Article MASONIC FANCY FAIR AT PADSTOW. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LEBANON LODGE, No. 1326. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Fancy Fair At Padstow.
grounds at the disposal of the Lodge , and throughout the whole affair they have assisted the Freemasons of Paclstow iu a manner which entitles them to the heartiest thanks of the Craft . The lion . MrB . Prideaux Bruue contributed largely to the Bazaar , and presided at the principal stall . It might be added that the articles of the bazaar were contributed mostly by the families of the various
members of the Lodge . The Masonic brethren met in tho Lodge-room at eleven o'clock , and marched in procession to the ^ rounds wh ere the Fancy Fair was being held , preceded by tho sp lendid band of the 3 rd Battalion of the Dnko of Cornwall ' s Light Infantry , stationed at Bodmin , under the direction of Bugle-Master Elford . In opening tho Bazaar , Sir C . B . Graves Sawle , Bart ., said he
had received a letter from the P . G . M . of the district— the Earl of Mount Edgcnmbe— stating that his lordship was unable to be presrnt on account of his being ont with his regiment at the battalion drill at Roborough , and expressing regret at hia inability to be present with them that day . Sir Charles then expressed to Mr . and Mrs . Brnne the very great pleasure the brethren felt in holding a
Bazaar there , and said tbe thanks of the Craft were due to that lady and gentleman for throwing open the grounds of Prideaux Place for such an object . He then explained the object of the Bnzaar , and remarked that the best thanks of the members of the Lodge were due to tbe ladies for the various beautiful articles on the stalls before them . The brethren present were—Bro . Sir C . B . Graves Sawle ,
Bart ., D . P . G . M ., and Bros . W . H . Roberts W . M ., Frank Bray S . W ., J . F . Clemow J . W ., W . H . Martyn I . P . M ., J . W . Pearse Treasurer , W . H . Pope Secretary , James Nieholls S . D ., C . Matthews J . D ., M . McGreggor Tyler , F . G . Harding , J . Stn'bley , W . B . Martyn jun ., J . B . Beath , J . B . Williams , J . A . Blarney , C . Foley , P . Blake , G . Nieholls , S . Langford , A . Sloggett , John LTawken , T . Hawken 330
P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., James Hawken 131 , J . S . Rundle 1151 P . M ., T . H . Sloggett 349 , Charles Truscott jun . P . M . P . P . S . J . B ., and R . Rich 330 P . P . G . S . W . The following ladies presided at the stalls . —No . 1—Hun . MrB . C . G . Prideanx Brnne , Mrs . W . H . Roberts , and Miss Blarney . No 2—Mrs . F . Bray , Mrs . H . Martyn , Mrs . R . Bate , Mrs . W . H . Pope , Mrs . P . Blake , and Mrs . John Hawken . No . 3—Mrs . R .
Langford , Mrs . J . F . Clemow , Mrs . A . Sloggett , Mrs . F . Harding , Mrs . MoGreggor , Mrs . John Pearse , and Mrs . W . H . Martyn . No . 4—Refreshment or Sweet Stall — Miss Katie Nioholls , Miss H . Matthews , and Miss Beatrice Stribley . A luncheon , given by members of the St . Petroo Lodge , and arranged under the direction of Messrs . A . Blarney and James Nieholls , was
held a little after one o ' clock , and was partaken of by a large number , all those mentioned in the above lists being present . The lunobeon over , a great many of the Visitors , throngh the courtesy of Mr . B . Prideaux Brune , were escorted throngh the Mansion House . To see the old and stately mansion , with its extensive library and numerous interesting links of times long ago ,
is in itself worth a visit to Padstow , notwithstanding the difficulties experienced in reaching it . The commencement of the erection of this magnificent structure was in 1588 , the year of the Spanish Armada , and in 1594 it was completed . It is said to have been built on the site of an old monastery founded by St . Petrock , and various crosses and other things found on the grounds lerd some
truth to the supposition . One old Maltese cross , whioh now stands on the grounds opposite the library , was found broken into two parts and in two different places on the lawn . In tbe mansion there is a variety of paintings , and the house has considerable interest attached to it on account of its being the first gentleman ' s house in which Opie painted . Several stories are told of Opie in
connection with the Prideaux family , one of which is that Opie in an expedition to Padstow took with him all proper apparatus for portrait painting , where , amongst others , he painted the whole household of the ancient and respectable family of Prideaux , even all the does and cats of tbe family . There is a tradition in the family that upon this occasion Opie painted the portrait of the housekeeper , who bad
evidentl y given him some cause of offence , for upon her expostulating with him in respect to the likeness , he said , " I painted yon just us you DB , and just as yon be when you he scolding tbe maids . " This picture of the housekeeper , however , is not now in the family , and most of his paintings have gone out of it . The mansion , which was built by Sir ftioholas Prideaux , was the birthplace of Humphrey Prideaux , Dean
of Norwich , who wrote a work entitled " The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews , " tbe manuscript of which is DOW at the mansion , together with many others . In recognition of MIS work , Pope Clement XII . presented the Dean ' s son with a gold wedal in 1734 There are many other things in the mansion which tune will not permit ns to notice . —Western Daily Mercury .
