Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 5 of 8 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
A rVne-, 1 Court of Pronrietors was held at the India-house for the pur-. o « otcWe ? minin ? Sv ballot the following question , viz . . " That no Director f- llovedto " de io or from India in his private capacity , e . therd . rectly or „ tt , ^ ther as principal or agent . " At eight o ' clock the scrutineers deh-SinthcVrrepo ^ wl . eS there appeared to be for the question S 4 i , a S ' «" it 34 8 majority 193 .
, OLD BAILET . . , 6 The Sessions closed at the Old Bailey , when six prisoners received sent ence of death , viz . Michael Love , for breaking and entering the house of WUUam CoUett , and stealing two silver watches and other artic es , his property Jai efpepperdv for feloniously stealing out of . 1 letter which came into his Mn it by virtue of his profession of a letter sorter in the General Po-t-office , i ' hersbi Is of exchange for payment of money , the property 01 Joseph Robmthe of lea
^" n- Francis Clarke , for robbing Samuel Stansworth on highway a - her ' sack , containing two bags , the property of his Majesty ; Austin Flowers , ^ ias Young , and John Flowers , for robbing William Cross , on the highway , of a metal watch , a gold chain and seals ; and Thomas Spaches for burglary in Sle dwelling-house of Bagio Amelia , and stealing a pair of cloth trowsers , & c . A General Fast is proclaimed to be held in England on the z th , and in
Scotland on the 26 th February . ' 18 A dreadful fire broke out in the Exchange at Liverpool , which totally destroyed that noble edifice , and did other damage fo a very large amount . 28 . The Stadtholdcr of Holland , with all his family , arrived in town , on their way to Kew Palace , where they at present reside . Apartments are ntting up fo * then , at Hampton-Court Palace . Their Highnesses " , situation m . Holland was criticaland their almost miraculous
become extremely , escape . We scarcely need add that the French are in the complete and undisturbed possession of Holland . Longevity .-There is now living in the parish of Pcterchurch , in the county of Hereford , a man of the name oi Richard Brown , at the surprising age c < M < ¦ He has had 17 children , and his eldest boy ( as he familiarly terms- him ) 3 now in the 84 th year of his ' age . This venerable patriarch retains his
faculties in astonishing perfection . ' Sir John Sinclair , Bart , as president of the Agricultural Society , has under consideration ever / plan that can tend to reduce the keep oi *» P f " ^ " > which so much impoveiishes the nation by the minute import of no e coin the one is for the Society to encourage long-bodied stage-machine , with eight or more wheels , from every extremity of the kingdom , to meet others from London ; that die same horses might run double stages each day . Such carriages would reduce the keep of some hundred thousand horses , and feed a
million or more of people . An experiment is under consideration , for constructing a common stage waggon with eight wheels ; they are to stand under the bed ot it by wnch contrivance the width of stowage will be increased . Tins method will reduce lateral pressure , and conduce to the more easy loading and unloading .
A valuable Preservative against the Distemper in Laltlc . Take rue , sage , wormwood , and lavender , a handful of each ; infuse them in a gallon of white-wine vinegar , in a stone pot , covered close , set on hot ashes of wood for four days . After which s rain the liquid through a fine flannel , and mil it into quart bottles , well corked ; into every bottle put a quarte of an ounce of camphire , the herbs the liquor is made from . Set it in a tub 11 the cow-house ( the cows are fond of the smell ) , and every morning and nig . it , when Hiev to be milkeddi in the li and ruo the nostrils
come , p a spunge quor , and mouth of the beast well . Whosoever will keep a box with a spunge dipped in the liquor , and v hen they go where any infection is , only rub their temples , nose , mouth , and palms of the hands , they will not catch any disorder . It is a good filing to smell to ; for those troubled with the head-ach .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
A rVne-, 1 Court of Pronrietors was held at the India-house for the pur-. o « otcWe ? minin ? Sv ballot the following question , viz . . " That no Director f- llovedto " de io or from India in his private capacity , e . therd . rectly or „ tt , ^ ther as principal or agent . " At eight o ' clock the scrutineers deh-SinthcVrrepo ^ wl . eS there appeared to be for the question S 4 i , a S ' «" it 34 8 majority 193 .
, OLD BAILET . . , 6 The Sessions closed at the Old Bailey , when six prisoners received sent ence of death , viz . Michael Love , for breaking and entering the house of WUUam CoUett , and stealing two silver watches and other artic es , his property Jai efpepperdv for feloniously stealing out of . 1 letter which came into his Mn it by virtue of his profession of a letter sorter in the General Po-t-office , i ' hersbi Is of exchange for payment of money , the property 01 Joseph Robmthe of lea
^" n- Francis Clarke , for robbing Samuel Stansworth on highway a - her ' sack , containing two bags , the property of his Majesty ; Austin Flowers , ^ ias Young , and John Flowers , for robbing William Cross , on the highway , of a metal watch , a gold chain and seals ; and Thomas Spaches for burglary in Sle dwelling-house of Bagio Amelia , and stealing a pair of cloth trowsers , & c . A General Fast is proclaimed to be held in England on the z th , and in
Scotland on the 26 th February . ' 18 A dreadful fire broke out in the Exchange at Liverpool , which totally destroyed that noble edifice , and did other damage fo a very large amount . 28 . The Stadtholdcr of Holland , with all his family , arrived in town , on their way to Kew Palace , where they at present reside . Apartments are ntting up fo * then , at Hampton-Court Palace . Their Highnesses " , situation m . Holland was criticaland their almost miraculous
become extremely , escape . We scarcely need add that the French are in the complete and undisturbed possession of Holland . Longevity .-There is now living in the parish of Pcterchurch , in the county of Hereford , a man of the name oi Richard Brown , at the surprising age c < M < ¦ He has had 17 children , and his eldest boy ( as he familiarly terms- him ) 3 now in the 84 th year of his ' age . This venerable patriarch retains his
faculties in astonishing perfection . ' Sir John Sinclair , Bart , as president of the Agricultural Society , has under consideration ever / plan that can tend to reduce the keep oi *» P f " ^ " > which so much impoveiishes the nation by the minute import of no e coin the one is for the Society to encourage long-bodied stage-machine , with eight or more wheels , from every extremity of the kingdom , to meet others from London ; that die same horses might run double stages each day . Such carriages would reduce the keep of some hundred thousand horses , and feed a
million or more of people . An experiment is under consideration , for constructing a common stage waggon with eight wheels ; they are to stand under the bed ot it by wnch contrivance the width of stowage will be increased . Tins method will reduce lateral pressure , and conduce to the more easy loading and unloading .
A valuable Preservative against the Distemper in Laltlc . Take rue , sage , wormwood , and lavender , a handful of each ; infuse them in a gallon of white-wine vinegar , in a stone pot , covered close , set on hot ashes of wood for four days . After which s rain the liquid through a fine flannel , and mil it into quart bottles , well corked ; into every bottle put a quarte of an ounce of camphire , the herbs the liquor is made from . Set it in a tub 11 the cow-house ( the cows are fond of the smell ) , and every morning and nig . it , when Hiev to be milkeddi in the li and ruo the nostrils
come , p a spunge quor , and mouth of the beast well . Whosoever will keep a box with a spunge dipped in the liquor , and v hen they go where any infection is , only rub their temples , nose , mouth , and palms of the hands , they will not catch any disorder . It is a good filing to smell to ; for those troubled with the head-ach .