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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
Joseph Ball 1564 , R . II . Rogers 463 , F . G . Frost S . D . 463 , W . Wilson 452 , C . Sawyer P . M . 1619 , B . H . Ridge 1347 , Robert Watson 9 , F . Chiffereil S . W . 9 , W . W . Morgan 211 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Herts.
nnHE annnal mooting of this P . G . Lodge was held at the Red -I . Lion , Hatfield , on Friday last , under tho banner of tho Cranbourno Lodge , No . 1580 . R . Wor . Bro . T . F . Halsoy , M . P ., P . G . M . presided , and among thoso who supported their chief wero his Deputy , Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , and , among others , Bros . W . H . Rowe
P . G . S . W ., T . S . Carter P . G . J . W ., Rev . W . Caseley P . G . Chaplain , F . H . Knyvett P . G . Treasurer , J . E . Dawson P . G . Secretary , W . C . Maddever P . G . S . D ., J . Terry P . P . GJ . W . P . G . D . Cer ., J . C . Mather P . Assist . G . D . C , J . Purrott P . G . S . B ., W . Bausor P . G . P ., Rev . George Finch P . M . 404 , R . Shillitoe P . M . 449 , Edgar Bowyer P . M . 1580 , Eev . C . E . Mayo P . G . C , J . G . Yolland 1385 , E . Fisher Young
P . M . 1385 , E . C Massey P . M . 1297 , H . J . Amphlett 1511 , R . H Halford W . M . 1580 . W . Marks W . M . 1479 , Samuel Jacobs W . M
1327 , Joseph Gaskell P . M . 1327 , Samuel Jacobs W . M . 1327 , A . Eade 1580 , J . S . W . Webb 1580 , T . Raymond Dare 1580 , C W . Reynolds 1479 , 11 . C . Read 1580 , W . J . Thody 1580 , G . F . Cook P . M . 1580 , E . Crutchlor 1385 , Thomas Perry W . M . 869 , W . Webb 1580 , J . Stock 1580 , W . G . Jennings 1580 , J . T . Rowe W . M . 504 , R . H . Clarke 403 , Robert Pigg 449 , George Kenning W . M . 1657 , Charles K . Killick 1693 , F . G . Faithfnil 1 G 15 and 1820 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , W .
Lake P . M . 131 P . P . G . R . Cornwall . The minutes of the meeting of the last Prov . G . Lodge , at Berkhampstead , having been read and confirmed , and the roll of Lodges having been called over , Bro . Knyvett was re-elected P . G . Treasurer , aud suitably thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him . Tho following brethren wero then invested as P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , namely : —
Bro . Edgar Bowyer .... Prov . Grand S . Warden R . Shillitoe „ J . Warden Rev . W . H . W . Caseley ... „ Chaplain Rev . Georgo Finch „ „ F . S . Knyvett „ Treasurer E . S . Foord „ Registrar
J . E . Dawson „ Secretary E . H . Halford .... „ g . Deacon W . Warreuer „ J . Deacon Henry Cox „ S . of Works > James Terry P . P . GJ . W- - - „ Dir . of Cer .
Thomas Perry . . . . „ A . D . of Cer . Charles Gray .... - „ Sword Bearer J . Raymond Daw . ... „ Organist Samuel Jacobs .... „ Pursuivant " Eeynolds „ Assist . Pur . Bros . E . J . Gibbs , J . Stock , W . F . Thody , W . H . Norris , and Pigg - - „ Stewards
J . Thomas and J . Wright - - „ Tylers Prior to the investiture of tho P . G . Sword-Bearer , a very handsome and weighty sword was presented to P . G . Lodge by Bro . Terry , a Past G . J . Warden avid Grand Director of Ceremonies of tbe Province , and the very complimentary remarks of the P . G . Master in conveying ' to that indefatigable and earnest brother the thanks of Grand Lodge
were enthusiastically endorsed by all present . P . G . Lodge was then called off , and the brethren attended , but without their Masonic clothing , divine service , when a very eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev . W . H . W . Caseley P . G . Chap . P . G . Lodge then resumed , when the Eeport of the Finance Committee was submitted and approved , there being a very handsome balance to the credit of P . G . Lodge .
