Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Railway Tourist Arrangements.
those who desire to visit the country traversed by their line as the Company we have jnst been referring to . Visitors to Scotland , to North and South Wales , Yorkshire , the Lake District , Lancashire , and to Ireland , will find the train service of tho London and Norr . h Western all that possibly can be . Tho pockets of travellers are considered , and tickets are issued for a short or long journey , extending
over shorter or longer periods of timo ; at as reasonable fares as can possibly be expected . Sleeping accommodation is provided in certain trains to Scotland , omnibus services have been organised for the convenience of passengers , aud tho Company works in communication with lines of steamers to Ireland , the Isle of Man , and Scotland—that of Mr . MacBrayno to the Western
Highlands , & c , via the Caledonian and Criuan Canals , deserves to bo mentioned—so that the longest and most varied journey may bo undertaken without the slightest danger on tho part of tho traveller that ho will suffer delay or inconvenience in its accomplishment . However the facilities and advantages offered by this lino are so well
known , and havo been for so long a time appreciated , us they deserve , by all classes of tourists and travellers , that all wo need say further is to refer our readers for the needful information to tho published time-tables , which are to be had at Euston Square and other Stations in tho Metropolis , such as Waterloo , Victoria ( both L . B . and S . C . and District Railways ) , Mansion House , & c .
There is a Masonic monument , says the Keystone , now in existence in the City of Springfield , Massachusetts . It is situated on tho corner of Federal and State-streets , directly opposite tho south-west corner of the Armoury grounds . It is in an excellent state of preservation , and the city authorities have put a neat granite curbing around it . The history of the stone , as given to Bro . Petherbridge ,
is that Bro , J . Waite , in 1763 , was on a journey and was lost , having wandered from the highway into what was then a wilderness . As a token of his gratitude , he afterwards erected this monument at the spot where he regained the highway . On the reverse side it is marked eighty-seven miles to Boston , so that it not only marked the road , but at the same time informed the traveller the distance to Boston . It is strange that this has withstood the vindictive bigotry of the
anti-Masonic times , and still stands a monument of a Brother s gratitude to Him whom the " sun , moon , and stars obey . " Tho vicissitudes and inclemencies of the weather have not obliterated tho design upon it , and its founder ' s gratitude has been the means of directing many on their way , among whom have been many of tho Fraternity , who , in turn , have thanked our ancient Brother for the " Memorial Stone " left by him . Upon this stone aro cut the Sun , Moon , two Columns , Arch , the Square and Compasses .
The Masouic Mutual Benefit Association of Norfolk , Virginia , is prospering . Ifc now has a membership of nearly 1 , 500 . During the past year it paid beneficiaries 15 , 510 dollars . Iu nearly every case the beneficiaries were those who had little else left to them . Tho expense to each member has been light , and tho good accomplished great .
The gentlemanly Mason does not impugn motives , nor make suggestions of the probable evil intentions of those with whom he does not agree in all points . He is manly and generous , oven in his opposition to those he dislikes .
According to tho Voice of Masonry , tho Reverend and Eminent Sir Clinton Locke has been appointed and installed Prelate of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States , and the Reverend and Eminent Sir F . D . Rickerson has been appointed and installed Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Illinois .
EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT . Pifty Magnificent Chromo Relief Pictures for a Shilling . I WILL SEND Post Free , on receipt ; of Twelve Stamps , Fifty Superbly Coloured Pictures . Each Picture is different . Thoy are as exquisitely coloured as any Oil Painting , and will form a welcome , addition to the Cottage or Mansion . 1 'hey require no framing , being nearly as stiff as cardboard in texture . Subjects comprise birds , beasts , flowers , characters from Shakespeare , & c . & c . This is tho cheapest lot ever offered to tho world , and every one ought to embrace tho opportunity offered of getting them . F . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL .
TS £ IVOBT HAIE E 3 TCTSHES t _ j g £ Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , £ > « ujj , --. « -. fcj ffl tdH SB \ T V V r \ ( fin**— > K === ii ^ xY fp ) t aSiJeS £ 5 H . ' as OS ™ /¦ -1-1 ® ™ U # # tEEBHSj ^^^^ , < ^ -= * ' pftf & M & IVOBT GOODS UN" G-EOSrEK , ^ . Xi 3 " £ 2 2 Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only . 2 ° 54 ^ f ] n ^ == ^ --, < == ^_ _ J . lM ]_ _ __ _ r ___ - ^ > rB—ft , < r * S ? -x— i-l b ^ I a o X ^/ aD- ^ s ' j ^ fnO ^^ o 2 i I I & w = * v ^ J . ^ nQr ^ s "^\ JhJ ) S 2 i1mf&H8®sUi®%% ala.0"'"C^aaw^^^,*• ¦ ° ( D -A . 1 rHDEiTiisriGf- BBOS . Ivory Works , •g fSpS 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . G . p ,
Second Series , now reach / , Grown Svo , Cloth , - price os Cyii , post free . MASONICPORTRAITS. SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED FREEMASONS . REPIUNIEO EBOU "THE FREEMASON ' S CHKONICLE . " BY G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KING ' S COLLEGE , LONDON . LIST OB PORTRAITS . NESTOR AN INSTALLING MASTER ( Bro .: w . Hyde Pullen , 33 de ? ., Past ( Bro . W . Biggs , -Past Prov . G . S . W . G . S . B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , aud Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Covm- Berks and Backs ) , cil A . aud A . Rito . ) A VETERAN THE STATESMAN ( uro . w . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . and ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire ami 33 de ? ., Pro Grand Master , Pro Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lei-Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., and ccstorshiro ) . Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite . ( Bvo . j 0 im Wordsworth , 30 dog ., THE TREASURER p ast G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and'Treasurer G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , and Prov . Royal York Lodge of Pcrscvcr- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . VIE 7 erfTAS THE DRPTJTY ( Bro . G . Ward Vorry , P . M and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., DepntyG . Mastor . Grand AcniLLES H „ G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of ( Bro . E J # Morris , Past G . J . D ., and the Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W . B . Boach ^ MP ., Prov . ( Bro . J # E . Cul . tei 30 de Pasfc G f ? xir , dG-Sap- HtintsandIsle Prov . G # s < Warclen Devon ) . of Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and R - RTT , T > .-irivTTr Prov . G . Prior of tho Temple , for hI , ^ -KnADAMANTH Hants ) ( Bro . J . M . Pultoney Montagu , J . P ., TIME -HONOURED LANCASTER E ^' n p - p \ r J- HT "' / T ) T -r . , r . ,, T . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . ( Bl % ' ^ 4 anTSt 0 rV If 1 ? 0 ' ' S 1 ' 0 ? - G . Sup ! Dorsctahivo , and G . c G Wni ' aon £ ast Lancashtro ) . Chancellor Supreme Council A . THE SCHOLAR ancl A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of AVorks on Navi- ( ijrr ) . , p earson JCII , At . D ., Past gation ) . G _ Doacon , Don . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOBLE CRITIC p . a . Sup . N . and E . York-( The Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 deg , shire ) . Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . War- A CESTUIAN CHIEF wicksliiro , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho Ri ht Hon Tl 01 . ( le Tftbl OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER r ., st G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Che ( Bro . O . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 dog ., shire , Grand . 7 ., and Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARHINGER OF PEACE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Laroy , P . M ., Past ( Bro . O . Parker Urockhank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . J forts ) . Past Prov . G . S . P ., and P . Prov . THE LORD OF UNDERLEY G . Treas . [ ArchJE . Lancashire . ( Th (! T . , poctivn , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OF THE FF . NS G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Pvov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . Westmoreland , aud Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Order of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Rod Cross of Constantino ) . ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION oughmoro , 32 deg ., Past G . S . ( Bro . E . C . Woodward , P . M . 332 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUI ' ERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Goocli , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . of Works E . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITAN BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEsCULAPIUS Dist . G . M . nnd G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 32 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN aeg ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of the Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Rod of tho R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 3 s M , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS, FIRST SERIES . REPRINTED EBOJC "THE FKEEJIASON ' S CnnosiCiE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LITERACY BROTHER . j 17 TUB CHKISIIAN MINISTER 2 A DISTINGUISHED MASON . ' is THE MYSTIC . 3 Tun MAS- OF EifEBor . : 10 A MODEL MASON . ¦ 1 FATHER TIME . j 20 A Cinr I'ltou JOEFA 5 A CoRNEIt StONE . , 21 A PlLLAll OF MASONBY . G THE CKAETSJIAN . ! 22 BAYAHB . 7 THE GOWNSMAN . ! 23 A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 Aw EASIER * STAR . 21 OUR CITIZEN- BROTHER . , !) THE KNIGHT ERRANT . , 25 AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 AN ANCIUST BRITON . 11 A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 Tun ARTIST . 12 THE SOM > IKB . 28 THE FATHER OP THE IIOX > G % . 13 FROM UNDER THE CROW . 2 n A SHINING LIGHT . U OUR HERCULES . ; 30 AN ART STUDENT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE . | 31 THE MARINER . 10 THE CHURCHMAN . 32 SOLDIER os FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Railway Tourist Arrangements.
