Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
[ The holidays are now over , and everywhere throughout the country Lodges are resuming their labours . The moment , therefore , is opportune for again inviting our readers to lend ns all the assistance in their power in making our notices of Lodge meetings agree as nearly as
possible in date with the number in which they appear . Particulars of meetings held two or three weeks previously cannot be regarded as " news . " We promise that notices ¦ will be inserted , as far , at least , as the space at our
disposal will permit , if they are despatched in time to reach us by the first post on Friday morning . We set our face strongly against holding over this important class of matter . But we cannot undertake to insert notices more
than a week old , save under very exceptional circumstances , and in the case of foreign Lodges . Our readers will be kind enough to bear in mind that , if they desire the particulars of their Lodge doings to appear in these columns , the facilities afforded by the Post Office will enable us to
receive their communications within , at the outside , twentyfour hours of their being written . If they cannot oblige us thus far , they must not feel hurt or disappointed if we cannot find space for their insertion . We are sparing no effort to make this journal worthy of the increased support
it is receiving in all parts of the country , and among our foreign Lodges . We are desirous of making it not only a worthy medium for the expression of opinion on all topics of general interest to the whole Craft , but likewise as complete a record as possible of the week ' s Masonic news .
Our readers will at once perceive that as regards the latter portion of our programme we must necessarily , and to a great extent , rely on their kindly co-operation . We do
not for a moment doubt this co-operation will be forthcoming , Tve only ask that it may be rendered promptly Bis dat qid cito dot . Whoso sends us a report of Lodge proceedings promptly , confers on us a double favour . ]
St . John Lodge , No . 3 bis . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting in its own Hall , on Saturday , tho 23 rd inst . There was a fair attendance of members . Tho 1 st degree was very ably wrought by Bro . Wm . Bell I . P . M ., and the 2 nd by Bro . T . B . Boll S . M .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge met on Thursday evening last , Sept . 28 , at Bro . Maidwell's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , when there was a very numerous attendance of tho brethren for the purpose of working the fifteen sections . Bro . Horsley presided . Bro . Austin P . M . as S . W ., Bro . Musto P . M . as J . W ., Bros . Grammer Secretary , Atkins P . M .
Treasurer , Crawley P . M ., Hoare P . M ., Constable P . M ., Kudderforth , Webb , and other brethren , numbering upwards of forty . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and after the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Horsley proceeded to work the fifteen sections , assisted by the following brethren—Bros . Grammer , Smith , Hewlett ,
Webb , Musto , Crawley , Kudderforth , Wilkins , Hogarth , Constable , Ellis , and Job . Bros . Smith , Spencer , Johnson , Yetton , Abell , Abbott , Bone , McCarthy , and Constable were unanimously elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . It was then proposed by Bro . Crawley , seconded by Bro . Austin , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be entered on tho minutes to the W . M ., Bro ,
Horsley , for his kindness in presiding on this occasion . Bro . Horsley was also made an honorary member . A vote of thanks was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Pitt , to Bros . Austin , Crawley , Musto , and the rest of the brethren who had assisted in working the sections . The same was carried unanimously . There was also a vote
of thanks , proposed by the W . M . and seconded by the J . W ., to Bro . Grammer , the Secretary , for presenting the circulars to the Lodge , and for his general exertions in the business of this Lodge of Instruction . All Masonic business being ended tho Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 46 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 25 th inst ., at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Present—Bros . Crawley W . M ., Powell S . W ., Knight J . W ., Killick Secretary , Lake S . D ., Ockenden J . D ., Millward I . G ., Christopher Tyler j P . M . 's Bros . Beckett ( Preceptor ) and Main . Visitors—Bros . Weedon 813 , Higgins H . 185 , Baxter 1003 , J .
Crawley P . M . 174 After tho preliminary opening , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , and the Traditional History given , Bro . Wceden candidate . Bro . J . Crawley P . M . 174 worked tho sections of the Third Lecture . Bros . J . Crawley , Baxter , Weeden and Higgins , were elected members , and Bro . Powell was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . The ceremony of Installation will bo worked on Monday next , by Bro . Beckett .
Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington . —The monthly meeting of this old Lodge was held on Monday last , at tho Masonic Booms . The W . M ., Bro . W . H . Eobinson , was supported by Bros . Thomas Tunstall S . W ., Joseph Pickthall J . W ., and a large number of members and , visitors . The Lodge was opened iu form , when tho
Notices Of Meetings.
minutes were read and declared to bo correctly recorded . Tho Lodge was opened in the second , when Bro . Ferguson claimed preferment , and having sustained his claim , was entrusted and retired . The Lodge opened in the third , and Bro . Ferguson was re-admitted and raised to the Sublime Degree , in ample form , by the W . M . On tho Lodge being closed down , Bro . John Armstrong S . W . 1250 and
Treasurer of No . 148 , rose to propose a vote of congratulation to two brethren who had , and were about to have , high Masonio distinction bestowed npon them . They all felt that the Lodge was complimented by these appointments . Bro . Bowes had done much for Masonry iu Warrington , his able services , however , were not confined to West Lancashire , for he was as well known in the Northern Province of
Cumberland and Westmoreland as in Warrington . He , Bro . Armstrong , had it on the \> est authority that Bro . Bowes had , for many years , ever been ready to afford help in the North whenever needed , and Lord Bective , M . P ., the B . W . Prov . Grand Master , acknowledged the obligations of the Province when ho appointed Bro . Bowea Junior Grand Warden , at the great meeting at Kirkby Lonsdale a few
weeks since . Thoy one and all congratulated Bro . Bowes on the well merited honour which had been bestowed upon him . Bro . Sharp , P . M ., & c , was tho other worthy brother upon whom the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale was about to confer a similar honour . Bro . Sharp , while he occupied the chair of E . S ., rendered their beautiful ceremonies in a manner they all appreciated , and they congratulated him most sincerely . Bro . Tunstall S . W . seconded the motion , which
was carried by acclamation . Bros . Bowes and Sharp acknowledged the compliment in suitable terms . Bro . Bowes proposed a vote of congratulation to Bro . James Paterson I . G ., on the occasion of his marriage . This was seconded by Bro . J . R . Young S . D ., and carried unanimously . The Provincial Grand Lodge Circular having been read , and there being no further business , the Lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
Perseverance Boyal Arch Chapter , Leith , No . 152 . — This Chapter celebrated the Autumnal Equinox Festival on Monday . 25 th September . The Chapter being opened in ample form , the meeting proceeded to elect and instal the several office befirers for 1876-77 . Principals John Laurie Z ., George Hudson H ., David Turner J ., all re-elected . David Laird Scribe E . and Treasurer , John Neil N ., James Reid D . Z ., G . A . Laurie 1 st Soj ., J . W . Sceales 2 nd
Soj ., J . Turner 3 rd Soj ., T . M . Thomson C , G . M . Davidson D . M ., G . J . Laurie Org ., J . Whitehead S ., Alex . Henderson Janitor . The installation over , Comp . J . Lanrie M . E . Z . proposed Companions John Taylor , of Chapter Edinburgh , No . 1 , and John Schopp , of Chapter Canongate , Kilwinning , No . 56 , for application as honorary members of the Chapter for the interest they had shown to the Chapter and
Masonry in general , which was warmly received , for which they returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon them . The Chapter was then closed . The Companions then set down to a most excellent supper , purveyed in grand style by Comp . J . Whitehead , Steward to the Chapter . Comp . J . Laurie M . E . Z . occupied the chair , Comp . G . A . Lanrie , croupier . Having done ample justice to the viands
set on the table , which were all that could be desired , the usual loyal and Masonic complimentary toasts were given from tho chair , and duly responded to , they being interspersed with songs and instrumental music , given by the members of the Chapter . Too much praise could not be given to Comp . Fischer for his excellent perform , ance on the guitar . The several glees , given by Comps . Johnston ,
Say , Gardner and Laurie , were given with much spirit and taste , and warmly received . Comp . G . J . Laurie , Organist to the Chapter , to whom a great deal of the evening ' s enjoyment depended , presided at the piano in his usual masterly style . The company broke up , at a late hour , after spending a most pleasant evening , with " Sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , London , street , E . G ., last Monday evening . Present—Bros . Salmonese W . M ., Hawthorne S . W ., Brown J . W ., W . Fraser S . D ., Hilliard J . D ., Hewlett I . G ., Crawley P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the first
ceremony , Bro . Berry being the candidate . Bro . Webb worked the fifth section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The S . W . was elected to officiate as W . M . at the next meeting . On the proposition of Bro . Browne , seconded by P . M . Crawley , Bro . Larg 1607 was elected a member . There were also present Bros . Ellis Hon . Sec , Baxter , Bnrrell , Horsley , Newton , Stead , & c . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Monday evening , the 2 nd October .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —This Chapter held its Election Meeting on Monday , 25 th inst ., at 213 Buchanan , street , Glasgow . Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . opened a Lodge of excellent Masters at 7 p . m ., with Comps . Wm . Hoy and Fred . Jenkiuson as S . ancl J . W ., when ho advanced to the degree Bro . Wtn . Pitt . The Chapter was then opened . Comps . D . Gilchrist P . Z . as H ., J . Kin .
