Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE, No. 507. Page 1 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
—! o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 .
FALLIN G , ns it did , so close on the Easter Holidays , the installation meeting did not attract so large an attendance of the members of this popular Lodge as is universally the case . However , amongst those who did honour to the installation of Bro . G . Schadler were Bros . J . Roberts W . M . ; Past Masters C . Daniel , H . S . Goodall , W . Chicken , L . A . Leins , E . S . Cornwall , C . E . Ferry , and George T . Brown Secretary . The Officers fully supported the W . Master , and
amongst the Visitors were Bros . Col . Sbadwell H . Clerke G . S ., Fred . Binckes P . G . S . Secretary R . M . I . B ., C . F . Matier P . G . W . Greece P . M . 645 , D . Moss S . D . 1275 , J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Herts 1680 , J . Goddard W . M . 771 , W . A . Summers Org . 771 , A . Chivers ( late 65 ) , C . Gooding 1329 , Peter Harnett 813 , J . R . Gallant P . M . 127 , R . H . Halford P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Herts 228 , J . Newton P . M . 174 ,
A . South J . D . 1804 , W . Ferryman S . W . 184 , H . Tucker P . M . 933 , G . A . Haynes 1804 , D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 . Lodge having been formally opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Auditors' report was next presented , and it was unanimously adopted by the members . Bro . Thomas Buggins was raised to the sublime degree , and Brother Alfred Cheney was
passed . The W . M . elect was then presented , and in regular conrse a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . George Sohadler , who had received the unanimous vote of the brethren at their last meeting , was regularly placed in the chair of King Solomon . The whole of the work ( including the two ceremonies already mentioned ) being carefully conducted by Bro . Roberts , who , however , was
suffering from a slight cold . After the new W . M . had been saluted iu the three degrees , the Officers were appointed and invested as follows : — Bros . C . J . Rich S . W ., J . H . Hawkins J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treas ., G . T . Brown P . M . Sec , Gregory S . D ., W . Walker J . D ., Dyson I . G ., L . A . Leins P . M . M . C ., G . Haller A . M . C ., Bourne W . S . The addresses were delivered in capital style by Bro . Past Master Brown , and both
Bro . Roberts and he were complimented on the ability they displayed . The usual routine work was then gone through ; several communications were read and announced , and Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was supplied by Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , the proprietors of the Guildhall Tavern , Bro . Henry Mills superintending the service , and after a full discussion of the menu , the cloth was removed , and
grace said . On rising to give the first toast—The Queen and the Craft—the W . M . said it was one invariably received with enthusiasm in Masonio Lodges . He need not expatiate on the virtues of Her Majesty ; they were well known and appreciated . In speaking to the next toast—His Royal Highness the Prinoe of Wales Most Worshipful Grand Master—the W . M . said we ought to be very proud of
having him as our ruler . He attends Grand Lodge as frequently as he believes it necessary , and the rapid strides taken by the Order since his installation testifies to his popularity amongst the brethren . Brother Sohadler on again rising , said he came next to a most important toast . It was that of the M . W . Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , aud the
rest of the Grand Officers Present and Past . The work in Grand Lodge is admirably conducted by the distinguished Masons to whom has been entrusted its government . They were honoured that even , ing by having present Bro . Col . Sbadwell H . Clerke , who was universally respected wherever Freemasonry was known j with the Grand Secretary ' s name he would associate the toast . After a song by
Brother Haynes , " I dream of thee , Sweet Madeline , " Brother Col . Clerke rose to reply . The toast he had the honour to respond to was one of a most comprehensive charaoter , inasmuch as it embodied the names of those who had the control of our Masonio affairs . With respect to the Prince of Wales , he was not a mere ornamental head ; he took a very active part in the working of Grand Lodge , and he
( Col . Clerke ) had frequently to attend His Royal Highness and explain matters , and receive hia instructions . The Pro Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master , they were always ready to render assistance whenever their services were required . As for the other Grand Officers , their offices were not mere sinecure ones . They had heavy and responsible duties to perform , and were fully entitled to
the recognition almost invariably given them . It was most gratifying to them to feel their services were appreciated . Speaking for himself , he must apologise for not having been in attendance at an earlier stage of the proceedings ; however , owing to the Easter Holidays there were some important items of business to be completed before he could leave ; consequently , he found it was nearly six
o ' olock before he started from the office . Still , he could assure the brethren he attended this , the 125 th anniversary meeting of their Lodge , with infinite pleasure . He was glad to make the acquaintance of the members , and wished the Lodge of Prosperity every prosperity . On rising to propose the health of the Worshipfnl Master , Brother Roberts expressed the pleasure it gave him to perform that duty .
