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Parliamentary Proceedings.
' And again on the 4 th day of May , AA'hen the Lords decided , That it is not competent to the Managers for the Commons , to put the fofldwitif * question to the witness upon the seventh article of charge , viz . —Whether more oppressions did actually exist under the new institution , than under the old ? And again on the iSth day of May , when , tlie House of Lords resolved , That it is not competent to the Managers for the Commons to give evidence of the enormities actually committed by Deby Syng ; the same not being charged in the
impeachment-. And again on the 2 d day of June , when the Lords resolved , ' ¦ That it is not competent ( or the Managers on the part of the Commons , to give any evidence Upon the seventh article of the impeachment , to prove ' shat the letter of the 5 th of May , 17 S 1 , is false , in any other particular than that wherein it is expressly charged to be false ; The said divisions of the House of Lords are founded upon princiles not peculiar
p to trials by impeachment . They are founded upon common sense , and on the immutable principles Of justice . ! ' —In Scotland those principles are peculiarly necessary to be adhered to , inasmuch as by the laws of that part of the united kingdom , a defendant is obliged to produce a complete lis ; of all his witnesses in exculpation , the day before the- trial . That alone appears to me a considerable hardship . But if , after such list ' is actually delivered in by the defendant , any facts ( or supposed facts ) not particularly set forth as crimes in the indictment , may , on the following day , for the first tirny , and without noticehe suddenly brought out in evidence the trial against the
de-, upon fendant ; such defendant , from such an entrapping mode of trial , may be convicted , although innocent . Such proceedings ( whether supported or unsupported by any ojt ? Scotch statute passed in arbitrary times ) ought I conceive , to be revised . For , in a free country , there ought rot to be one mode of administrating justice to one man , namely , to Mr . Hastings , and an opposite mode of administrating , justice to another man , namely , to Mr . Muir ,
STANHOPE . HOUSE or COMMONS . Jan . is . The proceedings in the House of Commons teak a similar turn to those in the Upper House . The Address to his Majesty being moved bLord CllfTdenwho took & short but
y , ge neral review of the atrocities committed by the ruling powers in France , add seemed of opinion , that no peace could be made Avith safety or AA'ith honour , while the present system existed in that country . ' Ke Avas seconded by Sir Peter Burrel . The amendment was moved by the Earl of Wycombe , who delivered his sentiments decidedly against the conduct of Administrafon ; . "lightly glancing over what he termed their wicked and absurd policy in commencing the war : He took a comprehensive
view of the operations of the late campaign , on some of which lie was diffuse , even to minuteness , and the whole had his unqualified disapprobation . The mis-carriages at M . artinico and Dunkirk , he was particuiaily severe on . —The fo'Bier , he s :-, ; d , was so inadequately planned , and disgiacen-lly conducted , as to merit a parliamentary enquiry . With respect to Dunkirk , he was justified , he said , by great military authorities , in asserting , that neither the design , nor the means taken to carry it into offeet , were adequate to such , an important purpose . Fie painted the present situation of this country as critical and alarming ; he
deprecated the fastidious and ridiculous policy , which refused to treat with the present government of France ; he said , that in the end , they v . ould compel us to treat ; and he hoped that . all true friends of their country would unite in endeavouring to effect 3 speedy pacification .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
' And again on the 4 th day of May , AA'hen the Lords decided , That it is not competent to the Managers for the Commons , to put the fofldwitif * question to the witness upon the seventh article of charge , viz . —Whether more oppressions did actually exist under the new institution , than under the old ? And again on the iSth day of May , when , tlie House of Lords resolved , That it is not competent to the Managers for the Commons to give evidence of the enormities actually committed by Deby Syng ; the same not being charged in the
impeachment-. And again on the 2 d day of June , when the Lords resolved , ' ¦ That it is not competent ( or the Managers on the part of the Commons , to give any evidence Upon the seventh article of the impeachment , to prove ' shat the letter of the 5 th of May , 17 S 1 , is false , in any other particular than that wherein it is expressly charged to be false ; The said divisions of the House of Lords are founded upon princiles not peculiar
p to trials by impeachment . They are founded upon common sense , and on the immutable principles Of justice . ! ' —In Scotland those principles are peculiarly necessary to be adhered to , inasmuch as by the laws of that part of the united kingdom , a defendant is obliged to produce a complete lis ; of all his witnesses in exculpation , the day before the- trial . That alone appears to me a considerable hardship . But if , after such list ' is actually delivered in by the defendant , any facts ( or supposed facts ) not particularly set forth as crimes in the indictment , may , on the following day , for the first tirny , and without noticehe suddenly brought out in evidence the trial against the
de-, upon fendant ; such defendant , from such an entrapping mode of trial , may be convicted , although innocent . Such proceedings ( whether supported or unsupported by any ojt ? Scotch statute passed in arbitrary times ) ought I conceive , to be revised . For , in a free country , there ought rot to be one mode of administrating justice to one man , namely , to Mr . Hastings , and an opposite mode of administrating , justice to another man , namely , to Mr . Muir ,
STANHOPE . HOUSE or COMMONS . Jan . is . The proceedings in the House of Commons teak a similar turn to those in the Upper House . The Address to his Majesty being moved bLord CllfTdenwho took & short but
y , ge neral review of the atrocities committed by the ruling powers in France , add seemed of opinion , that no peace could be made Avith safety or AA'ith honour , while the present system existed in that country . ' Ke Avas seconded by Sir Peter Burrel . The amendment was moved by the Earl of Wycombe , who delivered his sentiments decidedly against the conduct of Administrafon ; . "lightly glancing over what he termed their wicked and absurd policy in commencing the war : He took a comprehensive
view of the operations of the late campaign , on some of which lie was diffuse , even to minuteness , and the whole had his unqualified disapprobation . The mis-carriages at M . artinico and Dunkirk , he was particuiaily severe on . —The fo'Bier , he s :-, ; d , was so inadequately planned , and disgiacen-lly conducted , as to merit a parliamentary enquiry . With respect to Dunkirk , he was justified , he said , by great military authorities , in asserting , that neither the design , nor the means taken to carry it into offeet , were adequate to such , an important purpose . Fie painted the present situation of this country as critical and alarming ; he
deprecated the fastidious and ridiculous policy , which refused to treat with the present government of France ; he said , that in the end , they v . ould compel us to treat ; and he hoped that . all true friends of their country would unite in endeavouring to effect 3 speedy pacification .