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Mark Masonry.
D . P . G . M ., W . Bros . J . E . Curteis a 3 S . W ., Samuel Jones P . M . 15 P . P . O . W . aa J . W ., S . Jew as M . O ., Alfred Badley as S . O ., J . Jerimn 15 J . O ., J . Treeby Treasurer , V . Bird Seoretary , G . R . Barrett A . S ., Henry Stark 15 Organist , R . Dickson Pursuivant , J . Gidley Tyler ; and amongst others present , besides the Committee of General Purposes , were W . Bros . Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . M . 35 P . P . G .
Chaplain , Colonel Fitzgerald W . M . 35 P . P . G . M . O .. John Horswill P . M . 15 P . P . G . D . C , John Olver P . M . 215 P . P . G . D . C . C . Croydon S . W . 35 P . P . G . S . B ., W . Deusham S . W . la P . G . S . D ., W . Harris P . M . 215 P . P . G . J . D ., Henry Stooker J . W . 15 P . P . G . D . C , R . Pengelly P . M . 50 P . P . G . S . B ., John Stocker P . M . 15 P . P . G . S . Works , E . Aitken-Davies P . M . 96 P . P . G . D ., Henry Langmead 16 P . P . G . P ., J . R . Du « dale P . M .
64 , J . Bennee 16 , P . S . Blauchard 1 st D ., Charles Stevens W . il . 215 , H . Martin S . W . 215 , J . Lavers 0 . 215 , J . J . Dawe W . M . 23 . J . R . H . Harris W . M . 91 . B . S . Johns W . M . 48 , W . F . Qaiok P . M . 39 , J . G . Keveru W . M . 66 , W . H . Woodbridge J . D . 15 , E . T . Fulford W . M . 15 G . S ., W . T . Walters W . M . 96 , T . S . May J . W . 96 , J . Sampson 15 . Apologies were received from Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., W . M .
66 P . P . G . S . W ., M . St . Aabyn , and others . The Secretary had to report the receipt of the annual returns and due 3 from all the Lodges , and that the brethren who were appointed to office in Jaly last had assumed their rank and paid their fees of honour , with one exception . The reprint of Bye-laws had not been proceeded with , as a number of copies sufficient for present use had been found amongst the papers
of Lodge 50 . The jewels ordered had been obtained from same maker and at same price as the previous ones . —The resolution of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , nominating the present Right Worshipful Bro . J . Tanner-Davy for another term of office , had been duly communicafced to the Grand Lodge , and the following reply bad been received : —
Office of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , 2 Red Lion Square , High Holborn , London , 23 rd July 1880 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I have the pleasure to inform you that the M . W . Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , has cordially approved of the recommendation of the brethren , and re-appointed R . W . Bro . Lient .. Col . J . Tanner-Davy P . G . Master of Devon for a further period of three years from 1 st January next . Yours fraternally ,
DON . M . DEWAE Grand A . S The Treasurer ' s accounts , already referred to , were received and adopted , as also was the report of the Board of General Purposes . The sums therein recommended were unanimously voted , Bros . S . Jones , C . Godtsohalk , J . B . Gover , and others bearing testimony to the especial services of the P . G . Secretary Bro . Bird , whom the
Lodge had delighted to honour . W . Bro . John Stooker P . M . 15 was unanimously elected the Treasurer , and W . Bros . J . E . Curteis , J . B . Gover , C . Godtschalk , and S . Jew were unanimously re-elected the Board of General Purposes , to act with the ex-efficio members . A very cordial vote of thanks was proposed by the P . G . Master to the W . Master , Officers , and Brethren of the St . George ' s
Lodge , No . 15 , for their admirable arrangements for the reception of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and allusion was made to the very richercM luncheon which had been prepared for the Board of General Purposes , and which was so thoroughly enjoyed . This , seconded by Worshipful Brother Curteis , was carried with acclamation . The following Officers were then appointed for the ensuing year : —
