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Parliamentary Proceedings.
Mr . Pviva defended tVe measure on the ground , that it was necessary to have allies . Mr . D . R y der said , it was absolutely expedient to stop the French on the side of Savoy . Mr . Grey attacked the conduct of Ministry in this instance , with great warmth and spirit .
. Mr . Canning , in his maiden speech , spoke with great ability in favour of Adminis-, tration , and said , it would be cruel and unjust in us to ask a poor prince to fight with us , without properly subsidizing him for it . Mr . Stanley and Mr . Alderman Ntwenbam spoke in favour of the treaty with the king of Sardinia—after which it was agreed to .
Strictures On Public Amusements.
COVENT GARDEN , FEBRUARY I . THE Honourable Mrs . TWJSLETON came forward in the character of Beliiidera , in VENICE PRESERVED , at Covent Garden Theatre , and was received with abundant appjease . by a very crowded and brilliant audience . This Lady ' s features are agreeable , and her person possesses peculiar symmetry and elegance , but the latter is rather petiteand the former want expression . She appeared to have studied the
, part , and to have watched the manner of Mrs . SIPDONS , and those actresses , who are allowed to be most successful in its representation , wit-h great attention . Hence she AA'as correct in ail the means of producing stage effect , and played several of the " scenes powerfully - . Though her action was somewhat redundant , it was in general graceful . Upon the wiioie , it was an effort entitled to no inconsiderable share of commendation . 3 d . The Royal Family-went to the little Haymarket Theatre , for the first time this season . A most afflicting scene occurred at the opening of the doors . In descending
the stairs to the Pit , some of the foremost of the multitude lost their feet and fell ; the crowd passed over them with that thoughtless fury , whiah in such a moment no comjpassion can touch , no eloquence soften , and in this way , 15 human beings were trodden to death . The confusion lasted half an hour , and for all that time no possible aid could be given to the victims ; one only of whom was recovered . The following is a correct list of the peisons killed : r—Mrs . Brandram , wife of Mr . Brandram , White-lead Manufacturer , Horsleydown .- ^ i Miss Brandram , niece of Mr , Brandram . —Mr . Brandram , his nephew . Mr . Brandram
himself was apparently recovered , but is Since dead . ^ -Benjamin Pingo , Esq . York Herald , of the Herald ' s Colleger—J . C . Brooke , Esq . Somerset Herald , of ditto .-: —Mrs . Hartley , Earl-street , Blackfriars . ~ Mrs . Willis , and Master Willis , wife and son of Mr . Wiiiis , attorney , of Gray's-inn . — -Mr . Garbutt , late Master of the Three Sisters pf Whitby . —Mrs . C-watkin , wife of Mr , Gwatkin , Dancing-master , Bartiett ' s Buildings . ;—Mrs , Spencer , St James ' s market . —Miss Williams , Pall Mall , daughter of Mr . Williams , Copper-plate-smith , Shoe-l . ine . —Mr . Robinson , of Clerkenwell , Farrier . —Miss-Charlotte Bushnellniece to Mr . Nortonof Berners-street . In all 15
, , persons . , ' * . Exclusive of the above lamented victims to this accident , near , twenty others suffered material injuries . A bill from the Theatre stated , that the accident was wholly to be attributed to the eagerness ofthe crowd , and not to any defect in the Pit staircase—that it was occasioned by the effect of their eagerness , is certainly true , yet , from the extreme steepfcess pf the stairs , those at the bottom are actually obliged to sustain the whole weight
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
Mr . Pviva defended tVe measure on the ground , that it was necessary to have allies . Mr . D . R y der said , it was absolutely expedient to stop the French on the side of Savoy . Mr . Grey attacked the conduct of Ministry in this instance , with great warmth and spirit .
. Mr . Canning , in his maiden speech , spoke with great ability in favour of Adminis-, tration , and said , it would be cruel and unjust in us to ask a poor prince to fight with us , without properly subsidizing him for it . Mr . Stanley and Mr . Alderman Ntwenbam spoke in favour of the treaty with the king of Sardinia—after which it was agreed to .
Strictures On Public Amusements.
COVENT GARDEN , FEBRUARY I . THE Honourable Mrs . TWJSLETON came forward in the character of Beliiidera , in VENICE PRESERVED , at Covent Garden Theatre , and was received with abundant appjease . by a very crowded and brilliant audience . This Lady ' s features are agreeable , and her person possesses peculiar symmetry and elegance , but the latter is rather petiteand the former want expression . She appeared to have studied the
, part , and to have watched the manner of Mrs . SIPDONS , and those actresses , who are allowed to be most successful in its representation , wit-h great attention . Hence she AA'as correct in ail the means of producing stage effect , and played several of the " scenes powerfully - . Though her action was somewhat redundant , it was in general graceful . Upon the wiioie , it was an effort entitled to no inconsiderable share of commendation . 3 d . The Royal Family-went to the little Haymarket Theatre , for the first time this season . A most afflicting scene occurred at the opening of the doors . In descending
the stairs to the Pit , some of the foremost of the multitude lost their feet and fell ; the crowd passed over them with that thoughtless fury , whiah in such a moment no comjpassion can touch , no eloquence soften , and in this way , 15 human beings were trodden to death . The confusion lasted half an hour , and for all that time no possible aid could be given to the victims ; one only of whom was recovered . The following is a correct list of the peisons killed : r—Mrs . Brandram , wife of Mr . Brandram , White-lead Manufacturer , Horsleydown .- ^ i Miss Brandram , niece of Mr , Brandram . —Mr . Brandram , his nephew . Mr . Brandram
himself was apparently recovered , but is Since dead . ^ -Benjamin Pingo , Esq . York Herald , of the Herald ' s Colleger—J . C . Brooke , Esq . Somerset Herald , of ditto .-: —Mrs . Hartley , Earl-street , Blackfriars . ~ Mrs . Willis , and Master Willis , wife and son of Mr . Wiiiis , attorney , of Gray's-inn . — -Mr . Garbutt , late Master of the Three Sisters pf Whitby . —Mrs . C-watkin , wife of Mr , Gwatkin , Dancing-master , Bartiett ' s Buildings . ;—Mrs , Spencer , St James ' s market . —Miss Williams , Pall Mall , daughter of Mr . Williams , Copper-plate-smith , Shoe-l . ine . —Mr . Robinson , of Clerkenwell , Farrier . —Miss-Charlotte Bushnellniece to Mr . Nortonof Berners-street . In all 15
, , persons . , ' * . Exclusive of the above lamented victims to this accident , near , twenty others suffered material injuries . A bill from the Theatre stated , that the accident was wholly to be attributed to the eagerness ofthe crowd , and not to any defect in the Pit staircase—that it was occasioned by the effect of their eagerness , is certainly true , yet , from the extreme steepfcess pf the stairs , those at the bottom are actually obliged to sustain the whole weight