Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QTTEEN STUEET , LONDON- W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided ufc this Establishment for 3 vr : A . so 2 Nric B-A- isrQTnEJTs , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire man ; v , 'eniont Ima been changed , and the Establishment in ullits branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body Is directed to tho many advantages ollcred . CTJISITTJTC OB THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PJUKFECT IN CONDITION AN !) QUALITY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIB NO ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 EAILWAY PLACE , FENCHUKCH STKEET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Imn . ch . eons on tlie Ground Floor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The drill Boom Hill wcat 150 IKTSO " " . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIYOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF TUB BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Lato of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
milfclPnift I'ROM THE JOINT from TWKI . VF , to THREE o ' clock . lllyVIUs * K \ ( WOPS and STKAKS from tlie G KILL till FIVE o'clock . 1 / lllIlLlAV T . MAHIWHLL , Hercules Tavern , Lcadeuhatl-st ., City , E . G .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for somo timo past provided for tho requirements of tliis Lodge , begs to announce tint he lias obtained permission for the removal of his license to tho Bclvodtre-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . Theso will comprise . A . SIP . A . CIOTTS ZMZ ^ SOZESTIC H-A-XiL . IVITIt . IJfTK KOOWS , LARGE ISANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WHITE H . IBT , " COLLEGK SWEET , l . ijirain , JJOXDOX , S . E .
Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiff ; paper covers , 2 s . ( id cloth lettered . WILL BE HEADY EAltLY IN SEPTEMBER , flwf ; towJ ; ij . of iteflww pfoutf mnt Mmwm , EMEIUCISG IKE CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or PAST MASTEBS AS PEECEPTOES , UNIEOBMITY OF WOEKING , and WHICH IS CORBECTP With extracts from the Masonic Publications aud MSS . letters of distinguished Masons , and other interesting Masonic information . By BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & e . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to Bro . JAMES STEVES . * , Clapham , S . W ., or to the Publisher , Bro . W . W . Mouaxx , H 7 Barbican , London , K . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1879 . The Committee have selected tlio following Candidates , and request the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy No . 17 . C . A . Follows „ HO . C . C . Wagstaff „ 27 . M . A . A . Wvatt „ Ki . W . II . Bazloy „ 13 . A . M . Dawson ,, 7 . 'i . A . A . Gee ,, s . . 1 . S . H . Priestley . „ 77 . J . B . Frost ,, n . H . K . Williams „ 60 . J . C . Johnson „ -VI . . 1 . 11 . Harvey . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . Trsi , r . r , Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy Svo , Price ( id . rpHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can he had on application to VV . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
PRIVATE MASONIC PARTY TO PARIS AND SWITZERLAND , Leaving London MONDAY , 15 th SEPTEMBER ; Returning 28 th SEPTEMBER , or 2 nd OCTOBER . TERMS , FROM LONDON TO LONDONSECTIOJC I . —First Class throughout , n « Nevvhaven and Dieppe ... £ 17 17 0 Second Class do . do . ... 14 14 Q SKCTIOK II . —First Class throughout , em Nowhavenand Dieppe ... £ 20 10 O Second Class do . do . ... 17 10 O These terms include First Class Hotel accommodation en runlr , commencing with dinner on Tuesday , Kith September , and terminating with dinner at Paris on departure ; and the usual facilities of Personally conducted Parties . SUCTION I . —Itinerary comprises London to Paris , Geneva , Chamounix rid Ncuvillo and Sallauches , whence an ascent of Mont Blane to the Mer de Glace may be made , Martigny , Bouveret , Lausanne , Berne , lutevlacken , Sc , & c . SUCTION- It . —Samo as Section I ., with the addition of three days' sight-seeing in Paris , and Hotel accommodation . Tho Party will be under the personal conduetorship of Bro . OSCAR DIETRICH , for some time with Messrs . Cook and Son , and now conductor to Mr . O . II . Oar-gill , Tourist Manager , 371 Strand , London , W . C . Ladies are not debarred from joining in the Tour . As the Party is limited to - ' 5 , an early application is requested to Mr . 0 . DIETRICH , Caygill's Tourist Offices , . ' 171 Strand , London , W . C .
jjk % WAV , v . WJ | ^ Iw wvwww wu fl H ^^^^ p ^^ a BrgWgWW , W ^> ^ WrWwwawJ 67 BARBICAN . E . C .