naird J ., when tho same gentleman was duly exalted as a R . A . Mason . The election was then proceeded with : Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . ( re-elected 3 rd time ) , J . Kinnaird H ., W . Guntj J ., J . Balfour S . E . ( re-elected ) , T . Yonlle S . N ., John Bannerman ( re . elected 3 rd time ) , Wm . Hoy 1 st S ., Fred . Jenkinson 2 nd S ., David Broadfoot 3 rd S ., Angus Nicholson 1 st Captain of tha Vails , Wm . Jamieson Janitor . The members of Chapter 50 were then introduced ,
and Comp . J . Miller Z . said that , in accordance with an invitation from Comp . Wheeler , they had attended to have their Officers installed along with those of 73 . Comp . Wheeler expressed tho pleasure he felt in being able to meet these friends of Chapter 50 , and as Comp . J . Duthie Z . of 67 was present , ho would ask him to kindly instal the officers of both Chapters . Comp . Duthie as Z ., assisted by Comps . E . C . D . Gilchrist and G . M . Donald , both P . Z . 's of 73 , then installed the Comps , above named for 73 , aad the following
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
[ The holidays are now over , and everywhere throughout the country Lodges are resuming their labours . The moment , therefore , is opportune for again inviting our readers to lend ns all the assistance in their power in making our notices of Lodge meetings agree as nearly as
possible in date with the number in which they appear . Particulars of meetings held two or three weeks previously cannot be regarded as " news . " We promise that notices ¦ will be inserted , as far , at least , as the space at our
disposal will permit , if they are despatched in time to reach us by the first post on Friday morning . We set our face strongly against holding over this important class of matter . But we cannot undertake to insert notices more
than a week old , save under very exceptional circumstances , and in the case of foreign Lodges . Our readers will be kind enough to bear in mind that , if they desire the particulars of their Lodge doings to appear in these columns , the facilities afforded by the Post Office will enable us to
receive their communications within , at the outside , twentyfour hours of their being written . If they cannot oblige us thus far , they must not feel hurt or disappointed if we cannot find space for their insertion . We are sparing no effort to make this journal worthy of the increased support
it is receiving in all parts of the country , and among our foreign Lodges . We are desirous of making it not only a worthy medium for the expression of opinion on all topics of general interest to the whole Craft , but likewise as complete a record as possible of the week ' s Masonic news .
Our readers will at once perceive that as regards the latter portion of our programme we must necessarily , and to a great extent , rely on their kindly co-operation . We do
not for a moment doubt this co-operation will be forthcoming , Tve only ask that it may be rendered promptly Bis dat qid cito dot . Whoso sends us a report of Lodge proceedings promptly , confers on us a double favour . ]
St . John Lodge , No . 3 bis . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting in its own Hall , on Saturday , tho 23 rd inst . There was a fair attendance of members . Tho 1 st degree was very ably wrought by Bro . Wm . Bell I . P . M ., and the 2 nd by Bro . T . B . Boll S . M .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge met on Thursday evening last , Sept . 28 , at Bro . Maidwell's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , when there was a very numerous attendance of tho brethren for the purpose of working the fifteen sections . Bro . Horsley presided . Bro . Austin P . M . as S . W ., Bro . Musto P . M . as J . W ., Bros . Grammer Secretary , Atkins P . M .