The following sums wero then voted , namely , twenty guineas to the Royal Masouic Benevolent Institution , to bo placed on the list ; of Bro . J . E . Dawson , Prov . Grand Secretary , as Steward at the Festival to be held iu aid of the Funds of that Institution in February 1881 ; £ 10 to the Cranbourne Lodge , No . 1580 , towards its expenses in entertaining Prov . Grand Lodge ; £ 10 to the Hatfield National Schools ;
and ten guineas to the Hertfordshire Seaside Convalescent Home at St . Leonards-oii-Sea . It was also , on the motion of Bro . Dawson , resolved to continue the publication of the Prov . Grand L . Calendar . The banquet was held in the National School Room , which bed been specially and most tastefully decorated for the occasion . R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey presided . Tho usual toasts of the Queen and the Craft ,
the M . W . Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the Pro Grand Master , Depnty Grand Master , and the Grand Officers , Present and Past , were duly honoured , Bros . F . Binckes and Knyvett acknowledging the last . On the Depnty Prov . G . M . devolved the agreeable task of proposing tho health of the Prov . Grand Master , and Bro . Halsey warmly thanked all present for the hearty reception accorded
to the toast , promising that as far as lay iu his power , he would uphold the credit of tho Province , of which , though it could not hope to vie with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Provinces , he had every reason to be proud . The Depnty P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , acknowledged the toast of his health , while Bro . P . G . Secretary Dawson returned thanks for that of the Prov . Grand Officers .
Bros . Kenning W . M . 1657 , and Faithfnil , of the Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , responded for the Visitors , and Bro . Jacobs , W . M . of the King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 , for tho W . M . ' s of Lodges . With the . toast of "The Masonic Charities" were associated the names of Bros . V . Binckes , Secretary of the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys , and James Icrry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , both of whom replied most eloquently , the former congratulating the Province on its vory handsome contritribution of over £ 300 to the recent Boys' Festival , while the latter suggested that , if the R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bro . Halsey would take upon himself to preside at a Festival of the Royal Masonic
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Herts.
Benevolent Institution , he ( Bro . Terry ) felt suro the Province would support him as one man , so great was tho respect entertained for him throughout tho Province . He also was pleased to mako some highly complimentary remarks respecting ourselves , pointing out that while tho FREEMASON ' S CnTiONiCLK had commented favourabl y on the admirable exertions made by " Little Herts " at tho Festivals of
our Institutions , and tho considerable sums which it had raised in spite of the comparative paucity of its Lodges , its older contemporary , in its analyses of the Subscriptions , had habitually passed the Provinces over with the silence of—indifference . The health of the W . M . of tho Cranbourne Lodge , Bro . R . H . Halford P . G . S . D ., having been given , and most gracefully acknowledged , the proceedings terminated with the Tyler ' s toast .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Intsitution for Girls was held on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the Chair . There were also present Bros . Col . James Peters , Robert B . Webster , A . H . Tattershall , C . H . Webb , Wm . F . C . Montrie , H . Massey , E . Lefcchworth , S . G . Foxall , J . A . Ruoker , Arthur E .
Gladwell , R . Spooner , G . Faulkner , and F . B . W . Hedges Secretary . One candidate was placed on the list for election in October ; the salary of the Drawing Mistress was raised from £ 30 to £ 40 per annum , and £ 20 was granted to apprentice one of the ex-pupils of the Institution . The Committee then adjonrned .
Wo learn from a circular emanating from the Royal Arthur Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1360 , thafc Bro . P . M . George King , the Preceptor of that and other Lodges of Instruction in the Metropolis , is about to resign his office , so far as 1360 is concerned , after having discharged the duties thereof in a most efficient manner , and to the great Masonic edification of his pupils , for a period of sixteen years . This
the committee consider is plainly manifest in the present flourishing condition of the Lodge . With a view of showing their appreciation in which Bro . King is held , the members have formed a committee to take the necessary steps for the presentation of a purse of money as a testimonial of the high esteem and affection in whicb Bro . King is held by those who have received instruction from him , and for this purpose contributions—which may be sent to Bro . A . Withers , Hon .
Secretary of tbo Lodge , Holly Lodge , New Wandsworth—are invited . There are doubtless many of our readers who are acquainted with Bro . King , and who will be pleased to avail themselves of this opportunity of testifying their appreciation of a brother who has worked , in various districts , to the best of his ability , to instruct the younger brethren in the ceremonies and observances of the Order , and we hope that the result will prove a fair recompense for the trouble our brother has taken . We have before referred to the arduous duties
appertaining to the office of Preceptor , entailing , as they do , a regular attendance , often at great inconvenience , and a most particular attention to the work during the whole time the Lodge is open . Duo notice will be given of the night appointed for the presentation .
