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Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
feeble words , but he . felt sure that they would helievo him when he said tint their kind thought and dped wonld never be effaced from his niemorv , but that he shonld always look hack to that evening , anil to his nssocintion with the brethren of the York Mark Lodge , with the deepest sensations of pleasure . Tho address he regarded as a gift of special vnlne , for , nnlike the clothing , it would be read
by many eves , and would be an everlasting testimony of their kindness . Bro . Whytehead concluded by again thanking the brethren and assuring them of his desire at all times to do his utmost to fnrther the interests of the Lodge , and to cement the bonds of fraternal union which they had hitherto enjoyed . Bro . Padel J . W . then moved , and Bro . Jackson seconded , tho following resolution , which was carried unanimously— " That the fraternal congratulations of tho W .
Master , Past Masters , Wardens and Brethren of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) be nnd are hereby { riven to R . W . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . M ., on his appointment aa Grand Junior War-Warden , and to V . W . Bro . Thos . B . Whytehead P . M ., on his appointment to the rank of Past Grand Master Overseer in the Grand Mark Lodce of England , and that this resolution be entered on the minutes of tho Lodge , and a copy sent to Bros . Powlett and Whytehead . Tho Senior and Junior Wardens of the Falcon Lodge , No . 1416
( Thirsk ) , were proposed as candidates for advancement , after which the Lodge was closed , amid hearty good wishes , and Bro . Whytehead received the personal congratulations of the brethren . The address was aianed by the following brethren : —Rev . W . C . Lukis W . M ., Rev . W . Valentine I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C G Padel J . W ., G . Garbutt M . O ., M . Miltington S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . 0 ., T . J .
Wilkinson Chaplain , J . R . Jackson Reg . of Marks , T . G . Hodgson S . D ., T . Humphries J . D ., F . Smith and W . Harrison Stewards , W . B . Dyson I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler , R . W . Hollon P . M ., Sir James Meek P . M ., J . Todd P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., W . Lawton , S . Maltby , J . Terry , C . D . Barstow , M . Cooper , J . Shilleto , T . W . Wilson , W . T . Gowland , H . Churchill , G . Moore , J . T . Seller , T . S . Camidge , J .
Redfare , W . H . Gainfortb , J . F . Taylor , W . Paley , G . C . Lee , T . E . Abbey , J . E . Wilkinson , R . Walker , G . H . Hebblethwaite , G . Irving , C . Palliser , W . M . Briggs , W . Hill , T . D . Smith , Rev . Jas . Blake , and E . T . Clark . After the closing of the Lodge , an adjournment was made to the Banqnetting Roon , where a bountiful supper was served by Bro . Calvert . Tho cloth having been withdrawn ,
Bro . Balmford , who presided , gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Whytehead in responding for the Grand Mark Lodge said it was the first time he had been called upon to discharge that duty , but he did it with great pleasure , feeling sure from the evident zest with which the Grand Master Lord Henniker entered into the spirit of the hour at the last Grand Lodge that he
was a worthy successor to Lord Lathom . The immense success of the Order and rapid increase and prosperity were in themselves signs that the leaders of the Order had their hearts in the work . The health of Bro . Why tehead was given by Bro . Cumberland , who spoke in high terms of hia Masonic career of usefulness , and trusted they might long have the pleasure and profit of his fraternal
association . In reply , Bro . Whytehead again thanked the brethren for their unexpected gift , and assured them that every Masonic meeting at which he was privileged to be present only added to the love which he had at first conceived for the Order , and that whether it was the Craft or any of the outside degrees the pleasure of the working , as well as of the social gathering , were always white stones in his
daily life . He shonld always look upon the brethren of the York Mark Lodge with the kindliest and most fraternal feelings . The health of the Worshipfnl Master , Bro . the Rev . W . ' C . Lukis , was cordially drank in absentia , after which Bro . Whytehead gave the Visitors , referring to the delight which it gave them to see their old friend and Masonic veteran Bro . Beanland amongst
them , as also Bro . Middleton , of Scarborough , who was always welcome in York , and Bro . Meek , who , by birth a York man , was also a member of several Masonic bodies in York ; who was advanced in the York Mark Lodge , and whom he ( Bro . Whytehead ) had the honour to see installed as first Master of the Darlington Mark Lodge , and had himself installed as first Master of the Middlesboro Mark Lodge . Ench of the Visitors responded , after which the health of Brother
Balmford P . M ., the first Master of the Lodge under the Grand Mark Lodge , and the i ' ast Masters and Officers of the Lodge wa 3 proposed and most heartily received . Soon afterwards the brethren separated , after passing an exceedingly pleasant evening . On the P . G . Overseer ' s breast jewel , which formed a portion of the presentation , was engraved— " Presented to V . W . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) , Past Grand Master Overseer , by the bretbreu of the York Mark Lodge , as a warm token of their esteem . 19 ch Jul y 1881 . "
Charity Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
No . 76 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge waB held on 22 nd instant , at tbe Masonic Rooms , 193 Union Street , Plymouth . In the unavoidable absence of W . Bro . John Treeby W . M . and P . P . G . Treasurer W . Bro . T . C . Lewarn P . P . G . D . C . occupied the chair . Bro . R . Blight P . P . G . A . D . C ., who had been previously unanimously elected ,
was installed as W . Master . This ceremony was conducted by the V . W . Bro . Bird P . G . M . O . Engd . and P . G . S ., assisted by V . W . Bro , J . M . Hifley P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . M . P . P . G .. T . D ., E Patten P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., J . B . Gover P . M . 50 and 6 fi , P . P . G . M . O After the completion of the installation the following Officers were appointed for the ensuing year : —W . Bro . John Trpeb y I . P . M .. Bros .