W . Bro . C . Spence Bate 15 - - - Deputy Prov . Grand Master John Brewer 9 - - - Prov . Grand Senior Warden Charles E . Gladstone 64 - „ Junior Warden
E . T . Fnlford 15 - „ M . O . Oharhw Croydon 35 - - „ - S . O . J . J . Dawe 23 „ J . O . Rev . J . Russell 9 - „ Chaplain W . F . Quick 15 „ Registrar Vincent Bird 66 „ Secretary G . R . Barrett 60 - „ Assist . Sec . Simon Hyne 169 ... „ Senior Deacon Charles Stephens 216 - - „ Junior Deacon
John R . Lord 50 . „ Supt . of Works J . G . Kevem W . M . 66 - „ Dir . of Cer . J . R . Harris 91 „ A . Dir . of Cer . J . D . Sandy 16 . . - . „ Sword Bearer W . T . Walters 96 - „ Stand . Bearer Charles Stentiforth 48 •„ Organist J . Turner 23 ... „ Steward W . Densham 15 „ „ J . R . Dugdale 64 . . . - „ „ James Gidley ( re-elected ) - „ Tyler
The Provincial Grand Master alluded to the very imperfect manner in which some of the Secretaries of Lodges made their annual returns , and expressed a hope that more care would be taken in future . The Provincial Grand Lodge having closed , the brethren adjourned to the ¦ Rougemont Hotel for the dinner , which was excellently provided by
nro . Hussey . The R . W . P . G . Master presided until compelled to leave b y train . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; that of Bro . Colonel Tanner-Davy was especially honoured , there being no more popular Mason in the Province . — Western Daily liercwry .
Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
/ I ?* Tuesday evening , the 19 th inst ., an interesting ceremony took T R ur ' ° the Masouic Hal ' i York , beinur the pros nration to Bro . ( TI i tehead ' by the W , M ' nnd bre ' nren ofthe York M , irk LofI ^ mi * i ° ^ Sefc of ^ ^ Lodge clothing aud jewels , with an illubrnth address . Owing to the holMay season , a number of tho ¦ •reQ wre unable to be present , and sent letters of apology ,
Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
amongst whom wore the Rev . W . 0 . Lukis W . M . ( anient in D-avon-< hire ) , the Hon . W . T . Orde . Powlett , Sir James Meek P . M ., Joseph Todd P . M ., R . W . Hollon P . M ., the Rev . W . Valentine P . M ., W . Paley , M . D ., tho Rev . Ja nea Blake , C . Palliser , Francis Smith , S . J . Wilkinson , Aid . J . Terry , and other brethren , some of whom were suffering from illn « sa , and many of whom were absent from home .
Bro . Geo . Balmford presided , and was supported by B-HJS . J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G . P-ulel J . W .. G . Garbntt M . O ., M . Millingtou S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . O ., H . Churchill as S . D ., T . Humphries J . D .. T . B . Whytehead P \ T . Soo ., J . R . Jackson Registrar of Marks , P . Pearson Tyler , J . E . Wilkinson , R . Walker , Ja-nes Redfare , & c . The Visitors present were Bros S . Middleton I . P . M . Star in the East Lodge
Scarboro , J . M . Meek P . M . W . M . Middlesbro Lodgo . No . 270 , and Win . Beanland P . M . Old York Lodge ( T . I . ) , Bradford . The business of the meeting was formal with the exception of a discussion oi the ad . viaability of forming a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for North and Ea ^ t Yorkshire , the subject being opened by Bro . Whytehead , who briefly pointed out the advantages whioh certainly wonld accrue from
suoh a movement . He also showed that it need not neoessirily add materially to the expenses of each Lodge , since the fees of honour on appointment , and a registration fee for each brother advanced , would probably meet current expenses without annual dues . Bro . Cumber , land followed , and entered into details on the matter , stating what had been done in other Provinces . Bros . Padel and Balmford P . M .