Railway Tourist Arrangements.
WE are just now entering upon the busiest part of the holiday season , and ifc is gratifying to know that the Directorates of our various Railway Companies have shown themselves even more considerate than in former years for the comfort and convenience of the public . We have before us the programmes issued by the Great Eastern and London aud North Western lines , and from a cursory glance at their respective tables it will be found thafc nothing has been
left undone in order to give travellers the greatest possible latitude as to the times for which tickets will be available , and the frequency with which a journey may be broken . Thus , on Sundays and Mondays , Bank Holiday being excepted , cheap excursion trains leave Liverpoolstreet Station in the early morning for Walton-on-the-Naze , Dovercourt , and Harwich , returning the samo evening . The ordinary
Saturday to Monday tickets to all sea-side resorts on this line are issued every Saturday in London , and certain Provincial centres , the time for which they are available being extended to the Wednesday following inclusive . Fortnightly tickets are issued to tho same watering places from London , the Provincial cities , and towns on the line . The return journey must be made within fifteen days , day of
issue and day of return being both inclusive . Another class of iickets issued to the same places are available for two calendar months , and may be extended at an additional charge of ten per cent , on the original price of the tickets for the first fortnight , and a further five per cent , for each subsfqueufc week or portion of a week , while where two members of a family
havo taken these two-monthly tickets , a third member will be allowed to have his ticket at a reduced charge . Tourist tickets to the Eastern Coast from various stations on the London and North Western , Midland , North Eastern , Manchester , Sheffield , and Lincolnshire , Great Northern and Great Western lines aro issued and available for return up to 31 st December 1880 without extra charge ;
but those issued by other lines aro available for two months , though they may be extended on payment of 10 per cent , of the original cost for the first fortnight , and 5 per cent , for every subsequent week or portion of a week . Other tickets to sea-sido and to towns on tho line are issued at very reduced prices in tho several classes ,
while excursion trains are frequent aud reasonable to Epping Forest , Chingford , Broxbourne and tho Rye House , & c , & o . We recommend our readers who think of visiting the Eastern district of Eng land to avail themselves of the unusual facilities offered by the Great Eastern Railway Company . The Loudon and North Western are as ready to meet the wants of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
Joseph Ball 1564 , R . II . Rogers 463 , F . G . Frost S . D . 463 , W . Wilson 452 , C . Sawyer P . M . 1619 , B . H . Ridge 1347 , Robert Watson 9 , F . Chiffereil S . W . 9 , W . W . Morgan 211 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Herts.
nnHE annnal mooting of this P . G . Lodge was held at the Red -I . Lion , Hatfield , on Friday last , under tho banner of tho Cranbourno Lodge , No . 1580 . R . Wor . Bro . T . F . Halsoy , M . P ., P . G . M . presided , and among thoso who supported their chief wero his Deputy , Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , and , among others , Bros . W . H . Rowe
P . G . S . W ., T . S . Carter P . G . J . W ., Rev . W . Caseley P . G . Chaplain , F . H . Knyvett P . G . Treasurer , J . E . Dawson P . G . Secretary , W . C . Maddever P . G . S . D ., J . Terry P . P . GJ . W . P . G . D . Cer ., J . C . Mather P . Assist . G . D . C , J . Purrott P . G . S . B ., W . Bausor P . G . P ., Rev . George Finch P . M . 404 , R . Shillitoe P . M . 449 , Edgar Bowyer P . M . 1580 , Eev . C . E . Mayo P . G . C , J . G . Yolland 1385 , E . Fisher Young
P . M . 1385 , E . C Massey P . M . 1297 , H . J . Amphlett 1511 , R . H Halford W . M . 1580 . W . Marks W . M . 1479 , Samuel Jacobs W . M
1327 , Joseph Gaskell P . M . 1327 , Samuel Jacobs W . M . 1327 , A . Eade 1580 , J . S . W . Webb 1580 , T . Raymond Dare 1580 , C W . Reynolds 1479 , 11 . C . Read 1580 , W . J . Thody 1580 , G . F . Cook P . M . 1580 , E . Crutchlor 1385 , Thomas Perry W . M . 869 , W . Webb 1580 , J . Stock 1580 , W . G . Jennings 1580 , J . T . Rowe W . M . 504 , R . H . Clarke 403 , Robert Pigg 449 , George Kenning W . M . 1657 , Charles K . Killick 1693 , F . G . Faithfnil 1 G 15 and 1820 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , W .
