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To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
tuitous : ah , it is the top of the kindness , and make a . magnificent ' ' - eulogy of your generous heart . Would to God I should can go my-¦ seif , to the end that 1 offer to you uiy thanks : but I cannot ; yet the wishes that 1 do at Loudon for your happiness are neither less ardent- ' or less sincere , i ' say will ; die prophet king , Fiat abundaniia in / . /;¦ - ribits litis . If I am happy enough to carry back my body in France .
I shall extol that liberality ; but you shall-permit use to leave to you ftiy heart its gratitude , and the respectful affection ivith which I am , Sir , Yo .. r very humble and ' grateful servant , . ' ' .--. LASSEURE , Rector of Ribourseaux , Burgundy ,
Devonshire Anecdote.
MR . CHILD was-a gentleman , the last of his famil y , being of an antient extraction ( at Pliinstock hi Devonshire ) , and had great possessions : it happened that , hunting in the forest of Dartmore , he lost both his company and way in a deep snow . Having killed his horse ,, lie crept into his belli' for warmth , and is said to have written the following lines with the horse ' s blood : .
" He that finds and brings me to mv tomb , " The land of Pi . m _ u . ck ' shall be his doom . " That night he was frozen to death ; and being found by the monks of Tavistock , tl ^' buried him at their own abbey , and . ' by that rheajis the artful abbot got a rich manor into his possession . So much for the honour of priest-craft ! The fact of the man ' s dying in the bellv
of his horse , though it happened several centuries ago , is authenticated by tradition throughout the county of Devon ; and it is likewise well knows , that the manor of Plimsiock was claimed by the abbot of Tavistock , upon the authority'of the aforesaid verses , though the verses themselves are shreivdh- suspected to be a pious forgery , well calculated to obtain belief in an age of superstitious credulity . ' ' Devonshire , 6 th-Feb . 179 J .
Anecdote Of Governor Boyd.
f- . jj " ^ HE late Governor Boyd was remarkable for many valuable qua-Ji _ Iities , and lie was also remarkable for the shortness of his dispatches . He once , being in some fear of the ship ' s sailing fi \> m Gibraltar before his letters could be put aboard , wrote an order to his agent , Mr . Browne , who was in England , for his own private-stores , - comprised in three words , viz . Browne , Beef , Boyd . The reply which came with the stores was as laconic ; Boyd ,-Beef , Browne .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
tuitous : ah , it is the top of the kindness , and make a . magnificent ' ' - eulogy of your generous heart . Would to God I should can go my-¦ seif , to the end that 1 offer to you uiy thanks : but I cannot ; yet the wishes that 1 do at Loudon for your happiness are neither less ardent- ' or less sincere , i ' say will ; die prophet king , Fiat abundaniia in / . /;¦ - ribits litis . If I am happy enough to carry back my body in France .
I shall extol that liberality ; but you shall-permit use to leave to you ftiy heart its gratitude , and the respectful affection ivith which I am , Sir , Yo .. r very humble and ' grateful servant , . ' ' .--. LASSEURE , Rector of Ribourseaux , Burgundy ,
Devonshire Anecdote.
MR . CHILD was-a gentleman , the last of his famil y , being of an antient extraction ( at Pliinstock hi Devonshire ) , and had great possessions : it happened that , hunting in the forest of Dartmore , he lost both his company and way in a deep snow . Having killed his horse ,, lie crept into his belli' for warmth , and is said to have written the following lines with the horse ' s blood : .
" He that finds and brings me to mv tomb , " The land of Pi . m _ u . ck ' shall be his doom . " That night he was frozen to death ; and being found by the monks of Tavistock , tl ^' buried him at their own abbey , and . ' by that rheajis the artful abbot got a rich manor into his possession . So much for the honour of priest-craft ! The fact of the man ' s dying in the bellv
of his horse , though it happened several centuries ago , is authenticated by tradition throughout the county of Devon ; and it is likewise well knows , that the manor of Plimsiock was claimed by the abbot of Tavistock , upon the authority'of the aforesaid verses , though the verses themselves are shreivdh- suspected to be a pious forgery , well calculated to obtain belief in an age of superstitious credulity . ' ' Devonshire , 6 th-Feb . 179 J .
Anecdote Of Governor Boyd.
f- . jj " ^ HE late Governor Boyd was remarkable for many valuable qua-Ji _ Iities , and lie was also remarkable for the shortness of his dispatches . He once , being in some fear of the ship ' s sailing fi \> m Gibraltar before his letters could be put aboard , wrote an order to his agent , Mr . Browne , who was in England , for his own private-stores , - comprised in three words , viz . Browne , Beef , Boyd . The reply which came with the stores was as laconic ; Boyd ,-Beef , Browne .