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Parliamentary Proceedings.
• Colonel farttoii censured the shameful procrastination ot affording succdur to the gallant Royalists in France , until the opportunity was lost . What he termed the disgraceful events of our operations at Toulon , did not escape his animadversion , and he ridiculed the measure of sending an-Honourable Baronet to the south of France , in order to make proselytes to royalty . He then adverted to the train of domestic calamities which the war had already occasioned at home , in the almost total stagnation of several branches of manufactures , and the ruin-of thousands offamilies ; all which distresses must be aggravated by a prolongation of the war . He glanced at what he
considered the profusion of Ministers , informing treaties with ' beggarly allies , ' whose co-operation was purchased by immense subsidies . Sir James Murray vindicated part of the Duke of York's conduct in the late campaign , which he conceived was . glanced at by a former speaker . Sir TVilliam Miliar and Mr . H . BrOAvne spOks in faA'Our of the address . Mr . Courtenay against it . Lord Mariungton supported the motion for the address , and defended the conduct
of administration , with respect to the commencement and prosecution of the Avar with great ability ; in doing this , his Lordship deemed it necessary to recur , at considerable length , to the proceedings of the . ruling party in France , as well in a legislative point of view , as in the line of military operation ; the intent of which appeared to be , to shew the insecurity , dishonour , and pernicious consequences , which , in all human probabilty , must result from treating with a set of men , who had repeatedly manifested themselves void of every principle of public and private virtue , and capable of the grossest outrages on all laAvs , human and divine . Mr . Sheridan observed , that the speech of the noble Lord , was more remarkable for its eioquncerbao ir . s brevity ; he had entertained the House with several extracts from Brissot ' s pamohlets , but as far as he had read , his extracts went against his own
arguments . All parties of France had reproved each other for going to war . What did this prove , but that all parties in France were inclined to peace ? Every thing tended to shew that France Avas inclined to peace ; for Brissot had been expressly accused with having involved the country in war . He then animadverted on the conduct of Genet in America . How did that wise country behave on that occasion ? Where is the man who would say she felt herself degraded by her conduct ? She was not to be forced into hostilities , and was in consequence now enjoying that prosperity which we might have experienced , had our proceedings been characterized by similar prudence .
He said , he had remarked that revolutions always commenced with the minority ; if so , the smaller the minority , the greater the danger . The minority , ofwhichhewas then a Member , had been already pretty well thinne ' d ; if any person was wanted for a Chancellor—if any person was wanted for a Welch judge , they could there be found ; it would be but rigitt if the Gentlemen would return a few of the Members to restore the balance . it had been said that this was a defensive war ; he , on the contrary , thought we were the aggressors ; and that it was absolutely a war of choice . It was a war to establish some form of government in France , and it must be a monarchical
form , from whence alone security could be derived . ' What gr . ater security there was for the maintenance of treaties under a monarchy , than under any other form , he could not ascertain , as the conduct of the King of Prussia and the Empress of Russia , in the dismemberment of Poland , which they had solemnly engaged by treaty to protect , afforded- no better hopes from monarchs than was to be found in republics . He reprobated The conduct of Ministers , the mode of carrying on the war in all quarters ; at Toulon and Dunkirk , in the East Indies , and in the Channel , convinced that nothing but peace could put an end to the calamities which our improvident opposition had brought upon us . ' it was a reflection on the character of Englishmen , to say that any danger could be apprehended by this country from the establishment of a republic in France .
Mr . Wyndham with great ingenuity supported the arguments of Lord Mormngton , combated the objections to carry on the war , and conceived it more necessary than ever to pursue it with unahating vigour . Mr . Secretary Dumlr . s replied to some imputations which had been thrown out against , his Majesty's Ministers , for want of vigilance and attention to the mode of car-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
• Colonel farttoii censured the shameful procrastination ot affording succdur to the gallant Royalists in France , until the opportunity was lost . What he termed the disgraceful events of our operations at Toulon , did not escape his animadversion , and he ridiculed the measure of sending an-Honourable Baronet to the south of France , in order to make proselytes to royalty . He then adverted to the train of domestic calamities which the war had already occasioned at home , in the almost total stagnation of several branches of manufactures , and the ruin-of thousands offamilies ; all which distresses must be aggravated by a prolongation of the war . He glanced at what he
considered the profusion of Ministers , informing treaties with ' beggarly allies , ' whose co-operation was purchased by immense subsidies . Sir James Murray vindicated part of the Duke of York's conduct in the late campaign , which he conceived was . glanced at by a former speaker . Sir TVilliam Miliar and Mr . H . BrOAvne spOks in faA'Our of the address . Mr . Courtenay against it . Lord Mariungton supported the motion for the address , and defended the conduct
of administration , with respect to the commencement and prosecution of the Avar with great ability ; in doing this , his Lordship deemed it necessary to recur , at considerable length , to the proceedings of the . ruling party in France , as well in a legislative point of view , as in the line of military operation ; the intent of which appeared to be , to shew the insecurity , dishonour , and pernicious consequences , which , in all human probabilty , must result from treating with a set of men , who had repeatedly manifested themselves void of every principle of public and private virtue , and capable of the grossest outrages on all laAvs , human and divine . Mr . Sheridan observed , that the speech of the noble Lord , was more remarkable for its eioquncerbao ir . s brevity ; he had entertained the House with several extracts from Brissot ' s pamohlets , but as far as he had read , his extracts went against his own
arguments . All parties of France had reproved each other for going to war . What did this prove , but that all parties in France were inclined to peace ? Every thing tended to shew that France Avas inclined to peace ; for Brissot had been expressly accused with having involved the country in war . He then animadverted on the conduct of Genet in America . How did that wise country behave on that occasion ? Where is the man who would say she felt herself degraded by her conduct ? She was not to be forced into hostilities , and was in consequence now enjoying that prosperity which we might have experienced , had our proceedings been characterized by similar prudence .
He said , he had remarked that revolutions always commenced with the minority ; if so , the smaller the minority , the greater the danger . The minority , ofwhichhewas then a Member , had been already pretty well thinne ' d ; if any person was wanted for a Chancellor—if any person was wanted for a Welch judge , they could there be found ; it would be but rigitt if the Gentlemen would return a few of the Members to restore the balance . it had been said that this was a defensive war ; he , on the contrary , thought we were the aggressors ; and that it was absolutely a war of choice . It was a war to establish some form of government in France , and it must be a monarchical
form , from whence alone security could be derived . ' What gr . ater security there was for the maintenance of treaties under a monarchy , than under any other form , he could not ascertain , as the conduct of the King of Prussia and the Empress of Russia , in the dismemberment of Poland , which they had solemnly engaged by treaty to protect , afforded- no better hopes from monarchs than was to be found in republics . He reprobated The conduct of Ministers , the mode of carrying on the war in all quarters ; at Toulon and Dunkirk , in the East Indies , and in the Channel , convinced that nothing but peace could put an end to the calamities which our improvident opposition had brought upon us . ' it was a reflection on the character of Englishmen , to say that any danger could be apprehended by this country from the establishment of a republic in France .
Mr . Wyndham with great ingenuity supported the arguments of Lord Mormngton , combated the objections to carry on the war , and conceived it more necessary than ever to pursue it with unahating vigour . Mr . Secretary Dumlr . s replied to some imputations which had been thrown out against , his Majesty's Ministers , for want of vigilance and attention to the mode of car-