Article STRICTURES ON PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article POETRY. Page 1 of 1
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Strictures On Public Amusements.
T 7 „ . Music is partly composed new by Mr . Shield ; the rest selected by Mr . TGooE fom the works of H . ycln , Dr . Aylward , Baumgarteiv-Bocche-Hm Pieyel Gluck , Reeve , Arne , Ware , Letser , jun . and bpofforffi . n , . £ whole , there is more new business than we have seen m any Panto-• 7 m- some years ; the tricks are very numerous and ingenious ; and the iT fmai aged with extraordinary effect . The difficulty ot contriving a new T iinn or a pantomime is how neariy as great as inventing a situation for a deception lorr . havforcsta | id almost idea ot this sort
MechanUtj e e every , ?«? oniinai Pantomime is consequently not so easy to produce as may be gei im-i-ined No pains or expence have been spared in the preparation , " Z ' < ul nrmairer will no doubt be amply repaid for his liberality . ¦ Tne Jumping Scene is extremely well executed . It is by far the best in the Pantomime . The Crystal Rock at the conclusion is very bnlliant : the prince iT perfectly new , and " the effect , is as grand as the Temple ot Glory m
Paustus . - T „« -, 17 Q . —At Covent-garden Theatre , Mr . Haymes , from the Bath Theatre made nis first appearance as Farmer Giles , in the Maid of the Mill . — The public may recollect this gentleman , some seasons back at Drury-lane , were he performed Belcour . . He will find at this House a more permanent situation h's merits are very considerable , and his talents by no means confined . he will be favourite with such as can relisn a good
EnAs a sinEer always a glish son" - unadulterated with the fashionable intricacies of the toreign scnooL He has fe ° - artificial accomplishments , but he has what is better , a natural mel lowness of tone , which suits happily that sort , of strain and cadence an audience in the general approve , His acting was perfectly chaste and natural , with no mixture of buffoonery or grimace , so' usual . with provincial actors on their introduction in town . The audience were highly gratified with his performance , and the applause was in consequence abundant .
HAIL mystic Science I seraph Maid ? Imperial Beam of Light ! In robes of sacred Truth array'd , Morality ' s delight . O give me . Wisdom to design , And Strength to execute ; In native Beauty e ' er be mine , L enevolencethy fruit .
, Unsullied pearl ! of precious worth , Most grateful to my soul . The social Virtues owe their birth To thy unmatch'd controul . Celestial Spark , inspir'd by Thee , We pierce yon starry ARCH on wings of Pietj Atli Nov . 1794 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements.
T 7 „ . Music is partly composed new by Mr . Shield ; the rest selected by Mr . TGooE fom the works of H . ycln , Dr . Aylward , Baumgarteiv-Bocche-Hm Pieyel Gluck , Reeve , Arne , Ware , Letser , jun . and bpofforffi . n , . £ whole , there is more new business than we have seen m any Panto-• 7 m- some years ; the tricks are very numerous and ingenious ; and the iT fmai aged with extraordinary effect . The difficulty ot contriving a new T iinn or a pantomime is how neariy as great as inventing a situation for a deception lorr . havforcsta | id almost idea ot this sort
MechanUtj e e every , ?«? oniinai Pantomime is consequently not so easy to produce as may be gei im-i-ined No pains or expence have been spared in the preparation , " Z ' < ul nrmairer will no doubt be amply repaid for his liberality . ¦ Tne Jumping Scene is extremely well executed . It is by far the best in the Pantomime . The Crystal Rock at the conclusion is very bnlliant : the prince iT perfectly new , and " the effect , is as grand as the Temple ot Glory m
Paustus . - T „« -, 17 Q . —At Covent-garden Theatre , Mr . Haymes , from the Bath Theatre made nis first appearance as Farmer Giles , in the Maid of the Mill . — The public may recollect this gentleman , some seasons back at Drury-lane , were he performed Belcour . . He will find at this House a more permanent situation h's merits are very considerable , and his talents by no means confined . he will be favourite with such as can relisn a good
EnAs a sinEer always a glish son" - unadulterated with the fashionable intricacies of the toreign scnooL He has fe ° - artificial accomplishments , but he has what is better , a natural mel lowness of tone , which suits happily that sort , of strain and cadence an audience in the general approve , His acting was perfectly chaste and natural , with no mixture of buffoonery or grimace , so' usual . with provincial actors on their introduction in town . The audience were highly gratified with his performance , and the applause was in consequence abundant .
HAIL mystic Science I seraph Maid ? Imperial Beam of Light ! In robes of sacred Truth array'd , Morality ' s delight . O give me . Wisdom to design , And Strength to execute ; In native Beauty e ' er be mine , L enevolencethy fruit .
, Unsullied pearl ! of precious worth , Most grateful to my soul . The social Virtues owe their birth To thy unmatch'd controul . Celestial Spark , inspir'd by Thee , We pierce yon starry ARCH on wings of Pietj Atli Nov . 1794 .