Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Locige funds , a jewel " of the value of ten guineas instead of seven , tho Lodge boinrf at the time in debt to the extent of £ 13 lis lOd Bro . Speth thinks it problematical if Bro . Gill ever received the jewel , or , if he did , that he must have paid for ifc out of his own pocket . In 1811 occurs the only instance in which , as far as is disclosed by the minutes , the Lodge had to seek assistance elsewhere in
installing its Master , Bro . James Deans Grand Steward , afterwards G . J . Warden , and one of the representatives of the " Moderns" in settling the Articles of Union , December 1813 , and Bro . Henry White Grand Secretary attending for the purpose . In 1812 mention is made of a Lodge of Instruction holding under the Lodge , and meeting at " Bro . Morrell's , the Grapes and Cannes , "
but on the 25 th October 1813 it was agreed ifc shonld cease to exist , or be suspended , throngh the non-attendance of its members , the " M . and W . 's of this Locige " accepting " the trust of the jewels , books , regalia , < fcc , agreeable to the Bye Laws 12 and 13 . " What , however , became of these jewels , books , & c , Bro . Speth is unable to say . In 1811 , owing to Grand Lodge having levied a quarterage of one
shilling per head on every subscribing Mason , the Lodge raised its quarterages one shilling and sixpence . At the following meeting the Senior Warden , in the absence of the Master , took the chair and conferred several Degrees , though there were two Past Masters present . At the meeting in May both W . M . and S . W . were absent , and the chair was taken by Bro . J . Warden , while at the June meeting the new Master
was installed , there being only one Past Master present . This year likewise occurs the first mention of an I . G ., " but no Brother was rognlarly appointed to the office . " Two Deacons had been appointed pursuant to a resolution of Grand Lodge on 28 th March 1810 . It was also the first in wbicb the retiring Master made a present to the Lodge , the donor beiogBro . Cnmmins , and the gift a set of collars , the
Wardens' columns , and the working tools . In 1815—on 27 th February—the Lodge was requested , for the first time , to send up a Steward at a Charity Festival , and in response Bro . Moxon W . M . agreed to fulfil the duty , the Festival in question being that of the Girls' School . On 24 th April , the Lodge waa honoured with a visit from R . W . Bro . Thomas Harper Past Deputy
Grand Master—one of the most distinguished members of the "Ancients" prior to tho Union . The minutes of 15 th June of this year are the last that occur for three-and-twenty years . When , on 23 rd April 1838 , the Lodge history is resumed , we find Bro . G . Warriner W . M ., J . T . Barham S . W ., James Elmes J . W ., G . H . Pngh S . D ., H . Deane J . D ., J . C . Fourdrinier I . G ., S .
Muggendgc Treasurer , and J . Mivart Secretary . The last-named is the brother to whom the Lodge would seem to he indebted for the loss of its minutes during the vacant period just mentioned . He was negligent of his duties , and thongh in 1839 he was called npon to return the books , he does not appear to have doue so . In 18-10 , during the Mastership of Brg . Fourdrinier ,
was initiated Bro . Burmeister , and thenceforward the condition of tho Lodge was one on which it might justly be congratulated , thongh the effects were not immediately visible . This Bro . Burmeister afterwards became representative afc Grand Lodge of tho Grand Lodge of Hamburg . In 1812 Bro Speth , father of the author , and late P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge , was initiated . On 22 nd April 1844 , Bro .
