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Strictures On Public Amusements.
Vessels—Slaves carryingPresents—High Priest—Magi bearing an Altar—Priests and Priestesses—Babylonians bearing Olive Branches—Macedonian General—^ Officers bearing Trophies—Thessalian Battalion—Spoils of the Persian Army Light Troops of the Van-guard—Persian S poils—Macedonian Musicians—-Macedonian Officers—Statira and Sysigambis in the Chariot of Darius—Macedonians bearing the Standard of Persia—Peloponnesian Battalion—Persian Spoils—Archers—Slaves bearing Vases of Perfumes—Grecian Battalion—Thalestris—Amazons—Car loaded with Trophies—Officers bearing Standards .
Argyraspides—Macedonian Musicians—Macedonian Generals on horseback . Victory , Justice , Abundance—Alexander in his Triumphal Car—Clytus and Perdiccas on horseback—The Guards of Alexander—The Cavalry and Infantry of the Macedonian Army . The piece concludes with the marriage of Alexander and Statira . . This magnificent spectacle is said to have cost the Managers 7000 ! . 14 . At Covent-Garden a new Farce was performed for the iirst timeentitled
, * ' CEOTCHET LODGE , " of which the characters w-ere thus represented : Landlord , - - Mr . Ouicx . Ap Shenkin , - - Mr . BERNARD ^ Dashly , - - Mr . MACREADY . . Doctor Chronic , - " . MT .-POWELL . Nimble , - - Mr , FAWCETT . Miss Crotchet - - Miss CHAPMAN .
, Mrs . Crotchet , - - Mrs . DAVENPORT , Thisbe , - - Mrs . MARTYR . This piece conies "from ihe" pen of Mr . I-Iurleston , the author of " Just its Time . " It has all the properties of broad farce , strong caricature , and whimsical situation . —A hearty laugh has evidently been the aim of the author , and they must indeed be cynics who can remain serious spectators of Crotchet Lodge .
The characters , though not new , 'have features striking and peculiar . A landlord , stage-struck , continually answers from scraps of plays , and which is perhaps carried too far , for it ceases after a few specimens to entertain . The ladies of Crotchet Lodge , the one with a rage for music , and the other for painting , are well sustained , their technical answers arc truly farcical , but not extremely amusing . The principal character , a valet , who assumes different disguises , was well executed by Fawcett ; the Prologue , in particular , was very happy , and delivered by him , as a lame sailor , with great effect .
Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . MADRID , JAN . 7 . THE mail arrived yesterday from America , brought an account of a conspiracy having been discovered at Mexico towards the end of August last . The plot , by which it was designed to murder the Vice-roy and-his family , to take possession of the royal and arch-episcopal palaces , the mint , inquisition , and other public buildings , and the principa . l private houses , and to set
fire to and deliver over the city to the plunder of the populace , and discontented Indians of some neighbouring towns , was conducted by two Frcnehmen , who had succeeded in seducing several Spanish inhabitants to their interest , and were to be assisted in the execution of their plan by a number of their countrymen , who , contrary to the general practice of this government , had been suffered ! o remain in Mexico after the commencement of the war . Nearly about the same time a similar explosion was to have taken place at .Santa Fe , the capital of the new "kingdom of Grenada , in all its circumstances similar to the preceding , but it was likewise prevented by discovery , the very . < lay before it was to happen
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements.
Vessels—Slaves carryingPresents—High Priest—Magi bearing an Altar—Priests and Priestesses—Babylonians bearing Olive Branches—Macedonian General—^ Officers bearing Trophies—Thessalian Battalion—Spoils of the Persian Army Light Troops of the Van-guard—Persian S poils—Macedonian Musicians—-Macedonian Officers—Statira and Sysigambis in the Chariot of Darius—Macedonians bearing the Standard of Persia—Peloponnesian Battalion—Persian Spoils—Archers—Slaves bearing Vases of Perfumes—Grecian Battalion—Thalestris—Amazons—Car loaded with Trophies—Officers bearing Standards .
Argyraspides—Macedonian Musicians—Macedonian Generals on horseback . Victory , Justice , Abundance—Alexander in his Triumphal Car—Clytus and Perdiccas on horseback—The Guards of Alexander—The Cavalry and Infantry of the Macedonian Army . The piece concludes with the marriage of Alexander and Statira . . This magnificent spectacle is said to have cost the Managers 7000 ! . 14 . At Covent-Garden a new Farce was performed for the iirst timeentitled
, * ' CEOTCHET LODGE , " of which the characters w-ere thus represented : Landlord , - - Mr . Ouicx . Ap Shenkin , - - Mr . BERNARD ^ Dashly , - - Mr . MACREADY . . Doctor Chronic , - " . MT .-POWELL . Nimble , - - Mr , FAWCETT . Miss Crotchet - - Miss CHAPMAN .
, Mrs . Crotchet , - - Mrs . DAVENPORT , Thisbe , - - Mrs . MARTYR . This piece conies "from ihe" pen of Mr . I-Iurleston , the author of " Just its Time . " It has all the properties of broad farce , strong caricature , and whimsical situation . —A hearty laugh has evidently been the aim of the author , and they must indeed be cynics who can remain serious spectators of Crotchet Lodge .
The characters , though not new , 'have features striking and peculiar . A landlord , stage-struck , continually answers from scraps of plays , and which is perhaps carried too far , for it ceases after a few specimens to entertain . The ladies of Crotchet Lodge , the one with a rage for music , and the other for painting , are well sustained , their technical answers arc truly farcical , but not extremely amusing . The principal character , a valet , who assumes different disguises , was well executed by Fawcett ; the Prologue , in particular , was very happy , and delivered by him , as a lame sailor , with great effect .
Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . MADRID , JAN . 7 . THE mail arrived yesterday from America , brought an account of a conspiracy having been discovered at Mexico towards the end of August last . The plot , by which it was designed to murder the Vice-roy and-his family , to take possession of the royal and arch-episcopal palaces , the mint , inquisition , and other public buildings , and the principa . l private houses , and to set
fire to and deliver over the city to the plunder of the populace , and discontented Indians of some neighbouring towns , was conducted by two Frcnehmen , who had succeeded in seducing several Spanish inhabitants to their interest , and were to be assisted in the execution of their plan by a number of their countrymen , who , contrary to the general practice of this government , had been suffered ! o remain in Mexico after the commencement of the war . Nearly about the same time a similar explosion was to have taken place at .Santa Fe , the capital of the new "kingdom of Grenada , in all its circumstances similar to the preceding , but it was likewise prevented by discovery , the very . < lay before it was to happen