Lake P . M . 131 P . P . G . R . Cornwall . The minutes of the meeting of the last Prov . G . Lodge , at Berkhampstead , having been read and confirmed , and the roll of Lodges having been called over , Bro . Knyvett was re-elected P . G . Treasurer , aud suitably thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him . Tho following brethren wero then invested as P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , namely : —
Bro . Edgar Bowyer .... Prov . Grand S . Warden R . Shillitoe „ J . Warden Rev . W . H . W . Caseley ... „ Chaplain Rev . Georgo Finch „ „ F . S . Knyvett „ Treasurer E . S . Foord „ Registrar
J . E . Dawson „ Secretary E . H . Halford .... „ g . Deacon W . Warreuer „ J . Deacon Henry Cox „ S . of Works > James Terry P . P . GJ . W- - - „ Dir . of Cer .
Thomas Perry . . . . „ A . D . of Cer . Charles Gray .... - „ Sword Bearer J . Raymond Daw . ... „ Organist Samuel Jacobs .... „ Pursuivant " Eeynolds „ Assist . Pur . Bros . E . J . Gibbs , J . Stock , W . F . Thody , W . H . Norris , and Pigg - - „ Stewards
J . Thomas and J . Wright - - „ Tylers Prior to the investiture of tho P . G . Sword-Bearer , a very handsome and weighty sword was presented to P . G . Lodge by Bro . Terry , a Past G . J . Warden avid Grand Director of Ceremonies of tbe Province , and the very complimentary remarks of the P . G . Master in conveying ' to that indefatigable and earnest brother the thanks of Grand Lodge
were enthusiastically endorsed by all present . P . G . Lodge was then called off , and the brethren attended , but without their Masonic clothing , divine service , when a very eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev . W . H . W . Caseley P . G . Chap . P . G . Lodge then resumed , when the Eeport of the Finance Committee was submitted and approved , there being a very handsome balance to the credit of P . G . Lodge .
The following sums wero then voted , namely , twenty guineas to the Royal Masouic Benevolent Institution , to bo placed on the list ; of Bro . J . E . Dawson , Prov . Grand Secretary , as Steward at the Festival to be held iu aid of the Funds of that Institution in February 1881 ; £ 10 to the Cranbourne Lodge , No . 1580 , towards its expenses in entertaining Prov . Grand Lodge ; £ 10 to the Hatfield National Schools ;
and ten guineas to the Hertfordshire Seaside Convalescent Home at St . Leonards-oii-Sea . It was also , on the motion of Bro . Dawson , resolved to continue the publication of the Prov . Grand L . Calendar . The banquet was held in the National School Room , which bed been specially and most tastefully decorated for the occasion . R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey presided . Tho usual toasts of the Queen and the Craft ,
the M . W . Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the Pro Grand Master , Depnty Grand Master , and the Grand Officers , Present and Past , were duly honoured , Bros . F . Binckes and Knyvett acknowledging the last . On the Depnty Prov . G . M . devolved the agreeable task of proposing tho health of the Prov . Grand Master , and Bro . Halsey warmly thanked all present for the hearty reception accorded
to the toast , promising that as far as lay iu his power , he would uphold the credit of tho Province , of which , though it could not hope to vie with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Provinces , he had every reason to be proud . The Depnty P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , acknowledged the toast of his health , while Bro . P . G . Secretary Dawson returned thanks for that of the Prov . Grand Officers .
Bros . Kenning W . M . 1657 , and Faithfnil , of the Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , responded for the Visitors , and Bro . Jacobs , W . M . of the King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 , for tho W . M . ' s of Lodges . With the . toast of "The Masonic Charities" were associated the names of Bros . V . Binckes , Secretary of the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys , and James Icrry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , both of whom replied most eloquently , the former congratulating the Province on its vory handsome contritribution of over £ 300 to the recent Boys' Festival , while the latter suggested that , if the R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bro . Halsey would take upon himself to preside at a Festival of the Royal Masonic
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Herts.