H . L . Crohn appeared as a Visitor . He joined the year following , and became W . M . in 1847 . On 21 th April 1850 , a few years before he resigned his membership , he was appointed to the previously unknown office of Grand Secretary for German correspondence , and died about 1860 . We have already mentioned the names of Bro . Speth , initiated in
1842 , and Bro . S . Muggeridge , Treasurer in 1838 . The former filled the chair of the Lodge in 1846 , 1849 , 1850 , was Secretary from March 1855 to March 1867 , and Treasurer from March 1867 till his death on 12 th October 1878 . He had received a P . M . ' s jewel in 1847 , a silver snuff-box in 18 G 0 , for his services as Secretary ; on 22 nd March 1861 , a Treasurer ' s jewel , and on 26 th January 1875 a silver
claret jug and cups . The latter , on 28 th May 1819 , was presented by the Locige with a silver embossed drinking cup , on completing his third term ns W . M ., having served the office once some time between 1815 and 1838 , and for the second year in 1842 . He was Treasurer from 1838 to 1812 , and again from 1853 to November 1866 . when he resigned his membership , but was elected an honorary
member , and so remained till his death , in reduced circumstances , 28 th Febi uary 1870 . Tho father of the Lodgo is Brother C . W . Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , who joined on 26 th Jan . 1853 , and was installed W . M . in March I 860 . He has served the office of Steward at several Festivals , and represented the Lodge at the Installation of the Prince of Wales on 28 th April 1875 , receiving the installation
jewel . In January of this year , on completing his twenty-fifth year of membership , he was presented with a Treasurer ' s jewel . Having recapitulated the salient facts in the history of this Lodgo of Unity , No . 183 , we take leave of Bro . Speth . AVo regret the materials at his disposal were not more ample , but we congratulate him here , as at the outset , on the great success he has achieved in this , his maiden literary effort . Wc trust it will not be his last .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
r niIrJ General Committee of the Koyal Masonic Institution for i- Girls met on Thursday , at Freemasons'Hall , Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in tho chair . Thero wero also present Bros . Joshua Nunn , Arthur E . Gladwell , John A . Rucker , IT . A . Dubois , J . IT . Matthews , Charles Brown , H . Massey , Donald M . Dewar , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , K . Letchworth , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) .
After tho reading and confirmation cf the minutes , the brethren adopted a recommendation of the House Committee to grant £ 5 to Kate Helps , who was unable to return to the School . The Com . mittee also adopted a report of the House Committee that an acconri sent in by a former architect of tho Institution had been included in a former uettled account , and on motiou dul y made it was resolved
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
not to meet the charge . Tho Chairman waa authorised to sign cheques for £ 119 2 s lOd . The Chairman informed the Committee that the current account of tho Institution would admit of £ 1 , 000 being invested , and he therefore moved that that sum bo invested
for the Sustontation Fund . Tho motiou was carried . Thirteen additional candidates for the April election were placed on the list , the total number for that election being now twenty-eight , for whom thero will be twenty-one vacancies . The Committee then adjourned .
The Theatres.
JUDGED by the Theatrical Entertainments that have been provided for the present season , the Christmas of 1881 must be written down as a great success , especially as to Pantomimes , whioh seem to have been in greater number than usual . In many cases
the novelties were rehearsed on Saturday , as at tho Grecian , the Surrey , the Gaiety , the Alexandra Palace , New Sadler's Wells , -fee . But at Old Drury and the Garden the old custom of opening on Boxing Night was observed , ancl , as may be supposed , both these large houses were thronged with people long before tho curtain
rose . At the Lane the Pantomime , or Annual , as it is the fashion to call it , is from the pen of Mr . E . L . Blanohard , to whom for years past tho public is indebted for some of the best and grandest Pantomimes which have been produced for their delectation . " Robinson Crusoe " ia the title , and from first to last the piece went magnificently , the
transformation scene of tbe Fairy Wedding Cake being very splendid , nnd exciting unbounded enthusiasm from all parts of the house . Tho Harlequinade was excellently good , Mr . Harry Payne being Clown , Mr . Melbourne Harlequin , Mr . Tully Lewis Pantaloon , and Mr . Charles Ross Policeman X . The principal dancers were Mdlles . Luna nnd Stella , and the principal characters in the opening were well
sustained by Miss Fanny Leslie ( Robinson Crusoe ) , Miss Amalia , Mr . Harry Nicholls ( Will Atkins the Bold Buccaneer ) , Bro . H . Jackson , Mr . Charles Lanri jun . ( Friday ) , Mr . G . Le Clerq ( King Hoity Toity ) . Mr . John D'Auban ( Nigger Chamberlain ) , Mr . James Fawn ( Mr . Timothy Lovage ) , & c . The title of Mr . W . Younge'a Pantomime afc Covent Garden is
" Little Bo-Peep , Little Boy Blue , and the Little Old Woman that Lived in a Shoe . " The scenery by Mr . W . Telbin was in every respect worthy of that artist's reputation ; tbe scene in which is presented " The City of Acanthia and Honeysuckle " being received with applause again and again repeated . The principal characters in the opening were sustained by Mr . Fenwiok , Miss Claremonfc , Mr .