Installation Meetings.
HIGH CEOSS LODGE , No . 75-1 .
' MITE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Y \ ednesdaj r , the 27 th --L inst ., afc the Seven Sisters , Tottenham . Tho Lodge was opened by the W . M . Brother Henry Stephens , who was supported by tho following Officers and Past Masters : —G . Bur ford S . W . W . M . elect , J . Farrin J . W ., D . Roberts P . M . Treas ., J . Cunningham P . M . Sec , P . M . ' s John Mailer , G . Townsend , W . Dance , VV . Stecdman , W . Kelly , J . Linzcll , J . Jones , H . V . Clements S . D ., T . H . Thompson
S . D ., Wm . Tegg I . G ., J . Garrod D . C , J . Very Tyler , J . Hobbs jun . of the Weavers Arms , Stamford Hill , J . Barber , several other members , and the following visitors : —G . C . Young 820 , J . E . Brown , J . Driscoll P . M . 30 , S . Hill 109 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , A . J . Manning P . M . 1472 , J . H . Thompson 1580 , J . Barber 933 , H . B . Carter 14-35 , J . Badkin 13 G 5 , J . Pinder , IL Cleverly 1107 , J . B . Reid 9-1 G , i . E . Pinder
170 / . The Lodge was regularly opened and the usual formalities having been observed , the report of the Audit Committee was submitted . The Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Mitchell was passed . Later on Bro . Harry Cooper was raised to the third degree . The W . M . read a letter from the waiter of tho hotel , thanking tho brethren for their assistance and sympathy in his recent
bereavement , he having lost his wife jnst before the last meeting of the Lodge . P . M . Danco then presented Bro . Burford , the W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation . A Board of Masters being formed , that brother was regularly placed into tho chair and in due conrso appointed tho following brethren his Officers : —Bros . Farrin S . W ., Clements J . W ., Roberts Treas ., Cunningham Sec , Thompson S . D .,
Tegg J . D ., Garrod I . G ., W . S . Blenkinsop D . C , Stevenson Steward , Lewis Assist . Steward , Very Tyler . The installing Master Bro . Stephens tlicngavc the addresses usual after tho installation ceremony . One candidate for initiation having been proposed , the W . M . proceeded to close tho Lodge and the brethren adjourned to the banquetroom , where a most enjoyable repast was provided by Uro . Oddy .
At the conclusion of the banquet , and grace having been snng , the W . M . gave the first toast , the Queen and the Craffc , which was followed by the National Anthem . Tho health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . Grand Master followed , and was most heartily received . Tho toasfc of flic Pro G . Master and the rest of the Grand Officers pasfc and present was tho next honoured . After a song Bro .
Stephens proceeded to givo the toast of the W . M . He could not speak much of his ability as W . M ., as he was new to that position , but as a member of tho Lodge and a faithful officer he paid him a great compliment . Their W . M . had , Bro . Stephens remarked , over been at his post , and was well qualified to fill that position he now occupied . Ife trusted that at the end of his year of office Bro .
