements made or ponding for Masonic or other P .-inqtio ' s , Balls , Public Meetings , or any purpose for which the establishmeiit is devoted . Orders cau now ho received for Masonic and Regimental Dinners , Public Festivals , Private Dinners , Wedding "Breakfasts , Kvcning Parties , Ralls , Soirees , & o ., and the Spacious Hall is , as usual , available for Election . and other Public Meeting * . Tho business will in every respect be conducted as heretofore . SPIERS AND POND ( Limited ) . ¦ 1 th May 1883 . '
FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL ! LARGE photographs of the Temple , taken immediately after the fire , on tth May ( suitable for framing ) , 5 s each ; or framed in oak , securely packed , sent to any address iu the United Kingdom , carriage paid , on receipt of cheque for 15 s . Masters of Lodges should secure this memor ' al of tho old Templo for their Lodge rooms . W . G . PABKEB , Photographer , 40 High Holborn , "W . O . Established 25 year * .
Now Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPEES ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly fov delivery in Lodges of Instruction . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS .
B , | , M . « _ w _ B _ M _ M _ a „« a _ a u a jp ^ H la JITU mm HI u u * ui
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
'PUIS Provincial Grand Lodge waa held on Thursday , tbe 28 th inst ., - - nt _ tbe Oatlands Park Hotel , "Waltou-on-Thames , the brethren issembling nnder the banner of the Friendship aud Harmony Lodge , " »• 101 ( 5 . There was a very fair attendance of members of the different Lodges in the Province , and the Fast Provincial Grand Officers were well represented . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master
, General Studholme Brownrigg , O . B ., pres'dcrl , and was supported by the Depnt y Provincial Grand Master tho Rev . C . W . Arnold Past Crane ] Chaplain , and tho following Officers of the year : —Bros . Chas . greenwood P . G . S . B . S . W ., James E . Barton J . W ., Ror . It . Mil tier Wia plain , W . A . Barrett Registrar , G . Prico Treasurer , C . Greenwood inn
. . ( secretary , J . B . Bonchcr S . D .. A . E . Taylor Superintendent ol works , H . E . Frances Director of Ceremonies , J . II . Askham Assist , - ' " ., F . A . Manning Standard Baarcr , tec . Amongst others present were , Rov . Ambrose Hall Past Grand Chaplain , Chevalier Dosiingcs , Kev . — Watson , Vicar of St . Mary ' s Chnrch , O . itlandp , & c , & c n ter Lod ge had b ? en formally opened , the roll of the Province was called pver , and representatives from 21 out of the 25 Lodges which linse tne
- ""¦ Province ot Surrey answered tho call . The minntes of the lrovinc ' al Grand Lodge held at Woking in July last year were lead and confirmed nnanimously , as also were the miiintes of a special Provincial Grand Lodgo held nt Freemasons' Tavern , on 21 st ^ ovember 1882 . The minutes of the Special Provincial Grand Lodge uceting at Bagshot , on the 9 th April 1883 , were likewise confirmed . ¦ ins was the occasion when the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey ¦ wisted His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught " , K . G ., Pa ? t senior Warden , to by the foundation stone of St , Anne ' s Church .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
The Report of tho Finance and Audit Committee was received . This showed a balance in hand nf £ 71 2 s 2 d . A sum of £ 5 f > s was voted to the Oatlands Working Men ' s Club Bnilding Fund ; while a suggestion from Bro . Dr . Strong as to the returns from the Lodges being made at an earlier date than hitherto , received approval from the Provincial Grand Master , and it was understood that a rule to this
effect should be framed , and brought forward for consideration at next Prov . G . Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then referred to tho occasion , in February last , when ho took the chair at the Anniversary Festival of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . If . had afforded him immense satisfaction to realise how well tho brethren of his Province had supported him on that occasion ; 22 of the Lodges sent np
Stewards , and amongst them they raised nearly £ 1000 . The total amount realised for the Institution at this Festival considerably exceeded £ 13 , 000 . A provisional grant of £ 63 had been passed by Provincial Grand Lodge , and tho Provincial Grand Master now called on the members to formally sanction this grant . Ho also reminded tho brethren that Provincial Grand Lodgo had voted ten
