Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2
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Royal Arch.
Beside these three officers , there is a council , consisting of a certain : number , and a variety of other officers , viz . President of the Council . Past Grand Masters , Z . Inspectors General , and Commis- Past Grand Masters , H . sioners of the Great Seal . ' Past Grand Master , J . Correspondent General . Master of the Ceremonies .
Treasurer . Chaplain . Scribes . Organist . Recorder . Sword Eearer . Sojourners . Standard Bearer . Superintendants of Provinces . Janitor . In this order there is none that bear the title of secretary ; but he is stiled the Grand Recorder , who keeps the grand register , makes
out all warrants to constitute chapters , grants certificates , & c . —for the common business of the chapter is done by the Scribes . The number of chapters is now in all one hundred and four . The superintendants of provinces , counties , & c . preside over their respective divisions : one of these superintendants is His Royal Hi ghness Prince Edward ; whose attachment to the principles of this or-* der , and every other branch of Free-Masonry does both himself and the fraternity the greatest honour . In January , 1797 , His Highness Prince William Frederick of
Gloucester was initiated into this older ; and fa y Jiis strong pursuit of every ' , part of the science , he appears emulous to equal , at least , his royal cousins . Inconsequence of the decease of the much to be lamented La 3 y Rancli / re , whose lord is the principal officer of the supreme Grand Chapter , his Hi ghness Prince William was appointed to preside pro . tern , in his place . The supreme Grand Chapter hold but two regular chapters in the
year , at Freemasons' Tavern , London ; the firstTin May , on the Friday immediately following the grand feast of craft Masonry;—the other on the third Thursday in December ; at which times ( somewhat like the quarterly communications of the Craft with the Grand Lodge ) the three principal officers of every chapter in the order are summoned to attend ; but unlike the craft in this onty—that no substitute
can be admitted , unless he is a Past principal officer of the Chapter he represents . Thus formed—the supreme Lodge ( as it maybe termed ) transact all public business of the order : —such as in December they elect the three grand officers and the treasurer;—and at each they order the distributions for charity , attend to and investigate all public charges against any chapters , their officers , or members . As an hi gh court of justice , any offences committed against the ordinances of the order are . brought forward before them , and the parties attend in
person . There have been very few expulsions in this degree : —the general attention of all its members being , to keep away all such persons as are of immoral conduct , or that , have no scientific taste;—and we trust that , its present respectable character will continue to invite all Freemasons of such taste to become members . The next higher order of Masonry is that of Knights Templars—¦ . of which we shall treat in some future number of our work .
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Royal Arch.
Beside these three officers , there is a council , consisting of a certain : number , and a variety of other officers , viz . President of the Council . Past Grand Masters , Z . Inspectors General , and Commis- Past Grand Masters , H . sioners of the Great Seal . ' Past Grand Master , J . Correspondent General . Master of the Ceremonies .
Treasurer . Chaplain . Scribes . Organist . Recorder . Sword Eearer . Sojourners . Standard Bearer . Superintendants of Provinces . Janitor . In this order there is none that bear the title of secretary ; but he is stiled the Grand Recorder , who keeps the grand register , makes
out all warrants to constitute chapters , grants certificates , & c . —for the common business of the chapter is done by the Scribes . The number of chapters is now in all one hundred and four . The superintendants of provinces , counties , & c . preside over their respective divisions : one of these superintendants is His Royal Hi ghness Prince Edward ; whose attachment to the principles of this or-* der , and every other branch of Free-Masonry does both himself and the fraternity the greatest honour . In January , 1797 , His Highness Prince William Frederick of
Gloucester was initiated into this older ; and fa y Jiis strong pursuit of every ' , part of the science , he appears emulous to equal , at least , his royal cousins . Inconsequence of the decease of the much to be lamented La 3 y Rancli / re , whose lord is the principal officer of the supreme Grand Chapter , his Hi ghness Prince William was appointed to preside pro . tern , in his place . The supreme Grand Chapter hold but two regular chapters in the
year , at Freemasons' Tavern , London ; the firstTin May , on the Friday immediately following the grand feast of craft Masonry;—the other on the third Thursday in December ; at which times ( somewhat like the quarterly communications of the Craft with the Grand Lodge ) the three principal officers of every chapter in the order are summoned to attend ; but unlike the craft in this onty—that no substitute
can be admitted , unless he is a Past principal officer of the Chapter he represents . Thus formed—the supreme Lodge ( as it maybe termed ) transact all public business of the order : —such as in December they elect the three grand officers and the treasurer;—and at each they order the distributions for charity , attend to and investigate all public charges against any chapters , their officers , or members . As an hi gh court of justice , any offences committed against the ordinances of the order are . brought forward before them , and the parties attend in
person . There have been very few expulsions in this degree : —the general attention of all its members being , to keep away all such persons as are of immoral conduct , or that , have no scientific taste;—and we trust that , its present respectable character will continue to invite all Freemasons of such taste to become members . The next higher order of Masonry is that of Knights Templars—¦ . of which we shall treat in some future number of our work .