J . Moysey S . W ., J . Neno J . W ., W . Bros . W . Browning P . M . & c . Treas ., J . M . Hifley P . M . & c . Sprretary , Bros . A . Trout M . O ., W . Hannaford S . O ., J . Gliddon J . O ., J . Williatna S . D ., R . Dickson P . P . G . P . J . D ., W . H . Tront R . of M ., B . Tucker I . G .. W . Stenlakc D . C , J . Maunder A . D . C , J . Halpy S . S ., J . Clements J . S ., W . M . Bart-] ptt . P . M . Tyler . The treasurer reported that tbe accounts were in a very satisfactory state , and there were several propositions of candi .
Charity Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
nates for the next meet ng . The Lodge being closed , the brethren and visitors were cordially invited to re f reshment in the Refectory Rooms and , as is nsunl in the Lodge of Charity , a very pleasant hour was spent . The toasts usual at mcpfings of this kind were duly honoured . That , of the genial Master—Bro . R . Blight—was very cordially received , nnd he was generally congratulated on the elevated position he has now attained .
A Grand Lod ^ e Province Essex will held at tho Public Hall , Soutbend-on-Sea , on Tuesday , tbe 9 tb of August , at half-past one , for the transaction of tbe general business of the year . The following is tbe agenda of tbe dtiy ' s proceedings : —
At One o ' clock nreoisely the Finance Committee will meet to Audit the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s Accounts , and to Report thereon . At Half-paat One o'clock precisely , the Members of the different Lodges ( except the Present and Past Grand Officers , who are to assemble in the Ante-room ) will meet in the Grand Lodge . room ,
properly clothed , under their respective banners . The Provincial Grand Master , preceded by bis Officers , will then enter the Grand Lodge , and open it in due form . The Provincial Grand Master will be saluted according to ancient form .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge will be read and put for Confirmation . Letter 8 and Communications will be read . The Roll of Lodges will be called over , and tbe representativea of each will rise and answer to their names .
The amount of Contributions from the various Lodges , and the number of Members in each for 1881 will be announced . The Anditors' report will be read , and a motion made thafc it be received , adopted , and entered on the Minutes . The Provincial Grand Master will address the brethren .
The Provincial Grand Master will appoint and invest his Deput y , who will then be saluted . The Provincial Grand Treasurer will be elected . The Provincial Grand Master will appoint and invest his Officers . The Provincial Grand Tyler will be Appointed .
The Provincial Grand Officers will be saluted . A Proposition for the adoption of certain Bye-laws relating to Charity Organisation will be brought before Grand Lodge . General Business . Provincial Grand Lodge will be closed .
By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , THOS . J . RAIDING , Provincial Grand Secretary . A . LUCKING Prov . G . D . C .
A banquet will take place at tbe Terminus Hotel , punctually at Four o ' clock . Tickets , 10 s 6 d ( to include wine and dessert ) , may be obtained at the Hotel , or previous to the 9 th of August of Bro . J . A . Wardell , Sec . Priory Lodge , No . 1000 , Southend-on-Sea .
Swimming At Brill's Baths, Star And Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge.