Treasurer , Crawley P . M ., Hoare P . M ., Constable P . M ., Kudderforth , Webb , and other brethren , numbering upwards of forty . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and after the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Horsley proceeded to work the fifteen sections , assisted by the following brethren—Bros . Grammer , Smith , Hewlett ,
Webb , Musto , Crawley , Kudderforth , Wilkins , Hogarth , Constable , Ellis , and Job . Bros . Smith , Spencer , Johnson , Yetton , Abell , Abbott , Bone , McCarthy , and Constable were unanimously elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . It was then proposed by Bro . Crawley , seconded by Bro . Austin , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be entered on tho minutes to the W . M ., Bro ,
Horsley , for his kindness in presiding on this occasion . Bro . Horsley was also made an honorary member . A vote of thanks was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Pitt , to Bros . Austin , Crawley , Musto , and the rest of the brethren who had assisted in working the sections . The same was carried unanimously . There was also a vote
of thanks , proposed by the W . M . and seconded by the J . W ., to Bro . Grammer , the Secretary , for presenting the circulars to the Lodge , and for his general exertions in the business of this Lodge of Instruction . All Masonic business being ended tho Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 46 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 25 th inst ., at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Present—Bros . Crawley W . M ., Powell S . W ., Knight J . W ., Killick Secretary , Lake S . D ., Ockenden J . D ., Millward I . G ., Christopher Tyler j P . M . 's Bros . Beckett ( Preceptor ) and Main . Visitors—Bros . Weedon 813 , Higgins H . 185 , Baxter 1003 , J .
Crawley P . M . 174 After tho preliminary opening , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , and the Traditional History given , Bro . Wceden candidate . Bro . J . Crawley P . M . 174 worked tho sections of the Third Lecture . Bros . J . Crawley , Baxter , Weeden and Higgins , were elected members , and Bro . Powell was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . The ceremony of Installation will bo worked on Monday next , by Bro . Beckett .
Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington . —The monthly meeting of this old Lodge was held on Monday last , at tho Masonic Booms . The W . M ., Bro . W . H . Eobinson , was supported by Bros . Thomas Tunstall S . W ., Joseph Pickthall J . W ., and a large number of members and , visitors . The Lodge was opened iu form , when tho
Notices Of Meetings.
minutes were read and declared to bo correctly recorded . Tho Lodge was opened in the second , when Bro . Ferguson claimed preferment , and having sustained his claim , was entrusted and retired . The Lodge opened in the third , and Bro . Ferguson was re-admitted and raised to the Sublime Degree , in ample form , by the W . M . On tho Lodge being closed down , Bro . John Armstrong S . W . 1250 and
Treasurer of No . 148 , rose to propose a vote of congratulation to two brethren who had , and were about to have , high Masonio distinction bestowed npon them . They all felt that the Lodge was complimented by these appointments . Bro . Bowes had done much for Masonry iu Warrington , his able services , however , were not confined to West Lancashire , for he was as well known in the Northern Province of
Cumberland and Westmoreland as in Warrington . He , Bro . Armstrong , had it on the \> est authority that Bro . Bowes had , for many years , ever been ready to afford help in the North whenever needed , and Lord Bective , M . P ., the B . W . Prov . Grand Master , acknowledged the obligations of the Province when ho appointed Bro . Bowea Junior Grand Warden , at the great meeting at Kirkby Lonsdale a few
weeks since . Thoy one and all congratulated Bro . Bowes on the well merited honour which had been bestowed upon him . Bro . Sharp , P . M ., & c , was tho other worthy brother upon whom the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale was about to confer a similar honour . Bro . Sharp , while he occupied the chair of E . S ., rendered their beautiful ceremonies in a manner they all appreciated , and they congratulated him most sincerely . Bro . Tunstall S . W . seconded the motion , which
