Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
105 B—Metropolitan . Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 115 S—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , Punch ' s Tavern . 99 Fleet-street . E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsburv Park Master Masons' Lodge of Inst . Finsbnry Park Tavern , at 8 . 1298—Roval Standard . Alwyno Castle , St . Panl ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 . ( In . ) Instruction
1365— Clapton , Whito Hart . Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon . Metropolitan Societies Asylum , Balls Pond Road , N . 1627—Roval Kensington , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 16-12—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd . N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 . ( Tnst . ) Metropolitan Masonio Benevolent Association , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 8 . 30 .
41—Friendship , Freemason ' s Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 127—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Margate . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmordeu . 539—St . Matthew , Dragon Hotel . Walsall . 574—Loyal Berkshire of Hope , Whito Hart Hotel , Newbury .
601—St . John , Wrekin Hotel . Wellington , Salop . 680—Sefton , Masonic H » U , Liverpool . 709—Invicta , Bank-street Hail , Ashford . 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction . ) 839—Royal Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester . 998—Welchpool . Railway Station , Welehpool . 1096—Lord Warden , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal .
1143—Royal Denbigh , Council Room , Denbigh . 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy . 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1528—Fort , Red Lion Hotel , Newquay , Cornwall . 1561—Morecambe . Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth .
SATURDAY , 7 th DECEMBER . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 02—Moira , Criterion , Piccadilly , W . 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C 19 S— Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road . N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C
1622—Itoso , Surrey Vasonic Hall , Camberwell . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club . Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instrnction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instrnction . ) 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester .
To Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Scribes of Chapters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c . BROTHER M . MILLINGTON , 25 Oolliergate , York , S . D . of Eboracum Lodge 1611 , is making a collection of Lodge Circulars , Toast Lists , Menu Cards , & c , aud woiiid leel gratetul to tho officers above named if they wonld forward him copies of the same .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At 12 Oldstreec , Goawell-road , 011 Monday , the 25 tn inst . Present—Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Wing J . W ., Fenner Sec , Powell S . D ., J . Millington I . G . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the following brethren : —FIRST LECTURE—Fenner , Pearcy , Millington , Pearcy , Hailatn inn ., Sadler , aud Powell . SECOND LECTURE—Hallam jun .,
Powell , Hallam sen ., Sadler , and Fenner . THIRD LECTURE—Wing , Pearcy , and Trewinnard . On the resumption of the Lodge , Bro . McClean , of the Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , was elected a member . A vote of thanks was cordially voted to the W . M ., and those brethren who had so ably assisted him in working the sections . After which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At the Hercules Tavern , Leauenhail-stteet , 2 titu November . Bro . Sparrow W . M ., Moss S . W ., Daniel J . W ., Roberts , Hollands , Hamilton , Brown . Bro . Brown answered the questions leading to the third degree , aud was duly raised , the W . bi . giving the Traditional History and the lectnre on the Tracing Board . The second degree was worked , Bro .
Hamilton candidate . Bro . Moss was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Bro . Sparrrw was unanimously eleoted Preceptor for the ensuing year . Bro . Maidweil Treasurer , ana Hollands Secretary , were re-elected . An Audit Committee wa & appointed ; it will consist of the following : —Bros . Daniel , Brown , and Hamilton .
Prudent Brethren , Lodge No . 145 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 ch instaut , at Freemasons ' Hali , Great Queen-street , W . C . Bros . D . Ha 3 lett W . M ., J . Leggott S . W ., Lister J . W ., G . S . States P . G . S . Sec , C . A . Woods J . D ., J . Chinnery I . G ., A . D . Kerrall D . C ., J . Read Steward , T . Bull P . M ., & c , E . H . Thiellay P . M . Visitors-Bros . W . H . Fraser Prov .
