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Parliamentary Proceedings.
Every thing on external exertions far beyond its strength , and whisli therefore necessarily could not continue long , without credit , and its resources at the lowest ebb . Its great engine of finance the assignats bore at this moment a discount of 75 per cent . A nation making such preternatural efforts must , and at no very distant period , be destroyed by those exertions . He was aware that such of their Lordships as professed to entertain different sentiments , would exert their ingenuity in exhibiting a contrast to the faithful picture he had delineatedand such a situation as a ground for a speedy
, urge pacification ; but such , in his idea , even if the enemy were in a situation to treat , even if the peace then made could be relied on as certain for a day , would be an improper situation for this country to make overtures of peace to France . That haughty and insolent people , deeming that our late partial ill successes had either disheartened us , or reduced us to such a low ebb as to oblige us to crouch to them , would rise in their demands and exactions to such degree would not only be inadmissiblebut render us despicable in the
a , as , eyes of all Europe . A peace so patched up , even on the best terms France would allow us , would be found only an armed truce , and a relapse o : hostilities would in a short time ensue , and which would render it necessary to renew the war , but on much worse terms than those which we were originally engaged in . . After some other observations his Lordship moved an Address , which ( as is generally the case on those occasions ) was a faithful echo of the Speech , and
fraught with assurances of the most decided support of the measures adopted by Government . Lord Ponsonby ( Earl of Besborough in Ireland , and hitherto better recollected by the title of Lord Duncaunon ) , hi a short but pertinent speech , seconded the Address . The Earl of GuiUifori , in a speech of some length , stated his disapprobation of what had been advanced by the noble Earl , and of the general conduct of Government with respect to the present war . lie observed , that with respect
to that part of the Address which relates to the approaching nuptials ot his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , no person could more cordially agree to it than he did , not only regarding it as a national benefit , but on account of the advantage and the increase of happiness it must confer on his Royal Highness himself , on whose private character the noble Earl took an opportunity to dwell in strains of the warmest eulogium . In the course of his speech his Lordship took a comprehensive view of the entire operations of the present war , and entered into a detail respecting some
particular events of the late campaign . Drawing towards a conclusion , his Lordship took occasion to allude to the conduct of Ministers , in endeavouring to have it imagined that serious plots had been in agitation against the Constitution , and established form of Government of the Country , and had even gone , o far as to render both Houses of Parliament a sort of vehicle for proclaiming such ideas to the public . He then moved an amendment , the substance of -hich was , a promise of support to his Majesty in prosecuting the war in such a manner as may be conducive to
q speedy and honourable peace , and praying that the interna ! concerns of France may be no obstacle to such a . pacification . The Earl of Marlon said a few words against the amendment . Lord Hay ( Earl of Kinnoiil in Scotland ) took the same side of the question , and spoke with much warmth and some effect , in support of the Address , and against the amendment . The Earl of Derby supported the amendment at some length ; he spoke in pointed terms of disapprobation of the conduct of Ministers ' in involving this
, country in a war , which at least , he said , was unnecessary , and had , in its progress and effects , brought the greatest calamities and distress on the country . Earl Spencer vindicated the conduct of Ministers , and contended , that a suceessful prosecution cf the war was to be looked for . Marquis Lam-Jo-i'm began by reprobating the conduct of Ministers in the whole of their proceedings with regard to the present war : the resources of the H 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
Every thing on external exertions far beyond its strength , and whisli therefore necessarily could not continue long , without credit , and its resources at the lowest ebb . Its great engine of finance the assignats bore at this moment a discount of 75 per cent . A nation making such preternatural efforts must , and at no very distant period , be destroyed by those exertions . He was aware that such of their Lordships as professed to entertain different sentiments , would exert their ingenuity in exhibiting a contrast to the faithful picture he had delineatedand such a situation as a ground for a speedy
, urge pacification ; but such , in his idea , even if the enemy were in a situation to treat , even if the peace then made could be relied on as certain for a day , would be an improper situation for this country to make overtures of peace to France . That haughty and insolent people , deeming that our late partial ill successes had either disheartened us , or reduced us to such a low ebb as to oblige us to crouch to them , would rise in their demands and exactions to such degree would not only be inadmissiblebut render us despicable in the
a , as , eyes of all Europe . A peace so patched up , even on the best terms France would allow us , would be found only an armed truce , and a relapse o : hostilities would in a short time ensue , and which would render it necessary to renew the war , but on much worse terms than those which we were originally engaged in . . After some other observations his Lordship moved an Address , which ( as is generally the case on those occasions ) was a faithful echo of the Speech , and
fraught with assurances of the most decided support of the measures adopted by Government . Lord Ponsonby ( Earl of Besborough in Ireland , and hitherto better recollected by the title of Lord Duncaunon ) , hi a short but pertinent speech , seconded the Address . The Earl of GuiUifori , in a speech of some length , stated his disapprobation of what had been advanced by the noble Earl , and of the general conduct of Government with respect to the present war . lie observed , that with respect
to that part of the Address which relates to the approaching nuptials ot his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , no person could more cordially agree to it than he did , not only regarding it as a national benefit , but on account of the advantage and the increase of happiness it must confer on his Royal Highness himself , on whose private character the noble Earl took an opportunity to dwell in strains of the warmest eulogium . In the course of his speech his Lordship took a comprehensive view of the entire operations of the present war , and entered into a detail respecting some
particular events of the late campaign . Drawing towards a conclusion , his Lordship took occasion to allude to the conduct of Ministers , in endeavouring to have it imagined that serious plots had been in agitation against the Constitution , and established form of Government of the Country , and had even gone , o far as to render both Houses of Parliament a sort of vehicle for proclaiming such ideas to the public . He then moved an amendment , the substance of -hich was , a promise of support to his Majesty in prosecuting the war in such a manner as may be conducive to
q speedy and honourable peace , and praying that the interna ! concerns of France may be no obstacle to such a . pacification . The Earl of Marlon said a few words against the amendment . Lord Hay ( Earl of Kinnoiil in Scotland ) took the same side of the question , and spoke with much warmth and some effect , in support of the Address , and against the amendment . The Earl of Derby supported the amendment at some length ; he spoke in pointed terms of disapprobation of the conduct of Ministers ' in involving this
, country in a war , which at least , he said , was unnecessary , and had , in its progress and effects , brought the greatest calamities and distress on the country . Earl Spencer vindicated the conduct of Ministers , and contended , that a suceessful prosecution cf the war was to be looked for . Marquis Lam-Jo-i'm began by reprobating the conduct of Ministers in the whole of their proceedings with regard to the present war : the resources of the H 2