Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Intelligence.
The former of these only had a public procession . After the procession , the members dined , and spent the evening together , in Campbell ' s , the principal inn in Perth . BIGGAR , LANARKSHIRE . ST . JOHN ' S DAY was celebrated here with more than ordinary brilliancy this j-ear . The members of the Lodge of BiggarFree Operatives , No . 222 , of ( he Grand ¦ Lodge of Scotland , to the number of . seventy and upwards , met in ihe Lodgeroom about ten o'clock in the forenoon ; from whenceafter having re-elected
, Brother James Bowe , M . D . Master , and their other office-bearers for the ensuing year , they walked to church in procession , where an excellent sermon , suited to the occasion , was delivered by the Rev . Brother James Gardiner , Minister of Tweedsmuir , from Prov . . xi . 13 . After returning from the church , and partaking of an elegant dinner , they spent the evening in a manner highly to ' their honour , not only as men , but as Masons . )¦ Jan . S , 179 6 . This day the ancient Lodge of Philanthropy * ( No . 19 ) , held at
Stockton in the county of Durham , was removed from its former situation to an elegant hall built for the purpose by Brother Wadeson , whose judgment , taste , and liberality on the occasion do him the hi ghest credit ; as it is truly the simplex munditiis of Horace > uniting convenience with ornament , elegance with simplicity . The ceremony of this translation , by permission of the Provincial Grand Lodge , ivas conducted in Masonic form . Brother Scarlh , P . S . G . W . and a number of other visiting brethren attended . A procession was formed ; and the jewels and
furniture were deposited according to ancient usages : after which the ' llev . Brother Brewster delivered a most excellent occasional oration , which we are happy to find , on being requested by the brethren present , he has promised for insertion in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Brother Wadeson provided an excellent repast , and the night concluded with that conviviality which could only be surpassed by ihe interesting and ceremonial part . of the occasion . Present officers . —Br . John Russcl Rowntree , R . W . M . Br . John Barker , S . W . Br . Robert Christopher , J . W . Br . Matthew Crowe , P . M . Br . Richardson Ferrand , T . Br . Thomas Haw , S . Br . Charles Liddel and Br . Richard Moose , Stewards .
10 . This morning an excellent sermon was preached at St . Dunstan's church , Fleet-street , on behalf of the Female Children supported by the Freemasons ' Charity , by the Rev . Thomas R . Wrench , A . M . Rector of St . Michael ' s , Cornhill , & c . & c . The words of the text were , " That our daughters may be as the polished corners of the temple . " Psai . cxliv . ver . 12 . Previous to the sermon an anthem was sung by the children : Master Appleton played the organ ; and the collection amounted to twenty-rive pounds and sixpence . A Grand Concertunder the patronage of their Royal Hihnesses the Prince
, g and Princess of Wales , will be performed for the benefit of the above Charitj early in the' ensuing month . The Meetings in Grand Lodge for this year are : Committee of Charity - - Feb . 5 . Quarterly Communication - - 10 . Committee of Charity - - April 8 .
Quarterly Communication - - 13 . Grand Feast - - - May ir . ' Country Feast - . - - July ¦ 5 . Committee of Charity - - Aug . 5 . Ditto - Nov . 18 . Quarterly Communication - - 23 .
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Masonic Intelligence.
The former of these only had a public procession . After the procession , the members dined , and spent the evening together , in Campbell ' s , the principal inn in Perth . BIGGAR , LANARKSHIRE . ST . JOHN ' S DAY was celebrated here with more than ordinary brilliancy this j-ear . The members of the Lodge of BiggarFree Operatives , No . 222 , of ( he Grand ¦ Lodge of Scotland , to the number of . seventy and upwards , met in ihe Lodgeroom about ten o'clock in the forenoon ; from whenceafter having re-elected
, Brother James Bowe , M . D . Master , and their other office-bearers for the ensuing year , they walked to church in procession , where an excellent sermon , suited to the occasion , was delivered by the Rev . Brother James Gardiner , Minister of Tweedsmuir , from Prov . . xi . 13 . After returning from the church , and partaking of an elegant dinner , they spent the evening in a manner highly to ' their honour , not only as men , but as Masons . )¦ Jan . S , 179 6 . This day the ancient Lodge of Philanthropy * ( No . 19 ) , held at
Stockton in the county of Durham , was removed from its former situation to an elegant hall built for the purpose by Brother Wadeson , whose judgment , taste , and liberality on the occasion do him the hi ghest credit ; as it is truly the simplex munditiis of Horace > uniting convenience with ornament , elegance with simplicity . The ceremony of this translation , by permission of the Provincial Grand Lodge , ivas conducted in Masonic form . Brother Scarlh , P . S . G . W . and a number of other visiting brethren attended . A procession was formed ; and the jewels and
furniture were deposited according to ancient usages : after which the ' llev . Brother Brewster delivered a most excellent occasional oration , which we are happy to find , on being requested by the brethren present , he has promised for insertion in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Brother Wadeson provided an excellent repast , and the night concluded with that conviviality which could only be surpassed by ihe interesting and ceremonial part . of the occasion . Present officers . —Br . John Russcl Rowntree , R . W . M . Br . John Barker , S . W . Br . Robert Christopher , J . W . Br . Matthew Crowe , P . M . Br . Richardson Ferrand , T . Br . Thomas Haw , S . Br . Charles Liddel and Br . Richard Moose , Stewards .
10 . This morning an excellent sermon was preached at St . Dunstan's church , Fleet-street , on behalf of the Female Children supported by the Freemasons ' Charity , by the Rev . Thomas R . Wrench , A . M . Rector of St . Michael ' s , Cornhill , & c . & c . The words of the text were , " That our daughters may be as the polished corners of the temple . " Psai . cxliv . ver . 12 . Previous to the sermon an anthem was sung by the children : Master Appleton played the organ ; and the collection amounted to twenty-rive pounds and sixpence . A Grand Concertunder the patronage of their Royal Hihnesses the Prince
, g and Princess of Wales , will be performed for the benefit of the above Charitj early in the' ensuing month . The Meetings in Grand Lodge for this year are : Committee of Charity - - Feb . 5 . Quarterly Communication - - 10 . Committee of Charity - - April 8 .
Quarterly Communication - - 13 . Grand Feast - - - May ir . ' Country Feast - . - - July ¦ 5 . Committee of Charity - - Aug . 5 . Ditto - Nov . 18 . Quarterly Communication - - 23 .