those who desire to visit the country traversed by their line as the Company we have jnst been referring to . Visitors to Scotland , to North and South Wales , Yorkshire , the Lake District , Lancashire , and to Ireland , will find the train service of tho London and Norr . h Western all that possibly can be . Tho pockets of travellers are considered , and tickets are issued for a short or long journey , extending
over shorter or longer periods of timo ; at as reasonable fares as can possibly be expected . Sleeping accommodation is provided in certain trains to Scotland , omnibus services have been organised for the convenience of passengers , aud tho Company works in communication with lines of steamers to Ireland , the Isle of Man , and Scotland—that of Mr . MacBrayno to the Western
Highlands , & c , via the Caledonian and Criuan Canals , deserves to bo mentioned—so that the longest and most varied journey may bo undertaken without the slightest danger on tho part of tho traveller that ho will suffer delay or inconvenience in its accomplishment . However the facilities and advantages offered by this lino are so well
known , and havo been for so long a time appreciated , us they deserve , by all classes of tourists and travellers , that all wo need say further is to refer our readers for the needful information to tho published time-tables , which are to be had at Euston Square and other Stations in tho Metropolis , such as Waterloo , Victoria ( both L . B . and S . C . and District Railways ) , Mansion House , & c .
There is a Masonic monument , says the Keystone , now in existence in the City of Springfield , Massachusetts . It is situated on tho corner of Federal and State-streets , directly opposite tho south-west corner of the Armoury grounds . It is in an excellent state of preservation , and the city authorities have put a neat granite curbing around it . The history of the stone , as given to Bro . Petherbridge ,
is that Bro , J . Waite , in 1763 , was on a journey and was lost , having wandered from the highway into what was then a wilderness . As a token of his gratitude , he afterwards erected this monument at the spot where he regained the highway . On the reverse side it is marked eighty-seven miles to Boston , so that it not only marked the road , but at the same time informed the traveller the distance to Boston . It is strange that this has withstood the vindictive bigotry of the
anti-Masonic times , and still stands a monument of a Brother s gratitude to Him whom the " sun , moon , and stars obey . " Tho vicissitudes and inclemencies of the weather have not obliterated tho design upon it , and its founder ' s gratitude has been the means of directing many on their way , among whom have been many of tho Fraternity , who , in turn , have thanked our ancient Brother for the " Memorial Stone " left by him . Upon this stone aro cut the Sun , Moon , two Columns , Arch , the Square and Compasses .
The Masouic Mutual Benefit Association of Norfolk , Virginia , is prospering . Ifc now has a membership of nearly 1 , 500 . During the past year it paid beneficiaries 15 , 510 dollars . Iu nearly every case the beneficiaries were those who had little else left to them . Tho expense to each member has been light , and tho good accomplished great .
The gentlemanly Mason does not impugn motives , nor make suggestions of the probable evil intentions of those with whom he does not agree in all points . He is manly and generous , oven in his opposition to those he dislikes .
According to tho Voice of Masonry , tho Reverend and Eminent Sir Clinton Locke has been appointed and installed Prelate of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States , and the Reverend and Eminent Sir F . D . Rickerson has been appointed and installed Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Illinois .
EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT . Pifty Magnificent Chromo Relief Pictures for a Shilling . I WILL SEND Post Free , on receipt ; of Twelve Stamps , Fifty Superbly Coloured Pictures . Each Picture is different . Thoy are as exquisitely coloured as any Oil Painting , and will form a welcome , addition to the Cottage or Mansion . 1 'hey require no framing , being nearly as stiff as cardboard in texture . Subjects comprise birds , beasts , flowers , characters from Shakespeare , & c . & c . This is tho cheapest lot ever offered to tho world , and every one ought to embrace tho opportunity offered of getting them . F . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL .
TS £ IVOBT HAIE E 3 TCTSHES t _ j g £ Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , £ > « ujj , --. « -. fcj ffl tdH SB \ T V V r \ ( fin**— > K === ii ^ xY fp ) t aSiJeS £ 5 H . ' as OS ™ /¦ -1-1 ® ™ U # # tEEBHSj ^^^^ , < ^ -= * ' pftf & M & IVOBT GOODS UN" G-EOSrEK , ^ . Xi 3 " £ 2 2 Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only . 2 ° 54 ^ f ] n ^ == ^ --, < == ^_ _ J . lM ]_ _ __ _ r ___ - ^ > rB—ft , < r * S ? -x— i-l b ^ I a o X ^/ aD- ^ s ' j ^ fnO ^^ o 2 i I I & w = * v ^ J . ^ nQr ^ s "^\ JhJ ) S 2 i1mf&H8®sUi®%% ala.0"'"C^aaw^^^,*• ¦ ° ( D -A . 1 rHDEiTiisriGf- BBOS . Ivory Works , •g fSpS 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . G . p ,
Second Series , now reach / , Grown Svo , Cloth , - price os Cyii , post free . MASONICPORTRAITS. SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED FREEMASONS . REPIUNIEO EBOU "THE FREEMASON ' S CHKONICLE . " BY G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KING ' S COLLEGE , LONDON . LIST OB PORTRAITS . NESTOR AN INSTALLING MASTER ( Bro .: w . Hyde Pullen , 33 de ? ., Past ( Bro . W . Biggs , -Past Prov . G . S . W . G . S . B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , aud Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Covm- Berks and Backs ) , cil A . aud A . Rito . ) A VETERAN THE STATESMAN ( uro . w . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . and ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire ami 33 de ? ., Pro Grand Master , Pro Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lei-Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., and ccstorshiro ) . Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite . ( Bvo . j 0 im Wordsworth , 30 dog ., THE TREASURER p ast G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and'Treasurer G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , and Prov . Royal York Lodge of Pcrscvcr- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . VIE 7 erfTAS THE DRPTJTY ( Bro . G . Ward Vorry , P . M and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., DepntyG . Mastor . Grand AcniLLES H „ G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of ( Bro . E J # Morris , Past G . J . D ., and the Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W . B . Boach ^ MP ., Prov . ( Bro . J # E . Cul . tei 30 de Pasfc G f ? xir , dG-Sap- HtintsandIsle Prov . G # s < Warclen Devon ) . of Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and R - RTT , T > .-irivTTr Prov . G . Prior of tho Temple , for hI , ^ -KnADAMANTH Hants ) ( Bro . J . M . Pultoney Montagu , J . P ., TIME -HONOURED LANCASTER E ^' n p - p \ r J- HT "' / T ) T -r . , r . ,, T . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . ( Bl % ' ^ 4 anTSt 0 rV If 1 ? 0 ' ' S 1 ' 0 ? - G . Sup ! Dorsctahivo , and G . c G Wni ' aon £ ast Lancashtro ) . Chancellor Supreme Council A . THE SCHOLAR ancl A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of AVorks on Navi- ( ijrr ) . , p earson JCII , At . D ., Past gation ) . G _ Doacon , Don . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOBLE CRITIC p . a . Sup . N . and E . York-( The Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 deg , shire ) . Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . War- A CESTUIAN CHIEF wicksliiro , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho Ri ht Hon Tl 01 . ( le Tftbl OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER r ., st G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Che ( Bro . O . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 dog ., shire , Grand . 7 ., and Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARHINGER OF PEACE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Laroy , P . M ., Past ( Bro . O . Parker Urockhank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . J forts ) . Past Prov . G . S . P ., and P . Prov . THE LORD OF UNDERLEY G . Treas . [ ArchJE . Lancashire . ( Th (! T . , poctivn , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OF THE FF . NS G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Pvov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . Westmoreland , aud Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Order of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Rod Cross of Constantino ) . ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION oughmoro , 32 deg ., Past G . S . ( Bro . E . C . Woodward , P . M . 332 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUI ' ERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Goocli , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . of Works E . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITAN BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEsCULAPIUS Dist . G . M . nnd G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 32 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN aeg ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of the Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Rod of tho R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 3 s M , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS, FIRST SERIES . REPRINTED EBOJC "THE FKEEJIASON ' S CnnosiCiE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LITERACY BROTHER . j 17 TUB CHKISIIAN MINISTER 2 A DISTINGUISHED MASON . ' is THE MYSTIC . 3 Tun MAS- OF EifEBor . : 10 A MODEL MASON . ¦ 1 FATHER TIME . j 20 A Cinr I'ltou JOEFA 5 A CoRNEIt StONE . , 21 A PlLLAll OF MASONBY . G THE CKAETSJIAN . ! 22 BAYAHB . 7 THE GOWNSMAN . ! 23 A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 Aw EASIER * STAR . 21 OUR CITIZEN- BROTHER . , !) THE KNIGHT ERRANT . , 25 AN ABLE PRECEPTOR . 10 THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 AN ANCIUST BRITON . 11 A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 Tun ARTIST . 12 THE SOM > IKB . 28 THE FATHER OP THE IIOX > G % . 13 FROM UNDER THE CROW . 2 n A SHINING LIGHT . U OUR HERCULES . ; 30 AN ART STUDENT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE . | 31 THE MARINER . 10 THE CHURCHMAN . 32 SOLDIER os FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .