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The Principles Of Free Masonry Explained.
Such , my Brethren , such , my fellow-Christians , are the effects of Brotherl y Love ; and would to God I could so forcibly recommend them , as to make you all conspire in producing them ! Since the . effects of Brotherly Love are so amiable in themselves , and so advantageous to society , it may be worth while to consider the means b y Avhich Ave may become the proper objects of this love . And
this is what AVHS to be the subject of the last head of this discourse . What has been said on the foregoing head , will reduce Avhat I have to say on this o-ae to a . very narrow compass . Since , as it has been , already shewn , ' Ave love God because he exercises his infinite power and Avisdom by the most diffusive benevolence ; and since we love our felloAV-creatures , on account of their resemblance to him in sanctity' and
goodness , it is plain , that these excellencies for Avhich Ave love God , and the more Avorthy part of mankind , will excite the more Avorthy part of mankind to love us if AVS possess them . In order then , Christians , to become the proper objects of Brotherly Love you are ' carefully to study , and assiduously to practice religion . You must endeavour to acquire becoming notions of Godand of that Avorship which
, is most agreeable to him , as they are clearly laid down , not in any human composition whatever , how hi ghl y soever it may be authorized by human Avisdom and power , but in the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures . Without having your minds enli ghtened Avith the knoAVledge of God , your religious services will be paid only in public , Avhere they must be considered as dull , languid , chearless , unmeaning
imitations of those around you ; mere formalities , in which , for the sake of fashion , you draw near to God with your lips , while your hearts are engaged in the business , or wantoning among the pleasures of the world . The opposite vices to piety you must diligently avoid . These are a contempt or neglect of the sacraments ; the prophanation of the sabbath ; and customary cursing and SAvearing . As to the last mentioned vice , it is truly astonishing how people of understanding can reconcile themselves to it . They Avell knoAV it to be a breach of their
country s laAvs , which ' it is undoubtedly their duty to support to their utmost poAver ; they Avell know it to be an irreverent and impious use of that amiable and awful name Avhich they ought to love and adore . They have no apology to make for this practice , so contrary to reli g ion and common sense , the great distinctions of human nature , but the impetuosity of anger , or silliness of vanity , which are- its dishonour : Forit is not in their poAver to alledthere is a passion implanted in
, ge their minds , of Avhich in any degree common SAvearing is the direct and peculiar object . To defend themselves , by urging they never commit this vice but Avhen they are provoked into an immoderate fit of passion , is absurd ; for an immoderate fit of passion is a vice , and can never alleviate the guilt of another ; and , surely , it must be but a very IOAV gratification of a very low vanity . If they believe in a Godthey must indeed
, haye very dishonourable notions of him , if they imagine him always ready to execute the dire imprecations which on every slight occasion . they pour out against their neighbours : and , if they Avould be thought men , they certainly give but a very small proof of their hu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Principles Of Free Masonry Explained.
Such , my Brethren , such , my fellow-Christians , are the effects of Brotherl y Love ; and would to God I could so forcibly recommend them , as to make you all conspire in producing them ! Since the . effects of Brotherly Love are so amiable in themselves , and so advantageous to society , it may be worth while to consider the means b y Avhich Ave may become the proper objects of this love . And
this is what AVHS to be the subject of the last head of this discourse . What has been said on the foregoing head , will reduce Avhat I have to say on this o-ae to a . very narrow compass . Since , as it has been , already shewn , ' Ave love God because he exercises his infinite power and Avisdom by the most diffusive benevolence ; and since we love our felloAV-creatures , on account of their resemblance to him in sanctity' and
goodness , it is plain , that these excellencies for Avhich Ave love God , and the more Avorthy part of mankind , will excite the more Avorthy part of mankind to love us if AVS possess them . In order then , Christians , to become the proper objects of Brotherly Love you are ' carefully to study , and assiduously to practice religion . You must endeavour to acquire becoming notions of Godand of that Avorship which
, is most agreeable to him , as they are clearly laid down , not in any human composition whatever , how hi ghl y soever it may be authorized by human Avisdom and power , but in the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures . Without having your minds enli ghtened Avith the knoAVledge of God , your religious services will be paid only in public , Avhere they must be considered as dull , languid , chearless , unmeaning
imitations of those around you ; mere formalities , in which , for the sake of fashion , you draw near to God with your lips , while your hearts are engaged in the business , or wantoning among the pleasures of the world . The opposite vices to piety you must diligently avoid . These are a contempt or neglect of the sacraments ; the prophanation of the sabbath ; and customary cursing and SAvearing . As to the last mentioned vice , it is truly astonishing how people of understanding can reconcile themselves to it . They Avell knoAV it to be a breach of their
country s laAvs , which ' it is undoubtedly their duty to support to their utmost poAver ; they Avell know it to be an irreverent and impious use of that amiable and awful name Avhich they ought to love and adore . They have no apology to make for this practice , so contrary to reli g ion and common sense , the great distinctions of human nature , but the impetuosity of anger , or silliness of vanity , which are- its dishonour : Forit is not in their poAver to alledthere is a passion implanted in
, ge their minds , of Avhich in any degree common SAvearing is the direct and peculiar object . To defend themselves , by urging they never commit this vice but Avhen they are provoked into an immoderate fit of passion , is absurd ; for an immoderate fit of passion is a vice , and can never alleviate the guilt of another ; and , surely , it must be but a very IOAV gratification of a very low vanity . If they believe in a Godthey must indeed
, haye very dishonourable notions of him , if they imagine him always ready to execute the dire imprecations which on every slight occasion . they pour out against their neighbours : and , if they Avould be thought men , they certainly give but a very small proof of their hu-