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FROM THE PRINCESS-ELIZABETH , TO HER BROTHER EDWARD THE SIXTH . A OHIGINAI . MS . as the rich manthat daily gathereth riches- to richesand to
LIKE , , one bag of money layetli a great sort , till it come to infinite , so methinks your Majesty not being sufficed Avith the many benefits and gentleness shewed to me afore this time , doth now increase them , in asking and desiring , vyhere you may bid and command , requiring a thing not Avorthy the desiring for itself , but made worthy for your Highness request ; my picture , I mean , in which , if the inward goo 4
ifjind towards your Qrace mig ht as well be declared , -as the outward ; face and countenance shall be seen , I would not have taried the com--mandment but present it , nor have been the last to grant , but fh § firgf to offer it ; for the face . I grant I Avell might blush to offer , but the mind I shall never be ashamed to present . For though , from ' the grace of the p icture , the coulers may fade by time—may give by weather—may be spotted by chance ; yet the other , not time with her swift Avings shall
overtake , nor the misty clouds with their loAverings may darken , nor chance with h « r slippery fote may overthrow . Of this , although yet tha proof could not be great , because the occasions have been but small , I may , perchance , have time to declare ' it in dedes , wher nOAv I do Avrite them but in Avordes . And further , I shall most humbly beseeche your Majesty , that Avhen you shall look on my picture , you will voutsafe to thinkthat as you have but the outwarde s ' riadoAve of the face before
, you , so my inward minde wisheth that the body'itse . lf were oftener in your presenpe . Hovvbcit , because both my so being I think coijld do your Majesty litel pleasure , tho' myself great good ; and again , because I see as yet hot the time according there unto . I shall learn t <> follow this saing of Horace , " Feras non culpes . quod-vitari nonpotest * . ' ¦ And thus I will ( troubling your Majesty I fear ) end with my
mosthumble thanks , beseeching' God long to preserve you to his honour , to your comfort , to the realm's profit , and to my joy , —Frqm Hatfiel 4 ( jhis iSth day of May . Your Majesty ' s most humble , Sister and , serv ^ ijt , ELIZABETH .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
FROM THE PRINCESS-ELIZABETH , TO HER BROTHER EDWARD THE SIXTH . A OHIGINAI . MS . as the rich manthat daily gathereth riches- to richesand to
LIKE , , one bag of money layetli a great sort , till it come to infinite , so methinks your Majesty not being sufficed Avith the many benefits and gentleness shewed to me afore this time , doth now increase them , in asking and desiring , vyhere you may bid and command , requiring a thing not Avorthy the desiring for itself , but made worthy for your Highness request ; my picture , I mean , in which , if the inward goo 4
ifjind towards your Qrace mig ht as well be declared , -as the outward ; face and countenance shall be seen , I would not have taried the com--mandment but present it , nor have been the last to grant , but fh § firgf to offer it ; for the face . I grant I Avell might blush to offer , but the mind I shall never be ashamed to present . For though , from ' the grace of the p icture , the coulers may fade by time—may give by weather—may be spotted by chance ; yet the other , not time with her swift Avings shall
overtake , nor the misty clouds with their loAverings may darken , nor chance with h « r slippery fote may overthrow . Of this , although yet tha proof could not be great , because the occasions have been but small , I may , perchance , have time to declare ' it in dedes , wher nOAv I do Avrite them but in Avordes . And further , I shall most humbly beseeche your Majesty , that Avhen you shall look on my picture , you will voutsafe to thinkthat as you have but the outwarde s ' riadoAve of the face before
, you , so my inward minde wisheth that the body'itse . lf were oftener in your presenpe . Hovvbcit , because both my so being I think coijld do your Majesty litel pleasure , tho' myself great good ; and again , because I see as yet hot the time according there unto . I shall learn t <> follow this saing of Horace , " Feras non culpes . quod-vitari nonpotest * . ' ¦ And thus I will ( troubling your Majesty I fear ) end with my
mosthumble thanks , beseeching' God long to preserve you to his honour , to your comfort , to the realm's profit , and to my joy , —Frqm Hatfiel 4 ( jhis iSth day of May . Your Majesty ' s most humble , Sister and , serv ^ ijt , ELIZABETH .