Burford would bo able to look back upon as successful a year of office as lie , Bro . Stephens , had just passed through . The S . W . having favoured tho brethren with a song , the W . M . replied , as follows : — Brethren , I have to return my very sincere thanks for the kind manner in which you havo replied to tho toast proposed by Bro . Stephens . I am suro ifc is a very great hononr to be elected as W . M . of the High Cross Lodgo . Thero aro few Metropolitan Lodges that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QTTEEN STUEET , LONDON- W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided ufc this Establishment for 3 vr : A . so 2 Nric B-A- isrQTnEJTs , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire man ; v , 'eniont Ima been changed , and the Establishment in ullits branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body Is directed to tho many advantages ollcred . CTJISITTJTC OB THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PJUKFECT IN CONDITION AN !) QUALITY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIB NO ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 EAILWAY PLACE , FENCHUKCH STKEET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Imn . ch . eons on tlie Ground Floor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The drill Boom Hill wcat 150 IKTSO " " . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIYOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF TUB BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Lato of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
milfclPnift I'ROM THE JOINT from TWKI . VF , to THREE o ' clock . lllyVIUs * K \ ( WOPS and STKAKS from tlie G KILL till FIVE o'clock . 1 / lllIlLlAV T . MAHIWHLL , Hercules Tavern , Lcadeuhatl-st ., City , E . G .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for somo timo past provided for tho requirements of tliis Lodge , begs to announce tint he lias obtained permission for the removal of his license to tho Bclvodtre-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . Theso will comprise . A . SIP . A . CIOTTS ZMZ ^ SOZESTIC H-A-XiL . IVITIt . IJfTK KOOWS , LARGE ISANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WHITE H . IBT , " COLLEGK SWEET , l . ijirain , JJOXDOX , S . E .
Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiff ; paper covers , 2 s . ( id cloth lettered . WILL BE HEADY EAltLY IN SEPTEMBER , flwf ; towJ ; ij . of iteflww pfoutf mnt Mmwm , EMEIUCISG IKE CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or PAST MASTEBS AS PEECEPTOES , UNIEOBMITY OF WOEKING , and WHICH IS CORBECTP With extracts from the Masonic Publications aud MSS . letters of distinguished Masons , and other interesting Masonic information . By BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & e . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to Bro . JAMES STEVES . * , Clapham , S . W ., or to the Publisher , Bro . W . W . Mouaxx , H 7 Barbican , London , K . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1879 . The Committee have selected tlio following Candidates , and request the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy No . 17 . C . A . Follows „ HO . C . C . Wagstaff „ 27 . M . A . A . Wvatt „ Ki . W . II . Bazloy „ 13 . A . M . Dawson ,, 7 . 'i . A . A . Gee ,, s . . 1 . S . H . Priestley . „ 77 . J . B . Frost ,, n . H . K . Williams „ 60 . J . C . Johnson „ -VI . . 1 . 11 . Harvey . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . Trsi , r . r , Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy Svo , Price ( id . rpHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can he had on application to VV . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
PRIVATE MASONIC PARTY TO PARIS AND SWITZERLAND , Leaving London MONDAY , 15 th SEPTEMBER ; Returning 28 th SEPTEMBER , or 2 nd OCTOBER . TERMS , FROM LONDON TO LONDONSECTIOJC I . —First Class throughout , n « Nevvhaven and Dieppe ... £ 17 17 0 Second Class do . do . ... 14 14 Q SKCTIOK II . —First Class throughout , em Nowhavenand Dieppe ... £ 20 10 O Second Class do . do . ... 17 10 O These terms include First Class Hotel accommodation en runlr , commencing with dinner on Tuesday , Kith September , and terminating with dinner at Paris on departure ; and the usual facilities of Personally conducted Parties . SUCTION I . —Itinerary comprises London to Paris , Geneva , Chamounix rid Ncuvillo and Sallauches , whence an ascent of Mont Blane to the Mer de Glace may be made , Martigny , Bouveret , Lausanne , Berne , lutevlacken , Sc , & c . SUCTION- It . —Samo as Section I ., with the addition of three days' sight-seeing in Paris , and Hotel accommodation . Tho Party will be under the personal conduetorship of Bro . OSCAR DIETRICH , for some time with Messrs . Cook and Son , and now conductor to Mr . O . II . Oar-gill , Tourist Manager , 371 Strand , London , W . C . Ladies are not debarred from joining in the Tour . As the Party is limited to - ' 5 , an early application is requested to Mr . 0 . DIETRICH , Caygill's Tourist Offices , . ' 171 Strand , London , W . C .
jjk % WAV , v . WJ | ^ Iw wvwww wu fl H ^^^^ p ^^ a BrgWgWW , W ^> ^ WrWwwawJ 67 BARBICAN . E . C .