Benevolent Institution , he ( Bro . Terry ) felt suro the Province would support him as one man , so great was tho respect entertained for him throughout tho Province . He also was pleased to mako some highly complimentary remarks respecting ourselves , pointing out that while tho FREEMASON ' S CnTiONiCLK had commented favourabl y on the admirable exertions made by " Little Herts " at tho Festivals of
our Institutions , and tho considerable sums which it had raised in spite of the comparative paucity of its Lodges , its older contemporary , in its analyses of the Subscriptions , had habitually passed the Provinces over with the silence of—indifference . The health of the W . M . of tho Cranbourne Lodge , Bro . R . H . Halford P . G . S . D ., having been given , and most gracefully acknowledged , the proceedings terminated with the Tyler ' s toast .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Intsitution for Girls was held on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the Chair . There were also present Bros . Col . James Peters , Robert B . Webster , A . H . Tattershall , C . H . Webb , Wm . F . C . Montrie , H . Massey , E . Lefcchworth , S . G . Foxall , J . A . Ruoker , Arthur E .
Gladwell , R . Spooner , G . Faulkner , and F . B . W . Hedges Secretary . One candidate was placed on the list for election in October ; the salary of the Drawing Mistress was raised from £ 30 to £ 40 per annum , and £ 20 was granted to apprentice one of the ex-pupils of the Institution . The Committee then adjonrned .
Wo learn from a circular emanating from the Royal Arthur Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1360 , thafc Bro . P . M . George King , the Preceptor of that and other Lodges of Instruction in the Metropolis , is about to resign his office , so far as 1360 is concerned , after having discharged the duties thereof in a most efficient manner , and to the great Masonic edification of his pupils , for a period of sixteen years . This
the committee consider is plainly manifest in the present flourishing condition of the Lodge . With a view of showing their appreciation in which Bro . King is held , the members have formed a committee to take the necessary steps for the presentation of a purse of money as a testimonial of the high esteem and affection in whicb Bro . King is held by those who have received instruction from him , and for this purpose contributions—which may be sent to Bro . A . Withers , Hon .
Secretary of tbo Lodge , Holly Lodge , New Wandsworth—are invited . There are doubtless many of our readers who are acquainted with Bro . King , and who will be pleased to avail themselves of this opportunity of testifying their appreciation of a brother who has worked , in various districts , to the best of his ability , to instruct the younger brethren in the ceremonies and observances of the Order , and we hope that the result will prove a fair recompense for the trouble our brother has taken . We have before referred to the arduous duties
appertaining to the office of Preceptor , entailing , as they do , a regular attendance , often at great inconvenience , and a most particular attention to the work during the whole time the Lodge is open . Duo notice will be given of the night appointed for the presentation .
Railway Tourist Arrangements.
WE are just now entering upon the busiest part of the holiday season , and ifc is gratifying to know that the Directorates of our various Railway Companies have shown themselves even more considerate than in former years for the comfort and convenience of the public . We have before us the programmes issued by the Great Eastern and London aud North Western lines , and from a cursory glance at their respective tables it will be found thafc nothing has been
left undone in order to give travellers the greatest possible latitude as to the times for which tickets will be available , and the frequency with which a journey may be broken . Thus , on Sundays and Mondays , Bank Holiday being excepted , cheap excursion trains leave Liverpoolstreet Station in the early morning for Walton-on-the-Naze , Dovercourt , and Harwich , returning the samo evening . The ordinary
Saturday to Monday tickets to all sea-side resorts on this line are issued every Saturday in London , and certain Provincial centres , the time for which they are available being extended to the Wednesday following inclusive . Fortnightly tickets are issued to tho same watering places from London , the Provincial cities , and towns on the line . The return journey must be made within fifteen days , day of
issue and day of return being both inclusive . Another class of iickets issued to the same places are available for two calendar months , and may be extended at an additional charge of ten per cent , on the original price of the tickets for the first fortnight , and a further five per cent , for each subsfqueufc week or portion of a week , while where two members of a family
havo taken these two-monthly tickets , a third member will be allowed to have his ticket at a reduced charge . Tourist tickets to the Eastern Coast from various stations on the London and North Western , Midland , North Eastern , Manchester , Sheffield , and Lincolnshire , Great Northern and Great Western lines aro issued and available for return up to 31 st December 1880 without extra charge ;
but those issued by other lines aro available for two months , though they may be extended on payment of 10 per cent , of the original cost for the first fortnight , and 5 per cent , for every subsequent week or portion of a week . Other tickets to sea-sido and to towns on tho line are issued at very reduced prices in tho several classes ,
while excursion trains are frequent aud reasonable to Epping Forest , Chingford , Broxbourne and tho Rye House , & c , & o . We recommend our readers who think of visiting the Eastern district of Eng land to avail themselves of the unusual facilities offered by the Great Eastern Railway Company . The Loudon and North Western are as ready to meet the wants of