Julian Girard . Miss Trevellyan , Miss Clara Thompson , Mr . G . Bradshaw , Mr . T . Sennett , Miss Alice Grey . Mr . Walter Hildyard was Clown , Mr . De Voy Pantaloon , Mr . Canning Harlequin , and Miss Laurie Columbine . These , with tho Girards and the Nelson Troupe , kept the house in a state of excitement , while the dancing , with Mdlles . Alice Holt , Allcroft , and Rosa as principals , was most effective .
The Surrey is generally successful iu its Pantomimes , and this year surpasses itself with "Mother Bunch and the Man with tho Hunch ; or , the Reeds , the Weeds , the Priest , the Swell , the Gipsy Girl , and the Big Dumb Bell , " by Mr . Henry Spry and Mr . George Conquest , the romance on which it is founded being Victor Hugo ' s " Notre Dame de Paris . " Mr . Conquest , however , did not , as in
former years , tako any part in tho performance , but the excellent playing of the Edmunds Family must be regarded as some com pensation for his absence , and this , added to the humour displayed by Mr . G . H . Macdermott , carried the piece successfully through , the audience being thoroughly pleased with singing , dancing , scenery , and in short with the excellent programme set before them .
No house in London gives a better Christmas entertainment than that over which tiie Brothers Douglass have so long and so worthily presided , and lovers of Pontomine will find " Sinbad the Sailor ; or , the Genii of the Diamond Valley , " at tho Standard , one of tbe best of the many excellent theatrical treats provided for the season . The scenery , tho appointments , the different ballets , the
acting , and the harlequinade gave the utmost satisfaction . Miss Lucy Williams played tho hermit Ozone , Miss Milly Howes was Sinbad the Sailor , Mr . John Barnum Copperstick , Miss Rose Leo Polly , Mr . Augustus Glover Captain Spanker , Mr . Henry Nordblom King Henpeckerini , and Miss Violet Hunt Princess Pretty Pans . In the harlequinade Little Ellis , Mr . Wallis , Mr . Westbourne , and
Miss Carrie Conway were Clown , Pantaloon , Harlequin , and Columbine respectively . Mr . Hollingshead of the Gaiety provided a burlesque-drama , entitled "Aladdin ; or tho Sacred Lamp , " , the author being Mr , Recce , and the artists who interpreted the principal characters , Miss Farren who pl ays Aladdin , Miss Kate Vaughan Princess
Badronlbadour , Miss Connie Gilchrist the Slave of the Lamp , and Bro . E . Terry as the Magician . The reception accorded the lastmentioned , after his absence , was most enthusiastic , nor had tho other favourite artists at this celebrated theatre any reason to complain that their efforts to fulfil their several parts were not sufficiently appreciated by the audience .
