Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Under the Patronage of the leading London and Provincial Clubs . GEORGEEDWARDS, ( ESTABLISHED 1852 ) §HIiartrmtir^agatcIU€ixhhIJJamtfattum, Maker of Billiard Lamps , Gas Fittings , & c , & c . 182 KINGSLAND ROAD , LONDON , E . PRICE LIST : No . 1 —PLAIN MAHOGANY PULL SIZE BIL- i CHAMPION ANO OTHKR MATCH TABLES LIARD TABLE , on eight 7 iu . turne I legs , slate ' MADE TO ORDER , bed not less thanllia thick , i ^ roved fast ^ motURD TABLE , with all the fittings com-India rubber cushions , and covered with bil- " nlptarnrhiitiiuilo 40 fiiiir , n » . f m , \ « liard cloth including 12 eves , long butt , J butt . /„• ' ? „„ Z m long and short rests , set of full size billiard 1 ( Mt u'tto «««> dtt „ „ 10 balls , Rules of Billiards in glazed frame , marking 9-ft Ditto ditto 30 „ „ 36 board for billiards , six chalk cups , iron , brush , 8 . ft jJitto ditto 22 „ „ 26 andhollandcover from 40 to 15 Guineas . , 7 f ( . D ; t ( . a ^ o 1 ? al No . 2 . —SUPERIOR do . on fluted legs ... 52 Guinens . i „„ — .. y .. . „ " " . £° 3 .-VERY SUPERIOR SPANISH MAHO- | 6 ft Dllt ° dltt 0 12 » " U GANY do . on 8-in . bold fluted or reeded legs , j ROLLER MARKING BOARD for Billiards , in sunk panelled knees , extra thick slate bed , i mahogany or oak , combined with a Pool Mar k-4 c BO Guineas . inff Board for twelve players , with slate in The above Table in Light Oak 65 Guineas . centre , includinga pool money till , in mahogany ™ ,, a , it .. „ .. ..., ; ,. »» a .,, u ft » ffiiW , r * i „ hi or oak , with a ball box with glass front , to fit Tkm Table , ^ J ^ Jg fXutt ' ' j under Roller Marking Board T . 9 Guineas . No . 5 . —VERY SUPERIOR SOLID SPANISH I MAHOGANY OR OAK CABINETS , to support MAHOGANY do 70 Guineas . Roller Marking Board , with two drawers and Tho above Table in Wainscoat , Dark Oak or folding doors , adapted forhodingwinos . cigars , Walnut 75 Guineas . or articles connected with billiard table .... No . 6 .-YERY " SUPERIOR OAK do . in early 1 Guineas . English 80 Guineas . . Ditto with marble or enamelled tops 1 Guinea extra . Quotations for every roquisito for Billiards , Bagatelle , & c , can be had free on application . GEORGE EDWARDS , Kingsland Road , London , E . SHOW ROOMS AND FACTORY : KINGSLAND BILLIARD WORKS , KINGSLAND RD ., E .
J . FORTESCUE , ¦ Effi ^ *! MAT MANUFACTUBBR , ^^ i ^ fcw ¦ H J 129 FLEET ST . ; 114- & 115 SHCE LANE , fl H ^ b fljjffijj ja 6 EXMOUTH " STREET , ^ LER ' KENWELL , E . G . J ^ ^ aB ^ fiflPflr ^ h * -A-nd 143 Mare Street , Triangle , ' Hackney ffikJ ^ SaBJIBP ^^™ ' *^ ffi Gents' Silk Hats fro- ™ 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 ^^^ p ^ - ^ MHfc 7 Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 18 / . The very best made 21 / . - ' ¦ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 8 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . lUlesant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Beforo deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LiifsiBAD , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , . Camden Town , London ,
R . BENSTEAD , St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAP ER HANCtR , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHABGESMODEBATE .
NEXT OF KIN — 1881 EDITION . A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin , Chancery Heira , Legatees , & e . from 1700 , 2 s lid , by Postal Order . Address W . CULLMBB , 17 fiouthauiptou Buildings , Chaiiwry Liuie , London , j
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , B . C . General aocidents . | Personal injuries . Railway accidents . J Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
TLTASONIC & pO-OPERATIVE DANK , LIMITED . 3 7 CHANCERY li-A-JsTE . ( Incorporated undor the Industrial aud Providont Societies Act , 39 and 40 Vic . Cap . 45 . ) FIRST Issno of 20 , 000 Shares of £ 10 each ; 5 s payable on application and 10 s ouallotment . Interest and Dividend on the last six months equal to 10 per cent , per annum declared and now payable . INVESTORS are invited to make applications for remaining Shares—20 of which can only be allotted to any one person under this Act of Parliament . CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and kept free of charge . Interest allowed upon minimum monthly balances . DEPOSITS received at 5 per cent , per annum . HOUSES can bo purchased by Members at considerably less cost than building societies . Advances to Members at the lowest equitable rates . See opinion of Press , Standard , 14 th February 1881 . "Wo have uompunies for nil s-Ha ot things : why do not some philanthropic geutlemea start an association for lending money to embarrassed traders and housekeepers at ten per cent , interest ? Thero aro a number of people now getting three per cent , for thoir money in Consols who would be glad to invest it in an enterprise in which , if properly managed , there would be no risk whatever , and a certainty of earning eight or nine per cent , proflt . Properly managed , such an association , worked on a largs cale , would be an immense boon to people struggling with temporary dimcult ies and would pay a handsome return to those wlioinvosted t heir money in Shares . " For Prospectuses and all Information apply to A . A . WING , Manager , 27 Chancery Lano .
HOTELS,ETC. pARLISLE—Bush Hotel . \ J SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor EULING-Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON—Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits ofthe best quality . Billiards ; Banquets provided for large or small parties . Yarborough L . & C . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Instruc . ( 654 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WAL PER Proprietor MOORGATE HOTEL — Moorgate Street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of the best qudity . Hot Joints—Steaks and Chops—Grill Room . Accommodation for large or small meetings , glee parties , & c . St . John of Wapping Lodge held here . The following Lodges of Instruction also hold their meetings at this Establishment —St . Michael ' s , No . 211 ; Islington , No . 1471 ; Metropolitan , No . 1507 , & c . FROOM and KINGSTON , Proprietors . PORTUGAL HOTEL . —Fleet-street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of tbe best quality . Banquets provided for large or small parties . Special accommodation for Lodge and other meetings . For terms apply to the Manager , Mr . J . G . Shaw . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1056 , meets hero . A . YATES , Proprietor .
GOALS—M . J . R 0 WLEY & CO . COLLIERY AND SHIPPING AGENTS . COAL , COKE AND BREEZE MERCHANTS , By appointment to Her Majesty ' s Royal Household Troops . LOWEST SUMMER PRICES . Ingham's Old Hards ... ... , „ 23 s Per Ton , Best Wallsend 22 s „ Best Silkstone ... 21 s „ New Silkstone 20 s „ Best Derby Brights 19 a ,, Large Brights l « s „ Eureka Hartley 17 s ,, Best Hard Steam 17 s „ Dudley Breeze , . „ 21 s „ Best Smith ' s Coal 15 s ,, Best Gas Coke , per 12 Sacks 13 s „ LoNiiosf OFFICES : la Gt . Quebec St ., Marylebone Boad ; 14 Blandford St ., Portman Square , W . ; 7 John Campbell Rd , Stoke Newington . N . Aud at 16 Milton St , Spring Bank , Hull . Weight and Quality guaranteed .