guineas to the St . Amies Chnrch , Bagshot , Bnilding Fund ; this , however , also required tho formal approval of Prov . Grand Lodge now assembled . Theso grants wore agreed to , and General Brown . rigg again rose , this time to propose tho re-election of Brother George Price as Provincial Grand Treasurer . The heavy strain on their funds made by theso extraordinary demands had somewhat impoverished their exchequer , and their esteemed Brother Price had always
laid it down as a rnlo that a balance of £ 100 should stand to the credit of Provincial Grand Lodge . In spite of a fall realisation of the fact that they had encroached npon this balance , ho would propose tho re-election of Brother Price , and trusted that under the exceptional circumstances narrated he wonld not insist on the very letter of his contract being carried out . This proposition waa duly seconded , and the ballot was unanimous in favour of Brother Price ' s re-election . The honour was briefly acknowledged . The Officers for
the year wero then invested , as follows : — Bro . W . R . G . Farmer W . M . 1 G 16 . . G . Senior Warden Colonel Dundas - . . G . Junior Warden Rev . A . Hurt Sit-well , M . A ., P . M . 182 R- G . Chaplain G . F . Romiau . . . . G . Registrar Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B . - . G . Secretary T . Franklyn Lloyd P . M . 416 . . G . Senior Deacon Charles Bpltnn "P M W ? Ct . Tnnmr ftnnnnn
G . D . Lister W . M . 410 . . . G . Snp . of Works John G . Horsey P . M . 18 !) 2 - . G . D . of C . . Thomas Vincent P . M . 18 G 1 - - G . Sword Bearer B . H . Rirlge P . M . 463 . . . G . Assist . D . of C . H . J . Lardner 1929 . . G . Organist G . Pnvnfi V T \ T . 1 SR 4 , . . . d . Pnrani'vanf .
W . P . Catterson - . - " ) T . T . Phillips - - - -f r a , . Charles Ledger - . . K- Stewards W . G . Batchelor S . W . 452 . J C . T . Speight - . - . G . Tyler For the Audit Committee , the same brethren as last year fulfilled the duties were reappointed .
In addressing the brethren General Brownrigg urged on the new Officers the necessity of attending any meetings they may be summoned for . Tho stato of Freemasonry in tho Province was most ' satisfactory . Tho Lodges wero progressing , and a spirit of unanimity prevailed that was most cheering . With respect to the selection of Grand Officers , he desired it to be remembered that there
wero not many offices at his disposal , nnd where there were so many aspirants ifc wns a difficult task to select tho most deserving . However , he desired to be impartial , and ho took counsel with his Deputy , who rendered him valnab's service in arriving . at his decisions in this respect . Shortly afterwards Provincial Grand Lodge was closed . The
brethren then adjourned for Divino Service at St . Mary ' s Chnrch , Oatlands , where a sermon was preached by tho Provincial Grand Chaplain . Onr rev . brother ' s discourse was as follows : — "Casting all your care upon Him ; for He careth for you . "—1 Peter v 7 . The love of God to ns , and the confidence and strength which it
affords fo all who have realised it , in whose hearts ifc has been shed abroad by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost , is forcibly impressed upon ns in tho text yon have heard read . We are urged by it iu times of sorrow and anxiety to put our whole trust and confidence iu God , for wo know and believe tha love which He hath to us . When wo recall tho past , whrn we look back upon our lives , we are apt to
dwell too mnoh upon those events which have given us happiness , and to overlook tho trials and difficulties which have met us from time to time , when onr faith in the Divine love has been really pub to tho test . For it is in the time of pain and weariness and sorrow , far more than in happy and prosperous days , that the strength and tho reality of faith is proved . My dear Brethren , we may be
perfectly acquainted with tho statements contained in the Bible respecting the character of Almighty God , and admit readily tbat Hi a nature and His attribute is love , and that He has proved it and commended ifc to us by sending His only and most dearly beloved Son to redeem ns , nnd the Holy Ghost the comforter to abide with n = i . Xow let n * ask ourselves this question , —Do we really believe
this ? Can wo , unr ' cr all circumstances , however painful and mysterious , east nnr burden upon the Lord , and feel assured that Ho careth for us ? Do wo then—in moments of pain and sharp distress—know nnd believe the love which God hath to us ? The Holy Scriptures , or as we term it , " The Volume of the Sacred Law , "
tell ns of the omniscience and the omnipresence of the G . A . O . T . U . He , as David testifies , is about onr path and about our bed , and Ho spieth out all onr ways . In Him we live and move and have our being . Wherever wo are , or whatever we do , Ho is ever with ns , and His all-seeing eye beholds us , aud one day we shall have to render to Him au undisguised account of our life aud actions .