Grand Chaplain Dublin , J . Turner 907 , Hayes 619 , Hirsch , H . M . Levy . Alter the minutes were continued , the icsignation of two brettui . was accepted vvitti r < % iet . Pursuant to noticj ot motion previous . \ given b \ Bro . J . Buy a P . G . P ., who was nu . uoalabiy abseni , Bro . i Bull P . M . proposed , and Bro . G . S . isuueo seconded , tuut ihe sum t .. ten guineas ue iiuou to tue Wentworth Little Memorial Funn .
Tne election for VV M . resulted iu Bio . Leggoit c-. W . beu . g UUUIHniously chosen . Bro . J . ISo ^ a P . G . P . was ie-etectcd Treusurer ( lb \ l . tiuiej , anu Bro . Omul Tyler . Alter uu acknowledgment from Bn ,. Leggott , the Audio Committee was appo . nted . iiru . T . Bull P .. Vi proposed that t ;; e sum ol 10 guineas bo voted from the funds of th > LoUge lor tue purpose ot pieseuLing the W . M . with a P . M . ' s jewe for the uble manner he hud discharged bis duties iu the chair , am
in appreciation ot the legard una esteem iu which he is held b } every iiiv . iu the Lodge . This was seconded bj Bro . Ken ell , aim earned unuuiuiousiy . The Lodge was then ciosoU until the lourth Tuesday in Juuuarv , and the brethren sat down to a very excelieu banquet provided by Bio . A . Beat , and supermteuced by Bro . E . DawMns . ihe U . M ., iu gema ! terms , proposed the usual Loyaj aiiU iluauuiu toasts ; be rt ^ ieUud the UUSOBQU of Bro . J . Boyd , Bry ,
T . Bull proposed tho health of the W . M ., who gracefully replied . Bro . Bull responded for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . G . States for the Treas . I and Secretary . The Officers were in due course complimented , and after other toasts had received attention , the proceedings were brought to a close . Tho harmony of the evening was enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Porpa , Curtis , Turner and Hall , aud Bro . Fraser P . G . C ., who gave a very excellent reading .
Lodge Of Lights , No . 148 . —A meeting was held on Monday last , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington . Present—Bros . Joseph Pickthall W . M ., J . Rymer Young S . W ., C . E . Hindley J . W ., John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Sec ., John Armstrong P . M * Treas ., James Paterson S . D ., Thomas Grime J . D ., Arthur Peako I . G . ' Thomas Domville Tyler , P . M . 's Bros . William Sharp P . P . G . J . W .,
Thomas Tunstall , W . H . Robinson , John Harding ; and Bros . Ferguson , Dr . Young , Dr . Joseph , Dr . Mackie , Wallbead , Kinsey , W . Burn , Thomas Jones , John Laithwaite , Morris , Gibbon , G . F . Carzon , & c . Visitors—Bros . James Kenworthy S . D . 1565 and James Farrington 1250 . After due observance ot * formalities the W . M . called npon Bro . Secretary to read the bye-laws according to annual
custom . The choice of W . M . for the ensuing year fell unanimously npon the Senior Warden , Bro . J . Rymer Young . Bro . Armstrong was re-elected Treasurer . Auditors and Tyler having been elected , a Ball and a Banquet Committee was formed . A Past Master ' s gold jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing W . M . After some farther routine business the Lodge wes closed with the usual solemnities .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 188 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Soutbgate-road , IslingtonN ., Saturday , 23 rd November . Bros . H . Hall W . M ., Brand S . W ., Brasted J . W ., Gilhatn S . D ., J . Millington J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Killick Sec , Pearcy Preceptor . A large number of the members were present to do honour to Bro . H . Hall , he being an old member of the Lodge , and it being his first
appearance in the chair . During the evening a well-deserved vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him . The business consisted of the rehearsal , in a very satisfactory manner , of the initiation ceremony . The first four sections of the degree wero afterwards worked by Bros . C . Lorkin , Hallam sen ., Fenner , and Hallam jun . Bro . Brand will preside this evening .