At tho Imperial , a moat agreeable novelty , in the shapo of a vaudeville , by Messrs . Joseph Mackay and H . Agoust , entitled " Macfarlane's Will , " was played both afternoon and evening , being supplemented at the latter performance by tho farce of "The Married Batchelor . " Tho libretto of tho Vaudeville has been written expressly for tho purpose of introducing the clever business of
M . Agoust ( late of the Hanlon-Loes ) and his pantomimic and gymnastic artists . It is in threo Acts , the scene of the first being tho fashionable watering-place of Scandalborough , at a young ladies ' seminary , of which Caroline , niece of Mrs . Macfarlane , the heroine , is a pupil . The guardians of the youthful damsel aro Alderman and Mrs . Blobbs , aud tho rival matrimonial schemes of these worthy folk
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Locige funds , a jewel " of the value of ten guineas instead of seven , tho Lodge boinrf at the time in debt to the extent of £ 13 lis lOd Bro . Speth thinks it problematical if Bro . Gill ever received the jewel , or , if he did , that he must have paid for ifc out of his own pocket . In 1811 occurs the only instance in which , as far as is disclosed by the minutes , the Lodge had to seek assistance elsewhere in
installing its Master , Bro . James Deans Grand Steward , afterwards G . J . Warden , and one of the representatives of the " Moderns" in settling the Articles of Union , December 1813 , and Bro . Henry White Grand Secretary attending for the purpose . In 1812 mention is made of a Lodge of Instruction holding under the Lodge , and meeting at " Bro . Morrell's , the Grapes and Cannes , "
but on the 25 th October 1813 it was agreed ifc shonld cease to exist , or be suspended , throngh the non-attendance of its members , the " M . and W . 's of this Locige " accepting " the trust of the jewels , books , regalia , < fcc , agreeable to the Bye Laws 12 and 13 . " What , however , became of these jewels , books , & c , Bro . Speth is unable to say . In 1811 , owing to Grand Lodge having levied a quarterage of one
shilling per head on every subscribing Mason , the Lodge raised its quarterages one shilling and sixpence . At the following meeting the Senior Warden , in the absence of the Master , took the chair and conferred several Degrees , though there were two Past Masters present . At the meeting in May both W . M . and S . W . were absent , and the chair was taken by Bro . J . Warden , while at the June meeting the new Master
was installed , there being only one Past Master present . This year likewise occurs the first mention of an I . G ., " but no Brother was rognlarly appointed to the office . " Two Deacons had been appointed pursuant to a resolution of Grand Lodge on 28 th March 1810 . It was also the first in wbicb the retiring Master made a present to the Lodge , the donor beiogBro . Cnmmins , and the gift a set of collars , the
Wardens' columns , and the working tools . In 1815—on 27 th February—the Lodge was requested , for the first time , to send up a Steward at a Charity Festival , and in response Bro . Moxon W . M . agreed to fulfil the duty , the Festival in question being that of the Girls' School . On 24 th April , the Lodge waa honoured with a visit from R . W . Bro . Thomas Harper Past Deputy
Grand Master—one of the most distinguished members of the "Ancients" prior to tho Union . The minutes of 15 th June of this year are the last that occur for three-and-twenty years . When , on 23 rd April 1838 , the Lodge history is resumed , we find Bro . G . Warriner W . M ., J . T . Barham S . W ., James Elmes J . W ., G . H . Pngh S . D ., H . Deane J . D ., J . C . Fourdrinier I . G ., S .
Muggendgc Treasurer , and J . Mivart Secretary . The last-named is the brother to whom the Lodge would seem to he indebted for the loss of its minutes during the vacant period just mentioned . He was negligent of his duties , and thongh in 1839 he was called npon to return the books , he does not appear to have doue so . In 18-10 , during the Mastership of Brg . Fourdrinier ,
was initiated Bro . Burmeister , and thenceforward the condition of tho Lodge was one on which it might justly be congratulated , thongh the effects were not immediately visible . This Bro . Burmeister afterwards became representative afc Grand Lodge of tho Grand Lodge of Hamburg . In 1812 Bro Speth , father of the author , and late P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge , was initiated . On 22 nd April 1844 , Bro .
H . L . Crohn appeared as a Visitor . He joined the year following , and became W . M . in 1847 . On 21 th April 1850 , a few years before he resigned his membership , he was appointed to the previously unknown office of Grand Secretary for German correspondence , and died about 1860 . We have already mentioned the names of Bro . Speth , initiated in
1842 , and Bro . S . Muggeridge , Treasurer in 1838 . The former filled the chair of the Lodge in 1846 , 1849 , 1850 , was Secretary from March 1855 to March 1867 , and Treasurer from March 1867 till his death on 12 th October 1878 . He had received a P . M . ' s jewel in 1847 , a silver snuff-box in 18 G 0 , for his services as Secretary ; on 22 nd March 1861 , a Treasurer ' s jewel , and on 26 th January 1875 a silver
claret jug and cups . The latter , on 28 th May 1819 , was presented by the Locige with a silver embossed drinking cup , on completing his third term ns W . M ., having served the office once some time between 1815 and 1838 , and for the second year in 1842 . He was Treasurer from 1838 to 1812 , and again from 1853 to November 1866 . when he resigned his membership , but was elected an honorary
member , and so remained till his death , in reduced circumstances , 28 th Febi uary 1870 . Tho father of the Lodgo is Brother C . W . Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , who joined on 26 th Jan . 1853 , and was installed W . M . in March I 860 . He has served the office of Steward at several Festivals , and represented the Lodge at the Installation of the Prince of Wales on 28 th April 1875 , receiving the installation
jewel . In January of this year , on completing his twenty-fifth year of membership , he was presented with a Treasurer ' s jewel . Having recapitulated the salient facts in the history of this Lodgo of Unity , No . 183 , we take leave of Bro . Speth . AVo regret the materials at his disposal were not more ample , but we congratulate him here , as at the outset , on the great success he has achieved in this , his maiden literary effort . Wc trust it will not be his last .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
r niIrJ General Committee of the Koyal Masonic Institution for i- Girls met on Thursday , at Freemasons'Hall , Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in tho chair . Thero wero also present Bros . Joshua Nunn , Arthur E . Gladwell , John A . Rucker , IT . A . Dubois , J . IT . Matthews , Charles Brown , H . Massey , Donald M . Dewar , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , K . Letchworth , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) .
After tho reading and confirmation cf the minutes , the brethren adopted a recommendation of the House Committee to grant £ 5 to Kate Helps , who was unable to return to the School . The Com . mittee also adopted a report of the House Committee that an acconri sent in by a former architect of tho Institution had been included in a former uettled account , and on motiou dul y made it was resolved
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
not to meet the charge . Tho Chairman waa authorised to sign cheques for £ 119 2 s lOd . The Chairman informed the Committee that the current account of tho Institution would admit of £ 1 , 000 being invested , and he therefore moved that that sum bo invested
for the Sustontation Fund . Tho motiou was carried . Thirteen additional candidates for the April election were placed on the list , the total number for that election being now twenty-eight , for whom thero will be twenty-one vacancies . The Committee then adjourned .
The Theatres.
JUDGED by the Theatrical Entertainments that have been provided for the present season , the Christmas of 1881 must be written down as a great success , especially as to Pantomimes , whioh seem to have been in greater number than usual . In many cases
the novelties were rehearsed on Saturday , as at tho Grecian , the Surrey , the Gaiety , the Alexandra Palace , New Sadler's Wells , -fee . But at Old Drury and the Garden the old custom of opening on Boxing Night was observed , ancl , as may be supposed , both these large houses were thronged with people long before tho curtain
rose . At the Lane the Pantomime , or Annual , as it is the fashion to call it , is from the pen of Mr . E . L . Blanohard , to whom for years past tho public is indebted for some of the best and grandest Pantomimes which have been produced for their delectation . " Robinson Crusoe " ia the title , and from first to last the piece went magnificently , the
transformation scene of tbe Fairy Wedding Cake being very splendid , nnd exciting unbounded enthusiasm from all parts of the house . Tho Harlequinade was excellently good , Mr . Harry Payne being Clown , Mr . Melbourne Harlequin , Mr . Tully Lewis Pantaloon , and Mr . Charles Ross Policeman X . The principal dancers were Mdlles . Luna nnd Stella , and the principal characters in the opening were well
sustained by Miss Fanny Leslie ( Robinson Crusoe ) , Miss Amalia , Mr . Harry Nicholls ( Will Atkins the Bold Buccaneer ) , Bro . H . Jackson , Mr . Charles Lanri jun . ( Friday ) , Mr . G . Le Clerq ( King Hoity Toity ) . Mr . John D'Auban ( Nigger Chamberlain ) , Mr . James Fawn ( Mr . Timothy Lovage ) , & c . The title of Mr . W . Younge'a Pantomime afc Covent Garden is
" Little Bo-Peep , Little Boy Blue , and the Little Old Woman that Lived in a Shoe . " The scenery by Mr . W . Telbin was in every respect worthy of that artist's reputation ; tbe scene in which is presented " The City of Acanthia and Honeysuckle " being received with applause again and again repeated . The principal characters in the opening were sustained by Mr . Fenwiok , Miss Claremonfc , Mr .