1 A AAA PICTURES . - GREAT L \ J }\ JV \ J . BARGAINS . M \ AAA PICTURES . — ALL lUjVUU QUITE NEW . 1 AAAA PICTURES . — THE 11 / , V U V No . 4 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Tumor , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to famish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 , 43 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drary Lamj Theafcre . 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Under the Patronage of the leading London and Provincial Clubs . GEORGEEDWARDS, ( ESTABLISHED 1852 ) §HIiartrmtir^agatcIU€ixhhIJJamtfattum, Maker of Billiard Lamps , Gas Fittings , & c , & c . 182 KINGSLAND ROAD , LONDON , E . PRICE LIST : No . 1 —PLAIN MAHOGANY PULL SIZE BIL- i CHAMPION ANO OTHKR MATCH TABLES LIARD TABLE , on eight 7 iu . turne I legs , slate ' MADE TO ORDER , bed not less thanllia thick , i ^ roved fast ^ motURD TABLE , with all the fittings com-India rubber cushions , and covered with bil- " nlptarnrhiitiiuilo 40 fiiiir , n » . f m , \ « liard cloth including 12 eves , long butt , J butt . /„• ' ? „„ Z m long and short rests , set of full size billiard 1 ( Mt u'tto «««> dtt „ „ 10 balls , Rules of Billiards in glazed frame , marking 9-ft Ditto ditto 30 „ „ 36 board for billiards , six chalk cups , iron , brush , 8 . ft jJitto ditto 22 „ „ 26 andhollandcover from 40 to 15 Guineas . , 7 f ( . D ; t ( . a ^ o 1 ? al No . 2 . —SUPERIOR do . on fluted legs ... 52 Guinens . i „„ — .. y .. . „ " " . £° 3 .-VERY SUPERIOR SPANISH MAHO- | 6 ft Dllt ° dltt 0 12 » " U GANY do . on 8-in . bold fluted or reeded legs , j ROLLER MARKING BOARD for Billiards , in sunk panelled knees , extra thick slate bed , i mahogany or oak , combined with a Pool Mar k-4 c BO Guineas . inff Board for twelve players , with slate in The above Table in Light Oak 65 Guineas . centre , includinga pool money till , in mahogany ™ ,, a , it .. „ .. ..., ; ,. »» a .,, u ft » ffiiW , r * i „ hi or oak , with a ball box with glass front , to fit Tkm Table , ^ J ^ Jg fXutt ' ' j under Roller Marking Board T . 9 Guineas . No . 5 . —VERY SUPERIOR SOLID SPANISH I MAHOGANY OR OAK CABINETS , to support MAHOGANY do 70 Guineas . Roller Marking Board , with two drawers and Tho above Table in Wainscoat , Dark Oak or folding doors , adapted forhodingwinos . cigars , Walnut 75 Guineas . or articles connected with billiard table .... No . 6 .-YERY " SUPERIOR OAK do . in early 1 Guineas . English 80 Guineas . . Ditto with marble or enamelled tops 1 Guinea extra . Quotations for every roquisito for Billiards , Bagatelle , & c , can be had free on application . GEORGE EDWARDS , Kingsland Road , London , E . SHOW ROOMS AND FACTORY : KINGSLAND BILLIARD WORKS , KINGSLAND RD ., E .
J . FORTESCUE , ¦ Effi ^ *! MAT MANUFACTUBBR , ^^ i ^ fcw ¦ H J 129 FLEET ST . ; 114- & 115 SHCE LANE , fl H ^ b fljjffijj ja 6 EXMOUTH " STREET , ^ LER ' KENWELL , E . G . J ^ ^ aB ^ fiflPflr ^ h * -A-nd 143 Mare Street , Triangle , ' Hackney ffikJ ^ SaBJIBP ^^™ ' *^ ffi Gents' Silk Hats fro- ™ 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 ^^^ p ^ - ^ MHfc 7 Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 18 / . The very best made 21 / . - ' ¦ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 8 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . lUlesant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Beforo deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LiifsiBAD , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , . Camden Town , London ,
R . BENSTEAD , St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAP ER HANCtR , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHABGESMODEBATE .
