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Parliamentary Proceedings.
be expected from the rejection of a proposal to treat ; those consequences would be very important in this country ; the refusal of the Jacobins to treat would ruin -them in the opinion of the French people , ' would arm every hand , aud rouse every heart against them . Mr . Fox thought , that there had been gross mismanagement in the conduct of the war . At Jamaica , our whole fleet had wa . tcd for convoy . Not a word had been said of Dunkirk . He wished to [ cow who had advised the separation of the Duke of York's army from that of the Prince of Cohourg . When a British Prince , at the head
of his army , approached the sea , the natural dominion of his country , he must have expected to find the whole . coast a fortress for him . What must have been his feelings at finding a few gun-boats of the er . tmy , commanding the shore , and harassing all his operations . Of that'" expedition some account must be given to the House . — He noticed the circumstances of the evacuation of Toulon , which , as it must have been taken with a view- of being preserved , should haA'e been . defended by British , or Briti ' sh and Austrian troops , instead of Spaniards and Portuguese . The conduct of . Ministers towards ffcutral PowersMr . Fox contendedhad b ^ sn umvarraiitable .
, , The order issued relative to American ships , they had the prudence to withdraw , and he hoped the retraction had come in time to amend the error . General Washington's admirable speech displayed all the temper , with all the firmness of that great man j and it was apparent enough , that , under his guidance , America would strenuously preserve her rank among nations . The misconduct and insolence of Genet , the French Envoy , had not provoked General Washington to any measures which could
tend unnecessarily to produce a rupture with the French . He had asserted his own Signity by demanding the recal of that Minister , which was granted , and the intercourse of America with France was preserved . Mr . Fox concluded by moving an amendment , the substance of which was , " That the Houie should humbly assure his Majesty of their readiness to afford the necessary support for his arms ; . expressing their hopes , at the same time , that some opportunity might be found for concluding a peace with the French nation—and that , when such an opportunity should be foundno obstacle to the negotiations would occur from
, the form , or / nature of the government in France . " - . The Chancellor of the Exchequer said , he Avas anxious to state clearly his sentiments on the present occasion . —There was no ambiguity in the intention of his Majesty ' s Ministers " witti" respect to the present war . They had clearly and explicitly stated , that the grounds were security to ourselves and our allies , and indemnity for aggressions already committed . These measures cannot be obtained while the present government exists in France ; a government effectually destructive in its principles to
all the governments in Europe . li , therefore , the arguments admitted by the House for undertaking the war were good , they were certainly now more forcible for conti-, nuing it with all possible vigour , War could present no calamities so terrible as thpse in which this country might be involved from relaxing in her preparations , at the A'ery moment when-these preparations were upon the point of being successful . He objected to the amendment proposed ; as the destructions" a faction ruinous in its principles to all the powers of Europe , to religion , morality and law , was the reason oi our first taking arms . ;¦ -. ¦> - -..., <
The first slep of the Revolutionary Tribunal was the abolition pf Religion , to pave the way for fresh-crimes , to familiarise the mind with guilt , and by removing the obstacle of fear , to relieve it from the restraints of conscience . - Their second measure was the seizure of property ; and their mode of inflicting punishment , by taking from the accused all p ' riviledge . of defence immediately followed . All'these crimes were converted into resources of revenue . From the pillage of the Churches , tlie destruction of property , the confiscation pf effects , the unbounded circulation pf assignats , and the imposition of a forcedlbanthey had hitherto derived the means for conducting
, their military operations : but these desperate resources were certain symptoms ofapproaching decay . It has been argued , that the spirit of the French has made ' them brave in the field ; but their efforts are the effect of a most terrible system of restraint and oppression , —they are compelled into the field by the terror of the guillotine , and upporttd thc-ie only by those resourced which'their desperate situation affords . A system , so - monstrous and terrible must speedily be overthrown ; andhe did not hesU
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
be expected from the rejection of a proposal to treat ; those consequences would be very important in this country ; the refusal of the Jacobins to treat would ruin -them in the opinion of the French people , ' would arm every hand , aud rouse every heart against them . Mr . Fox thought , that there had been gross mismanagement in the conduct of the war . At Jamaica , our whole fleet had wa . tcd for convoy . Not a word had been said of Dunkirk . He wished to [ cow who had advised the separation of the Duke of York's army from that of the Prince of Cohourg . When a British Prince , at the head
of his army , approached the sea , the natural dominion of his country , he must have expected to find the whole . coast a fortress for him . What must have been his feelings at finding a few gun-boats of the er . tmy , commanding the shore , and harassing all his operations . Of that'" expedition some account must be given to the House . — He noticed the circumstances of the evacuation of Toulon , which , as it must have been taken with a view- of being preserved , should haA'e been . defended by British , or Briti ' sh and Austrian troops , instead of Spaniards and Portuguese . The conduct of . Ministers towards ffcutral PowersMr . Fox contendedhad b ^ sn umvarraiitable .
, , The order issued relative to American ships , they had the prudence to withdraw , and he hoped the retraction had come in time to amend the error . General Washington's admirable speech displayed all the temper , with all the firmness of that great man j and it was apparent enough , that , under his guidance , America would strenuously preserve her rank among nations . The misconduct and insolence of Genet , the French Envoy , had not provoked General Washington to any measures which could
tend unnecessarily to produce a rupture with the French . He had asserted his own Signity by demanding the recal of that Minister , which was granted , and the intercourse of America with France was preserved . Mr . Fox concluded by moving an amendment , the substance of which was , " That the Houie should humbly assure his Majesty of their readiness to afford the necessary support for his arms ; . expressing their hopes , at the same time , that some opportunity might be found for concluding a peace with the French nation—and that , when such an opportunity should be foundno obstacle to the negotiations would occur from
, the form , or / nature of the government in France . " - . The Chancellor of the Exchequer said , he Avas anxious to state clearly his sentiments on the present occasion . —There was no ambiguity in the intention of his Majesty ' s Ministers " witti" respect to the present war . They had clearly and explicitly stated , that the grounds were security to ourselves and our allies , and indemnity for aggressions already committed . These measures cannot be obtained while the present government exists in France ; a government effectually destructive in its principles to
all the governments in Europe . li , therefore , the arguments admitted by the House for undertaking the war were good , they were certainly now more forcible for conti-, nuing it with all possible vigour , War could present no calamities so terrible as thpse in which this country might be involved from relaxing in her preparations , at the A'ery moment when-these preparations were upon the point of being successful . He objected to the amendment proposed ; as the destructions" a faction ruinous in its principles to all the powers of Europe , to religion , morality and law , was the reason oi our first taking arms . ;¦ -. ¦> - -..., <
The first slep of the Revolutionary Tribunal was the abolition pf Religion , to pave the way for fresh-crimes , to familiarise the mind with guilt , and by removing the obstacle of fear , to relieve it from the restraints of conscience . - Their second measure was the seizure of property ; and their mode of inflicting punishment , by taking from the accused all p ' riviledge . of defence immediately followed . All'these crimes were converted into resources of revenue . From the pillage of the Churches , tlie destruction of property , the confiscation pf effects , the unbounded circulation pf assignats , and the imposition of a forcedlbanthey had hitherto derived the means for conducting
, their military operations : but these desperate resources were certain symptoms ofapproaching decay . It has been argued , that the spirit of the French has made ' them brave in the field ; but their efforts are the effect of a most terrible system of restraint and oppression , —they are compelled into the field by the terror of the guillotine , and upporttd thc-ie only by those resourced which'their desperate situation affords . A system , so - monstrous and terrible must speedily be overthrown ; andhe did not hesU