He was convinced that in Bro . Sohadler the members had secured an efficient and capable ruler . Eleven years ago he and Brother Sohadler were initiated together ; their relationship ever since had been of a most cordial charaoter , and he conld assure him all he could do to assist him he would do , and he felt convinced the members one and all would do the same . After a song— " The Tar ' s
Farewell "—Brother Sohadler rose . He thanked the Immediate Past Master for the kind and hearty manner in which he had proposed the toast , and felt complimented by the way the brethren had received it . He would do his uttermost the excel to good working of his predecessors , and felt he could hardly be blamed if in this he
succeeded . Of this they might rely , he shonld strive zealously to farther the best interests of Freemasonry , and promote the welfare of their Lodge . In proposing the toast of the Visitors , the Worshipful Master regretted the list on this occasion was but a small one . Brothers Matier , Goddard , Halford and Moss replied . In proposing the health of his predecessor , Bro . Schadler said Bro .
Roberts had ably aoqnitted himself , and had studied the comfort of the brethren in every respect . He then presented him with the Past Master's jewel , whioh the members unanimously agreed he was entitled to . This bore the following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . JOHN ROBERTS , By the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 , As a memento of their high esteem , and in appreciation of his great efficiency and urbanity as Master . 1 SS 2 . S .
Bro . Schadler trusted that when Bro . Roberts looked upon it , he would remember his association with the brethren of Prosperity Lodge , and that in his possession it would not lose its lustre , but be worn amongst them for many , many yearB to come . Here Bro . Frank Herold played a seleotion on the zither , with exquisite taste , and was most vociferously applauded . In reply , Bro . Roberts thanked
the brethren most , heartily for the manner in whioh they had received him . He hoped to continue his services to the Lodge , and trusted he might live for many years in health and strength to be with them . He had been ten years associated with the Lodge , during whioh time he had soarcely ever been absent from its meetings . He should prize the gifts he had received from the Lodge , and felt the recognition his
services had met with were far more than they deserved . In speaking to the toast of the Past Masters , the W . M . gracefully referred to the interest each had taken iu the working of the Lodge . Bros . Leins , Daniels , Ferry , and Chioken responded . In proposing the toast of the Masonio Institutions , with whioh he associated the name of Bro . Fredk . Binckes , the W . M . made gratifying allusion to what
the Lodge had done in supporting the Charities for some years past , and specially referred to the Stewardship of Bro . Roberts , who had this year taken up £ 125 for the Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . In the course of his reply Brother Binckes said that despite the depressing cry we hear on almost all hands of the condition of affairs , the key-note of the evening with them
undoubtedly was Prosperity . Bro . Binckes urged ou all the needs of the respective Institutions , and detailed how each of them was situated as regards funded property ; he pointed out the vast demands they had to contend with , and recounted how , from the small number of twenty-seven , some twenty . five years ago , they were now eduoating aud maintaining 215 boys in the Wood Green establishment .
Bro . Binckes' remarks were listened to most attentively , and at the conclusion an announcement was made that the list of Bro . Sohadler , who will aot as Steward at the Boys' Sohool Festival in . June next , already amounted to £ 36 18 s 6 d . Several other toasts were given , and , throughout , the proceedings were enlivened by musio . and songs . Bro . Matier won well merited applause by his reoital of " Ther-Mate of the Nanoy Bell . "
In addition to the Past Master ' s jewel , during the evening Brother Roberts was presented with a handsome clock , manufactured' by Brother Halford . This was mounted on an elaborate marble stand , aud bore the following inscription : — ' Presented to Brother John Roberts by the members of Lodge ,, of Prosperity , No . 65 , as a token of their esteem , and in appreciation of the efficient manner in which he conduoted the duties of W . M . 1882-3 . "
United Pilgrims Lodge, No. 507.