The Ri ght Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of JJevon , Viscount Ebrington , purposes holding a Provincial wand Lodge and General Communication of Masons of
H je Grand Lodge of the Province of Devon , at the Mechanics' Institute , Princess Square , Plymouth , on Saturday , the Gtb August , at two o ' clock in the afternoon
pp . ? ' fo 1 " tlje despatch of business . Tbe Committee ? j Petitions will meet at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , "ncess Place , at noon . Arrangements have been made the and and the
^ Jtb . London South Western Great estern Railway Companies for return tickets at reduced g « 8 , available from Friday the 5 th , to Monday tbe 8 th . of K i D t 0 P ° duce their Masonic summons at the time : [ £°° k > ng . The banquet will be held at the Globe Hotel , at five o ' clock .
-O BnniV H ^ en " K to provide , at short notice , an eHicien ' * W terms n ^ i' ^ uaV Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties ma a PP'y <*> " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
Lebanon Lodge, No. 1326.
LEBANON LODGE , No . 1326 .
THE eleventh installation meeting of this prosperous Lodgo was held on Saturday , the 16 th instant , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bro . J . W . Baldwin S . W . / Worshipful Master elect ) opened the Lodgo . Tho minutes of the previous election meeting were
read , and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was received , adopted , and entered in the Minnte Book . It showed that , after every liability had been met , and thirty guineas paid to the Charities , tho usual largo surplus remained in hand . Bro . J . Hammond W . M . thon took the chair . Messrs . Edward Walker and
Edward Kyle ( previously balloted for ) wero intrrdnced respectively , and initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . A . H . McQueen , B . J . Shenton , aud J . P . Ealey 1 ( 55 ( 5 were passed to the second degree . Bro . T . W . Ockenden P . M . 1612 raised Bros . A Robertson and J . Bnshell 1466
to the third degree . Bro . Hammond then resumed the chair , and installed Bro . James William Baldwin Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The Officers appointed and invested were : —Bros . H . Gloster P . M . S . W ., Stetnhauer J . W ., E . Gilbert P . M . Treasurer , Walters P . M . Secretary , J . L . Marsh S . D ., W . R . Vassila J . D ., F . Knight I . G .,
J . Laurence Organist , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., M . Mildred D . C , C , Graham C . S ., S . Page Steward . J . Gilbert Tyler . Tho Stewards representing the Lodge at Festivals are—Bros . J . W . Baldwin W . M . for Benevolent , C . W . Fox for Girls , F . Knight I . G . for Boys . It was unanimously resolved that a cordial vote of thanks be given , and tbe same entered on tbe minutes , to Bro . John Hammond I . P . M . for his admirable rendering of the installation ceremony . Tho Worshipful
Master , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . Hammond with a a valuable Past Master's jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him at a previous meeting , from the Lodge funds . The names of several candidates for initiation were given in to the Secretary . The ceremonies were well and ably rendered , each candidate having had his degree conferred on him separately . After nearly six hours' work ,
on an extremely hot day , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned till Saturday , 12 th August , at 3 p . m . There were present , besides those named , Bros . J . T . Moss P . M . ( the father of the Lodge ) , William Hammond P . M ., J . C . Woodman P . M ., W . Stanton , W . Ballard , H . J . Buckley , J . Triptree , J . W . Crout , C . A . Smith , T . B . Bobbins , J . H . Ewen , W . G . Francis , W . J . Smith , J . Cavell , G . Reynolds , A . J .
Rogers , & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . C . Walls P . M . 1326 , G . Jenkinsou 1319 , F . H . Keeble S . D . 1426 , C . Cordingly W . M . 45 , A . J . Phillips 1305 , W . Spearing 1512 , W . D . Kobius West Kent , 0 . Woods 181 , and several others . An excellent banquet followed , at which the usual toasts were given , and cordially responded to . Bro .
G . Jenkinson well sustained the high reputation of the Asaph Lodge by the courteous and effioient manner in which he conducted the musical arrangements , both in Lodge aud at banquet ; his efforts were well appreciated by all present . Bro . T . Walls and others contributed to the harmony of the meeting . After a few hours well aud agreeably spent the brethren separated .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday last , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Christian W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Marsh J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Dignam J . D ., Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , Smith Treasurer , Brasted acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Catling , R . Olley , Wallington . The Lodge was opened indue form , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
Smyth acting as candidate . Bro . Edwards , as candidate for passing , was entrusted ; Lodge was oppned in the second degree , when Bro . Edwards was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . J . Lnrkin worked the third and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Wardell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned .
In connection with the recent birthday of Queen Vic « toria , it is recalled that on the 20 th instant she reigned in England forty-four years . This period has been surpassed by only four English rulers . Three of them were Kings
and one was a Queen—Elizabeth . Should Queen Victoria live until the 25 th of the coming October she will have reigned , it is said , exactly the same length of time as Queen Elizabeth .
tLAMPLOXJGH'S PYRETICSALINE. An Effervesei"g and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , and Refreshing . Give ? instant relief in KBS . BA . cin > ., SEA . OY Bilious SICKNRSS , IBDWESTION , COJTsiipmotf . LASSITUDE , U KABTBITKIT , JTEVKRISJI COLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SstAit-rox . ^ IEASLES , ERUPTIVB or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . BR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes tho blood don ) , writes ; —I havo great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy T ^ T , - „„ , „„ ,,, . ... . „ „„ , in the treatment of many of tho ordinary and DR . TURLF . Y . - " ! found it act . ns a spe- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and cine , in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , NO other medicine boing required . " DE - - w - DOWSING . — " I u ? ed it in the treatment of forty twocasesof Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and I am happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from tho Port of Lon- ease . " •V systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name mci Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOTJGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBOHN , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Fancy Fair At Padstow.
grounds at the disposal of the Lodge , and throughout the whole affair they have assisted the Freemasons of Paclstow iu a manner which entitles them to the heartiest thanks of the Craft . The lion . MrB . Prideaux Bruue contributed largely to the Bazaar , and presided at the principal stall . It might be added that the articles of the bazaar were contributed mostly by the families of the various
members of the Lodge . The Masonic brethren met in tho Lodge-room at eleven o'clock , and marched in procession to the ^ rounds wh ere the Fancy Fair was being held , preceded by tho sp lendid band of the 3 rd Battalion of the Dnko of Cornwall ' s Light Infantry , stationed at Bodmin , under the direction of Bugle-Master Elford . In opening tho Bazaar , Sir C . B . Graves Sawle , Bart ., said he
had received a letter from the P . G . M . of the district— the Earl of Mount Edgcnmbe— stating that his lordship was unable to be presrnt on account of his being ont with his regiment at the battalion drill at Roborough , and expressing regret at hia inability to be present with them that day . Sir Charles then expressed to Mr . and Mrs . Brnne the very great pleasure the brethren felt in holding a
Bazaar there , and said tbe thanks of the Craft were due to that lady and gentleman for throwing open the grounds of Prideaux Place for such an object . He then explained the object of the Bnzaar , and remarked that the best thanks of the members of the Lodge were due to tbe ladies for the various beautiful articles on the stalls before them . The brethren present were—Bro . Sir C . B . Graves Sawle ,
Bart ., D . P . G . M ., and Bros . W . H . Roberts W . M ., Frank Bray S . W ., J . F . Clemow J . W ., W . H . Martyn I . P . M ., J . W . Pearse Treasurer , W . H . Pope Secretary , James Nieholls S . D ., C . Matthews J . D ., M . McGreggor Tyler , F . G . Harding , J . Stn'bley , W . B . Martyn jun ., J . B . Beath , J . B . Williams , J . A . Blarney , C . Foley , P . Blake , G . Nieholls , S . Langford , A . Sloggett , John LTawken , T . Hawken 330
P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., James Hawken 131 , J . S . Rundle 1151 P . M ., T . H . Sloggett 349 , Charles Truscott jun . P . M . P . P . S . J . B ., and R . Rich 330 P . P . G . S . W . The following ladies presided at the stalls . —No . 1—Hun . MrB . C . G . Prideanx Brnne , Mrs . W . H . Roberts , and Miss Blarney . No 2—Mrs . F . Bray , Mrs . H . Martyn , Mrs . R . Bate , Mrs . W . H . Pope , Mrs . P . Blake , and Mrs . John Hawken . No . 3—Mrs . R .