was carried by acclamation . Bros . Bowes and Sharp acknowledged the compliment in suitable terms . Bro . Bowes proposed a vote of congratulation to Bro . James Paterson I . G ., on the occasion of his marriage . This was seconded by Bro . J . R . Young S . D ., and carried unanimously . The Provincial Grand Lodge Circular having been read , and there being no further business , the Lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
Perseverance Boyal Arch Chapter , Leith , No . 152 . — This Chapter celebrated the Autumnal Equinox Festival on Monday . 25 th September . The Chapter being opened in ample form , the meeting proceeded to elect and instal the several office befirers for 1876-77 . Principals John Laurie Z ., George Hudson H ., David Turner J ., all re-elected . David Laird Scribe E . and Treasurer , John Neil N ., James Reid D . Z ., G . A . Laurie 1 st Soj ., J . W . Sceales 2 nd
Soj ., J . Turner 3 rd Soj ., T . M . Thomson C , G . M . Davidson D . M ., G . J . Laurie Org ., J . Whitehead S ., Alex . Henderson Janitor . The installation over , Comp . J . Lanrie M . E . Z . proposed Companions John Taylor , of Chapter Edinburgh , No . 1 , and John Schopp , of Chapter Canongate , Kilwinning , No . 56 , for application as honorary members of the Chapter for the interest they had shown to the Chapter and
Masonry in general , which was warmly received , for which they returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon them . The Chapter was then closed . The Companions then set down to a most excellent supper , purveyed in grand style by Comp . J . Whitehead , Steward to the Chapter . Comp . J . Laurie M . E . Z . occupied the chair , Comp . G . A . Lanrie , croupier . Having done ample justice to the viands
set on the table , which were all that could be desired , the usual loyal and Masonic complimentary toasts were given from tho chair , and duly responded to , they being interspersed with songs and instrumental music , given by the members of the Chapter . Too much praise could not be given to Comp . Fischer for his excellent perform , ance on the guitar . The several glees , given by Comps . Johnston ,
Say , Gardner and Laurie , were given with much spirit and taste , and warmly received . Comp . G . J . Laurie , Organist to the Chapter , to whom a great deal of the evening ' s enjoyment depended , presided at the piano in his usual masterly style . The company broke up , at a late hour , after spending a most pleasant evening , with " Sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , London , street , E . G ., last Monday evening . Present—Bros . Salmonese W . M ., Hawthorne S . W ., Brown J . W ., W . Fraser S . D ., Hilliard J . D ., Hewlett I . G ., Crawley P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the first
ceremony , Bro . Berry being the candidate . Bro . Webb worked the fifth section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The S . W . was elected to officiate as W . M . at the next meeting . On the proposition of Bro . Browne , seconded by P . M . Crawley , Bro . Larg 1607 was elected a member . There were also present Bros . Ellis Hon . Sec , Baxter , Bnrrell , Horsley , Newton , Stead , & c . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Monday evening , the 2 nd October .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —This Chapter held its Election Meeting on Monday , 25 th inst ., at 213 Buchanan , street , Glasgow . Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . opened a Lodge of excellent Masters at 7 p . m ., with Comps . Wm . Hoy and Fred . Jenkiuson as S . ancl J . W ., when ho advanced to the degree Bro . Wtn . Pitt . The Chapter was then opened . Comps . D . Gilchrist P . Z . as H ., J . Kin .
naird J ., when tho same gentleman was duly exalted as a R . A . Mason . The election was then proceeded with : Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . ( re-elected 3 rd time ) , J . Kinnaird H ., W . Guntj J ., J . Balfour S . E . ( re-elected ) , T . Yonlle S . N ., John Bannerman ( re . elected 3 rd time ) , Wm . Hoy 1 st S ., Fred . Jenkinson 2 nd S ., David Broadfoot 3 rd S ., Angus Nicholson 1 st Captain of tha Vails , Wm . Jamieson Janitor . The members of Chapter 50 were then introduced ,
and Comp . J . Miller Z . said that , in accordance with an invitation from Comp . Wheeler , they had attended to have their Officers installed along with those of 73 . Comp . Wheeler expressed tho pleasure he felt in being able to meet these friends of Chapter 50 , and as Comp . J . Duthie Z . of 67 was present , ho would ask him to kindly instal the officers of both Chapters . Comp . Duthie as Z ., assisted by Comps . E . C . D . Gilchrist and G . M . Donald , both P . Z . 's of 73 , then installed the Comps , above named for 73 , aad the following