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The installation meeting was held at the Albion , Aluersgate-street , City , ou Saturday . J . B . Sorreil 25 ., W . M . Goss If ., C . Browne J ., and others opened the Chapter . Afterwards Comp . P . A . Nairne P . Z . installed W . M . Goss Z ., C . Browne H ., the J . elect being absent through illness . The ceremony was well done . The Omcersaro F . Walters P . P . G . A . S . Middlesex P . Z . Treas ., J . B . Sorreil jun . S . E ., A . MLddlemass S . N ., R . P . Tebb P . S ., S .
Pownceby 1 st A . S ., H . Boysou 2 nd A . S ., C . T . Speight Janitor . Bros . B . Strong , J . Soper and H . Soper were oxaited . Tue ceremony was beautifully rendered . A Past Z . ' s jewel was presented to Comp . J . B . So' -rell P . Z ., for his able services rendered to tbe Chapter . Business ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on 22 nd February 1879 . Bauquet followed . The Visitors wero Comps . W . A . Barrett aud W . J . Stride .
Beaconsfield Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 205 . — The brethren of this Ludge met at " The Chequers , " Marsa-s ; reet , Walthamstow , on Saturday , the 16 th November . Bro . D . M . Dewar P . G . M . O . opened the Lodge for the W . M ., aud the minutes of the last Lodge and audit meetings were read aud confirmed . The ballot was takeu for six brethren , which proved unanimous in their favour . Four of the candidates being present were regularly introduced aud
advanced into the Order , according to ancient form and custom . The ceremony of installation was theu proceeded with , Bro . Biuckes G . S . being the Installing Master , Bro . W . T . Chnstiau , the W . M . elect , was then installed , proclaimed , aud saluted in due form . The W . M . appointed the following brethren bis Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . J . Binder J . P . M ., W . C . Olandge S . W ., W . Groouie J . W .
and Treasurer , W . G . Hallows M . O ., T . Franklin S . O ., J . S . Badkm J . O ., F . Hallows Secretary , E . Laverack R . M ., E . Brown S . D ., J . M . Hunt J . D ., J . H . Cambridge I . G ., T . Upward Organist , E . Laue D . C ., ill . Shephard W . S ., W . Gilchrist Tyler . It was proposed , seconded , . ud carried unanimously that a vote of thanks bo tendered and recorded upon the minutes of the Lodge to Bros . Binokes and Dewar for
heir able and efficient services as installing Omeers . The Lodge closed in due form with solemn prayer , and adjourned until the third Saturday in February 1879 . After the labours of the evening wero ouded the brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the usual Masonic toasts were proposed by the W . M . Bros . Binokes aud Dewar responding for the Grand Officers . The toast of the I . P . M . Bio . J . Pinder was abiy given and heartily responded to b y the
rotbreti , ami for his 'ible aud efficient servicss as first W . M . of the nodge , the biethteu , through thu W . M ., presented him with a very . uuusome Past . waster's Jewel ; Bro . Piuder replied , thanking tho fcethreu for so h g-ti . y appreciating his services , and wishiu" - the uoitge prosp > ruy ami sucse-is . Tue health of the W . M . was proposed y Bro . Piuder , aud responded to . The remaining toasts were nen given , aud the brethren seperated after spending a pleasant jveuing .
Lodge Of Israel , IMo . 205 . —A meeting was held on 2 b ' th . November at ( Jauuoii-street H lei . Present—Bros . A . M . Cohen P . M . W . M ., A . Basington S . W ., II . J . Phillips J . W ., C . F . llogard : . M . P . P . G . S . W . Es . iex . > uc ., C . C . ok P . M . P . P . G . O . Middlesex Treas ., L . Nordeii S . D ., J . Da Suva , Steward , 11 . Smith I . G ., J . Uawles I ' yler ; P . M . ' s W . siilam . M . J . Emanuel , I . P . Cohen . Tho ballot was uken lor Mr . James Milbouni ; it proved successful , and that getitinman Mas initiated . Bro . Edwin John Ward was raised to the sub . lilftC 4 ei'rgQ ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
105 B—Metropolitan . Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 115 S—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , Punch ' s Tavern . 99 Fleet-street . E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsburv Park Master Masons' Lodge of Inst . Finsbnry Park Tavern , at 8 . 1298—Roval Standard . Alwyno Castle , St . Panl ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 . ( In . ) Instruction
1365— Clapton , Whito Hart . Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon . Metropolitan Societies Asylum , Balls Pond Road , N . 1627—Roval Kensington , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 16-12—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd . N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 . ( Tnst . ) Metropolitan Masonio Benevolent Association , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 8 . 30 .