also made some comments favourable to the suggestion , and eventu . ally it was moved by Bro . Balmford , and seconded by Bro . Padel , and carried nem con—That in view of the increase in the number of Mark Lodges , it is the opinion of the members of the York Mark Lodge that the time has arrived for the formation of a Provincial Grand Lodge for North and East Yorkshire ; that the W . Masters and
brethren of the various Lodgea be fraternally invited to co-operate in a movement for that purpose ; and that a copy of this reaolution be sent to the W . Ma 8 ter of each Mark Lodge in North and East Yorkshire . It was then moved by Bro . Turner , and seconded by Bro . Garbutt , and carried unanimously—That eaoh Lodge in North and East Yorkshire be fraternally invited to send a delegate , to meet at
an early and convenient day and place , for the purpose of memorialising the Grand Lodge , and for deciding upon the brother to be nominated for the office of first Provincial Grand Master . Wednesday , the 3 rd August , was agreed to be a probably convenient day for the delegates to meet at York , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was eleoted the delegate to represent the York Lodge at the meeting . Bro . J . S .
Cumberland S . W . then advanced to the East and said , that with the permission of the W . M . he would proceed to discharge a very pleaaant duty which had fallen upon him . Those present all knew how the Lodge bad been honoured lately by laving two of its members appointed to office in the Grand Mark Lodge , Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde . Powlett as J . Grand Warden , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead to past rank
as G . Master Overseer . They all know how much Bro . Whytehead had done for Mark Maaonry and for the York Lodge . He had taken a prominent part in the movement which brought that Lodge under the banner of the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and had maintained an aotive interest in its working and pro 8 perity ever since that period , and had occupied the office of Secretary sinoe he had passed
throngh the chair . He had performed important literary services to the Order , and had ever shown the greatest anxiety to be of service to this and other branches of Masonry . They all knew that there was no brother more reliable , oi one who was always more ready to give advice or instruction when it was asked or needed . It had seemed to him and others thafc some recognition of Bro . Whyte .
head ' s distinguished services was due , and when the suggestion had been first thrown out he had been much gratified by the readiness and heartiness with which it had been taken up . In fact , so anxious had been the brethren to subscribe that the extent of the presentation had been considerably enlarged since it was first mooted . Ho was sure that it would give Bro . Whytehead pleasure to know
this , and to be assured that the gift came in such a warm and fraternal manner . On behalf of the brethren of the Lodge , he begged to present Bro . Whytehead with a complete set of Grand Lodge clothing and jewel , together with a gold breast jewel and Past Master ' s jewel , and he would ask the acting Worshipful Master to read the text of the illuminated address . Bro . Balmford then read the address as fol . lows : —
Presented to V . W . BRO . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , P . M . York Mark Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) , Past Grand Master Over-eer Grand Mark Lodge of England , Togpther with A Complete Set of Grand Officer ' s Clothing and Jewels and a Past
Master s Jewel , By the Worshipfnl Master , Officers , and Brethren of the York Lodge ( T . I . ) , As a token of the esteem in which he is held by them , and for the valuable services he has rendered to Mark Masonry . 19 th July 1881 .
Bro . Balmford then proceeded to invest Bro . Whytehead with the clothing and jewels , and congratulated him oh the honour done him , which he felt was thoroughly deserved , and concluded by wishing him many years of happiness to wear the gifts of his brethren . Bro . Whytehead was then greeted with Grand Honours . On rising to reply , he said that one thins was quite evident , and that was , that the lesson
of secresy , inculcated at the outset of Masonic teaching , had been well learned by the brethren by whom be was surrounded , for a secret had surely nevw been better kept than that of the impending presentation , [ t had come npr > n him in the natnre of a aurprite , and one of n most , nrprwhelmin < r character , and he fplt that , coming npon him
ns it had dine , hn wis quite ni ble tospwik as he wnnld wish to have donp on snch an occasion . He was mnst of all { rratifipd to be assured that the brethion were satisfied of hia desire to promote the welfare r > f Mnsonry , because that had been his wish and aim ever since he had first seen the Light . To say that he thanked them seemed but
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
D . P . G . M ., W . Bros . J . E . Curteis a 3 S . W ., Samuel Jones P . M . 15 P . P . O . W . aa J . W ., S . Jew as M . O ., Alfred Badley as S . O ., J . Jerimn 15 J . O ., J . Treeby Treasurer , V . Bird Seoretary , G . R . Barrett A . S ., Henry Stark 15 Organist , R . Dickson Pursuivant , J . Gidley Tyler ; and amongst others present , besides the Committee of General Purposes , were W . Bros . Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . M . 35 P . P . G .
