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The Freemasons' Magazine. Or General And Complete Library.
jburthen , to the end they may deliver the same in what place of thy kingdom it shall best please thee ; that aftenvards thy subjects may transport them to Jerusalem : you shall prOA'ide to furnish us Avith corn , whereof Ave stand in need , because Ave inhabit an island . " Solomon , King David ' s son , to finish the temple that his father had begunsent for Masons into divers countries , and gathered them
to-, gether , so that he had fourscore thousand Avorkmen that were Avorkers of stone , and Avere all named Masons ; and he chose three thousand of them to be masters and governors of his work . ' And Hiram , King of Tyre , sent his servants unto Solomon , for he was ever a lover of King ' David , and he sent Solomon timber , and Workmento helforward the building of the temple ; and he sent one
, p that Avas named Hiram Abif , a Avidow ' s son of the tribe of Naphtile ; he Avas a master of Geometry , and Avas master of all his Masons , carvers , engravers , and workmen and casters of brass , and all other me- * tals that were used about the temple . King Solomon confirmed both the charges and manners that his father had given to Masons ; thus Avas the Avorthy Craft of Masonry
confirmed in Jerusalem , and many other kingdoms , and he finished the ' temple Anno Mundi , 3 COO . - ' ' Curious Craftsmen Avalked about full Avide , in divers countries , some to learn more craft and cunning , others to teach them that had but little cunning . ., Anno Mundi , 3431 , at the destruction of . the first temple by
Nebuchadnezer , after it had stood four hundred and thirty years . The second temple began in the reign of Cyrus , seventy- years after the destruttipn ; it being hindered , it was forty-six years' in building , and was finished in the rlign of Darius , Amio Mundi , 3522 . . In the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra , Anno Mundi , 3 813 , Onias built a JeAvish temple-in Egypt , in a p lace called Bubastis , and called it after his OAvn name .
The toAver of Straton , alias Cesaria , Avas built by Herod in Palestine , Anno Mundi , 3942 , and many other curious Avorks of marble ; as the temple of Caesar'Agrippa , to his memory , in the country called Zenodoras , near to a place called Panion , Anno Mundi , 394 6 . He also pulled down the second temple that Avas finished in the reign of Darius , and appointed' one thousand carriages to draw stone to the place , and chose ' out ten thousand cunning and expert workmen to ht-AV
and mould stone , and one thousand he chose out and clothed and made them masters and rulers of the Avork , and built a new temple , Anno Mundi , 3947 , on the foundation which Solomon ' ' had laid , not inferior to the' first , and Avas finished nine years before the birth of our Saviour , Anno Mundi , 395 6 . . ' After " the birth of our SaviourAururiagus being king of England
, , Claudius the emperor came over with an army , and he fearing to be overthrown , made a league with him , and gave him his daughter in marriage ; and that he should hold his kingdom of Romans , and so the emperor returned . In the year forty-three after the birth of Christ , Masons came into England and built a good monastry , pear unto Glas-Senbury , with many castles and towers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine. Or General And Complete Library.
jburthen , to the end they may deliver the same in what place of thy kingdom it shall best please thee ; that aftenvards thy subjects may transport them to Jerusalem : you shall prOA'ide to furnish us Avith corn , whereof Ave stand in need , because Ave inhabit an island . " Solomon , King David ' s son , to finish the temple that his father had begunsent for Masons into divers countries , and gathered them
to-, gether , so that he had fourscore thousand Avorkmen that were Avorkers of stone , and Avere all named Masons ; and he chose three thousand of them to be masters and governors of his work . ' And Hiram , King of Tyre , sent his servants unto Solomon , for he was ever a lover of King ' David , and he sent Solomon timber , and Workmento helforward the building of the temple ; and he sent one
, p that Avas named Hiram Abif , a Avidow ' s son of the tribe of Naphtile ; he Avas a master of Geometry , and Avas master of all his Masons , carvers , engravers , and workmen and casters of brass , and all other me- * tals that were used about the temple . King Solomon confirmed both the charges and manners that his father had given to Masons ; thus Avas the Avorthy Craft of Masonry
confirmed in Jerusalem , and many other kingdoms , and he finished the ' temple Anno Mundi , 3 COO . - ' ' Curious Craftsmen Avalked about full Avide , in divers countries , some to learn more craft and cunning , others to teach them that had but little cunning . ., Anno Mundi , 3431 , at the destruction of . the first temple by
Nebuchadnezer , after it had stood four hundred and thirty years . The second temple began in the reign of Cyrus , seventy- years after the destruttipn ; it being hindered , it was forty-six years' in building , and was finished in the rlign of Darius , Amio Mundi , 3522 . . In the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra , Anno Mundi , 3 813 , Onias built a JeAvish temple-in Egypt , in a p lace called Bubastis , and called it after his OAvn name .
The toAver of Straton , alias Cesaria , Avas built by Herod in Palestine , Anno Mundi , 3942 , and many other curious Avorks of marble ; as the temple of Caesar'Agrippa , to his memory , in the country called Zenodoras , near to a place called Panion , Anno Mundi , 394 6 . He also pulled down the second temple that Avas finished in the reign of Darius , and appointed' one thousand carriages to draw stone to the place , and chose ' out ten thousand cunning and expert workmen to ht-AV
and mould stone , and one thousand he chose out and clothed and made them masters and rulers of the Avork , and built a new temple , Anno Mundi , 3947 , on the foundation which Solomon ' ' had laid , not inferior to the' first , and Avas finished nine years before the birth of our Saviour , Anno Mundi , 395 6 . . ' After " the birth of our SaviourAururiagus being king of England
, , Claudius the emperor came over with an army , and he fearing to be overthrown , made a league with him , and gave him his daughter in marriage ; and that he should hold his kingdom of Romans , and so the emperor returned . In the year forty-three after the birth of Christ , Masons came into England and built a good monastry , pear unto Glas-Senbury , with many castles and towers .