41—Friendship , Freemason ' s Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 127—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Margate . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmordeu . 539—St . Matthew , Dragon Hotel . Walsall . 574—Loyal Berkshire of Hope , Whito Hart Hotel , Newbury .
601—St . John , Wrekin Hotel . Wellington , Salop . 680—Sefton , Masonic H » U , Liverpool . 709—Invicta , Bank-street Hail , Ashford . 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction . ) 839—Royal Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester . 998—Welchpool . Railway Station , Welehpool . 1096—Lord Warden , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal .
1143—Royal Denbigh , Council Room , Denbigh . 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy . 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1528—Fort , Red Lion Hotel , Newquay , Cornwall . 1561—Morecambe . Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth .
SATURDAY , 7 th DECEMBER . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 02—Moira , Criterion , Piccadilly , W . 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C 19 S— Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road . N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C
1622—Itoso , Surrey Vasonic Hall , Camberwell . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club . Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instrnction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instrnction . ) 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester .
To Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Scribes of Chapters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c . BROTHER M . MILLINGTON , 25 Oolliergate , York , S . D . of Eboracum Lodge 1611 , is making a collection of Lodge Circulars , Toast Lists , Menu Cards , & c , aud woiiid leel gratetul to tho officers above named if they wonld forward him copies of the same .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At 12 Oldstreec , Goawell-road , 011 Monday , the 25 tn inst . Present—Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Wing J . W ., Fenner Sec , Powell S . D ., J . Millington I . G . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the following brethren : —FIRST LECTURE—Fenner , Pearcy , Millington , Pearcy , Hailatn inn ., Sadler , aud Powell . SECOND LECTURE—Hallam jun .,
Powell , Hallam sen ., Sadler , and Fenner . THIRD LECTURE—Wing , Pearcy , and Trewinnard . On the resumption of the Lodge , Bro . McClean , of the Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , was elected a member . A vote of thanks was cordially voted to the W . M ., and those brethren who had so ably assisted him in working the sections . After which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At the Hercules Tavern , Leauenhail-stteet , 2 titu November . Bro . Sparrow W . M ., Moss S . W ., Daniel J . W ., Roberts , Hollands , Hamilton , Brown . Bro . Brown answered the questions leading to the third degree , aud was duly raised , the W . bi . giving the Traditional History and the lectnre on the Tracing Board . The second degree was worked , Bro .
Hamilton candidate . Bro . Moss was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Bro . Sparrrw was unanimously eleoted Preceptor for the ensuing year . Bro . Maidweil Treasurer , ana Hollands Secretary , were re-elected . An Audit Committee wa & appointed ; it will consist of the following : —Bros . Daniel , Brown , and Hamilton .
Prudent Brethren , Lodge No . 145 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 ch instaut , at Freemasons ' Hali , Great Queen-street , W . C . Bros . D . Ha 3 lett W . M ., J . Leggott S . W ., Lister J . W ., G . S . States P . G . S . Sec , C . A . Woods J . D ., J . Chinnery I . G ., A . D . Kerrall D . C ., J . Read Steward , T . Bull P . M ., & c , E . H . Thiellay P . M . Visitors-Bros . W . H . Fraser Prov .
