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Remarks On The Mutability Of Fortune.
they hated ! Nay , it sometimes happens that Avise men degenerate inW fools , and fools recover their senses . Bigots and enthusiasts have been guilty of suicide , Avhilst some of the greatest villains have died peaces ably in their beds . I shall conclude , as I began , with observing , that there is nothing certain in this Avorld but death : the time , manner , and consequences of which are entirely uncertain , and impenetrable to the researches of the most judicious , learned , and segacious .
London Characterized.
BY DR . JOHNSON ; ' IF you wish to have a just notion of the magnitude of this city , you must not be satisfied vvith seeing its great streets and squares , but must survey the innumerable little alleys and courts . It is not iri theshewy evolutions of buildings , but in the multiplicity of human habitations which are croAvded together , that the immensity of Londori consists . I have often amused myself with thinking hoAv different a
place London is , to different people . They Avhose narrow minds are contracted to the consideration of some one particular object , view it Only through that medium . A politician thinks of it merely as a seat of Government in its different departments ; a grazier , as a vast market for cattle ; a mercantile man , as a-pi ace where a prodi gious deal of business is doneupon 'Change ; a Dramatic enthusiastas the
, , grand scene of Theatrical Entertainments ; a Man of Pleasure , as an assemblage of Taverns , and the great emporium for ladies of easy virtue ; but the intellectual man is struck Avith it , as comprehending the whole of human life in all its variety , the contemplation of which is inexhaustible .
Literary Intelligence.
DR . Blair will soon present the public Avith a fourth volume of his very popular Sermons . ¦ - Mrs . Piozzi , to Avhose sprightly , and agreeable pen we have been , iri several instances indebted for much information and amusement , is at present engaged in a work very different in its nature from her other " publications—a Collection of English Synonimes , upon the p lan of the admired
French work of Abbe Girard . Mr . Malone is employed in superintending a splendid edition of the works of his friend , the late much-lamented President of the Royal Academy . The Earl of Hardwick proposes to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of his uncle the late Earl , by publishing an elegant edition of
the " Athenian Letters , " Avith portraits of the principal personages who contributed to that truly classical performance . Mr . Wakefield has printed two volumes of his edition of Pope ; and Dr . Warton has made considerable progress in a similar undertaking * This last will doubtless be expected with the most eager curiosity . Mr , Hayley has completed his Life of Milton ; and Mr . Cowper his translation of that poet ' s Latin verses .
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Remarks On The Mutability Of Fortune.
they hated ! Nay , it sometimes happens that Avise men degenerate inW fools , and fools recover their senses . Bigots and enthusiasts have been guilty of suicide , Avhilst some of the greatest villains have died peaces ably in their beds . I shall conclude , as I began , with observing , that there is nothing certain in this Avorld but death : the time , manner , and consequences of which are entirely uncertain , and impenetrable to the researches of the most judicious , learned , and segacious .
London Characterized.
BY DR . JOHNSON ; ' IF you wish to have a just notion of the magnitude of this city , you must not be satisfied vvith seeing its great streets and squares , but must survey the innumerable little alleys and courts . It is not iri theshewy evolutions of buildings , but in the multiplicity of human habitations which are croAvded together , that the immensity of Londori consists . I have often amused myself with thinking hoAv different a
place London is , to different people . They Avhose narrow minds are contracted to the consideration of some one particular object , view it Only through that medium . A politician thinks of it merely as a seat of Government in its different departments ; a grazier , as a vast market for cattle ; a mercantile man , as a-pi ace where a prodi gious deal of business is doneupon 'Change ; a Dramatic enthusiastas the
, , grand scene of Theatrical Entertainments ; a Man of Pleasure , as an assemblage of Taverns , and the great emporium for ladies of easy virtue ; but the intellectual man is struck Avith it , as comprehending the whole of human life in all its variety , the contemplation of which is inexhaustible .
Literary Intelligence.
DR . Blair will soon present the public Avith a fourth volume of his very popular Sermons . ¦ - Mrs . Piozzi , to Avhose sprightly , and agreeable pen we have been , iri several instances indebted for much information and amusement , is at present engaged in a work very different in its nature from her other " publications—a Collection of English Synonimes , upon the p lan of the admired
French work of Abbe Girard . Mr . Malone is employed in superintending a splendid edition of the works of his friend , the late much-lamented President of the Royal Academy . The Earl of Hardwick proposes to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of his uncle the late Earl , by publishing an elegant edition of
the " Athenian Letters , " Avith portraits of the principal personages who contributed to that truly classical performance . Mr . Wakefield has printed two volumes of his edition of Pope ; and Dr . Warton has made considerable progress in a similar undertaking * This last will doubtless be expected with the most eager curiosity . Mr , Hayley has completed his Life of Milton ; and Mr . Cowper his translation of that poet ' s Latin verses .