Chaplain , Colonel Fitzgerald W . M . 35 P . P . G . M . O .. John Horswill P . M . 15 P . P . G . D . C , John Olver P . M . 215 P . P . G . D . C . C . Croydon S . W . 35 P . P . G . S . B ., W . Deusham S . W . la P . G . S . D ., W . Harris P . M . 215 P . P . G . J . D ., Henry Stooker J . W . 15 P . P . G . D . C , R . Pengelly P . M . 50 P . P . G . S . B ., John Stocker P . M . 15 P . P . G . S . Works , E . Aitken-Davies P . M . 96 P . P . G . D ., Henry Langmead 16 P . P . G . P ., J . R . Du « dale P . M .
64 , J . Bennee 16 , P . S . Blauchard 1 st D ., Charles Stevens W . il . 215 , H . Martin S . W . 215 , J . Lavers 0 . 215 , J . J . Dawe W . M . 23 . J . R . H . Harris W . M . 91 . B . S . Johns W . M . 48 , W . F . Qaiok P . M . 39 , J . G . Keveru W . M . 66 , W . H . Woodbridge J . D . 15 , E . T . Fulford W . M . 15 G . S ., W . T . Walters W . M . 96 , T . S . May J . W . 96 , J . Sampson 15 . Apologies were received from Admiral F . H . H . Glasse , C . B ., W . M .
66 P . P . G . S . W ., M . St . Aabyn , and others . The Secretary had to report the receipt of the annual returns and due 3 from all the Lodges , and that the brethren who were appointed to office in Jaly last had assumed their rank and paid their fees of honour , with one exception . The reprint of Bye-laws had not been proceeded with , as a number of copies sufficient for present use had been found amongst the papers
of Lodge 50 . The jewels ordered had been obtained from same maker and at same price as the previous ones . —The resolution of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , nominating the present Right Worshipful Bro . J . Tanner-Davy for another term of office , had been duly communicafced to the Grand Lodge , and the following reply bad been received : —
Office of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , 2 Red Lion Square , High Holborn , London , 23 rd July 1880 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I have the pleasure to inform you that the M . W . Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , has cordially approved of the recommendation of the brethren , and re-appointed R . W . Bro . Lient .. Col . J . Tanner-Davy P . G . Master of Devon for a further period of three years from 1 st January next . Yours fraternally ,
DON . M . DEWAE Grand A . S The Treasurer ' s accounts , already referred to , were received and adopted , as also was the report of the Board of General Purposes . The sums therein recommended were unanimously voted , Bros . S . Jones , C . Godtsohalk , J . B . Gover , and others bearing testimony to the especial services of the P . G . Secretary Bro . Bird , whom the
Lodge had delighted to honour . W . Bro . John Stooker P . M . 15 was unanimously elected the Treasurer , and W . Bros . J . E . Curteis , J . B . Gover , C . Godtschalk , and S . Jew were unanimously re-elected the Board of General Purposes , to act with the ex-efficio members . A very cordial vote of thanks was proposed by the P . G . Master to the W . Master , Officers , and Brethren of the St . George ' s
Lodge , No . 15 , for their admirable arrangements for the reception of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and allusion was made to the very richercM luncheon which had been prepared for the Board of General Purposes , and which was so thoroughly enjoyed . This , seconded by Worshipful Brother Curteis , was carried with acclamation . The following Officers were then appointed for the ensuing year : —
W . Bro . C . Spence Bate 15 - - - Deputy Prov . Grand Master John Brewer 9 - - - Prov . Grand Senior Warden Charles E . Gladstone 64 - „ Junior Warden
