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Account Of, And Extracts From, The Newly Discovered Shakspeare Manuscripts.
fume thys my poore Locke with th y balnrye Kysses forre thennc indeede shalle Kynges themselves bowe and paye homage toe it I do assure thee no rude hande hathe knottedde itte thye Willys alone bathe done the worke Neytherre the gyldedde bauble thatte envyronnesthe heede of Majestye noe norre honourres most weyghtye wnlde give mee halfe the joye as didde thysse mye ly ttle worke forre
thee . The feelinge thatte dydde neareste approache untoe itte was thatte whiche commethe nygheste untoe God meeke and Gentle Charytye forre thatte Virrtue 0 Anna doe I love doe I cherishe thee inne mye hearte forre thou arte ass a talleCedarre stretcliynge forthe its branches and succourynge the -smallere Plants from nyppynge Winneterre orr the boysterouse W yndes Farewelle toe Morrowe bye
fymes I will see thee tille thenne Adewe sweete Love Thyne everre Anna Hatherrewaye . WM . SHAKSPEARE . . VERSES TO ANNA HATHERREWAYE . I
Is there inne heavenne aught more rare ' * Thanne thou sweete Nymphe of Avon fayrc Is there onne Earthe a Manne more trewe Thanne Willy Shakspeare is toe you II > . '"'' Though fyckle fortune prove unkynde Stille dothe she leave herre wealthe behynde
She neere the hearte canne forme anew Norre make thye Willys love unnetrue III Though Age with witherd hand doe stryke The forme moste fayre the face moste bryghte Stille dothe she leave unnetouchcdde ande trowe Thy Willys love ande freynshyppc too
¦ . IV . , Though deathe with neverre faylynge blowe Dothe Manne ande Babe alike bivnge lowe Yette dothe he take naughte buttc hys due And strikes notte Willys hearte stille trewe V Synce thenne norre forretune deathe norre age
Canne faythfulle Willys love asswage Thenne doe I live ande dye forre you Thy Wilfye syncere ande moste trewe The following are some of the smaller papers , of which fac similia have been published b y Mr . Ireland : " Inne the Yeare o Christ [ Here the writing is torn off ]
. " Forre oure Trouble inne goynge toe Playe before the Lorde Leycesterre ats house and our gr ' eate Expenneces thereupponne 19 pouniles " Receyvedde ofs Grace the Summe o $ 0 Poundes . " WM SHAKESPEARE"
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Account Of, And Extracts From, The Newly Discovered Shakspeare Manuscripts.
fume thys my poore Locke with th y balnrye Kysses forre thennc indeede shalle Kynges themselves bowe and paye homage toe it I do assure thee no rude hande hathe knottedde itte thye Willys alone bathe done the worke Neytherre the gyldedde bauble thatte envyronnesthe heede of Majestye noe norre honourres most weyghtye wnlde give mee halfe the joye as didde thysse mye ly ttle worke forre
thee . The feelinge thatte dydde neareste approache untoe itte was thatte whiche commethe nygheste untoe God meeke and Gentle Charytye forre thatte Virrtue 0 Anna doe I love doe I cherishe thee inne mye hearte forre thou arte ass a talleCedarre stretcliynge forthe its branches and succourynge the -smallere Plants from nyppynge Winneterre orr the boysterouse W yndes Farewelle toe Morrowe bye
fymes I will see thee tille thenne Adewe sweete Love Thyne everre Anna Hatherrewaye . WM . SHAKSPEARE . . VERSES TO ANNA HATHERREWAYE . I
Is there inne heavenne aught more rare ' * Thanne thou sweete Nymphe of Avon fayrc Is there onne Earthe a Manne more trewe Thanne Willy Shakspeare is toe you II > . '"'' Though fyckle fortune prove unkynde Stille dothe she leave herre wealthe behynde
She neere the hearte canne forme anew Norre make thye Willys love unnetrue III Though Age with witherd hand doe stryke The forme moste fayre the face moste bryghte Stille dothe she leave unnetouchcdde ande trowe Thy Willys love ande freynshyppc too
¦ . IV . , Though deathe with neverre faylynge blowe Dothe Manne ande Babe alike bivnge lowe Yette dothe he take naughte buttc hys due And strikes notte Willys hearte stille trewe V Synce thenne norre forretune deathe norre age
Canne faythfulle Willys love asswage Thenne doe I live ande dye forre you Thy Wilfye syncere ande moste trewe The following are some of the smaller papers , of which fac similia have been published b y Mr . Ireland : " Inne the Yeare o Christ [ Here the writing is torn off ]
. " Forre oure Trouble inne goynge toe Playe before the Lorde Leycesterre ats house and our gr ' eate Expenneces thereupponne 19 pouniles " Receyvedde ofs Grace the Summe o $ 0 Poundes . " WM SHAKESPEARE"