THE aunnal meeting of this old Lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 22 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London-bridge . It is gratifying to be able to record that , after passing through a great many vicissitudes , the United Pilgrims Lodge has now been placed upon a sound basis , and within the last ; few years has attained a prominent position in the Craft . Muoh of this suooess is attributable to
the exertions of Bro . H . E . Joyce ( editor of the Shipping and Mer . cantile Gazette ) who was then installed in succession to Bro . C . W . Peters . Lodge was opened at half-past four o ' olock , under the presidency of the retiring Worshipful Master Bro . C . W . Peters , who was supported by Bros . H . E . Joyce S . W . and Worshipful Master elect , E . Blake S . D ., W . T . Folks J . D ., H . R . Grellet P . M . Treasurer , Jonas
Dnokett P . M . Secretary , J . S . Terry P . M . M . of C , J . Gibbs I . G ., Ac . Amongst the Vistors were Bros . -B . Martell ( of Lloyd ' s ) , F . Elgar , Magnus Ohren P . A . G . D . C ., James Stevens P . M ., H . T . •< Bing P . M . 1597 , T . W . Skelton P . M . 1056 , J . B . Sorrell P . M . 176 , Edward'Johnson P . M . 140 , W . G . Lemon P . M . 165 , C . P . Passelowe . 'W . Farr 1677 , James Watson 73 , E . P . Wilson 181 , J . J . Comont 179 , Charles Barker
) , J . tl . U . Steel 73 , h \ A . Xoung 15 H 9 , J . Jfisson 1589 , J . O . Venables 263 , G . C . Rivers 459 , J . M . Hamon 238 , & c . The usual preliminaries having been observed , the ballot was opened for Mr . C . H . Sharman , who was proposed by the Worshipfnl Master elect , and seconded by Bro . E . Blake S . D . The voting was unanimously in favour , and Mr . Sharman having been accepted , Bro . Joyoe was presented as W . M . eleot and assented in usual form to the interrogations
put to him . A Board of Installed Masters was duly constituted , and Bro . Joyce waB installed into the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . C . W . Peters , and on the re-admission of the brethren , the newly-installed Master was'proclaimed add saluted with fall honours , amidst the universal congratulations of those assembled . He then proceeded to invest his Officers for the
year , the oollars being thus bestowed : —Bros . C . W . Peters I . P . M ., E . Blake S . W ., J . Gibbs J . W ., H . R . Grellet P . M . Treasurer , Jonas DuckettP . M . Secretary , W . T . Folks S . D ., C . H . Wiltshire J ; D „ H . H . Wiltshire I . G ., J . W . Watts P . M . M . of C , J . S . Terry P . M . Wine Steward , W . Harrison Tyler . The Worshipfnl Master then initiated
Mr . C . H Sharman into the mysteries and privileges of the Order , the working being most effectively performed , and in a manner which elicited genuine approbation . The Worshipful Master then , in the name of the brethren of the Lodge , begged Bro . Peters's acceptance of a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a token of their respect and esteem , and in recognition of his zealous and valuable services ren-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
—! o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 .
FALLIN G , ns it did , so close on the Easter Holidays , the installation meeting did not attract so large an attendance of the members of this popular Lodge as is universally the case . However , amongst those who did honour to the installation of Bro . G . Schadler were Bros . J . Roberts W . M . ; Past Masters C . Daniel , H . S . Goodall , W . Chicken , L . A . Leins , E . S . Cornwall , C . E . Ferry , and George T . Brown Secretary . The Officers fully supported the W . Master , and
amongst the Visitors were Bros . Col . Sbadwell H . Clerke G . S ., Fred . Binckes P . G . S . Secretary R . M . I . B ., C . F . Matier P . G . W . Greece P . M . 645 , D . Moss S . D . 1275 , J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Herts 1680 , J . Goddard W . M . 771 , W . A . Summers Org . 771 , A . Chivers ( late 65 ) , C . Gooding 1329 , Peter Harnett 813 , J . R . Gallant P . M . 127 , R . H . Halford P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Herts 228 , J . Newton P . M . 174 ,
A . South J . D . 1804 , W . Ferryman S . W . 184 , H . Tucker P . M . 933 , G . A . Haynes 1804 , D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 . Lodge having been formally opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Auditors' report was next presented , and it was unanimously adopted by the members . Bro . Thomas Buggins was raised to the sublime degree , and Brother Alfred Cheney was
passed . The W . M . elect was then presented , and in regular conrse a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . George Sohadler , who had received the unanimous vote of the brethren at their last meeting , was regularly placed in the chair of King Solomon . The whole of the work ( including the two ceremonies already mentioned ) being carefully conducted by Bro . Roberts , who , however , was
suffering from a slight cold . After the new W . M . had been saluted iu the three degrees , the Officers were appointed and invested as follows : — Bros . C . J . Rich S . W ., J . H . Hawkins J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treas ., G . T . Brown P . M . Sec , Gregory S . D ., W . Walker J . D ., Dyson I . G ., L . A . Leins P . M . M . C ., G . Haller A . M . C ., Bourne W . S . The addresses were delivered in capital style by Bro . Past Master Brown , and both
Bro . Roberts and he were complimented on the ability they displayed . The usual routine work was then gone through ; several communications were read and announced , and Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was supplied by Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , the proprietors of the Guildhall Tavern , Bro . Henry Mills superintending the service , and after a full discussion of the menu , the cloth was removed , and
grace said . On rising to give the first toast—The Queen and the Craft—the W . M . said it was one invariably received with enthusiasm in Masonio Lodges . He need not expatiate on the virtues of Her Majesty ; they were well known and appreciated . In speaking to the next toast—His Royal Highness the Prinoe of Wales Most Worshipful Grand Master—the W . M . said we ought to be very proud of
