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Part Of A Charge Lately Delivered To A Society Of Free Masons On An Extraordinary Occasion*.
atheistic enemies p lotted against their labour , wrought with the peaceful trowel , and had their swords read y at hand tcr defend the g lorious cause in which they were engaged . Let us imitate those virtuous Citizens , those true Masons of old , aud let our zealous endeavours be , not to tear down the fabric of a well-ordered society , by destroying i's beautiful pillars of King , Lords , and Commonswell expressed by the appropriate terms of Wisdom
, , Strength , and Beauty , but earnestly , as men of principle , set our faces against the open enemy and the insidious friend , against the shameless defter of decency on the one hand , and the pretended Reformer , who walks in darkness with a smooth voice of innocence , on the other . Our place is to promote peace and good-will among men . We therefore sincerely lament when dire necessity draws forth the sword
of war , and sets nations in battle array fiercely against each other . But then , if foreign war calls for our pitying consideration , what should be onr prevailing sentiments and our conduct in the view of civil bloodshed ?• Shall we be indifferent to the consequences of political changes , and run on to the indulgence of a wild scheme of reform , with a delusive idea in our heads , subversive of the
momentous consideration , that the evil is certain , and the advantage uncertain ? Shall we look on the success that innovation has had within the reach of our own observation , and characterized by more horrors than all the volumes of ancient history can parallel , and b } -more atrocities than the story of human wickedness has ever exhibited as a lesson of man ,- '~ shall we , I say , look on it with a calm indifference , whether it
lias reached its termination or not ? Shall we , thoughtlessly , regard the spectacle of the fafherarmed against the son , and the son against the father , the mother against the daughter , and the daughter against the mother ; all the tender connections of life broken by civil feud ; friendship lost under the rage of faction ; a country torn to pieces by tyrants calling themselves patriots ; men , women , and children mingling in one horrid heap , unbalmed by a tender tear , and unmarked by a funeral rite ?
I hese are revolutionary scenes ! this is the dismal picture , filled , like the prophet ' s roll , throughout with lamentation and mourning and woe ! Let none of us then deceive himself with the dangerous conceit that our state would be ameliorated were the trial of a political change to he made ; but , as the watchful sons of peace , regard those scenes with horror , and , viewing them as necessarily connected with the dfesign
of a turbulent faction , strengthen the hands of that government under which our fathers flourished , and under which we receive protection" ! , andenjoyrationalfreedom ; To this end , keep from you all suspicious characters , and receive no dubious principles ; banish with honest indignation those who would fain poison the purity of your faith . Still letourmottoeverbe , and let our conduct invariably be in unison with its fundamental principles : Honor all Mm , Love tht : Brotherhood , Fear Cod , and Honor the King . VOL . vi . c
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Part Of A Charge Lately Delivered To A Society Of Free Masons On An Extraordinary Occasion*.
atheistic enemies p lotted against their labour , wrought with the peaceful trowel , and had their swords read y at hand tcr defend the g lorious cause in which they were engaged . Let us imitate those virtuous Citizens , those true Masons of old , aud let our zealous endeavours be , not to tear down the fabric of a well-ordered society , by destroying i's beautiful pillars of King , Lords , and Commonswell expressed by the appropriate terms of Wisdom
, , Strength , and Beauty , but earnestly , as men of principle , set our faces against the open enemy and the insidious friend , against the shameless defter of decency on the one hand , and the pretended Reformer , who walks in darkness with a smooth voice of innocence , on the other . Our place is to promote peace and good-will among men . We therefore sincerely lament when dire necessity draws forth the sword
of war , and sets nations in battle array fiercely against each other . But then , if foreign war calls for our pitying consideration , what should be onr prevailing sentiments and our conduct in the view of civil bloodshed ?• Shall we be indifferent to the consequences of political changes , and run on to the indulgence of a wild scheme of reform , with a delusive idea in our heads , subversive of the
momentous consideration , that the evil is certain , and the advantage uncertain ? Shall we look on the success that innovation has had within the reach of our own observation , and characterized by more horrors than all the volumes of ancient history can parallel , and b } -more atrocities than the story of human wickedness has ever exhibited as a lesson of man ,- '~ shall we , I say , look on it with a calm indifference , whether it
lias reached its termination or not ? Shall we , thoughtlessly , regard the spectacle of the fafherarmed against the son , and the son against the father , the mother against the daughter , and the daughter against the mother ; all the tender connections of life broken by civil feud ; friendship lost under the rage of faction ; a country torn to pieces by tyrants calling themselves patriots ; men , women , and children mingling in one horrid heap , unbalmed by a tender tear , and unmarked by a funeral rite ?
I hese are revolutionary scenes ! this is the dismal picture , filled , like the prophet ' s roll , throughout with lamentation and mourning and woe ! Let none of us then deceive himself with the dangerous conceit that our state would be ameliorated were the trial of a political change to he made ; but , as the watchful sons of peace , regard those scenes with horror , and , viewing them as necessarily connected with the dfesign
of a turbulent faction , strengthen the hands of that government under which our fathers flourished , and under which we receive protection" ! , andenjoyrationalfreedom ; To this end , keep from you all suspicious characters , and receive no dubious principles ; banish with honest indignation those who would fain poison the purity of your faith . Still letourmottoeverbe , and let our conduct invariably be in unison with its fundamental principles : Honor all Mm , Love tht : Brotherhood , Fear Cod , and Honor the King . VOL . vi . c