Article THE LATE BRO. THOS MEGGY. Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMER BANQUET OF THE ST. JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMER BANQUET OF THE ST. JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Late Bro. Thos Meggy.
IT is with very great regret we announce that Bro . Thos . Meggy was buried on Saturday last . Bro . Meggy had been somewhat out of health for some little time past , bnt his indisposition bad given rise to no kind of anxiety on the part of his friends , though , as it turned out , it
terrainated fatally on Tuesday the 19 th instant , and his remains were , as we have stated already , committed to their last resting place on Saturday last . Bro . Meggy had taken a very active part in Masonry , aud especially in connection with our Charitable Institutions , during the entire period
of his connection with the Craft . He was initiated into the mysteries of the first degree in October 1862 , iu the Fitzroy Lodge , No . 569 , which is connected , as our readers are aware , with the Honourable Artillery Company of London . In 1867 he was elected to fill the chair of W . M . He
joined the Emulation Lodge , No . 21 , in 1863 , and became its Master in 1870 , having served the office of Grand Steward the year before . He was exalted to the R . A . Degree in 1864 , in the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 , and joined the Westminster and Keystone , No . 10 , in 1874 .
It was in tbe Mark Degree , however , that our lamented Brother exhibited the greatest amount of interest . He was advanced in February 1863 iu the Old Kent ( T . I . ) Lodge , joined the Thistle , No . 8 , in December of the same year , and was one of the founders of the Macdonald Mark
Lodge , No . 134 , in 1869 . He was a Past Grand Steward and P . G . M . Overseer of this Degree , and was , moreover , the official auditor of the Mark Grand Lodge accounts . He was also , it should be added , Assistant Treasurer and Secretary of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( Craft ) ,
No . 10 , a Vice Patron of all our Institutions , and had served the office of Steward at the Festivals of one or other of them on not far , if at all , short of twenty different occasions . Bro . Meggy was esteemed and respected by the many brethren with whom he came in contact , and beloved
m his more immediate circle of friends and acquaintances . He had done the work assigned to him , or which he had voluntarily undertaken , with a completeness and success
which proved him to be a good and conscientious Craftsman . It is in no conventional sense that we offer to the family and friends of one who was so well known and respected by ns , our sincere tribute of unqualified respect .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE Genera ] Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls met at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday . There were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , E . Letchworth , Joshua Nunn , James Pe : ers , Don . if . Dewar , Thomas Massa , Griffiths Smith , E . C . Massey , Prank Richardson , H . A . Dubois , John A . Rucker , Charles Brown , William Stephens , Peter de L . Long , Arthur E . Gladwell , and P . R . W .
Hedges Secretary . At the conclusion of the formal business , Bro . Joshua Nunn gave notice of the following motion for the next Qaarterly Court—Thafc the House Committee are of opinion that a swimming bath should be provided for the use of the School , and that tenders be received for the execution of tbe same , and that the House Committee be allowed to expend a sum not exceeding £ 2 , 000 . " There was no further business before the meeting .
Summer Banquet Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
THIS Lodge celebrated the first of its Snmmer Ontinga on the 20 th July , at the celebrated Broxbonrne Gardens . By Bpeoial arrangement , to make the event more agreeable , the ladies were invited
to partake of the pleasures of a visit to tbe country : — Let UH go forth ; The streets are close , tbe pavement 'a hot , And not a breath of air is stirring .
For us the Earth Spreads out the greenest garniture of leaves , And in a language beantiful , bnt all unwrit , she ever speaks Of love , and poetry , and heaven ! "bus , on pleasure bent , a party of ladies and brethren , numbering
nearl y fifty , arrived at the Crown , where , with its facilities for out . door games , they were favoured with enjoyable weather . Dinner w as somewhat delayed , to permit some of the brethren to come by a later train . On their arrival tho brethren sat down to a bountifully served banquet—Bro . Beningfield bearing in mind t ho direction of Petrnehio , Let them want nothing that my house affords . Ample justice was done to the good cheer , a selection of mnsic being Performed at intervals by the Band , under the direction of Mr . L .