having him as our ruler . He attends Grand Lodge as frequently as he believes it necessary , and the rapid strides taken by the Order since his installation testifies to his popularity amongst the brethren . Brother Sohadler on again rising , said he came next to a most important toast . It was that of the M . W . Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , aud the
rest of the Grand Officers Present and Past . The work in Grand Lodge is admirably conducted by the distinguished Masons to whom has been entrusted its government . They were honoured that even , ing by having present Bro . Col . Sbadwell H . Clerke , who was universally respected wherever Freemasonry was known j with the Grand Secretary ' s name he would associate the toast . After a song by
Brother Haynes , " I dream of thee , Sweet Madeline , " Brother Col . Clerke rose to reply . The toast he had the honour to respond to was one of a most comprehensive charaoter , inasmuch as it embodied the names of those who had the control of our Masonio affairs . With respect to the Prince of Wales , he was not a mere ornamental head ; he took a very active part in the working of Grand Lodge , and he
( Col . Clerke ) had frequently to attend His Royal Highness and explain matters , and receive hia instructions . The Pro Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master , they were always ready to render assistance whenever their services were required . As for the other Grand Officers , their offices were not mere sinecure ones . They had heavy and responsible duties to perform , and were fully entitled to
the recognition almost invariably given them . It was most gratifying to them to feel their services were appreciated . Speaking for himself , he must apologise for not having been in attendance at an earlier stage of the proceedings ; however , owing to the Easter Holidays there were some important items of business to be completed before he could leave ; consequently , he found it was nearly six
o ' olock before he started from the office . Still , he could assure the brethren he attended this , the 125 th anniversary meeting of their Lodge , with infinite pleasure . He was glad to make the acquaintance of the members , and wished the Lodge of Prosperity every prosperity . On rising to propose the health of the Worshipfnl Master , Brother Roberts expressed the pleasure it gave him to perform that duty .
He was convinced that in Bro . Sohadler the members had secured an efficient and capable ruler . Eleven years ago he and Brother Sohadler were initiated together ; their relationship ever since had been of a most cordial charaoter , and he conld assure him all he could do to assist him he would do , and he felt convinced the members one and all would do the same . After a song— " The Tar ' s
Farewell "—Brother Sohadler rose . He thanked the Immediate Past Master for the kind and hearty manner in which he had proposed the toast , and felt complimented by the way the brethren had received it . He would do his uttermost the excel to good working of his predecessors , and felt he could hardly be blamed if in this he
succeeded . Of this they might rely , he shonld strive zealously to farther the best interests of Freemasonry , and promote the welfare of their Lodge . In proposing the toast of the Visitors , the Worshipful Master regretted the list on this occasion was but a small one . Brothers Matier , Goddard , Halford and Moss replied . In proposing the health of his predecessor , Bro . Schadler said Bro .
Roberts had ably aoqnitted himself , and had studied the comfort of the brethren in every respect . He then presented him with the Past Master's jewel , whioh the members unanimously agreed he was entitled to . This bore the following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . JOHN ROBERTS , By the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 , As a memento of their high esteem , and in appreciation of his great efficiency and urbanity as Master . 1 SS 2 . S .
Bro . Schadler trusted that when Bro . Roberts looked upon it , he would remember his association with the brethren of Prosperity Lodge , and that in his possession it would not lose its lustre , but be worn amongst them for many , many yearB to come . Here Bro . Frank Herold played a seleotion on the zither , with exquisite taste , and was most vociferously applauded . In reply , Bro . Roberts thanked
the brethren most , heartily for the manner in whioh they had received him . He hoped to continue his services to the Lodge , and trusted he might live for many years in health and strength to be with them . He had been ten years associated with the Lodge , during whioh time he had soarcely ever been absent from its meetings . He should prize the gifts he had received from the Lodge , and felt the recognition his
services had met with were far more than they deserved . In speaking to the toast of the Past Masters , the W . M . gracefully referred to the interest each had taken iu the working of the Lodge . Bros . Leins , Daniels , Ferry , and Chioken responded . In proposing the toast of the Masonio Institutions , with whioh he associated the name of Bro . Fredk . Binckes , the W . M . made gratifying allusion to what
the Lodge had done in supporting the Charities for some years past , and specially referred to the Stewardship of Bro . Roberts , who had this year taken up £ 125 for the Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . In the course of his reply Brother Binckes said that despite the depressing cry we hear on almost all hands of the condition of affairs , the key-note of the evening with them
undoubtedly was Prosperity . Bro . Binckes urged ou all the needs of the respective Institutions , and detailed how each of them was situated as regards funded property ; he pointed out the vast demands they had to contend with , and recounted how , from the small number of twenty-seven , some twenty . five years ago , they were now eduoating aud maintaining 215 boys in the Wood Green establishment .