THE members of the Kew Bridge Swimming Club are to be congratulated on the success of their meeting on Monday , when a handicap race of 160 yards , or four lengths of the bath , was swum . There were no less than fourteen competitors , who were ranged in three heats , the respective winners of which , and the loser who made the fastest time , contending in the final . Heat 1 resulted in a victory for R . W . Watson 35 sec . start , H . Hammond 58 sec , four yards
behind , being second , while A . E . Grieaback 48 sec . missed second place by a yard only , time 3 m . 23 | sec , E . Glasson 52 sec . and H . Glasson 20 sec . were the other entrants . F . NicboUs 58 sec , M . Powis Bale 54 sec , E . D . C . Cecil scratch , and H . Watts 35 sec . competed in the second heat , reaching the winning post in the order given , Nieholls beaming Bale by a foot , time 3 m . 20 sec , Cecil ' s time
for two lengths was 1 m . 7 sec , and for three lengths 1 m . 44 sec . In heat 3 , H . J . Watson came in first by ten yards , G . Pearson 40 sec . being second , and W . Hammond 60 seconds 2 yards behind third . E . Heard 25 sec , and Hodgson 95 yards were nnplaced , time 3 m . 11-f-seo . In the final , R . W . Watson , 35 sec , won rather easily by two yarda , H . J . Wat 8 on 35 8 ec , being second , with F . Nieholls 58 see ,
and M . Powis Bale , 54 sec , close np in the order given ; indeed , the distance of a single yard wonld have sufficed to cover the unsuccessful competitors . Professor Oakes— " Leander" —the Club Swimming Master , though labouring under severe indisposition , then gave a very fine exhibition of ornamental swimming , to the very great gratification of all who witnessed it . We wish the Club a prosperous future . It has the patronage and support of the Duke of Teck
as President , as well as of Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., Mr . 0 . E . Coope , M . P ., Mr . Leopold De Rothschild , and Mr . Henry Smitb . as Vice Presidents , with a numerous and influential Committee , and an active staff of working officers , Lhe Hon . Treasurer and Secretary being Mr . M . Powis Bale , of Oriel Lodge ; Oxford-road , Gunnersbury , of wbnm intending candidates for membership will obtain whatever information they may desire .
Bro . P . Green , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , will be tho W , Master of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 , during the ensuing year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
feeble words , but he . felt sure that they would helievo him when he said tint their kind thought and dped wonld never be effaced from his niemorv , but that he shonld always look hack to that evening , anil to his nssocintion with the brethren of the York Mark Lodge , with the deepest sensations of pleasure . Tho address he regarded as a gift of special vnlne , for , nnlike the clothing , it would be read
by many eves , and would be an everlasting testimony of their kindness . Bro . Whytehead concluded by again thanking the brethren and assuring them of his desire at all times to do his utmost to fnrther the interests of the Lodge , and to cement the bonds of fraternal union which they had hitherto enjoyed . Bro . Padel J . W . then moved , and Bro . Jackson seconded , tho following resolution , which was carried unanimously— " That the fraternal congratulations of tho W .
Master , Past Masters , Wardens and Brethren of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) be nnd are hereby { riven to R . W . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . M ., on his appointment aa Grand Junior War-Warden , and to V . W . Bro . Thos . B . Whytehead P . M ., on his appointment to the rank of Past Grand Master Overseer in the Grand Mark Lodce of England , and that this resolution be entered on the minutes of tho Lodge , and a copy sent to Bros . Powlett and Whytehead . Tho Senior and Junior Wardens of the Falcon Lodge , No . 1416
( Thirsk ) , were proposed as candidates for advancement , after which the Lodge was closed , amid hearty good wishes , and Bro . Whytehead received the personal congratulations of the brethren . The address was aianed by the following brethren : —Rev . W . C . Lukis W . M ., Rev . W . Valentine I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C G Padel J . W ., G . Garbutt M . O ., M . Miltington S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . 0 ., T . J .
Wilkinson Chaplain , J . R . Jackson Reg . of Marks , T . G . Hodgson S . D ., T . Humphries J . D ., F . Smith and W . Harrison Stewards , W . B . Dyson I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler , R . W . Hollon P . M ., Sir James Meek P . M ., J . Todd P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., W . Lawton , S . Maltby , J . Terry , C . D . Barstow , M . Cooper , J . Shilleto , T . W . Wilson , W . T . Gowland , H . Churchill , G . Moore , J . T . Seller , T . S . Camidge , J .