Summer Banquet Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
K'i ' ishpr . Grao « having been said , the Worshipfu l Mwt « r ( Bro . Macrrath ) gave the toasts of the Qip » n . followel by th » National Anthem , nnd His Roval HL'hness f'e Prince of Wales . The n « xt toast , Bro . Magrath said , waa the toast of the dav . In wishing prospirity to the St . John of Wanning Lodge , those who were acquainted with its old quarWa at Wnpping would "gree with h >' m that the first
step towards improvement was the removal of the Lodge to i * s present headquarters . Th ° y now met at a home affording every comfort and convenience , and all wonld agree with him fc ' mt better providers for th «> ir creature comforts were not to he found than Bros . Kingston and Fromm . They were also fortunate in possessing a capital staff of Officeva , a'l of whom were well ncqnainted with their duties , whilst
amongst its junior members the Lodge possessed brethren who , from their constant attendance at Lodges of Instrnction , were capable of rendering » nv service which , in the absence of the Officiera , might be reqnirpd of thorn . Amvher feature he would allude to wis , the institution of a Charity Box . Although this had hoen in operation at a few mpetincrs only , it had realised a handsome sum , and had enabled the
Lodge to dispense substantial aid to aevpral poor brethren , nnd to tho widow of a deceased brother . With these cheering fnots before them , he wonld call upon them to drink prosperity to the St . John of Wapping Lodge . After a song , Bro . C . Veal I . P . M . said ho had to perform tbe agreeable duty of proposing the health of the W . M ., Bro . Magrath , who , as was stated on the menu , was indeed " a proper man . " If
they lived for fifty years , thoy could not find one snperior to him . Bro . Magrath , like himself , believod that whatever was worth doing at all , was worth doing well , and to that principle might be credited tbe success of the present outing . The toast was heartily received , Mrs . Magratb ' s name being warmly associated with the toast . The Vice-Chairman ( Bro . T . Wooding
S . W . ) was next honoured . The W . M . said , nothing could afford him greater pleasure than to propose the health of Bro . Wooding . They were initiated at the same time , and from thence until the present moment be had always found him a worthy brother . They were now next to each other in rank , and he looked forward to shortly aee Bro . Wooding ocoupy the same dignified position in the
Lodge as he ( Bro . Magrath ) now held ; of one thing he was sure , no better or more competent Master than he would makeoould be found , for at all times he was to be seen aoting his part ; in the Lodge worthily . Bro . Wooding having thanked the W . M . for so kindl y proposing , and the ladies and brethren for heartily responding to the toast ; expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to be
present nt the first snmmer outing of the Lodge , more especially as they were bononred bv tbe presence of tbe ladies . He could only express a strong hope thafc the present successful experiment might be repeated for many years with increasing success . The " Ladies " were next toasted . The W . M . said this was a very important toast ; . The brethren who in attending Lodge were sometimes taken
from the ladies , had arranged the present outing that their partners might be with them . He wonld call upon Bro . G . H . Stephens to respond on behalf of tbe Ladies . After an amusing song from Brother Couture—Brother Stephens replied , and soon afterwards the party returned to the grounds , where dancing was enjoyed until the necessity of catching the last
train compelled the ladies and brethren most reluotantly to wend their way to the Station . Bro . Magrath and his Committee are to be congratulated upon the success and completeness of their arrangements . Bro . Morris successfully performed the onerous duties of Steward , and Bro . Holden succeeded admirably in seating the brethren to their satisfaction . The following kindly contributed
songs during the day : —Bros . C . Veil , J . Couture , T . Morris , H . T . Hardy , G . H . Stephens , & o . ; whilst Bro . Jerrard King gave a cnpital recitation . Among those present were Bro . J . and Mrs . Magrath , Bro . T . and Mrs . Wooding , Bro . J . and Mrs . Couture , Bro . H . T . and Mrs . Hardy , Bro . and Mrs . Veal , Bro . and Mrs .
Wise and Miss Bryden , Bro . J . and Mrs . and Miss Morris , Bro . and Mrs . Bnte , Bro . and Mrs . Holden , Bro . and Mis . Bassett , Bro . and Mrs . Phillips , Bro . and Mrs . Twinn , Bro . and Mrs . East , Bro . and Mrs . Kingston , Bro . and Mrs . Stephenson , Bro . and Mrs . King , Bros . C . Hansmann , G . H . Stephens , Slanger , Whybrow , & o .
We nnderstand it is intended to constitute a Prov . Grand Mark Lodge for North and East Yorkshire , and with the view of carrying this object into effect a meeting of
delegates will be held on Wednesday , the 3 rd proximo , for the purpose of memorialising Grand Lodge , and deciding on a brother to be nominated to the Provincial Grand Mastership .
* rj ^ IVORY ^ ... - . A-Xxv . : & :. rnsHES y 2 g Mirrors & all other Ivory 'I jiiob Articles , o ^SQ>d$k'c=i^mjf\ff%jjXn81It «IIwiKJhfc™0?t22S.:S w / JLl ® IP U $ $ ( SSmBSfe = i = O—» SJti £ M SC I-VOIR-X- GOODS I 3 ST C 3-E 3 STEle ^ . I ., " o ' w § Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g g £ > Tj I | jj I Q B == ^^^ O ^ j Q ^ ^ 00 ^^ g | m 4 Jbysafc & 2 i ^ \ & Ym || Ma>\)0wpj3b.*ikHM™II:1° a o | J ^ j ^ - ^ -e ^ «® ^ a Q ^^^ nnggl ^ o » o © . &_ rs HEirnricg- BBOS . Ivory Works , * £ j 5 « 11 . HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O , p ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Late Bro. Thos Meggy.