Langford , Mrs . J . F . Clemow , Mrs . A . Sloggett , Mrs . F . Harding , Mrs . MoGreggor , Mrs . John Pearse , and Mrs . W . H . Martyn . No . 4—Refreshment or Sweet Stall — Miss Katie Nioholls , Miss H . Matthews , and Miss Beatrice Stribley . A luncheon , given by members of the St . Petroo Lodge , and arranged under the direction of Messrs . A . Blarney and James Nieholls , was
held a little after one o ' clock , and was partaken of by a large number , all those mentioned in the above lists being present . The lunobeon over , a great many of the Visitors , throngh the courtesy of Mr . B . Prideaux Brune , were escorted throngh the Mansion House . To see the old and stately mansion , with its extensive library and numerous interesting links of times long ago ,
is in itself worth a visit to Padstow , notwithstanding the difficulties experienced in reaching it . The commencement of the erection of this magnificent structure was in 1588 , the year of the Spanish Armada , and in 1594 it was completed . It is said to have been built on the site of an old monastery founded by St . Petrock , and various crosses and other things found on the grounds lerd some
truth to the supposition . One old Maltese cross , whioh now stands on the grounds opposite the library , was found broken into two parts and in two different places on the lawn . In tbe mansion there is a variety of paintings , and the house has considerable interest attached to it on account of its being the first gentleman ' s house in which Opie painted . Several stories are told of Opie in
connection with the Prideaux family , one of which is that Opie in an expedition to Padstow took with him all proper apparatus for portrait painting , where , amongst others , he painted the whole household of the ancient and respectable family of Prideaux , even all the does and cats of tbe family . There is a tradition in the family that upon this occasion Opie painted the portrait of the housekeeper , who bad
evidentl y given him some cause of offence , for upon her expostulating with him in respect to the likeness , he said , " I painted yon just us you DB , and just as yon be when you he scolding tbe maids . " This picture of the housekeeper , however , is not now in the family , and most of his paintings have gone out of it . The mansion , which was built by Sir ftioholas Prideaux , was the birthplace of Humphrey Prideaux , Dean
of Norwich , who wrote a work entitled " The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews , " tbe manuscript of which is DOW at the mansion , together with many others . In recognition of MIS work , Pope Clement XII . presented the Dean ' s son with a gold wedal in 1734 There are many other things in the mansion which tune will not permit ns to notice . —Western Daily Mercury .
The Ri ght Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of JJevon , Viscount Ebrington , purposes holding a Provincial wand Lodge and General Communication of Masons of
H je Grand Lodge of the Province of Devon , at the Mechanics' Institute , Princess Square , Plymouth , on Saturday , the Gtb August , at two o ' clock in the afternoon
pp . ? ' fo 1 " tlje despatch of business . Tbe Committee ? j Petitions will meet at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , "ncess Place , at noon . Arrangements have been made the and and the
^ Jtb . London South Western Great estern Railway Companies for return tickets at reduced g « 8 , available from Friday the 5 th , to Monday tbe 8 th . of K i D t 0 P ° duce their Masonic summons at the time : [ £°° k > ng . The banquet will be held at the Globe Hotel , at five o ' clock .
-O BnniV H ^ en " K to provide , at short notice , an eHicien ' * W terms n ^ i' ^ uaV Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties ma a PP'y <*> " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
Lebanon Lodge, No. 1326.
LEBANON LODGE , No . 1326 .
