Article ON JEALOUSY. Page 1 of 1
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On Jealousy.
FROM THE FRENCH . LOVE produces jealousy ; love feeds it , and it cannot aft without love . ^ Socrates calls it furious ; Aristotle madness ; Plato blind , and Virgil insatiable . I shall call it with Cicero , clear-si ghted ; Avith Horace peaceable ; with Seneca , amiable , and Avith . Eugenius , mild , provided it be kept Avithin boundsfor if jealousy is more mistress
; than slave , she imposes laAvs full pf cruelty and tyranny to her subjects . Jealousy to excess is a great weakness of ' mind , and is the forerunner of folly ; and there is no passion more criminal and brutal Avhen it gets possession of the soul , ' for it is a violent flame , the fire pf Avhich cannot be extinguished hut by the loss of blood . Melihus , from unbounded jealousy , kept his ' Avife constantly chained up , like a malefac"
tor pr a slave . Caricleas , the Macedonian , kept his wife Mucina shut up in a prison , where the li ght qf the sun never entered , for he was jealous of the god of day . ' " ¦ ' Cirsus , the Theban Captain , Avas so much addicted to jealousy , that he never would be absent from his wife , and obliged her to attend him in the warand made her run all the dangers of a combat . The
hi-, p losopher Menander , from the same principles of jealousy ,, married the ugliest woman he could find , but in the ' end poisoned her , that he mi g ht be free of the slavery of continually watching ker actions . This passion is not peculiar to the men alone , the women are also tainted Avith it , and that to a very great degree . The wild boar , pursued by the
, dogs , the hungry lioness deprived of her young , and the viper , whose tail has been trod upon , arc not more terrible than an offended woman . Nothing drives a woman sooner to madness than jealousy : Ariadne , in order tp revenge herself on her husband , the Emperor Zenon , transported by a jealous fury , had him buried alive . Thucidea , dreft in mens ' , clothes , fol | owed her husband Le'ianus wherever lie went , Semiramis , Queen of Egyptpractised ic a long timeto discover the se *
, mag , cret amours of Xing Torpas , her consort , which in the end succeeded very ill fon her , 'for in searching into the nature of a dangero . us " herb , she poisoned herself . The jealous but chaste Hermilia , being informed that-the affections of her husband Heiiolanus Avere placed on ' a courtezan , stabbed herself in despair . NotAvithstanding that jealousy is so very clear sightedthe eyes of Argus be deceived : There is
, may nq vigilance whatever proof against f h , e plots of an amorous soul ; loA-ehas arts to _ blind the sharpest eye . Some authors AVIIO have Avroteon jealousy insist that it is a madness proceeding from love ; for as love will not admit of a rival , so in effect'Jealousy , ' the consequence of it , cannot suffer the least idea p f a divided'iiffecticji ; ' and from Avhich arises all those follies I have' alreadmentioned" irusamorous to the
y . Pap , highest degree , died of jealousy . " Polide ' s , Lieuten . ant to Scipio Afri-. canus , poisoned Larcia'his wife to be freed of the torments her jea- . lousy . occasioned him . On his second marriage , finding this wife also attacked by the same disease , he made use of the same remedy . ] $ ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Jealousy.
FROM THE FRENCH . LOVE produces jealousy ; love feeds it , and it cannot aft without love . ^ Socrates calls it furious ; Aristotle madness ; Plato blind , and Virgil insatiable . I shall call it with Cicero , clear-si ghted ; Avith Horace peaceable ; with Seneca , amiable , and Avith . Eugenius , mild , provided it be kept Avithin boundsfor if jealousy is more mistress
; than slave , she imposes laAvs full pf cruelty and tyranny to her subjects . Jealousy to excess is a great weakness of ' mind , and is the forerunner of folly ; and there is no passion more criminal and brutal Avhen it gets possession of the soul , ' for it is a violent flame , the fire pf Avhich cannot be extinguished hut by the loss of blood . Melihus , from unbounded jealousy , kept his ' Avife constantly chained up , like a malefac"
tor pr a slave . Caricleas , the Macedonian , kept his wife Mucina shut up in a prison , where the li ght qf the sun never entered , for he was jealous of the god of day . ' " ¦ ' Cirsus , the Theban Captain , Avas so much addicted to jealousy , that he never would be absent from his wife , and obliged her to attend him in the warand made her run all the dangers of a combat . The
hi-, p losopher Menander , from the same principles of jealousy ,, married the ugliest woman he could find , but in the ' end poisoned her , that he mi g ht be free of the slavery of continually watching ker actions . This passion is not peculiar to the men alone , the women are also tainted Avith it , and that to a very great degree . The wild boar , pursued by the
, dogs , the hungry lioness deprived of her young , and the viper , whose tail has been trod upon , arc not more terrible than an offended woman . Nothing drives a woman sooner to madness than jealousy : Ariadne , in order tp revenge herself on her husband , the Emperor Zenon , transported by a jealous fury , had him buried alive . Thucidea , dreft in mens ' , clothes , fol | owed her husband Le'ianus wherever lie went , Semiramis , Queen of Egyptpractised ic a long timeto discover the se *
, mag , cret amours of Xing Torpas , her consort , which in the end succeeded very ill fon her , 'for in searching into the nature of a dangero . us " herb , she poisoned herself . The jealous but chaste Hermilia , being informed that-the affections of her husband Heiiolanus Avere placed on ' a courtezan , stabbed herself in despair . NotAvithstanding that jealousy is so very clear sightedthe eyes of Argus be deceived : There is
, may nq vigilance whatever proof against f h , e plots of an amorous soul ; loA-ehas arts to _ blind the sharpest eye . Some authors AVIIO have Avroteon jealousy insist that it is a madness proceeding from love ; for as love will not admit of a rival , so in effect'Jealousy , ' the consequence of it , cannot suffer the least idea p f a divided'iiffecticji ; ' and from Avhich arises all those follies I have' alreadmentioned" irusamorous to the
y . Pap , highest degree , died of jealousy . " Polide ' s , Lieuten . ant to Scipio Afri-. canus , poisoned Larcia'his wife to be freed of the torments her jea- . lousy . occasioned him . On his second marriage , finding this wife also attacked by the same disease , he made use of the same remedy . ] $ ,