Julian Girard . Miss Trevellyan , Miss Clara Thompson , Mr . G . Bradshaw , Mr . T . Sennett , Miss Alice Grey . Mr . Walter Hildyard was Clown , Mr . De Voy Pantaloon , Mr . Canning Harlequin , and Miss Laurie Columbine . These , with tho Girards and the Nelson Troupe , kept the house in a state of excitement , while the dancing , with Mdlles . Alice Holt , Allcroft , and Rosa as principals , was most effective .
The Surrey is generally successful iu its Pantomimes , and this year surpasses itself with "Mother Bunch and the Man with tho Hunch ; or , the Reeds , the Weeds , the Priest , the Swell , the Gipsy Girl , and the Big Dumb Bell , " by Mr . Henry Spry and Mr . George Conquest , the romance on which it is founded being Victor Hugo ' s " Notre Dame de Paris . " Mr . Conquest , however , did not , as in
former years , tako any part in tho performance , but the excellent playing of the Edmunds Family must be regarded as some com pensation for his absence , and this , added to the humour displayed by Mr . G . H . Macdermott , carried the piece successfully through , the audience being thoroughly pleased with singing , dancing , scenery , and in short with the excellent programme set before them .
No house in London gives a better Christmas entertainment than that over which tiie Brothers Douglass have so long and so worthily presided , and lovers of Pontomine will find " Sinbad the Sailor ; or , the Genii of the Diamond Valley , " at tho Standard , one of tbe best of the many excellent theatrical treats provided for the season . The scenery , tho appointments , the different ballets , the
acting , and the harlequinade gave the utmost satisfaction . Miss Lucy Williams played tho hermit Ozone , Miss Milly Howes was Sinbad the Sailor , Mr . John Barnum Copperstick , Miss Rose Leo Polly , Mr . Augustus Glover Captain Spanker , Mr . Henry Nordblom King Henpeckerini , and Miss Violet Hunt Princess Pretty Pans . In the harlequinade Little Ellis , Mr . Wallis , Mr . Westbourne , and
Miss Carrie Conway were Clown , Pantaloon , Harlequin , and Columbine respectively . Mr . Hollingshead of the Gaiety provided a burlesque-drama , entitled "Aladdin ; or tho Sacred Lamp , " , the author being Mr , Recce , and the artists who interpreted the principal characters , Miss Farren who pl ays Aladdin , Miss Kate Vaughan Princess
Badronlbadour , Miss Connie Gilchrist the Slave of the Lamp , and Bro . E . Terry as the Magician . The reception accorded the lastmentioned , after his absence , was most enthusiastic , nor had tho other favourite artists at this celebrated theatre any reason to complain that their efforts to fulfil their several parts were not sufficiently appreciated by the audience .
At tho Imperial , a moat agreeable novelty , in the shapo of a vaudeville , by Messrs . Joseph Mackay and H . Agoust , entitled " Macfarlane's Will , " was played both afternoon and evening , being supplemented at the latter performance by tho farce of "The Married Batchelor . " Tho libretto of tho Vaudeville has been written expressly for tho purpose of introducing the clever business of
M . Agoust ( late of the Hanlon-Loes ) and his pantomimic and gymnastic artists . It is in threo Acts , the scene of the first being tho fashionable watering-place of Scandalborough , at a young ladies ' seminary , of which Caroline , niece of Mrs . Macfarlane , the heroine , is a pupil . The guardians of the youthful damsel aro Alderman and Mrs . Blobbs , aud tho rival matrimonial schemes of these worthy folk