Grand Chaplain Dublin , J . Turner 907 , Hayes 619 , Hirsch , H . M . Levy . Alter the minutes were continued , the icsignation of two brettui . was accepted vvitti r < % iet . Pursuant to noticj ot motion previous . \ given b \ Bro . J . Buy a P . G . P ., who was nu . uoalabiy abseni , Bro . i Bull P . M . proposed , and Bro . G . S . isuueo seconded , tuut ihe sum t .. ten guineas ue iiuou to tue Wentworth Little Memorial Funn .
Tne election for VV M . resulted iu Bio . Leggoit c-. W . beu . g UUUIHniously chosen . Bro . J . ISo ^ a P . G . P . was ie-etectcd Treusurer ( lb \ l . tiuiej , anu Bro . Omul Tyler . Alter uu acknowledgment from Bn ,. Leggott , the Audio Committee was appo . nted . iiru . T . Bull P .. Vi proposed that t ;; e sum ol 10 guineas bo voted from the funds of th > LoUge lor tue purpose ot pieseuLing the W . M . with a P . M . ' s jewe for the uble manner he hud discharged bis duties iu the chair , am
in appreciation ot the legard una esteem iu which he is held b } every iiiv . iu the Lodge . This was seconded bj Bro . Ken ell , aim earned unuuiuiousiy . The Lodge was then ciosoU until the lourth Tuesday in Juuuarv , and the brethren sat down to a very excelieu banquet provided by Bio . A . Beat , and supermteuced by Bro . E . DawMns . ihe U . M ., iu gema ! terms , proposed the usual Loyaj aiiU iluauuiu toasts ; be rt ^ ieUud the UUSOBQU of Bro . J . Boyd , Bry ,
T . Bull proposed tho health of the W . M ., who gracefully replied . Bro . Bull responded for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . G . States for the Treas . I and Secretary . The Officers were in due course complimented , and after other toasts had received attention , the proceedings were brought to a close . Tho harmony of the evening was enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Porpa , Curtis , Turner and Hall , aud Bro . Fraser P . G . C ., who gave a very excellent reading .
Lodge Of Lights , No . 148 . —A meeting was held on Monday last , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington . Present—Bros . Joseph Pickthall W . M ., J . Rymer Young S . W ., C . E . Hindley J . W ., John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Sec ., John Armstrong P . M * Treas ., James Paterson S . D ., Thomas Grime J . D ., Arthur Peako I . G . ' Thomas Domville Tyler , P . M . 's Bros . William Sharp P . P . G . J . W .,
Thomas Tunstall , W . H . Robinson , John Harding ; and Bros . Ferguson , Dr . Young , Dr . Joseph , Dr . Mackie , Wallbead , Kinsey , W . Burn , Thomas Jones , John Laithwaite , Morris , Gibbon , G . F . Carzon , & c . Visitors—Bros . James Kenworthy S . D . 1565 and James Farrington 1250 . After due observance ot * formalities the W . M . called npon Bro . Secretary to read the bye-laws according to annual
custom . The choice of W . M . for the ensuing year fell unanimously npon the Senior Warden , Bro . J . Rymer Young . Bro . Armstrong was re-elected Treasurer . Auditors and Tyler having been elected , a Ball and a Banquet Committee was formed . A Past Master ' s gold jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing W . M . After some farther routine business the Lodge wes closed with the usual solemnities .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 188 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Soutbgate-road , IslingtonN ., Saturday , 23 rd November . Bros . H . Hall W . M ., Brand S . W ., Brasted J . W ., Gilhatn S . D ., J . Millington J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Killick Sec , Pearcy Preceptor . A large number of the members were present to do honour to Bro . H . Hall , he being an old member of the Lodge , and it being his first
appearance in the chair . During the evening a well-deserved vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him . The business consisted of the rehearsal , in a very satisfactory manner , of the initiation ceremony . The first four sections of the degree wero afterwards worked by Bros . C . Lorkin , Hallam sen ., Fenner , and Hallam jun . Bro . Brand will preside this evening .