Installation Meetings.
HIGH CEOSS LODGE , No . 75-1 .
' MITE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Y \ ednesdaj r , the 27 th --L inst ., afc the Seven Sisters , Tottenham . Tho Lodge was opened by the W . M . Brother Henry Stephens , who was supported by tho following Officers and Past Masters : —G . Bur ford S . W . W . M . elect , J . Farrin J . W ., D . Roberts P . M . Treas ., J . Cunningham P . M . Sec , P . M . ' s John Mailer , G . Townsend , W . Dance , VV . Stecdman , W . Kelly , J . Linzcll , J . Jones , H . V . Clements S . D ., T . H . Thompson
S . D ., Wm . Tegg I . G ., J . Garrod D . C , J . Very Tyler , J . Hobbs jun . of the Weavers Arms , Stamford Hill , J . Barber , several other members , and the following visitors : —G . C . Young 820 , J . E . Brown , J . Driscoll P . M . 30 , S . Hill 109 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , A . J . Manning P . M . 1472 , J . H . Thompson 1580 , J . Barber 933 , H . B . Carter 14-35 , J . Badkin 13 G 5 , J . Pinder , IL Cleverly 1107 , J . B . Reid 9-1 G , i . E . Pinder
170 / . The Lodge was regularly opened and the usual formalities having been observed , the report of the Audit Committee was submitted . The Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Mitchell was passed . Later on Bro . Harry Cooper was raised to the third degree . The W . M . read a letter from the waiter of tho hotel , thanking tho brethren for their assistance and sympathy in his recent
bereavement , he having lost his wife jnst before the last meeting of the Lodge . P . M . Danco then presented Bro . Burford , the W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation . A Board of Masters being formed , that brother was regularly placed into tho chair and in due conrso appointed tho following brethren his Officers : —Bros . Farrin S . W ., Clements J . W ., Roberts Treas ., Cunningham Sec , Thompson S . D .,
Tegg J . D ., Garrod I . G ., W . S . Blenkinsop D . C , Stevenson Steward , Lewis Assist . Steward , Very Tyler . The installing Master Bro . Stephens tlicngavc the addresses usual after tho installation ceremony . One candidate for initiation having been proposed , the W . M . proceeded to close tho Lodge and the brethren adjourned to the banquetroom , where a most enjoyable repast was provided by Uro . Oddy .
At the conclusion of the banquet , and grace having been snng , the W . M . gave the first toast , the Queen and the Craffc , which was followed by the National Anthem . Tho health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . Grand Master followed , and was most heartily received . Tho toasfc of flic Pro G . Master and the rest of the Grand Officers pasfc and present was tho next honoured . After a song Bro .
Stephens proceeded to givo the toast of the W . M . He could not speak much of his ability as W . M ., as he was new to that position , but as a member of tho Lodge and a faithful officer he paid him a great compliment . Their W . M . had , Bro . Stephens remarked , over been at his post , and was well qualified to fill that position he now occupied . Ife trusted that at the end of his year of office Bro .
Burford would bo able to look back upon as successful a year of office as lie , Bro . Stephens , had just passed through . The S . W . having favoured tho brethren with a song , the W . M . replied , as follows : — Brethren , I have to return my very sincere thanks for the kind manner in which you havo replied to tho toast proposed by Bro . Stephens . I am suro ifc is a very great hononr to be elected as W . M . of the High Cross Lodgo . Thero aro few Metropolitan Lodges that