Redfare , W . H . Gainfortb , J . F . Taylor , W . Paley , G . C . Lee , T . E . Abbey , J . E . Wilkinson , R . Walker , G . H . Hebblethwaite , G . Irving , C . Palliser , W . M . Briggs , W . Hill , T . D . Smith , Rev . Jas . Blake , and E . T . Clark . After the closing of the Lodge , an adjournment was made to the Banqnetting Roon , where a bountiful supper was served by Bro . Calvert . Tho cloth having been withdrawn ,
Bro . Balmford , who presided , gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Whytehead in responding for the Grand Mark Lodge said it was the first time he had been called upon to discharge that duty , but he did it with great pleasure , feeling sure from the evident zest with which the Grand Master Lord Henniker entered into the spirit of the hour at the last Grand Lodge that he
was a worthy successor to Lord Lathom . The immense success of the Order and rapid increase and prosperity were in themselves signs that the leaders of the Order had their hearts in the work . The health of Bro . Why tehead was given by Bro . Cumberland , who spoke in high terms of hia Masonic career of usefulness , and trusted they might long have the pleasure and profit of his fraternal
association . In reply , Bro . Whytehead again thanked the brethren for their unexpected gift , and assured them that every Masonic meeting at which he was privileged to be present only added to the love which he had at first conceived for the Order , and that whether it was the Craft or any of the outside degrees the pleasure of the working , as well as of the social gathering , were always white stones in his
daily life . He shonld always look upon the brethren of the York Mark Lodge with the kindliest and most fraternal feelings . The health of the Worshipfnl Master , Bro . the Rev . W . ' C . Lukis , was cordially drank in absentia , after which Bro . Whytehead gave the Visitors , referring to the delight which it gave them to see their old friend and Masonic veteran Bro . Beanland amongst
them , as also Bro . Middleton , of Scarborough , who was always welcome in York , and Bro . Meek , who , by birth a York man , was also a member of several Masonic bodies in York ; who was advanced in the York Mark Lodge , and whom he ( Bro . Whytehead ) had the honour to see installed as first Master of the Darlington Mark Lodge , and had himself installed as first Master of the Middlesboro Mark Lodge . Ench of the Visitors responded , after which the health of Brother
Balmford P . M ., the first Master of the Lodge under the Grand Mark Lodge , and the i ' ast Masters and Officers of the Lodge wa 3 proposed and most heartily received . Soon afterwards the brethren separated , after passing an exceedingly pleasant evening . On the P . G . Overseer ' s breast jewel , which formed a portion of the presentation , was engraved— " Presented to V . W . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) , Past Grand Master Overseer , by the bretbreu of the York Mark Lodge , as a warm token of their esteem . 19 ch Jul y 1881 . "
Charity Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
No . 76 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge waB held on 22 nd instant , at tbe Masonic Rooms , 193 Union Street , Plymouth . In the unavoidable absence of W . Bro . John Treeby W . M . and P . P . G . Treasurer W . Bro . T . C . Lewarn P . P . G . D . C . occupied the chair . Bro . R . Blight P . P . G . A . D . C ., who had been previously unanimously elected ,
was installed as W . Master . This ceremony was conducted by the V . W . Bro . Bird P . G . M . O . Engd . and P . G . S ., assisted by V . W . Bro , J . M . Hifley P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . M . P . P . G .. T . D ., E Patten P . M . P . P . G . J . D ., J . B . Gover P . M . 50 and 6 fi , P . P . G . M . O After the completion of the installation the following Officers were appointed for the ensuing year : —W . Bro . John Trpeb y I . P . M .. Bros .
J . Moysey S . W ., J . Neno J . W ., W . Bros . W . Browning P . M . & c . Treas ., J . M . Hifley P . M . & c . Sprretary , Bros . A . Trout M . O ., W . Hannaford S . O ., J . Gliddon J . O ., J . Williatna S . D ., R . Dickson P . P . G . P . J . D ., W . H . Tront R . of M ., B . Tucker I . G .. W . Stenlakc D . C , J . Maunder A . D . C , J . Halpy S . S ., J . Clements J . S ., W . M . Bart-] ptt . P . M . Tyler . The treasurer reported that tbe accounts were in a very satisfactory state , and there were several propositions of candi .
Charity Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
nates for the next meet ng . The Lodge being closed , the brethren and visitors were cordially invited to re f reshment in the Refectory Rooms and , as is nsunl in the Lodge of Charity , a very pleasant hour was spent . The toasts usual at mcpfings of this kind were duly honoured . That , of the genial Master—Bro . R . Blight—was very cordially received , nnd he was generally congratulated on the elevated position he has now attained .