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The installation meeting was held at the Albion , Aluersgate-street , City , ou Saturday . J . B . Sorreil 25 ., W . M . Goss If ., C . Browne J ., and others opened the Chapter . Afterwards Comp . P . A . Nairne P . Z . installed W . M . Goss Z ., C . Browne H ., the J . elect being absent through illness . The ceremony was well done . The Omcersaro F . Walters P . P . G . A . S . Middlesex P . Z . Treas ., J . B . Sorreil jun . S . E ., A . MLddlemass S . N ., R . P . Tebb P . S ., S .
Pownceby 1 st A . S ., H . Boysou 2 nd A . S ., C . T . Speight Janitor . Bros . B . Strong , J . Soper and H . Soper were oxaited . Tue ceremony was beautifully rendered . A Past Z . ' s jewel was presented to Comp . J . B . So' -rell P . Z ., for his able services rendered to tbe Chapter . Business ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on 22 nd February 1879 . Bauquet followed . The Visitors wero Comps . W . A . Barrett aud W . J . Stride .
Beaconsfield Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 205 . — The brethren of this Ludge met at " The Chequers , " Marsa-s ; reet , Walthamstow , on Saturday , the 16 th November . Bro . D . M . Dewar P . G . M . O . opened the Lodge for the W . M ., aud the minutes of the last Lodge and audit meetings were read aud confirmed . The ballot was takeu for six brethren , which proved unanimous in their favour . Four of the candidates being present were regularly introduced aud
advanced into the Order , according to ancient form and custom . The ceremony of installation was theu proceeded with , Bro . Biuckes G . S . being the Installing Master , Bro . W . T . Chnstiau , the W . M . elect , was then installed , proclaimed , aud saluted in due form . The W . M . appointed the following brethren bis Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . J . Binder J . P . M ., W . C . Olandge S . W ., W . Groouie J . W .
and Treasurer , W . G . Hallows M . O ., T . Franklin S . O ., J . S . Badkm J . O ., F . Hallows Secretary , E . Laverack R . M ., E . Brown S . D ., J . M . Hunt J . D ., J . H . Cambridge I . G ., T . Upward Organist , E . Laue D . C ., ill . Shephard W . S ., W . Gilchrist Tyler . It was proposed , seconded , . ud carried unanimously that a vote of thanks bo tendered and recorded upon the minutes of the Lodge to Bros . Binokes and Dewar for
heir able and efficient services as installing Omeers . The Lodge closed in due form with solemn prayer , and adjourned until the third Saturday in February 1879 . After the labours of the evening wero ouded the brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the usual Masonic toasts were proposed by the W . M . Bros . Binokes aud Dewar responding for the Grand Officers . The toast of the I . P . M . Bio . J . Pinder was abiy given and heartily responded to b y the
rotbreti , ami for his 'ible aud efficient servicss as first W . M . of the nodge , the biethteu , through thu W . M ., presented him with a very . uuusome Past . waster's Jewel ; Bro . Piuder replied , thanking tho fcethreu for so h g-ti . y appreciating his services , and wishiu" - the uoitge prosp > ruy ami sucse-is . Tue health of the W . M . was proposed y Bro . Piuder , aud responded to . The remaining toasts were nen given , aud the brethren seperated after spending a pleasant jveuing .
Lodge Of Israel , IMo . 205 . —A meeting was held on 2 b ' th . November at ( Jauuoii-street H lei . Present—Bros . A . M . Cohen P . M . W . M ., A . Basington S . W ., II . J . Phillips J . W ., C . F . llogard : . M . P . P . G . S . W . Es . iex . > uc ., C . C . ok P . M . P . P . G . O . Middlesex Treas ., L . Nordeii S . D ., J . Da Suva , Steward , 11 . Smith I . G ., J . Uawles I ' yler ; P . M . ' s W . siilam . M . J . Emanuel , I . P . Cohen . Tho ballot was uken lor Mr . James Milbouni ; it proved successful , and that getitinman Mas initiated . Bro . Edwin John Ward was raised to the sub . lilftC 4 ei'rgQ ,