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A Sermon Preached At Greenwich, On The Festival Of St. John The Baptist, June 24, 1774,
one towards another , and mind those great and essential matters its which we are generally agreed , and upon which our highest interest in every relation of life chiefly depends . To pursue these wise and uniting measures , we are invited by the tender voice of the great Author and finisher of our faith , our compassionate and adorable Saviour , the most generous benefactor and kindest friend to man ; who not only came to preach lad tidings of peacebut made this
img , portant and desirable blessing the great and chief object of his most fervent prayers to God . In that solemn and last supplication which he presented to Heaven , before his bitter sufferings commenced , it clearly appears to have been the earnest and continued request of his soul , that his people might be united in the most cordial affection , inspired by tbe same love , and made perfect in one .
That we may then feel the weig ht of these several motives , and be led to practise the lesson they are so well fitted to enforce , let me beg your attention to a few advices peculiarly interesting to our ancient society . Nothing can be more conducive to the tranquillity , good order and firm support of our respective lodges , and which at last must diffuse a bright lustre over the whole community , than a suitable degree of care in the admission of new members . The best
compositions are made up of the best materials . We at present form a respectable body , but it may not always be so . All MASONS , by the very constitution of their order , are supposed to be good men , or at least willing to become converts to tbe cause of truth and virtue . Should our lodges then chiefly consist of the generous and the selfish , of the sober and the intemperate , of the quiet and the turbulent , what harmony can we expect from such dissimilar parts ? To guard against
this alarming evil , let it be the serious and universal study of every ledge , but chiefly let it be an object of peculiar attention to those who are in authority among us , not to admit any into our ancient and incorruptible society , but such as are of sociable tempers , courteous and civil , men fearing God , and working righteousness . Next to this excellent rule , it will be equally conducive to our
felicity and success , that every one endeavour to keep within his circle of action , and be quiet , doing bis own business , and duly performing that task which is assigned him . Such a prudent and . modest behaviour would naturall y beget a due respect to superiors , check every vicious desire , ancl restrain every idle word and thought that might lead us to provoke or injure our equals , and would render us so attentive to , and keep us so stedfast in , our proper duty , as must greatly promote the good order and harmony of the whole .
- We justly boast of an institution which inspires its members with the most extensive views of God and the universe ; which leads our thoughts from system to system ; which enables us to traverse the various globes in the vast expanse ; to ascend to the heaven of heavens , and in our ideas reach the throne of the Most Hi gh himself—an institution which , while it thus employs us in the exalted contemplation of the divine workmanship , as gently brings our thoughts down to the earth , and makes us with pity and kindness survey the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sermon Preached At Greenwich, On The Festival Of St. John The Baptist, June 24, 1774,
one towards another , and mind those great and essential matters its which we are generally agreed , and upon which our highest interest in every relation of life chiefly depends . To pursue these wise and uniting measures , we are invited by the tender voice of the great Author and finisher of our faith , our compassionate and adorable Saviour , the most generous benefactor and kindest friend to man ; who not only came to preach lad tidings of peacebut made this
img , portant and desirable blessing the great and chief object of his most fervent prayers to God . In that solemn and last supplication which he presented to Heaven , before his bitter sufferings commenced , it clearly appears to have been the earnest and continued request of his soul , that his people might be united in the most cordial affection , inspired by tbe same love , and made perfect in one .
That we may then feel the weig ht of these several motives , and be led to practise the lesson they are so well fitted to enforce , let me beg your attention to a few advices peculiarly interesting to our ancient society . Nothing can be more conducive to the tranquillity , good order and firm support of our respective lodges , and which at last must diffuse a bright lustre over the whole community , than a suitable degree of care in the admission of new members . The best
compositions are made up of the best materials . We at present form a respectable body , but it may not always be so . All MASONS , by the very constitution of their order , are supposed to be good men , or at least willing to become converts to tbe cause of truth and virtue . Should our lodges then chiefly consist of the generous and the selfish , of the sober and the intemperate , of the quiet and the turbulent , what harmony can we expect from such dissimilar parts ? To guard against
this alarming evil , let it be the serious and universal study of every ledge , but chiefly let it be an object of peculiar attention to those who are in authority among us , not to admit any into our ancient and incorruptible society , but such as are of sociable tempers , courteous and civil , men fearing God , and working righteousness . Next to this excellent rule , it will be equally conducive to our
felicity and success , that every one endeavour to keep within his circle of action , and be quiet , doing bis own business , and duly performing that task which is assigned him . Such a prudent and . modest behaviour would naturall y beget a due respect to superiors , check every vicious desire , ancl restrain every idle word and thought that might lead us to provoke or injure our equals , and would render us so attentive to , and keep us so stedfast in , our proper duty , as must greatly promote the good order and harmony of the whole .
- We justly boast of an institution which inspires its members with the most extensive views of God and the universe ; which leads our thoughts from system to system ; which enables us to traverse the various globes in the vast expanse ; to ascend to the heaven of heavens , and in our ideas reach the throne of the Most Hi gh himself—an institution which , while it thus employs us in the exalted contemplation of the divine workmanship , as gently brings our thoughts down to the earth , and makes us with pity and kindness survey the