E . T . Fnlford 15 - „ M . O . Oharhw Croydon 35 - - „ - S . O . J . J . Dawe 23 „ J . O . Rev . J . Russell 9 - „ Chaplain W . F . Quick 15 „ Registrar Vincent Bird 66 „ Secretary G . R . Barrett 60 - „ Assist . Sec . Simon Hyne 169 ... „ Senior Deacon Charles Stephens 216 - - „ Junior Deacon
John R . Lord 50 . „ Supt . of Works J . G . Kevem W . M . 66 - „ Dir . of Cer . J . R . Harris 91 „ A . Dir . of Cer . J . D . Sandy 16 . . - . „ Sword Bearer W . T . Walters 96 - „ Stand . Bearer Charles Stentiforth 48 •„ Organist J . Turner 23 ... „ Steward W . Densham 15 „ „ J . R . Dugdale 64 . . . - „ „ James Gidley ( re-elected ) - „ Tyler
The Provincial Grand Master alluded to the very imperfect manner in which some of the Secretaries of Lodges made their annual returns , and expressed a hope that more care would be taken in future . The Provincial Grand Lodge having closed , the brethren adjourned to the ¦ Rougemont Hotel for the dinner , which was excellently provided by
nro . Hussey . The R . W . P . G . Master presided until compelled to leave b y train . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; that of Bro . Colonel Tanner-Davy was especially honoured , there being no more popular Mason in the Province . — Western Daily liercwry .
Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
/ I ?* Tuesday evening , the 19 th inst ., an interesting ceremony took T R ur ' ° the Masouic Hal ' i York , beinur the pros nration to Bro . ( TI i tehead ' by the W , M ' nnd bre ' nren ofthe York M , irk LofI ^ mi * i ° ^ Sefc of ^ ^ Lodge clothing aud jewels , with an illubrnth address . Owing to the holMay season , a number of tho ¦ •reQ wre unable to be present , and sent letters of apology ,
Presentation To Bro.T. B. Whytehead, At York.
amongst whom wore the Rev . W . 0 . Lukis W . M . ( anient in D-avon-< hire ) , the Hon . W . T . Orde . Powlett , Sir James Meek P . M ., Joseph Todd P . M ., R . W . Hollon P . M ., the Rev . W . Valentine P . M ., W . Paley , M . D ., tho Rev . Ja nea Blake , C . Palliser , Francis Smith , S . J . Wilkinson , Aid . J . Terry , and other brethren , some of whom were suffering from illn « sa , and many of whom were absent from home .
Bro . Geo . Balmford presided , and was supported by B-HJS . J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G . P-ulel J . W .. G . Garbntt M . O ., M . Millingtou S . O ., A . T . B . Turner J . O ., H . Churchill as S . D ., T . Humphries J . D .. T . B . Whytehead P \ T . Soo ., J . R . Jackson Registrar of Marks , P . Pearson Tyler , J . E . Wilkinson , R . Walker , Ja-nes Redfare , & c . The Visitors present were Bros S . Middleton I . P . M . Star in the East Lodge
Scarboro , J . M . Meek P . M . W . M . Middlesbro Lodgo . No . 270 , and Win . Beanland P . M . Old York Lodge ( T . I . ) , Bradford . The business of the meeting was formal with the exception of a discussion oi the ad . viaability of forming a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for North and Ea ^ t Yorkshire , the subject being opened by Bro . Whytehead , who briefly pointed out the advantages whioh certainly wonld accrue from
suoh a movement . He also showed that it need not neoessirily add materially to the expenses of each Lodge , since the fees of honour on appointment , and a registration fee for each brother advanced , would probably meet current expenses without annual dues . Bro . Cumber , land followed , and entered into details on the matter , stating what had been done in other Provinces . Bros . Padel and Balmford P . M .
