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On Youthful Courage And Resolution.
¦ FROM THE FRENCH . ALEXANDER in his youth abhorred all manner of voluptuousness and delig ht , despising money and pernicious games , loving nothing but virtue , and the glory acquired b y the practice of it . Some of his intimate conypanions asked him if he did not intend to present
himself at the festivals of the Olympic Games , and endeavour to win the prize , as he Avas slender and nimble of body ? " Certainly I would , " replied he , "if there were no other than kings to contend Avith . " Every time he heard it mentioned that his father had taken some conr siderable toAvn , or gained a great battle , he appeared very sorrOAvful , and said to his young companions , " My father will take alland will
, leave me nothing to do , or to conquer . " Among all the g ifts of Nature admired in him at that early age , Avas his excellence in mounting and managing a horse , and which was sufficiently sheAvn in the sequel , by his taming the Avild steed Bucephalus . Philip his father had purchased him for ei g ht thousand pieces of silver , but the King's grooms found him so exceeding ungovernable , that
they durst not attempt to mount him . Alexander sprung on his back , and managed him so dexterously , that the beholders were astonished : When he had thoroughly subdued him by frequent exercise , he returned him to the grooms perfectly tame . His father ran to embrace him , saving , " O , my son , you must search
for a kingdom Avorthy of you , Macedonia cannot contain you ! " - Alexander constantly made use of Bucephalus , till at last he was killed under him , in one of the battles against the barbarous nations . Pompey , from his earliest infancy , Avas remarkable for an enchanting affability and mildness of countenance ; and his morals and manners Avere royally majestic . Before-he reached the age of sixteen , he stifled a iracy against his father Strabonchief of the Roman
arconsp , my , in the following manner : . - By the machinations of China the soldiers had mutinied , and had determined on the death of their general : Pompey seeing them ready with arms and baggage to go over to China , he threAV himself in the midst of the mutineers , in treating them Avith tears in his eyes , not to desert their chief ; but when he found that no prayers would prevail ,
and that they persisted in their resolution , he flung himself down across the gate of the camp , his body and face extended in the dust , telling them , that since they were determined to go , they and their horses must first kill him by trampling on his body , before ihey could get out . The soldiers , beholding this unexpected and resolute action , were so struck , and so ashamed of Avhat they were about to do , that they all turned back immediately , and were reconciled to their chief . Pupirius was introduced to the Roman senate , and clothed with the robe of probation usually given to young men of noble descent , in or-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Youthful Courage And Resolution.
¦ FROM THE FRENCH . ALEXANDER in his youth abhorred all manner of voluptuousness and delig ht , despising money and pernicious games , loving nothing but virtue , and the glory acquired b y the practice of it . Some of his intimate conypanions asked him if he did not intend to present
himself at the festivals of the Olympic Games , and endeavour to win the prize , as he Avas slender and nimble of body ? " Certainly I would , " replied he , "if there were no other than kings to contend Avith . " Every time he heard it mentioned that his father had taken some conr siderable toAvn , or gained a great battle , he appeared very sorrOAvful , and said to his young companions , " My father will take alland will
, leave me nothing to do , or to conquer . " Among all the g ifts of Nature admired in him at that early age , Avas his excellence in mounting and managing a horse , and which was sufficiently sheAvn in the sequel , by his taming the Avild steed Bucephalus . Philip his father had purchased him for ei g ht thousand pieces of silver , but the King's grooms found him so exceeding ungovernable , that
they durst not attempt to mount him . Alexander sprung on his back , and managed him so dexterously , that the beholders were astonished : When he had thoroughly subdued him by frequent exercise , he returned him to the grooms perfectly tame . His father ran to embrace him , saving , " O , my son , you must search
for a kingdom Avorthy of you , Macedonia cannot contain you ! " - Alexander constantly made use of Bucephalus , till at last he was killed under him , in one of the battles against the barbarous nations . Pompey , from his earliest infancy , Avas remarkable for an enchanting affability and mildness of countenance ; and his morals and manners Avere royally majestic . Before-he reached the age of sixteen , he stifled a iracy against his father Strabonchief of the Roman
arconsp , my , in the following manner : . - By the machinations of China the soldiers had mutinied , and had determined on the death of their general : Pompey seeing them ready with arms and baggage to go over to China , he threAV himself in the midst of the mutineers , in treating them Avith tears in his eyes , not to desert their chief ; but when he found that no prayers would prevail ,
and that they persisted in their resolution , he flung himself down across the gate of the camp , his body and face extended in the dust , telling them , that since they were determined to go , they and their horses must first kill him by trampling on his body , before ihey could get out . The soldiers , beholding this unexpected and resolute action , were so struck , and so ashamed of Avhat they were about to do , that they all turned back immediately , and were reconciled to their chief . Pupirius was introduced to the Roman senate , and clothed with the robe of probation usually given to young men of noble descent , in or-