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A Sermon Preached At Greenwich, On The Festival Of St. John The Baptist, June 24, 1774,
circle around us . The natural result of the former is an assiduous pursuit of true wisdom and piety . Tlie equal effect of the latter is a compassionate sympathy with tbe wants and miseries of tbe wretched , and an unlimited goodwill to man—superior to every selfish view , unrestrained by party or prejudice , and extending its good effects to all persons , to all Masons of every nation and of every climate . Why should we then be either afraid or ashamed to hold our public
and annual assembly on this festal day , iu the face of the sun , and under the immediate inspection of the wise and good ; while we meet together , without any partial distinction of the hi gh or the low , the rich or the indigent ; and while we profess ourselves to be , what I hope we really are , zealous for the just ri ghts of the people , loyal to the best of princes , the lovers of GOD , and the friends of man ?
Upon all such occasions it highly becomes us- to rejoice in the Lord , and to triumph in the kind ancl generous giver of all good . Let us therefore with the noblest sentiments of benevolence , and with the warmest emotions of piety , lift up our hearts in chearful songs of praise to HIM who founded the earth , and stretched out the heavens as a curtain—To HIM whose works are immensely greatwhose
p-ood-, ness is unbounded , whose liberal hand supplies the wants of nature , and who kindly stiles us his children , and makes us the object of his perpetual care—To HIM , in fine , who hath redeemed us . from destruction , opened to us the bright prospect of an immortal life , and who will prove our endless portion and felicity , through JESUS ' CHRIST . Amen .
Hydrophobia Cured By Vinegar.
Communicated in a Letter from a Gentleman at Venice to his Friend in London .
IF you were here , you would be very much pleased with a discovery made at Udine , the capital of Friuli , a small province belonging to this Republic . —The discovery is this : —A poor man , lying under the frightful , tortures of the'Hydrophobia , was cured with some draughts of vinegar , given him by mistake , instead of another potion . A physician of Padue , called Count Leonissa , got intelligence of this event at Udineand tried the same remedy upon
, a patient that was brought to the Padue hospital , administering him a pound of vinegar in the morning , another at noon , and a third at sun-set , and the man was speedily and perfectly cured . I have diffused through Italy this discovery , by means of a periodical paper that I am writing ; and I hope you will make it known in England , in the most public manner ; and as I am sure that this astonishing
remedy will have as happy an effect there as it had here , so I should be glad to be apprised of it , that I may relate it in my said paper . As you have more rambling clogs in London than we have here , it is probable that the experiment will soon be tried , please God , with success .
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A Sermon Preached At Greenwich, On The Festival Of St. John The Baptist, June 24, 1774,
circle around us . The natural result of the former is an assiduous pursuit of true wisdom and piety . Tlie equal effect of the latter is a compassionate sympathy with tbe wants and miseries of tbe wretched , and an unlimited goodwill to man—superior to every selfish view , unrestrained by party or prejudice , and extending its good effects to all persons , to all Masons of every nation and of every climate . Why should we then be either afraid or ashamed to hold our public
and annual assembly on this festal day , iu the face of the sun , and under the immediate inspection of the wise and good ; while we meet together , without any partial distinction of the hi gh or the low , the rich or the indigent ; and while we profess ourselves to be , what I hope we really are , zealous for the just ri ghts of the people , loyal to the best of princes , the lovers of GOD , and the friends of man ?
Upon all such occasions it highly becomes us- to rejoice in the Lord , and to triumph in the kind ancl generous giver of all good . Let us therefore with the noblest sentiments of benevolence , and with the warmest emotions of piety , lift up our hearts in chearful songs of praise to HIM who founded the earth , and stretched out the heavens as a curtain—To HIM whose works are immensely greatwhose
p-ood-, ness is unbounded , whose liberal hand supplies the wants of nature , and who kindly stiles us his children , and makes us the object of his perpetual care—To HIM , in fine , who hath redeemed us . from destruction , opened to us the bright prospect of an immortal life , and who will prove our endless portion and felicity , through JESUS ' CHRIST . Amen .
Hydrophobia Cured By Vinegar.
Communicated in a Letter from a Gentleman at Venice to his Friend in London .
IF you were here , you would be very much pleased with a discovery made at Udine , the capital of Friuli , a small province belonging to this Republic . —The discovery is this : —A poor man , lying under the frightful , tortures of the'Hydrophobia , was cured with some draughts of vinegar , given him by mistake , instead of another potion . A physician of Padue , called Count Leonissa , got intelligence of this event at Udineand tried the same remedy upon
, a patient that was brought to the Padue hospital , administering him a pound of vinegar in the morning , another at noon , and a third at sun-set , and the man was speedily and perfectly cured . I have diffused through Italy this discovery , by means of a periodical paper that I am writing ; and I hope you will make it known in England , in the most public manner ; and as I am sure that this astonishing
remedy will have as happy an effect there as it had here , so I should be glad to be apprised of it , that I may relate it in my said paper . As you have more rambling clogs in London than we have here , it is probable that the experiment will soon be tried , please God , with success .