A Grand Lod ^ e Province Essex will held at tho Public Hall , Soutbend-on-Sea , on Tuesday , tbe 9 tb of August , at half-past one , for the transaction of tbe general business of the year . The following is tbe agenda of tbe dtiy ' s proceedings : —
At One o ' clock nreoisely the Finance Committee will meet to Audit the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s Accounts , and to Report thereon . At Half-paat One o'clock precisely , the Members of the different Lodges ( except the Present and Past Grand Officers , who are to assemble in the Ante-room ) will meet in the Grand Lodge . room ,
properly clothed , under their respective banners . The Provincial Grand Master , preceded by bis Officers , will then enter the Grand Lodge , and open it in due form . The Provincial Grand Master will be saluted according to ancient form .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge will be read and put for Confirmation . Letter 8 and Communications will be read . The Roll of Lodges will be called over , and tbe representativea of each will rise and answer to their names .
The amount of Contributions from the various Lodges , and the number of Members in each for 1881 will be announced . The Anditors' report will be read , and a motion made thafc it be received , adopted , and entered on the Minutes . The Provincial Grand Master will address the brethren .
The Provincial Grand Master will appoint and invest his Deput y , who will then be saluted . The Provincial Grand Treasurer will be elected . The Provincial Grand Master will appoint and invest his Officers . The Provincial Grand Tyler will be Appointed .
The Provincial Grand Officers will be saluted . A Proposition for the adoption of certain Bye-laws relating to Charity Organisation will be brought before Grand Lodge . General Business . Provincial Grand Lodge will be closed .
By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , THOS . J . RAIDING , Provincial Grand Secretary . A . LUCKING Prov . G . D . C .
A banquet will take place at tbe Terminus Hotel , punctually at Four o ' clock . Tickets , 10 s 6 d ( to include wine and dessert ) , may be obtained at the Hotel , or previous to the 9 th of August of Bro . J . A . Wardell , Sec . Priory Lodge , No . 1000 , Southend-on-Sea .
Swimming At Brill's Baths, Star And Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge.
THE members of the Kew Bridge Swimming Club are to be congratulated on the success of their meeting on Monday , when a handicap race of 160 yards , or four lengths of the bath , was swum . There were no less than fourteen competitors , who were ranged in three heats , the respective winners of which , and the loser who made the fastest time , contending in the final . Heat 1 resulted in a victory for R . W . Watson 35 sec . start , H . Hammond 58 sec , four yards
behind , being second , while A . E . Grieaback 48 sec . missed second place by a yard only , time 3 m . 23 | sec , E . Glasson 52 sec . and H . Glasson 20 sec . were the other entrants . F . NicboUs 58 sec , M . Powis Bale 54 sec , E . D . C . Cecil scratch , and H . Watts 35 sec . competed in the second heat , reaching the winning post in the order given , Nieholls beaming Bale by a foot , time 3 m . 20 sec , Cecil ' s time
for two lengths was 1 m . 7 sec , and for three lengths 1 m . 44 sec . In heat 3 , H . J . Watson came in first by ten yards , G . Pearson 40 sec . being second , and W . Hammond 60 seconds 2 yards behind third . E . Heard 25 sec , and Hodgson 95 yards were nnplaced , time 3 m . 11-f-seo . In the final , R . W . Watson , 35 sec , won rather easily by two yarda , H . J . Wat 8 on 35 8 ec , being second , with F . Nieholls 58 see ,
and M . Powis Bale , 54 sec , close np in the order given ; indeed , the distance of a single yard wonld have sufficed to cover the unsuccessful competitors . Professor Oakes— " Leander" —the Club Swimming Master , though labouring under severe indisposition , then gave a very fine exhibition of ornamental swimming , to the very great gratification of all who witnessed it . We wish the Club a prosperous future . It has the patronage and support of the Duke of Teck
as President , as well as of Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., Mr . 0 . E . Coope , M . P ., Mr . Leopold De Rothschild , and Mr . Henry Smitb . as Vice Presidents , with a numerous and influential Committee , and an active staff of working officers , Lhe Hon . Treasurer and Secretary being Mr . M . Powis Bale , of Oriel Lodge ; Oxford-road , Gunnersbury , of wbnm intending candidates for membership will obtain whatever information they may desire .
Bro . P . Green , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , will be tho W , Master of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 , during the ensuing year .