Bro . Binckes' remarks were listened to most attentively , and at the conclusion an announcement was made that the list of Bro . Sohadler , who will aot as Steward at the Boys' Sohool Festival in . June next , already amounted to £ 36 18 s 6 d . Several other toasts were given , and , throughout , the proceedings were enlivened by musio . and songs . Bro . Matier won well merited applause by his reoital of " Ther-Mate of the Nanoy Bell . "
In addition to the Past Master ' s jewel , during the evening Brother Roberts was presented with a handsome clock , manufactured' by Brother Halford . This was mounted on an elaborate marble stand , aud bore the following inscription : — ' Presented to Brother John Roberts by the members of Lodge ,, of Prosperity , No . 65 , as a token of their esteem , and in appreciation of the efficient manner in which he conduoted the duties of W . M . 1882-3 . "
United Pilgrims Lodge, No. 507.
THE aunnal meeting of this old Lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 22 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London-bridge . It is gratifying to be able to record that , after passing through a great many vicissitudes , the United Pilgrims Lodge has now been placed upon a sound basis , and within the last ; few years has attained a prominent position in the Craft . Muoh of this suooess is attributable to
the exertions of Bro . H . E . Joyce ( editor of the Shipping and Mer . cantile Gazette ) who was then installed in succession to Bro . C . W . Peters . Lodge was opened at half-past four o ' olock , under the presidency of the retiring Worshipful Master Bro . C . W . Peters , who was supported by Bros . H . E . Joyce S . W . and Worshipful Master elect , E . Blake S . D ., W . T . Folks J . D ., H . R . Grellet P . M . Treasurer , Jonas
Dnokett P . M . Secretary , J . S . Terry P . M . M . of C , J . Gibbs I . G ., Ac . Amongst the Vistors were Bros . -B . Martell ( of Lloyd ' s ) , F . Elgar , Magnus Ohren P . A . G . D . C ., James Stevens P . M ., H . T . •< Bing P . M . 1597 , T . W . Skelton P . M . 1056 , J . B . Sorrell P . M . 176 , Edward'Johnson P . M . 140 , W . G . Lemon P . M . 165 , C . P . Passelowe . 'W . Farr 1677 , James Watson 73 , E . P . Wilson 181 , J . J . Comont 179 , Charles Barker
) , J . tl . U . Steel 73 , h \ A . Xoung 15 H 9 , J . Jfisson 1589 , J . O . Venables 263 , G . C . Rivers 459 , J . M . Hamon 238 , & c . The usual preliminaries having been observed , the ballot was opened for Mr . C . H . Sharman , who was proposed by the Worshipfnl Master elect , and seconded by Bro . E . Blake S . D . The voting was unanimously in favour , and Mr . Sharman having been accepted , Bro . Joyoe was presented as W . M . eleot and assented in usual form to the interrogations
put to him . A Board of Installed Masters was duly constituted , and Bro . Joyce waB installed into the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . C . W . Peters , and on the re-admission of the brethren , the newly-installed Master was'proclaimed add saluted with fall honours , amidst the universal congratulations of those assembled . He then proceeded to invest his Officers for the
year , the oollars being thus bestowed : —Bros . C . W . Peters I . P . M ., E . Blake S . W ., J . Gibbs J . W ., H . R . Grellet P . M . Treasurer , Jonas DuckettP . M . Secretary , W . T . Folks S . D ., C . H . Wiltshire J ; D „ H . H . Wiltshire I . G ., J . W . Watts P . M . M . of C , J . S . Terry P . M . Wine Steward , W . Harrison Tyler . The Worshipfnl Master then initiated
Mr . C . H Sharman into the mysteries and privileges of the Order , the working being most effectively performed , and in a manner which elicited genuine approbation . The Worshipful Master then , in the name of the brethren of the Lodge , begged Bro . Peters's acceptance of a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a token of their respect and esteem , and in recognition of his zealous and valuable services ren-