NEXT OF KIN — 1881 EDITION . A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin , Chancery Heira , Legatees , & e . from 1700 , 2 s lid , by Postal Order . Address W . CULLMBB , 17 fiouthauiptou Buildings , Chaiiwry Liuie , London , j
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , B . C . General aocidents . | Personal injuries . Railway accidents . J Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
TLTASONIC & pO-OPERATIVE DANK , LIMITED . 3 7 CHANCERY li-A-JsTE . ( Incorporated undor the Industrial aud Providont Societies Act , 39 and 40 Vic . Cap . 45 . ) FIRST Issno of 20 , 000 Shares of £ 10 each ; 5 s payable on application and 10 s ouallotment . Interest and Dividend on the last six months equal to 10 per cent , per annum declared and now payable . INVESTORS are invited to make applications for remaining Shares—20 of which can only be allotted to any one person under this Act of Parliament . CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and kept free of charge . Interest allowed upon minimum monthly balances . DEPOSITS received at 5 per cent , per annum . HOUSES can bo purchased by Members at considerably less cost than building societies . Advances to Members at the lowest equitable rates . See opinion of Press , Standard , 14 th February 1881 . "Wo have uompunies for nil s-Ha ot things : why do not some philanthropic geutlemea start an association for lending money to embarrassed traders and housekeepers at ten per cent , interest ? Thero aro a number of people now getting three per cent , for thoir money in Consols who would be glad to invest it in an enterprise in which , if properly managed , there would be no risk whatever , and a certainty of earning eight or nine per cent , proflt . Properly managed , such an association , worked on a largs cale , would be an immense boon to people struggling with temporary dimcult ies and would pay a handsome return to those wlioinvosted t heir money in Shares . " For Prospectuses and all Information apply to A . A . WING , Manager , 27 Chancery Lano .
HOTELS,ETC. pARLISLE—Bush Hotel . \ J SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor EULING-Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON—Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits ofthe best quality . Billiards ; Banquets provided for large or small parties . Yarborough L . & C . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Instruc . ( 654 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WAL PER Proprietor MOORGATE HOTEL — Moorgate Street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of the best qudity . Hot Joints—Steaks and Chops—Grill Room . Accommodation for large or small meetings , glee parties , & c . St . John of Wapping Lodge held here . The following Lodges of Instruction also hold their meetings at this Establishment —St . Michael ' s , No . 211 ; Islington , No . 1471 ; Metropolitan , No . 1507 , & c . FROOM and KINGSTON , Proprietors . PORTUGAL HOTEL . —Fleet-street , E . C . Wines and Spirits of tbe best quality . Banquets provided for large or small parties . Special accommodation for Lodge and other meetings . For terms apply to the Manager , Mr . J . G . Shaw . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1056 , meets hero . A . YATES , Proprietor .
GOALS—M . J . R 0 WLEY & CO . COLLIERY AND SHIPPING AGENTS . COAL , COKE AND BREEZE MERCHANTS , By appointment to Her Majesty ' s Royal Household Troops . LOWEST SUMMER PRICES . Ingham's Old Hards ... ... , „ 23 s Per Ton , Best Wallsend 22 s „ Best Silkstone ... 21 s „ New Silkstone 20 s „ Best Derby Brights 19 a ,, Large Brights l « s „ Eureka Hartley 17 s ,, Best Hard Steam 17 s „ Dudley Breeze , . „ 21 s „ Best Smith ' s Coal 15 s ,, Best Gas Coke , per 12 Sacks 13 s „ LoNiiosf OFFICES : la Gt . Quebec St ., Marylebone Boad ; 14 Blandford St ., Portman Square , W . ; 7 John Campbell Rd , Stoke Newington . N . Aud at 16 Milton St , Spring Bank , Hull . Weight and Quality guaranteed .
1 A AAA PICTURES . - GREAT L \ J }\ JV \ J . BARGAINS . M \ AAA PICTURES . — ALL lUjVUU QUITE NEW . 1 AAAA PICTURES . — THE 11 / , V U V No . 4 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Tumor , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to famish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 , 43 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drary Lamj Theafcre . 1