IT is with very great regret we announce that Bro . Thos . Meggy was buried on Saturday last . Bro . Meggy had been somewhat out of health for some little time past , bnt his indisposition bad given rise to no kind of anxiety on the part of his friends , though , as it turned out , it
terrainated fatally on Tuesday the 19 th instant , and his remains were , as we have stated already , committed to their last resting place on Saturday last . Bro . Meggy had taken a very active part in Masonry , aud especially in connection with our Charitable Institutions , during the entire period
of his connection with the Craft . He was initiated into the mysteries of the first degree in October 1862 , iu the Fitzroy Lodge , No . 569 , which is connected , as our readers are aware , with the Honourable Artillery Company of London . In 1867 he was elected to fill the chair of W . M . He
joined the Emulation Lodge , No . 21 , in 1863 , and became its Master in 1870 , having served the office of Grand Steward the year before . He was exalted to the R . A . Degree in 1864 , in the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 , and joined the Westminster and Keystone , No . 10 , in 1874 .
It was in tbe Mark Degree , however , that our lamented Brother exhibited the greatest amount of interest . He was advanced in February 1863 iu the Old Kent ( T . I . ) Lodge , joined the Thistle , No . 8 , in December of the same year , and was one of the founders of the Macdonald Mark
Lodge , No . 134 , in 1869 . He was a Past Grand Steward and P . G . M . Overseer of this Degree , and was , moreover , the official auditor of the Mark Grand Lodge accounts . He was also , it should be added , Assistant Treasurer and Secretary of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( Craft ) ,
No . 10 , a Vice Patron of all our Institutions , and had served the office of Steward at the Festivals of one or other of them on not far , if at all , short of twenty different occasions . Bro . Meggy was esteemed and respected by the many brethren with whom he came in contact , and beloved
m his more immediate circle of friends and acquaintances . He had done the work assigned to him , or which he had voluntarily undertaken , with a completeness and success
which proved him to be a good and conscientious Craftsman . It is in no conventional sense that we offer to the family and friends of one who was so well known and respected by ns , our sincere tribute of unqualified respect .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE Genera ] Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls met at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday . There were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , E . Letchworth , Joshua Nunn , James Pe : ers , Don . if . Dewar , Thomas Massa , Griffiths Smith , E . C . Massey , Prank Richardson , H . A . Dubois , John A . Rucker , Charles Brown , William Stephens , Peter de L . Long , Arthur E . Gladwell , and P . R . W .
Hedges Secretary . At the conclusion of the formal business , Bro . Joshua Nunn gave notice of the following motion for the next Qaarterly Court—Thafc the House Committee are of opinion that a swimming bath should be provided for the use of the School , and that tenders be received for the execution of tbe same , and that the House Committee be allowed to expend a sum not exceeding £ 2 , 000 . " There was no further business before the meeting .
Summer Banquet Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
THIS Lodge celebrated the first of its Snmmer Ontinga on the 20 th July , at the celebrated Broxbonrne Gardens . By Bpeoial arrangement , to make the event more agreeable , the ladies were invited
to partake of the pleasures of a visit to tbe country : — Let UH go forth ; The streets are close , tbe pavement 'a hot , And not a breath of air is stirring .
For us the Earth Spreads out the greenest garniture of leaves , And in a language beantiful , bnt all unwrit , she ever speaks Of love , and poetry , and heaven ! "bus , on pleasure bent , a party of ladies and brethren , numbering
nearl y fifty , arrived at the Crown , where , with its facilities for out . door games , they were favoured with enjoyable weather . Dinner w as somewhat delayed , to permit some of the brethren to come by a later train . On their arrival tho brethren sat down to a bountifully served banquet—Bro . Beningfield bearing in mind t ho direction of Petrnehio , Let them want nothing that my house affords . Ample justice was done to the good cheer , a selection of mnsic being Performed at intervals by the Band , under the direction of Mr . L .
