Article ON CONTENT. Page 1 of 1
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On Content.
FROM AN OLD MS . . 1631 . VALLEYS may hills become , and so may hills Be unto valleys turn'd ; it is pur wills , Not the condition of our outward state , That doth unto us happiness create . —
Be but content , and Nature being serv'd , Grace will say we have more than we deserv'd s So ' tis not what we have , or what we want , j But our desires that , make tiie measure scant . With bread and water Nature is content ; From these , easy gifts , the whole world's extent , Will not deny ; our magazines of store , Top little is , if we be craving more :
Be pleas'd with what you have , and you will fin ?} Always enough with a contented mind . What folly ' tis , still more and more to crave , To dispossess ourselves of what we have- ^ Content ' s not broad , nor narrow , short ,, or Iong But suitable to pur frail condition . If low , she can as humbly condescend , ' If high , she can as joyfully ascend :
She nothing wants , though she may more desire . She likes her seat below , but could sit high'r . Content is like a sympathising wife , Who happy makes her own and husband ' s life ;
But if a hand pf pride , and that unjust , Shall seek ' to iay my honour in the diist , Restrain my Liberty , and me defame , By false reproaches cast on my good name ; And add too , ' home insulting banishment , Thinkih ' g to awe me with their punishment : Alas ! how vain have they their ' malice spent , When I can take my antidote Content .
Now God it is that teacheth us Content , If good or evil come , God hath it sent : Yet here let no blasphemous Libertine , Once think that God the author is of sin : God sin doth punish , which he could prevent ; He hates the sin , but owns tlie punishment . The God of goodness would not' sin permit . Knew he not how to bring good out of it .
Added to Content , when I do possess ' The multiplied blessings of godliness I have enough—I cannot say to spare , . Because the world and I m ' ade even are ; " Whereby my joy itself enlafgeth more , Than was my fear of losing it before—Contentment , joy , treasures for the soul is , WJiile discontent's incapable pf Blissi
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Content.
FROM AN OLD MS . . 1631 . VALLEYS may hills become , and so may hills Be unto valleys turn'd ; it is pur wills , Not the condition of our outward state , That doth unto us happiness create . —
Be but content , and Nature being serv'd , Grace will say we have more than we deserv'd s So ' tis not what we have , or what we want , j But our desires that , make tiie measure scant . With bread and water Nature is content ; From these , easy gifts , the whole world's extent , Will not deny ; our magazines of store , Top little is , if we be craving more :
Be pleas'd with what you have , and you will fin ?} Always enough with a contented mind . What folly ' tis , still more and more to crave , To dispossess ourselves of what we have- ^ Content ' s not broad , nor narrow , short ,, or Iong But suitable to pur frail condition . If low , she can as humbly condescend , ' If high , she can as joyfully ascend :
She nothing wants , though she may more desire . She likes her seat below , but could sit high'r . Content is like a sympathising wife , Who happy makes her own and husband ' s life ;
But if a hand pf pride , and that unjust , Shall seek ' to iay my honour in the diist , Restrain my Liberty , and me defame , By false reproaches cast on my good name ; And add too , ' home insulting banishment , Thinkih ' g to awe me with their punishment : Alas ! how vain have they their ' malice spent , When I can take my antidote Content .
Now God it is that teacheth us Content , If good or evil come , God hath it sent : Yet here let no blasphemous Libertine , Once think that God the author is of sin : God sin doth punish , which he could prevent ; He hates the sin , but owns tlie punishment . The God of goodness would not' sin permit . Knew he not how to bring good out of it .
Added to Content , when I do possess ' The multiplied blessings of godliness I have enough—I cannot say to spare , . Because the world and I m ' ade even are ; " Whereby my joy itself enlafgeth more , Than was my fear of losing it before—Contentment , joy , treasures for the soul is , WJiile discontent's incapable pf Blissi
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