also made some comments favourable to the suggestion , and eventu . ally it was moved by Bro . Balmford , and seconded by Bro . Padel , and carried nem con—That in view of the increase in the number of Mark Lodges , it is the opinion of the members of the York Mark Lodge that the time has arrived for the formation of a Provincial Grand Lodge for North and East Yorkshire ; that the W . Masters and
brethren of the various Lodgea be fraternally invited to co-operate in a movement for that purpose ; and that a copy of this reaolution be sent to the W . Ma 8 ter of each Mark Lodge in North and East Yorkshire . It was then moved by Bro . Turner , and seconded by Bro . Garbutt , and carried unanimously—That eaoh Lodge in North and East Yorkshire be fraternally invited to send a delegate , to meet at
an early and convenient day and place , for the purpose of memorialising the Grand Lodge , and for deciding upon the brother to be nominated for the office of first Provincial Grand Master . Wednesday , the 3 rd August , was agreed to be a probably convenient day for the delegates to meet at York , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was eleoted the delegate to represent the York Lodge at the meeting . Bro . J . S .
Cumberland S . W . then advanced to the East and said , that with the permission of the W . M . he would proceed to discharge a very pleaaant duty which had fallen upon him . Those present all knew how the Lodge bad been honoured lately by laving two of its members appointed to office in the Grand Mark Lodge , Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde . Powlett as J . Grand Warden , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead to past rank
as G . Master Overseer . They all know how much Bro . Whytehead had done for Mark Maaonry and for the York Lodge . He had taken a prominent part in the movement which brought that Lodge under the banner of the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and had maintained an aotive interest in its working and pro 8 perity ever since that period , and had occupied the office of Secretary sinoe he had passed
throngh the chair . He had performed important literary services to the Order , and had ever shown the greatest anxiety to be of service to this and other branches of Masonry . They all knew that there was no brother more reliable , oi one who was always more ready to give advice or instruction when it was asked or needed . It had seemed to him and others thafc some recognition of Bro . Whyte .
head ' s distinguished services was due , and when the suggestion had been first thrown out he had been much gratified by the readiness and heartiness with which it had been taken up . In fact , so anxious had been the brethren to subscribe that the extent of the presentation had been considerably enlarged since it was first mooted . Ho was sure that it would give Bro . Whytehead pleasure to know
this , and to be assured that the gift came in such a warm and fraternal manner . On behalf of the brethren of the Lodge , he begged to present Bro . Whytehead with a complete set of Grand Lodge clothing and jewel , together with a gold breast jewel and Past Master ' s jewel , and he would ask the acting Worshipful Master to read the text of the illuminated address . Bro . Balmford then read the address as fol . lows : —
Presented to V . W . BRO . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , P . M . York Mark Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) , Past Grand Master Over-eer Grand Mark Lodge of England , Togpther with A Complete Set of Grand Officer ' s Clothing and Jewels and a Past
Master s Jewel , By the Worshipfnl Master , Officers , and Brethren of the York Lodge ( T . I . ) , As a token of the esteem in which he is held by them , and for the valuable services he has rendered to Mark Masonry . 19 th July 1881 .
Bro . Balmford then proceeded to invest Bro . Whytehead with the clothing and jewels , and congratulated him oh the honour done him , which he felt was thoroughly deserved , and concluded by wishing him many years of happiness to wear the gifts of his brethren . Bro . Whytehead was then greeted with Grand Honours . On rising to reply , he said that one thins was quite evident , and that was , that the lesson
of secresy , inculcated at the outset of Masonic teaching , had been well learned by the brethren by whom be was surrounded , for a secret had surely nevw been better kept than that of the impending presentation , [ t had come npr > n him in the natnre of a aurprite , and one of n most , nrprwhelmin < r character , and he fplt that , coming npon him
ns it had dine , hn wis quite ni ble tospwik as he wnnld wish to have donp on snch an occasion . He was mnst of all { rratifipd to be assured that the brethion were satisfied of hia desire to promote the welfare r > f Mnsonry , because that had been his wish and aim ever since he had first seen the Light . To say that he thanked them seemed but