THE eleventh installation meeting of this prosperous Lodgo was held on Saturday , the 16 th instant , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bro . J . W . Baldwin S . W . / Worshipful Master elect ) opened the Lodgo . Tho minutes of the previous election meeting were
read , and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was received , adopted , and entered in the Minnte Book . It showed that , after every liability had been met , and thirty guineas paid to the Charities , tho usual largo surplus remained in hand . Bro . J . Hammond W . M . thon took the chair . Messrs . Edward Walker and
Edward Kyle ( previously balloted for ) wero intrrdnced respectively , and initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . A . H . McQueen , B . J . Shenton , aud J . P . Ealey 1 ( 55 ( 5 were passed to the second degree . Bro . T . W . Ockenden P . M . 1612 raised Bros . A Robertson and J . Bnshell 1466
to the third degree . Bro . Hammond then resumed the chair , and installed Bro . James William Baldwin Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The Officers appointed and invested were : —Bros . H . Gloster P . M . S . W ., Stetnhauer J . W ., E . Gilbert P . M . Treasurer , Walters P . M . Secretary , J . L . Marsh S . D ., W . R . Vassila J . D ., F . Knight I . G .,
J . Laurence Organist , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., M . Mildred D . C , C , Graham C . S ., S . Page Steward . J . Gilbert Tyler . Tho Stewards representing the Lodge at Festivals are—Bros . J . W . Baldwin W . M . for Benevolent , C . W . Fox for Girls , F . Knight I . G . for Boys . It was unanimously resolved that a cordial vote of thanks be given , and tbe same entered on tbe minutes , to Bro . John Hammond I . P . M . for his admirable rendering of the installation ceremony . Tho Worshipful
Master , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . Hammond with a a valuable Past Master's jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him at a previous meeting , from the Lodge funds . The names of several candidates for initiation were given in to the Secretary . The ceremonies were well and ably rendered , each candidate having had his degree conferred on him separately . After nearly six hours' work ,
on an extremely hot day , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned till Saturday , 12 th August , at 3 p . m . There were present , besides those named , Bros . J . T . Moss P . M . ( the father of the Lodge ) , William Hammond P . M ., J . C . Woodman P . M ., W . Stanton , W . Ballard , H . J . Buckley , J . Triptree , J . W . Crout , C . A . Smith , T . B . Bobbins , J . H . Ewen , W . G . Francis , W . J . Smith , J . Cavell , G . Reynolds , A . J .
Rogers , & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . C . Walls P . M . 1326 , G . Jenkinsou 1319 , F . H . Keeble S . D . 1426 , C . Cordingly W . M . 45 , A . J . Phillips 1305 , W . Spearing 1512 , W . D . Kobius West Kent , 0 . Woods 181 , and several others . An excellent banquet followed , at which the usual toasts were given , and cordially responded to . Bro .
G . Jenkinson well sustained the high reputation of the Asaph Lodge by the courteous and effioient manner in which he conducted the musical arrangements , both in Lodge aud at banquet ; his efforts were well appreciated by all present . Bro . T . Walls and others contributed to the harmony of the meeting . After a few hours well aud agreeably spent the brethren separated .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday last , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Christian W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Marsh J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Dignam J . D ., Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , Smith Treasurer , Brasted acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Catling , R . Olley , Wallington . The Lodge was opened indue form , and minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
Smyth acting as candidate . Bro . Edwards , as candidate for passing , was entrusted ; Lodge was oppned in the second degree , when Bro . Edwards was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . J . Lnrkin worked the third and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Wardell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned .
In connection with the recent birthday of Queen Vic « toria , it is recalled that on the 20 th instant she reigned in England forty-four years . This period has been surpassed by only four English rulers . Three of them were Kings
and one was a Queen—Elizabeth . Should Queen Victoria live until the 25 th of the coming October she will have reigned , it is said , exactly the same length of time as Queen Elizabeth .
tLAMPLOXJGH'S PYRETICSALINE. An Effervesei"g and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Vitalising , and Refreshing . Give ? instant relief in KBS . BA . cin > ., SEA . OY Bilious SICKNRSS , IBDWESTION , COJTsiipmotf . LASSITUDE , U KABTBITKIT , JTEVKRISJI COLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SstAit-rox . ^ IEASLES , ERUPTIVB or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . BR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes tho blood don ) , writes ; —I havo great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy T ^ T , - „„ , „„ ,,, . ... . „ „„ , in the treatment of many of tho ordinary and DR . TURLF . Y . - " ! found it act . ns a spe- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and cine , in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , NO other medicine boing required . " DE - - w - DOWSING . — " I u ? ed it in the treatment of forty twocasesof Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and I am happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from tho Port of Lon- ease . " •V systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name mci Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOTJGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBOHN , LONDON , E . C .