Summer Banquet Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
K'i ' ishpr . Grao « having been said , the Worshipfu l Mwt « r ( Bro . Macrrath ) gave the toasts of the Qip » n . followel by th » National Anthem , nnd His Roval HL'hness f'e Prince of Wales . The n « xt toast , Bro . Magrath said , waa the toast of the dav . In wishing prospirity to the St . John of Wanning Lodge , those who were acquainted with its old quarWa at Wnpping would "gree with h >' m that the first
step towards improvement was the removal of the Lodge to i * s present headquarters . Th ° y now met at a home affording every comfort and convenience , and all wonld agree with him fc ' mt better providers for th «> ir creature comforts were not to he found than Bros . Kingston and Fromm . They were also fortunate in possessing a capital staff of Officeva , a'l of whom were well ncqnainted with their duties , whilst
amongst its junior members the Lodge possessed brethren who , from their constant attendance at Lodges of Instrnction , were capable of rendering » nv service which , in the absence of the Officiera , might be reqnirpd of thorn . Amvher feature he would allude to wis , the institution of a Charity Box . Although this had hoen in operation at a few mpetincrs only , it had realised a handsome sum , and had enabled the
Lodge to dispense substantial aid to aevpral poor brethren , nnd to tho widow of a deceased brother . With these cheering fnots before them , he wonld call upon them to drink prosperity to the St . John of Wapping Lodge . After a song , Bro . C . Veal I . P . M . said ho had to perform tbe agreeable duty of proposing the health of the W . M ., Bro . Magrath , who , as was stated on the menu , was indeed " a proper man . " If
they lived for fifty years , thoy could not find one snperior to him . Bro . Magrath , like himself , believod that whatever was worth doing at all , was worth doing well , and to that principle might be credited tbe success of the present outing . The toast was heartily received , Mrs . Magratb ' s name being warmly associated with the toast . The Vice-Chairman ( Bro . T . Wooding
S . W . ) was next honoured . The W . M . said , nothing could afford him greater pleasure than to propose the health of Bro . Wooding . They were initiated at the same time , and from thence until the present moment be had always found him a worthy brother . They were now next to each other in rank , and he looked forward to shortly aee Bro . Wooding ocoupy the same dignified position in the
Lodge as he ( Bro . Magrath ) now held ; of one thing he was sure , no better or more competent Master than he would makeoould be found , for at all times he was to be seen aoting his part ; in the Lodge worthily . Bro . Wooding having thanked the W . M . for so kindl y proposing , and the ladies and brethren for heartily responding to the toast ; expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to be
present nt the first snmmer outing of the Lodge , more especially as they were bononred bv tbe presence of tbe ladies . He could only express a strong hope thafc the present successful experiment might be repeated for many years with increasing success . The " Ladies " were next toasted . The W . M . said this was a very important toast ; . The brethren who in attending Lodge were sometimes taken
from the ladies , had arranged the present outing that their partners might be with them . He wonld call upon Bro . G . H . Stephens to respond on behalf of tbe Ladies . After an amusing song from Brother Couture—Brother Stephens replied , and soon afterwards the party returned to the grounds , where dancing was enjoyed until the necessity of catching the last
train compelled the ladies and brethren most reluotantly to wend their way to the Station . Bro . Magrath and his Committee are to be congratulated upon the success and completeness of their arrangements . Bro . Morris successfully performed the onerous duties of Steward , and Bro . Holden succeeded admirably in seating the brethren to their satisfaction . The following kindly contributed
songs during the day : —Bros . C . Veil , J . Couture , T . Morris , H . T . Hardy , G . H . Stephens , & o . ; whilst Bro . Jerrard King gave a cnpital recitation . Among those present were Bro . J . and Mrs . Magrath , Bro . T . and Mrs . Wooding , Bro . J . and Mrs . Couture , Bro . H . T . and Mrs . Hardy , Bro . and Mrs . Veal , Bro . and Mrs .
Wise and Miss Bryden , Bro . J . and Mrs . and Miss Morris , Bro . and Mrs . Bnte , Bro . and Mrs . Holden , Bro . and Mis . Bassett , Bro . and Mrs . Phillips , Bro . and Mrs . Twinn , Bro . and Mrs . East , Bro . and Mrs . Kingston , Bro . and Mrs . Stephenson , Bro . and Mrs . King , Bros . C . Hansmann , G . H . Stephens , Slanger , Whybrow , & o .
We nnderstand it is intended to constitute a Prov . Grand Mark Lodge for North and East Yorkshire , and with the view of carrying this object into effect a meeting of
delegates will be held on Wednesday , the 3 rd proximo , for the purpose of memorialising Grand Lodge , and deciding on a brother to be nominated to the Provincial Grand Mastership .
* rj ^ IVORY ^ ... - . A-Xxv . : & :. rnsHES y 2 g Mirrors & all other Ivory 'I jiiob Articles , o ^SQ>d$k'c=i^mjf\ff%jjXn81It «IIwiKJhfc™0?t22S.:S w / JLl ® IP U $ $ ( SSmBSfe = i = O—» SJti £ M SC I-VOIR-X- GOODS I 3 ST C 3-E 3 STEle ^ . I ., " o ' w § Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g g £ > Tj I | jj I Q B == ^^^ O ^ j Q ^ ^ 00 ^^ g | m 4 Jbysafc & 2 i ^ \ & Ym || Ma>\)0wpj3b.*ikHM™II:1° a o | J ^ j ^ - ^ -e ^ «® ^ a Q ^^^ nnggl ^ o » o © . &_ rs HEirnricg- BBOS . Ivory Works , * £ j 5 « 11 . HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O , p ,